Source/Archive record SSF58915 - Archaeological Evaluation: Land Alongside Woodbridge Road, Bredfield
Title | Archaeological Evaluation: Land Alongside Woodbridge Road, Bredfield |
Author/Originator | Hicks, E. |
Date/Year | 2019 |
Colchester archaeological Trust Report | 2019/1372 |
An archaeological evaluation (five trial-trenches) was carried out on land alongside Woodbridge Road, Bredfield, Suffolk in advance of the construction of ten new dwellings with associated access, garages and groundworks. Only one feature, a possible pit of uncertain date, was uncovered. The presence within the subsoil, in the northwestern corner of the site, of several residual sherds of medieval pottery does suggest, however, that the remains of a medieval settlement might be located nearby.
Referenced Monuments (1)
- BFD 057 Undated pit: Land alongside Woodbridge Road (CAT) EVL (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF26531 Evaluation - Land alongside Woodbridge Road, Bredfield (Ref: OASIS-colchest3-336426)
Record last edited
Mar 26 2019 10:02AM