Monument record CDD 050 - Smyes Corner, Shrubland Quarry phase 2 (Sax)
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Grid reference | Centred TM 612e 2539 (238m by 230m) |
Map sheet | TM62NW |
Type and Period (4)
Full Description
1995: Hooked tag with ring and dot decoration found in Phase 2 evaluation (S1).
1996: An area of c.22ha was evaluated by trial-trenching. A Late Iron Age/Early Roman occupation site covering about 2ha was identified towards the north end of the site. The presence of metal-working slag suggests that some industrial activity was also taking place. A contemporary field system surrounding the settlement was suggested by a number of similarly orientated ditches elsewhere in the survey area. See (S7).
1999: Circa 36 graves, of C7 date, excavated, some (4) in ring ditches. Also 2 possible SFBs (S2). Details to follow and in (S3) (S4).
2004: Radiocarbon date on human bone from grave 0308 of 1417 +/- 16 yr BP (cal to circa 600-660 AD)(S5).
Also IA.
2006: This report documents the organic material preserved by contact with metal artefacts from this seventh century cemetery. The site had been partially quarried away, but 53 inhumations remained of which 21 graves contained metalwork with mineral preserved organic material and are reported on here. This cemetery is of an early seventh century date, making it a final phase type which is transitional between pagan and Christian burial ritual and few of the burials are accompanied with grave goods. Two of the burials were placed in chambered graves: grave 157 was laid out with weapons and grave 308 contained a dismantled bed. Both these graves are discussed in detail, although the bed reconstruction has been produced as a separate report (Watson, 2006). This report covers the condition of the assemblage from Coddenham, the organic components of the weapons, personal items and the containers placed in these graves; followed by a catalogue of all the material that has been examined along with the results (S6).
The mechanical stripping of topsoil in a 3ha extension to the quarry was monitored. Several concentrations of archaeological features were identified and excavated . Post-excavation analysis is still in progress, but it is already clear that there were two important phases of activity on the site:
1) An Iron Age settlement characterised by sparse scatters of pits and hearths within a series of shallow ditches that probably defined field boundaries. No structures were positively identified. Artefactual evidence (mainly pottery) indicates occupation through the Iron Age and, seemingly, into the Early Roman period. In the north-east corner of the site, three circular shafts were excavated to a depth of over 5m – while these features included Iron Age pottery in their upper fills, their purpose has yet to be determined.
2) In the N.W. corner of the site, fifty Anglo-Saxon inhumation burials were found, associated with four ring-ditches that indicate the sites of small ploughed-out barrows. The presence of grave goods in about half of the graves indicates a pagan cemetery. Of particular interest are two ‘chambered’ graves with significant ‘warrior’ assemblages. A third grave of this type contained the remains of a woman buried on a wooden bed with iron fittings. The artefacts indicate a 7th-century date for the cemetery. Included in the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History annual round up of individual finds and discoveries for 1999 (S8).
Sources/Archives (11)
- --- SSF60584 Unpublished document: Boulter, S.. 1996. Shurblnad Park Eastate, Coddenham, Evaluation Report.
- --- SSF60585 Unpublished document: Abbot, C.. 1996. Shrubland Park Estate Quarry, Coddenham, Archaeological Monitoring.
- <S1> SSF50056 Unpublished document: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service evaluation report. SAU, Boulter S, SCCAS Report, 96/85, January 1996, ill.
- <M1> SSF50072 Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. (S1)(S2)(S3).
- <S2> SSF60595 Unpublished document: Newman, .J. 1999. Shrubland Quarry, Coddenham, Archaeological Excavation 1999.
- <S3> SSF50028 Excavation archive: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Excavation Report. SAU, Topham-Smith C & Anderson S, SCCAS Report 2000/06, May 2000.
- <S4> SSF60594 Unpublished document: Anderson, S.. 2002. Assessment & updated project design: Smye's Corner, Shrublands Quarry, Coddenham. Anderson S, SCCAS, Assessment and updated project design 2002/81.
- <S5> SSF50272 Unpublished document: Radiocarbon date report. Queens University, Belfast, Lab ID UB-4964.
- <S6> SSF54520 Unpublished document: Watson, J.. 2006. The Examinination and reconstruction of Anglo-Saxon Bed Burial, Smythes Corner Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Coddenham, Suffolk.
- <S7> SSF50250 Article in serial: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History. PSIAH 39 (1), P.92.
- <S8> SSF55362 Article in serial: Martin, E.A., Pendleton, C., Plouviez, J. & Thomas, G.. 2000. Archaeology in Suffolk 1999. XXXIX (4).
Finds (21)
- FSF25813: DRESS FASTENER (DRESS) (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25814: BOWL (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25815: POTTERY (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25816: BED (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25817: BOWL (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25818: BUCKET (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25819: SHIELD (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25820: BEAD (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25821: BROOCH (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25822: BUCKLE (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25823: FINGER RING (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25824: SPEARHEAD (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25825: ARROWHEAD (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25826: SEAX (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25827: FERRULE (Early Saxon - 410 AD to 649 AD)
- FSF25828: BOX (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25829: BILL HOOK (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25830: KNIFE (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25831: LOCK (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25832: LOOMWEIGHT (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
- FSF25833: COMB (Early Saxon to Middle Saxon - 410 AD to 849 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (3)
- Event - Intervention: Archaeological Monitoring - Shrubland Park Estate Quarry, Coddenham (Ref: ) (ESF18230)
- Event - Intervention: Excavation - Reported by Newman J (Ref: ) (ESF18015)
- Event - Interpretation: The Examinination and reconstruction of Anglo-Saxon Bed Burial, Smythes Corner Saxon Cemetery (Ref: OASIS-englishh2-107694) (ESF21561)
Record last edited
Aug 2 2024 3:29PM