Source/Archive record SSF6941 -




Gooch R (IMDC), per SAU Ipswich (Newman J), 1986


Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Bronze harness fitting - terret or collar mount - with attachment ring below angled flanges, above which is a crescent-shaped crest which may be the … (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age parallel sided bronze blade. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of gold (18 carat) brooch, ? Kentish type, with evidence of repair on the back. Also bronze tweezer arm with ring and dot deco… (Sax) (Monument)
  • Items found within 20 feet of each other, with a metal detector, possibly part of a dispersed LBA hoard (Monument)
  • Scatter of bronze objects found metal detecting, including brooch fragments (? Colchester derivative types), finger rings, a small key,… (Rom) (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

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