Site Event/Activity record ESF26812 - Community fieldwalking, Broom Hill field, Eyke

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Location Broom Hill field, Eyke
Grid reference Centred TM 3284 5158 (154m by 143m)
Map sheet TM35SW



Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service


Not recorded.



A fieldwalking survey was undertaken on 4th April 2019 at Broom Hill field adjacent to Hollesley Road in Eyke near Woodbridge, Suffolk. The fieldwalking was organised as part of a community archaeology project, Rendlesham Revealed: Anglo-Saxon Life in South-East Suffolk, led by Suffolk County Council and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.The fieldwalking survey was conducted by 39 Key Stage 2 students from Rendlesham Primary School, trained by Professor Tom Williamson from University of East Anglia, with support from Faye Minter and Alice Saunders from Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service. Two teachers and four parents volunteered to supervise the students during the fieldwork. A 64sqm area was laid out in 20m grid squares with a GPS The grids were numbered A1-J13. Only grids B5-I12 were surveyed as the other grids were obstructed. Each 20m grid was surveyed for 5-10 minutes. All surface finds were collected by the students and placed into corresponding numbered bags (S1).

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Saunders, A., Minter F. and Williamson, T.. 2019. Community fieldwalking survey for Rendlesham Revealed: Anglo-Saxon Life in south-east Suffolk, Broom Hill Field, Eyke, Suffolk.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Later Prehistoric worked flint and post-medieval brick and tile. (Find Spot)

Record last edited

Aug 14 2019 1:00PM

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