Source/Archive record SSF56582 - Archaeological Monitoring Report: Land west of Suffolk One, Scrivener Drive, Pinewood
Title | Archaeological Monitoring Report: Land west of Suffolk One, Scrivener Drive, Pinewood |
Author/Originator | Heppell, E. |
Date/Year | 2014 |
Archaeology South East | 2916151 |
Monitoring of an area 32 x 45m did not reveal any archaeological features or finds. A prehistoric struck flint was recovered from the surface.
Referenced Monuments (1)
- PIN 012 Land west of Suffolk One, Scrivener Drive, Pinewood, Scrivener Drive Land West of Suffolk One, Scrivener Drive, Pinewood, (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF23481 Monitoring - Land west of Suffolk One, Scrivener Drive, Pinewood (Ref: OASIS-archaeol6-241828)
Record last edited
Dec 15 2022 12:22PM