Source/Archive record SSF50072 - Parish Files

Title Parish Files




SCCAS Parish Files

Referenced Monuments (7619)

  • Find spot of 1 Roman and 1 Medieval sherd (Find Spot)
  • Medieval and post medieval scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Moat & Listed Buildings. Denston Hall. (MED) (Monument)
  • "Braiseworth PS site", Clint Road, Eye, (Mesolithic, Bronze Age) (PAS find)
  • "Few RB coins found in this area" - not seen. Area now part of moto-cross track. (Monument)
  • "Field 2", Bedfield, (Upper Palaeolithic-Mesolithic). (PAS find)
  • "Field 374" South East Suffolk Fieldwalking Survey, Bredfield, (Prehistoric). (Find Spot)
  • "Field 388" South East Suffolk Fieldwalking Survey,Bredfield, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field BAS 10" Barnham Heath, Barnham, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • "Field F524" Waldringfield (Monument)
  • "Field F526" Waldringfield (Monument)
  • "Field F606" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F607" Brightwell, (Anglo Saxon to Medieval). (Monument)
  • "Field F607" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F645" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F647" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F648" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F681" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F681" Brightwell, (Roman to Medieval). (Monument)
  • "Field F682" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F683" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F689" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F689" Brightwell, (Roman to Medieval). (Monument)
  • "Field F698" Brightwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field F698" Brightwell, (Roman to Medieval). (Monument)
  • "Field No 46" White House Farm, Somerlayton (Find Spot)
  • "Field No 53", Ashby, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field No 64" (Survey No), Ashby, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Field No 69", Ashby, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • "Romano-British pottery at site I (as marked on sketch map by Victor Scott), this includes grass tempered (? date), grey, black & red ware and rims, … (Monument)
  • "Romano-Saxon" complete pot, orange fabric with bosses and horses (?). Found in drainage ditch? (Monument)
  • "Sewer trench" Fornham All Saints, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Monument)
  • "Stoneylands" (Rom) (Monument)
  • "The Island" (Monument)
  • "The Wilderness" adjoining Rectory garden (Un) (Monument)
  • (Field 18) (Med) (Monument)
  • (Field 2); Pannington Hall; `Area A' (IA) (Find Spot)
  • (Field 671) (Monument)
  • (Field IB) (Med) (Monument)
  • (Field IB) (Rom) (Monument)
  • (Fields 18 & 19) (Rom) (Monument)
  • (New) Spring Hall Farm, Cooks Drove, West Row Fen (Monument)
  • (Santon) Downham Hall (Monument)
  • (Site, 2/3/2), Bawdsey Cliffs, (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • ? Small irregular enclosure to the N of the adjacent field system, STU 010. (Monument)
  • ?Bronze medieval brooch (Find Spot)
  • ?Early Med decorative ? belt fitting in form of balance beam with central `suspension loop' on top and larger perforations at ends of t… (Med) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • ?Hudmans; Northlands (Monument)
  • ?Late medieval silver finger ring fragment, decorated (Find Spot)
  • ?LMed & PMed sherds (Monument)
  • ?Med bronze plain globular vessel with two pierced lugs high on neck (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • ?Mill Field (Med) (Monument)
  • ?Moat on OS 1st edition 25 inch map, (Wetherup Street, SE of road junction), N, W & S sides wet, unoccupied (S1)(R1). (Monument)
  • `3 long parallel banks of earth running alongside a track called Black Slough on Westleton Common. (Monument)
  • `A very fine polished Neo axe head of dark grey flint found beneath the foundations of `Half Way' house situated there when demolished. (Monument)
  • `Area of settlement' (?pot scatter) demarked on map (Monument)
  • `Bill Smiths', Lakenheath Station, Brandon Fen (Find Spot)
  • `Brecko Porches' (Braky Pod-street, 1839) (BA) (Monument)
  • `Brecko Porches' (IA) (Monument)
  • `Brecko Porches', Wyken. (Rom) (Monument)
  • `Bronze flat axe, poorly corroded with heavily pitted surface and butt missing'. (BA) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • `Castle Farm, Worlingham' (Find Spot)
  • `Church masonry' (Monument)
  • `Clare Chantry'; Cavendish Road; Snipe Meadow (Monument)
  • `Field 1' (Monument)
  • `Field 2' (Monument)
  • `Field No 53' (Med) (Monument)
  • `Field No 53' (PMed) (Monument)
  • `Field No 56' (Med) (Monument)
  • `Field No 56' (Neo) (Monument)
  • `Field No 56' (PMed) (Monument)
  • `Field No 56' (Rom) (Monument)
  • `Field No 69' (Med) (Monument)
  • `Field No 69' (PMed) (Monument)
  • `Field No 69' (Rom) (Monument)
  • `Field No 69' (Sax) (Monument)
  • `Following the construction of a lay-by recently, two residents discovered two skulls and other bones which appeared to be human, and from the crumb… (Monument)
  • `Ganet' (Med) (Monument)
  • `Ganet' (Rom) (Monument)
  • `Ganet' (Sax) (Monument)
  • `Ganet' (Un) (Monument)
  • `Gateford' (Rom) (Monument)
  • `Gateford' (Rom) (Monument)
  • `Gerald Palmers, Maids Cross' (Rom) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • `Henry III and Edward I coins found, also pottery scatter when houses were built'. (Monument)
  • `In 1819 the Reverend C Brooke found a number of bones, an iron shield boss and spear, and bronze ornaments, all within a layer of sand 1 foot deep. (Monument)
  • `Ingham Field III' (IA) (Monument)
  • `Ingham Field III' (Rom) (Monument)
  • `Kentish' series B type sceatta - ?minted in London. (Find Spot)
  • `Medieval pieces' (Monument)
  • `Neo flakes' (Monument)
  • `Now entered on site WB 023 - see CRN 03586' (Find Spot)
  • `Oliver's Ditches', Moat (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • `Rothschild Field 6' (Monument)
  • `Rothschild Field 7' (Med) (Find Spot)
  • `Rothschild Field 7' (Monument)
  • `Rothschild Field 7' (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • `Rothschild Field 7' (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • `Rothschild Field 8' (Find Spot)
  • `Scatter of beaker sherds and flints' (Monument)
  • `Shottisham Field 669' (IA) (Monument)
  • `Shottisham Field 669' (Med) (Monument)
  • `Shottisham Field 669' (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • `Shottisham Field 669' (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • `Shottisham Field 669' (Sax) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • `The Wilderness' (Rom)
  • `Two Neolithic end scrapers and several flakes have recently been picked up at site F' (Monument)
  • `Two Neolithic flint scrapers and one petit-tranchet derivative arrow-head' (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • `Wixoe 2' (Monument)
  • 1 Market Hill (Un) (Monument)
  • 1 or 2 ?Rom greyware sherds amongst Med pottery scatter (Monument)
  • 100 Acre Field, Holywell Row (BA) (Monument)
  • 100 Acre Field, Holywell Row (Neo) (Monument)
  • 106 High Street, Bildeston, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • 108 Bevan Street (Monument)
  • 11 Oak Cottage (Monument)
  • 11 Victoria Avenue (Med) (Monument)
  • 11 Victoria Avenue (Sax) (Monument)
  • 119 Castle Hill (Monument)
  • 12 Bristol Road (Monument)
  • 12 Meeting Field (Monument)
  • 12th century pottery from gravel workings and half a stone piscina. (Monument)
  • 13 Church Walk (Monument)
  • 1-3 Fordham Road & 2-20 Chippenham Road (IA) (Monument)
  • 1-3 Fordham Road & 2-20 Chippenham Road; Allotments (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1-3 St Peter's Street (Site of Lord Curzon's House), Ipswich, (IAS 4310). (Monument)
  • 13/14 Mill Hill Estate (Monument)
  • 13/C14 bronze pointed oval seal matrix , No 1 Tower Cottages (Find Spot)
  • 134 The Street (Monument)
  • 153a George Street (Monument)
  • 16 Eustace Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8024). (Find Spot)
  • 16 Nethergate Street (Monument)
  • 18 Sycamore Way, Brantham. (Monument)
  • 19 Chapple Drive (Monument)
  • 19 Gainsborough Street (Monument)
  • 19? : Fieldwalked by John Newman as part of SE Suffolk survey - details o/s. Also metalwork. (IA) (Monument)
  • 19? : Fieldwalked by John Newman as part of SE Suffolk survey - details o/s. Also metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • 19? : Fieldwalked by John Newman as part of SE Suffolk survey - details o/s. Also metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 19? : Fieldwalked by John Newman as part of SE Suffolk survey - details o/s. Also metalwork. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • 1952: burnt patch of Early Med date. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1954: Pottery, including sherd of poppyhead beaker (Barbotine), found at TM 0076 7122 during pipe laying (S1). (Monument)
  • 1957: Sherds of grey and black ware, with finger tip decoration and applied strips. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1960/1961: Bronze stylus, tip broken off, 106mm long (surviving). (Monument)
  • 1960: Several Rom sherds revealed ploughing, including an amphora handle, colour coated ware and various grey ware fragments. (Monument)
  • 1966: Metal detected bronze axe blade fragment. (Find Spot)
  • 1967: Medieval single-sided sword blade, 28 inches long, ? C14 hunting sword (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • 1968: A few flint flakes from road ditch dredging (S1)(S3). (Neo) (Monument)
  • 1974 & 1980/81: Rom pottery scatter, including Samian. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1978 Fieldwalking by Myrtle Taylor located Beaker sherd, decorated with lozenges. (BA) (Monument)
  • 1978: Mug of Sieburg Stoneware, early C16, found while cleaning out drain on E bank of River Waveney. Formerly recorded as OUL Misc (Find Spot)
  • 1978: Fieldwalking Med scatters, 1994 and 1997 Metal detected. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1978: Fieldwalking located PMed scatters, 1994 and 1997 metal detecting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1978-1979: Fieldwalking survey by Myrtle Taylor located IA pottery scatter. (IA) (Monument)
  • 1978-1979: Fieldwalking survey by Myrtle Taylor located med pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1978-1979: Fieldwalking survey by Myrtle Taylor located med pottery scatter. (Monument)
  • 1978-1979: Fieldwalking survey by Myrtle Taylor located pmed pottery scatter. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1978-1979: Fieldwalking survey by Myrtle Taylor located Rom pottery scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1978-1979: Fieldwalking survey by Myrtle Taylor located Sax? pottery scatter. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1979: Fieldwalking by Myrtle Taylor located Med & PMed scatters in S corner of "Field VI". (Med) (Monument)
  • 1979: Fieldwalking by Myrtle Taylor located Med & PMed scatters in S corner of "Field VI". (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1979: Fieldwalking by Myrtle Taylor located Med & PMed scatters on "Field X". (Med) (Monument)
  • 1979: Fieldwalking by Myrtle Taylor located Med & PMed scatters on "Field X". (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1979: Pmed pottery scatter to W of church, located by Myrtle Taylor during fieldwalking survey. (Monument)
  • 1982: Fieldwalking by Myrtle Taylor on "Field XII" located ?Med/PMed pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1982: Fieldwalking by Myrtle Taylor on "Field XII" located ?Med/PMed pottery scatter. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1984 : Rom pottery scatter over 20m x 40m area : One C3-C4 'frilly' rim, Wattisfield type, four rims, forty sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1985: Abraded sherd, probably Ipswich ware, also foot of an ESax brooch, probably small-long type, found metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1985: Metal detector find of Edward I 1d - obverse: EDWA`R' ANGEL (Find Spot)
  • 1986: Metal detecting finds include strap end with animal head end and two inlaid panels, with traces of white ?cement present, above. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1986: Metal detecting finds include: gilded bronze, chip- carved decorated piece (from ?box or book mount) with two side projections … (Med) (Monument)
  • 1986-1987: Fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located 2 low mounds (also see UFF 018), seen in low sunlight, in "field 382". (Monument)
  • 1986-1987: Fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located 2 low mounds (also see UFF 019), seen in low sunlight, in "field 382". (Monument)
  • 1987/1988: Fieldwalked for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman. (Monument)
  • 1987: Fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located pottery scatter in 20 x 20m area, near Byng Brook. (Monument)
  • 1987: Small gilded bronze harness pendant in the shape of a fleur de lys. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • 1987-1997: Scatter of pottery and metalwork, C1-C4. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1988/89: Watching brief on golf course development located a few Med sherds during earth movement and metalwork during metal detecting… (Med) (Monument)
  • 1988: Lead ampulla with W on one side, shell on the other. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1989(?): Metal detecting finds various Med coins. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1989: Bronze cruciform brooch fragment, missing foot and side wings. Found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • 1989: Bronze T-shaped brooch, Colchester derivative, ?hinged type. Found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • 1989: Brooch, probably Colchester derivative rear hook type, missing spring, hook & pin. (Find Spot)
  • 1989: Detector finds include political medal attacking Admiral Hawk and supporting Admiral Vernon. (PMed) (Confidential Monument)
  • 1989: Leaf shaped arrowhead, brown-grey flint, circa 29mm x 15mm x 4mm. (Monument)
  • 1989: Long cross penny, probably of John. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • 1989: Metal detecting located:- short cross cut half penny - IOHAN ON. (Monument)
  • 1989: Scatter of metalwork found metal detecting. (Monument)
  • 1990/1991: Occasional LMed/Early PMed items found metal detecting. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1990: Two gold staters, Iceni, (Allen 1970 `Early type' and `Freckenham A') and a gold quarter stater and fragment of silver Iceni Ant… (IA) (Monument)
  • 1990-1995: Rom pottery & metalwork scatter, pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1990-1995: Thin(?) LMed & early PMed scatter of metalwork from NE half of large field.. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1990-1995: Thin(?) Med scatter of metalwork from NE half of large field. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1991: A few sherds of Ipswich and Thetford wares and a strap end with silver inlay (much corroded). (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1991: Bronze, small ring brooch with projecting lug with paste inset. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1991: Cast cruciform brooch, damaged by ?plough, late C6 developed type with humanoid type knobs - ?bird mask type. (Confidential Monument)
  • 1991: Circa 65 coins and tokens dating from at least Elizabeth I to Charles I (not seen). (Monument)
  • 1991: Gilt bronze ?medieval strap end with traces of very fine weave fabric surviving. (Find Spot)
  • 1991: Metal detected finds (mainly PMed) from large area. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1991: Metal detected finds from large area, N of WLB 009, identified from photographs. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1991: Scatter of pottery & metalwork found in an area circa 130 by 200 metres around an extraction (?sand) pit. (Monument)
  • 1991: small scatter of pottery located fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • 1991: Two gold angels of Henry VIII found circa 8m apart (Find Spot)
  • 1991: Various metal detected items include:- half groat of Henry VII, Class IIIc, Canterbury mint, circa 1490- 1500; a ?late Med fas… (Med) (Monument)
  • 1992: Bronze brooch metal detected at Ipswich & District detector club rally. (Find Spot)
  • 1992-1993: Area of relatively dense (& widespread) Med pottery scatter found during fieldwalking survey by John Newman (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • 1992-1993: relatively dense Med pottery scatter found during fieldwalking survey by John Newman (S1). (Monument)
  • 1992-1993: relatively dense Med pottery scatter next to Lodge Road/The Street (S1). (Monument)
  • 1992-1993: relatively dense scatter of Med pottery containing smaller area of flint rubble (church site?) located during fieldwalking … (Med) (Monument)
  • 1992-1993: Widespread relatively dense Med pottery scatter found during fieldwalking survey by John Newman (S1). (Monument)
  • 1993: Burnt flint scatter located on pipeline route. (Monument)
  • 1993: Med scatter found on pipeline route. (Monument)
  • 1993: Med/PMed scatter found on pipeline route. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1993: Med/PMed scatter found on pipeline route. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1993: Metal detector finds of buckles, folding clasp, tripod foot, coins, strap end, bronze connector plate and in 1998 evaluation tre… (Med) (Monument)
  • 1993: Metal detector finds: bronze brooch square-headed type, C6, drawn; bronze brooch fragment, arched bow of cruciform or small-lon… (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • 1993: PMed (& Med) scatter found on pipeline route. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1993: Seven sherds of glazed (mostly) red earthenware (C17/C18 ish), including 1 handle, 1 Med body sherd ', found fieldwalking. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1994(?): Surface find of LSax(?) bone chess piece(?), Hollow, elongated dome shape with scribed ring and dot decoration, mainly in tri… (Sax) (PAS find)
  • 1994: Area of Med(?) pottery scatter (& 1 flint scraper) found by farmer delineated on map. (Monument)
  • 1994: Enamelled LSax disc brooch found (metal detecting?) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • 1994: Enamelled plate type brooch fragment metal detected. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Fieldwalking (at 30m intervals) survey of re-planted forest block located Med (C12/C13-C14) pottery scatter over area circa 50m across consis… (Monument)
  • 1994: Fieldwalking (at 30m intervals) survey of re-planted forest block located Med scatter over area circa 50m across consisting of 1 rim, 2 base … (Monument)
  • 1994: Fieldwalking (at 30m intervals) survey of re-planted forest block located occasional Rom greyware sherds (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Fieldwalking (at 30m intervals) survey of re-planted forest block located general light scatter of heavily burnt flints and 2 flakes. (Monument)
  • 1994: Fieldwalking (at 30m intervals) survey of re-planted forest block located small scatter of heavily burnt flints circa 5m across (S1). (Monument)
  • 1994: Fieldwalking (at 30m intervals) survey of re-planted forest block located thin scatter of 1 rim and 3 body sherds Med coarseware (Monument)
  • 1994: Gilt & cloisonne jewel(?). (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1994: Mainly Rom scatter defined by Edward Savery. (Monument)
  • 1994: Metal detected broken silver dress hook of Mid-LSax date. (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Metal detected silver long cross penny of Edward IV, type XVI (AD 1473-1477) (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Metal detected spearhead tip. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Metal detector find of bronze, LIA(?) terret ring fragment. (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Metal detector finds of Aesica type brooch (details and drawings in file), Hod Hill types and other brooches from general area (… (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1994: Metal detector finds of two C14(?) harness pendants, one 2 piece & gilded; one circular with leopard's head against red enamelle… (Med) (Monument)
  • 1994: Numerous metal detected C16-C17/C18 metal finds from area (S1). (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1994: Palstave found on surface. (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Two Roman brooches found metal detecting (Monument)
  • 1994: Large (MSax?) pin with ornate gilded bronze head & bronze shaft. (Find Spot)
  • 1994: Thin-butted flat axe found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • 1995 & 1997 Metal detector finds of plain dagger chape and Henry VIII (& later) silver coins (S2). (Med) (Monument)
  • 1995/1996: Surface finds of pottery including: 1 base, turned, slight footring, C1?; 1 base, probably bowl form; 2 body sherds, 1 a… (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1995: Detector find of bronze cast die with single flat side projection damaged at end (break? or end - looks more like end). (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Flaked flint axe, 12cm long by 3. (Neo) (Monument)
  • 1995: Four silver denarii metal detected, dating from circa 92 BC (worn); 90-89 BC (very worn); 42 BC(?)(very worn) and C1 BC(?)(corroded and worn). (Monument)
  • 1995: Isolated detector find of penny of Cnut, short cross type (AD 1030 - 1035/6). (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Med pottery scatter recorded during (pipeline?) monitoring. (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detected bronze terret ring fragment. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detected circular bronze seal box. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detected finds include a probably IA slightly dished bronze(?) coin. (IA) (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detected strap end(?) terminal fragment with zoomorphic animal head. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detected viking type gilded bronze openwork mount. (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detector and surface finds of Rom date, mainly C1/C2 include three bronze coins, a Colchester derivative double lug brooch… (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detector find bronze terminal knob with remains of iron pin in base. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detector find of blade edge and the start of a void, indicating a socketed axe. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detector find of Edward(?) long cross penny, very worn (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detector find of zooamorphic incised & moulded strap end, C9. (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detector find, on mainly Rom site, of bronze LIA(?) decorative fragment; flat back, curved edges, openwork rectangle and … (IA) (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Metal detector finds of `bronze slag fragments found over most of site', 3 (plus) `silver slag fragments' and `copper ore piece'… (Un) (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detector finds of gilded silver dress hook (C16/C17), silver halfpenny of Elizabeth I (1595-8) and a Med gilded buckle pla… (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detector finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detector finds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1995: Metal detector finds. (Un) (Monument)
  • 1995: Palstave foundat Thornham Parva by tenant farmer. (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • 1995: Small fragment of bronze socketed axe socket found metal detecting in area of Rom, Med & PMed scatters (S1). (BA) (Find Spot)
  • 1995: Thin scatter of Med/PMed metalwork detected. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1995: Thin scatter of Med/PMed metalwork detected. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1995: detected bronze lozenge shaped mount, missing one corner. (Monument)
  • 1996: 3 Rom coins metal detected over large area (outer two circa 250m apart). (Rom) (PAS find)
  • 1996: Detector find of medieavl short cross penny of John (Class 4?) of AD 1194-1205 (Find Spot)
  • 1996: Detector find of silver Iceni "Bury Tribe" type A coin (Van Arsdell `Diadem type' 80-1) of C1 BC. (Find Spot)
  • 1996: Metal detected find include 72 coins, disc enamelled conical brooch fragment, 2 lock pin terminals, 3 Colchester derivative (2 d… (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1996: Metal detected finds from large area (Monument)
  • 1996: Metal detected Rom coin (circa AD 294-318?) (Find Spot)
  • 1996: Metal detected silver IA coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • 1996: Metal detector finds of Colchester derivative Polden Hill (variant) type brooch and fragment of bracelet. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1996: Metal detector finds of five silver coins and bronze vessel fragment - details in (S1). (Monument)
  • 1996: Metal detector finds of lead seal matrix, cut silver half penny and farthing, all C13. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1996: Metal detector finds of two small-long brooches. (Confidential Monument)
  • 1996: Two sherds Ipswich ware found on surface whilst metal detecting over large area. (Find Spot)
  • 1997: Metal detector finds from very large area, circa 600m by 300m, centreing on cited NGR, include MSax strap end fragment. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • 1999 Rally Site (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1999 Rally Site (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1999: metal detected axe blade fragment. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • 19th century building remains, 51-57 Northgate (Monument)
  • 19th century cess pit at Bedfield County Primary School (Pmed) (Monument)
  • 19th century well or soakaway, 24 School Street (Monument)
  • 1A Meeting Walk (Monument)
  • 2 Great Beck (Back) Lane (Monument)
  • 20 Mill Lane. Formerly recorded as COR Misc (Find Spot)
  • 2001: metal detected socketed axehead fragment. (PAS find)
  • 20th century Military Research Establishment at Orfordness (Monument)
  • 21 Crown Street (PMed) (Monument)
  • 21 Crown Street (Sax) (Monument)
  • 22 Church Road (Monument)
  • 23 Church Road (Monument)
  • 23 Mildenhall Road (Monument)
  • 25 'Camel' (Winston Road) (Monument)
  • 25 Model Cottages, The Street. (Med) (Monument)
  • 25 Model Cottages, The Street. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 25 Ravensmere (Monument)
  • 26 Herons Close, Oulton Broad. Formerly recorded as OUL Misc (Monument)
  • 26 Roman grey ware sherds found in a mixed Rom, Sax and Med pottery scatter (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • 27 College Street (Monument)
  • 28 (on site location map) (Monument)
  • 3 Anglesea Place (Monument)
  • 3 bronze coins, sestertius, Victorinus (268-270) and Valens (364-378), found metal detecting (S1). (Monument)
  • 3 Honey Hill (Monument)
  • 30 St Marys Road (Monument)
  • 31 Cage Lane (Monument)
  • 31 gold staters of Cunobeline, mint CAMV, found metal detecting. (IA) (Monument)
  • 32 Edmonton Road, Kesgrave, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • 3-4 Quay Street (PMed) (Monument)
  • 3-4 Quay Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • 35 Acre Field (Monument)
  • 36 Philip Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9315). (Monument)
  • 37a Forbes Drive (Monument)
  • 37A Upper Olland Street (Monument)
  • 39 Petite Couronne Way (Rom) (Monument)
  • 40 (tithe map) (Med) (Monument)
  • 40 (tithe map) (Neo) (Monument)
  • 40 (tithe map) (PMed) (Monument)
  • 44 & 46 Gracechurch Street (Monument)
  • 45 Coney Hill (BA) (Monument)
  • 47 Gregory Street (Monument)
  • 5 Edinburgh Road, Newmarket (Monument)
  • 5 St Mary's Square (Monument)
  • 50-52 Gainsborough Street (Monument)
  • 51 Castle Lane, Haverhill. (Monument)
  • 51 Gloucester Road (Monument)
  • 51 Gracechurch Street (Monument)
  • 51 High Street/Cross Green (Monument)
  • 526 Nacton Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9109). (Find Spot)
  • 53 & 119 Bedingfield Crescent (Monument)
  • 54 clay pipe stems and 4 clay pipe bowls, all with unstamped, flat spurs (S1). Probably circa 1660-1700 and part of extensive pipe manufacturing in… (Monument)
  • 59 Fore Street (Monument)
  • 6 coins - Severus Alexander (222-235), two illegible C1/C2, C3 radiate and two C4 (330-337). (Monument)
  • 6 Sioux Close, behind Post Office (Monument)
  • 62 & 64 Barons Road (Monument)
  • 62 Friars Street (Monument)
  • 7 Sparhawk Street (Monument)
  • 705gms of C13/C14 pottery, including 6 rims and 3 glazed sherds including 1 possible Ipswich Fore Street sherd (Monument)
  • 71 Garden Close (Monument)
  • 74 Broad Street (Monument)
  • 79 late med & transitional waster sherds found 1997. Indicates possible kiln site in vicinity. (Pmed) (Monument)
  • 8 Hudson Close, Haverhill, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • 8 Lancaster Drive, Martlesham Heath, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • 8 St. Peter's Street, Ipswich (IAS 5206). (Monument)
  • 82 Grange Road (Monument)
  • 86 Hall Street (Monument)
  • 9 and 11 Hillside Road East (Rom) (Monument)
  • 9 Callis Street (Med) (Monument)
  • 9 Victoria Avenue (Med) (Monument)
  • 9 Victoria Avenue (Sax) (Monument)
  • 90 Guildhall Street (Monument)
  • 95 High Street (Med) (Monument)
  • 95 High Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • A bronze small-long brooch (of cruciform related type) and some hand-made pottery sherds found metal detecting. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • A Bronze-Age round mound, possibly a small round barrow. (Monument)
  • A drain/ditch and other features including at least three pits. (Monument)
  • A fairly large and dense scatter of Med (? some PMed) pottery, oyster shells and animal bones, TM 1960/2 5546/53. (Monument)
  • A fairly large scatter of pottery, concentrated in the S half of the field. (Rom) (Monument)
  • A few pieces of Sax metalwork, found metal detecting on a predominantly Rom area (finds not precisely located). (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • A few pottery sherds, including one abraded Samian fragment in a mainly Med scatter (Monument)
  • A few Samian and grey ware sherds (Monument)
  • A manorial quadrangular bank (Monument)
  • A Medieval or Post Medieval windmill site visible as a cropmark. (PMed) (Monument)
  • A Neo (?) settlement uncovered by rough seas (Monument)
  • A possible Iron Age or Roman field system is visible on aerial photographs in Woolverstone Park (Monument)
  • A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman enclosure and associated trackways and field boundaries (Monument)
  • A possible Prehistoric or Roman hut circle or possible Bronze Age or Saxon round barrow, Sutton Walks, Sutton (Monument)
  • A possible sub-rectangular enclosure of unknown date surrounding Wherstead Church, artefacts found fieldwalking including Thetford ware (S3). (Monument)
  • A Post Medieval road or trackway with possible Medieval origins. (Monument)
  • A sestertius, probably of Hadrian, badly corroded, dug up in garden (Find Spot)
  • A square ditched enclosure visible on aerial photographs (Monument)
  • A tremissis of Justin II found at Southwold, Suffolk. (Sax) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • A very corroded bronze blade fragment, 13.8mm wide, 30mm long. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • A12 (Monument)
  • A12 bypass route, Lower Hacheston (Monument)
  • A12 Pound Lane link Road; Cross Green; Groats (Monument)
  • A12 Wickham Market to Saxmundham improvement; O.S. 0011 (Monument)
  • A12 Wickham Market to Saxmundham improvement; O.S. 3319 (Monument)
  • A12 Wickham Market to Saxmundham improvement; O.S. 9673 (Monument)
  • A12 Wickham Market to Saxmundham improvement; OS 5029 & 3741 (Monument)
  • A12 Wickham Market to Saxmundham improvement; OS 5029 & 3741 (Monument)
  • A12 Wickham Markett to Saxmundham improvement; OS 0005 & 0137 (Monument)
  • A12 Wickham Mkt to Saxmundham improvement; OS 0005 (Monument)
  • A143 Rickinghall to Botesdale Bypass (Un) (Monument)
  • A143 Scole-Stuston Bypass (Rom) (Monument)
  • A143 Scole-Stuston bypass (Sax) (Monument)
  • A604 Haverhill Bypass (Rom) (Monument)
  • Abbas Hall Wood (Monument)
  • Abbey Church West Front (Med) (Monument)
  • Abbey Church West Front (Monument)
  • Abbey Church West Front (PMed) (Monument)
  • Abbey Farm Cottage, Woolpit Green. (Monument)
  • Abbey Farm, Priory of St Mary (Med) (Monument)
  • Abbey Housing Development (Med) (Monument)
  • Abbey Housing Development (Sax) (Monument)
  • Abbot's Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Abbots Mill; Fornham Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Abbots Mill; Fornham Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Acton Hall (Monument)
  • Acton Place (Monument)
  • Adj Cockey Hatch Sewerage Plant, Stoke-by-Nayland (Monument)
  • Adjacent Cedar Close, RAF Wattisham, Great Bricett, (Roman-Medieval). (Monument)
  • Adjacent to Redgrave Fen (Monument)
  • Adjacent to Sleights Wood, Park Farm (Monument)
  • Adjacent to Waveney Croft, Fen Street (Monument)
  • Ae3 coin found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Airfield (Monument)
  • Airfield (Monument)
  • Aisled barn, Abbey Farm Barn (Building)
  • 'Akenham' coin hoard and scatter. Found metal detecting, dispersed in the plough soil. Also various other metal finds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Akenham Hall (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Akethorp Manor Bank (Monument)
  • Akethorp Manor Bank (Monument)
  • Alder Carr (Monument)
  • Alder Carr (Monument)
  • Alder Carr (Monument)
  • Alderton Marsh Field (site 9/4/1) (Med) (Monument)
  • Alderton Marsh Field (site 9/4/1) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Aldham Priory (Monument)
  • Aldringham Green (Monument)
  • All Saints church (Med) (Monument)
  • All Saints Church (Med) (Monument)
  • All Saints Churchyard (Rom) (Monument)
  • All Saints Churchyard (Un) (Monument)
  • All Saints Churchyard (Un) (Monument)
  • All Saints' Common (Med) (Monument)
  • All Saints' Common (Rom) (Monument)
  • All Souls Gate, Eastgate Street (Monument)
  • Alleged site of a Post Medieval plague pit. (Monument)
  • Allotments, Cotton Lane (Monument)
  • Allotments; Freckenham Village Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Allsorts, Culford, (Mesolithic, Neolithic) (Monument)
  • 'Alpheton' (Find Spot)
  • Alston Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Alston Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Alston Hall (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Alvher Villa (Monument)
  • Amount of ESax finds within large Rom settlement area, probably mainly from cemetery. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anchor House, Sandy Lane Corner. (Monument)
  • Angel Bowling Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Angel Bowling Green (Sax) (Monument)
  • Angel Hotel extension, Angel Lane (Monument)
  • Angel Lane (Monument)
  • Anglian Water pipeline (Monument)
  • Anglian Water pipeline (Monument)
  • Anglian Water Pipeline (Monument)
  • Anglian Water Pipeline (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Anglian Water Pipeline, Stanstead (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of a cast gilt disc brooch and two stirrup mounts. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of a caterpillar brooch and a disc brooch. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of brooches and a strap end. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of brooches, including a fragment of a cruciform brooch foot (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of coins and a mount. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of coins, including a silver penny of Eadred. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of finds (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of Ipswich ware, including one sherd of imported ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including 2 coins and hooked tag. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including 6 brooch fragments and pottery. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze brooch, ring, hooked tag and pinhead. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze strap end. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a coin and brooch. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches and buckle. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, hanging bowl and bracelet. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, jewellery, dagger and strap end. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, vessel, twezers and coins. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including buckles and a sleeve clasp. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, brooch and buckles. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including two brooches, a bell and a strap end (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalworks. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of one rim and one body pottery sherd. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery and a caterpillar brooch fragment. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery and a silver coin of Edward the Confessor (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including Ipswich ware and Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including Ipswich and Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of Thetford pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of Thetford ware and one sherd of St. Neots ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of Thetford ware sherds. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo- Saxon artefact scatter of three sceattas, possible hoard. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of two sherds of Ipswich ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of two silver coins, a brooch, a Medieval purse, and a Post Medieval? probable part of a drop handle. (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter pf pottery sherds, including Ipswich ware. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter, including a cast lead disc brooch. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter, including pottery, sleeve clasp and implements (Monument)
  • Anglo- Saxon inhumation cemetery and findspot of sword, spear and buckle in a gravel pit. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon lead cast disc brooch. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon metalwork (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon pit in the field behind the church, containing over 100 pieces of Thetford ware, cow and pig bones. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saoxn artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a shield mount. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon and Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon and Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon arefact scatter (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter including a strap end (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter including pottery, brooch and stirrup. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of 2 bronze strap ends with zoomorphic decoration. (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of 2 dress hooks. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of 2 sceattas and a strap end. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of a bronze key and bronze pins (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of a cruciform brooch and a fragment of another brooch. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of a rectangular bronze plate decorated with Urnes-style relief animal design and another with interlace decoration. (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of bronze bowls. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of brooches. (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of coins of Athelstan, Edmund and Eadred. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of fragments of an urn. (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of hand-made pottery and a lead annular object. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of handmade pottery sherds. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of handmade pottery. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of handmade pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze buckle plate, pendant and belt stiffener (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a caterpillar brooch. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a hooked tag, stirrup-strap mount, bridle fitting and coin (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a sceat, side terminal knob of a cruciform brooch and a gilded disc of unknown date. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a stirrup mount and weight. (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including bow brooch and strap end. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including bow brooch, stirrup terminal, hooked tag, coin and bronze brooch. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches and harness fittings. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including over 30 gold coins. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, probably from a cemetry. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalworks. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of possible Ipswich ware sherds and Thetford type ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery and bishops place. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including Thetford ware and a hand-made sherd. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including 15 rim, 1 base and 12 body sherds of Thetford type ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including 2 sherds of Ipswich ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including 2 Thetford type rim sherds. (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including 4 sherds of Ipswich ware and 4 sherds of Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including a body sherd of Ipswich ware and a rim sherd of Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including Ipswich and Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including Ipswich and Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including Ipswich and Thetford wares. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including Ipswich, Thetford and St. Neots ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including some Ipswich and Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of silver penny fragments of Edmund Memorial coin. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of Thetford type pottery sherds. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of Thetford type ware pottery (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of Thetford ware pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of two sceatta coins. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of weapons and a shield in a cemetry (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter, including a bronze hooked tag. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter, including a sherd of Ipswich ware and a flint scraper (Find Spot)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter, including tweezers. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon Cemetery identified by metal detecting and then through evaluation (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon cemetry. (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon metalwork (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon objects, including a coin fragment and a cruciform type brooch. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Angry Yards (1769 field name) (Monument)
  • Angry Yards (Monument)
  • Angry Yards (Monument)
  • Angry Yards (Monument)
  • Annular ring brooch with pin. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Approximately a dozen C12-C13 sherds and some C14-C15 sherds found in the area of a filled in pond. (Med) (Monument)
  • Approximately half (butt end) of a grey flint axe. (Monument)
  • April 1993: Butt end of polished flint axehead with all over polish. (Monument)
  • ARC Gravel Pit, Acton (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
  • ARC Quarry (Monument)
  • Archaeological single trenched excavation (said to be by BM) across steep mound in middle of village. (Un) (Monument)
  • Area of Anglo-Saxon settlement within the area of a later Medieval town. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Area of dark soil adjoining N end of WNG 006 approximately 35 x 40 yards. (IA) (Monument)
  • Area of dense surface burnt flint scatter (Monument)
  • Area of lumps and bumps in grassland to the N of Sapiston church, sometimes thought to be the remains of a deserted village. (Monument)
  • Area of metal detecting survey (Monument)
  • Area of Prehistoric burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Area of Prehistoric white heat-crackled flints. (Monument)
  • Area of Roman features, Moreton Hall East (Monument)
  • Area of several black patches and a stony strip (Monument)
  • Area of white heat crackled flints (Monument)
  • Area of white, heat-crackled flints extending for some 65m between sites RMB 004 and RMB 005. (Monument)
  • Area on 1616 map marked 'turffe pits', Undley Fen (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Artefact scatter and concetration of burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter consisting of Prehistoric pottery and a Bronze Age socketed axehead (Preh) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter including burnt flints, Roman and medieval pottery, post medieval tile (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of a skeleton and a bead, of unknown date (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Artefact scatter of bones and teeth from various large mammals, of unknown date (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt clay fragments and charcoal of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt flint and worked flake and scrapers, of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt flint, together with a scraper and flakes of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt flints (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt flints of unknown date (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt flints of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt flints of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt fliny of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of four Medieval silver coins and a Post Medieval bronze jetton and gilded bronze buckle. (Med) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of heavily burnt flints, of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of mainly metalwork of unknown date, including buckle, key and knife. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Medieval and Post Medieval metal objects (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Medieval metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter of Medieval metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter of Medieval pottery (Med) (Monument)
  • artefact scatter of Medieval pottery, Bredfield (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Medieval, Post Medieval and Roman metalwork, including coins, spoon and belt. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of metal detected finds, date unknown (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of metalwork of unknown date, found in a principally Roman site. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of metalwork of unknown date, including an iron chisel. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of metalwork, punch, awl, strap fitting and two bronze vessel fragments. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of metalworks, including a buckle, ring and weight, of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of one Roman enamelled disc brooch and one Roman enamelled plate brooch (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Post-Medieval metal detected objects including a spoon (PMed) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Post-Medieval metal finds (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter of pottery of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of pottery of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Saxon and medieval metalwork (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of silver coins, including a penny of Henry III and a penny of Edward I (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date and nature. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date found in a pit. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including a bronze annular brooch fragment and a pin head or terminal. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including a bronze mount. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including a bronze spoon fragment with oval bowl. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including an antler awl and polished bone ornament. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including bronze working debris. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including funeral pottery and animal bones (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including many Mesolithic artefacts e.g. awls and needles. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of white heat-crackled flints of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter or Iron-Age Iceni coins and Roman pottery and tile. (IA) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter 'RK 31 & RK 32', Great Cornard, (Prehistoric) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter various periods, Cowfen Lane, Wash Lane (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter/burnt mound of heat-crackled flints (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter/burnt mound of white, heat-crackled flints (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter: brooch and unidentified object. (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter: metalwork (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter: pottery and metalwork. (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatterof various Post-Medieval and undated metal finds (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Ash Meadow (Med) (Monument)
  • Ash Meadow (Rom) (Monument)
  • Ash Meadow (Sax) (Monument)
  • Ashby Dell (Monument)
  • Ashdown Cottage, The Street (Monument)
  • Ashley Grove, Chediston Grange. (Monument)
  • Aspal Hall, Holywell Row (Monument)
  • Aspal Park, Holywell Row (Beck Row) (Monument)
  • Assington Green (Monument)
  • Assington Hall (Monument)
  • Assington Park (Monument)
  • Assington Park (Monument)
  • Assington Park (Monument)
  • Assington Park; The Island (tithe) (Monument)
  • August 1989: Watching brief by John Newman on field being landscaped for use as a garden centre, located 8 body sherds (50gm) of C13/C14 coarseware,… (Monument)
  • August 1993: 115 worked flints located during fieldwalking, from area circa 250 x 30m. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Aveley Lane (Monument)
  • Aveley Lane (PAS find)
  • Avenue, Henham Park (Monument)
  • AWA pipeline (Find Spot)
  • AWA Rede Area Hartest & Boxted pipeline, Boxted, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • AWA Sewage Works (Neo) (Monument)
  • BA collared urn was found inverted over a cremation within Tumulii and Sax cremation cemetery. (BA) (Monument)
  • BA findspot (BA) (PAS find)
  • BA hoard, 'Tunstall', Wantisden (PAS find)
  • Babergh Hall; Babergh Place; Babergh Heath (Monument)
  • Babwell Friary; Fornham Priory; The Vinery (Monument)
  • Babwell Friary; The Priory Hotel (Monument)
  • Back Lane (Monument)
  • Badingham Hall (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Badley Hall (Monument)
  • Badley Hall (Monument)
  • Badly distorted and damaged gold ornament of a type variously described as hair-rings, lock-rings, or ear-rings (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Badmondisfield Hall (Monument)
  • Badmondisfield Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Badmondisfield Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Bagsham, West Row (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bagsham, West Row (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Baldwins Farm, Rougham, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Baldwins Lode (Load, 1783) (Monument)
  • Ballingdon Chapel; (Chapel of Brothers of St Thomas the Martyr?) (Monument)
  • Ballingdon Chapel; (Chapel of Brothers of St Thomas the Martyr?) (Monument)
  • Ballingdon Cut (Monument)
  • Ballingdon Hall (Monument)
  • Balsdon Hall (Monument)
  • Bandle Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Bandle Field (PMed) (Monument)
  • Bandle Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bandle Field (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Banyards Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Barbers Point (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bardwell Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Bardwell Hall Manor, now Moat House (Monument)
  • Barn Field (1840 Tithe Map) (Monument)
  • Barn Field (OS 382) (Sax) (Monument)
  • Barn Field, OS No. 384 (Monument)
  • Barn Field, OS No. 384 (part of Great Barn Close 1726) (Monument)
  • Barn Meadow (Monument)
  • Barn Meadow (Monument)
  • Barn Piece (1840 Tithe Map) (Monument)
  • Barnham Camp; Gorse Industrial Estate (Monument)
  • Barnham Heath (BA) (Monument)
  • Barnham Heath (IA) (Monument)
  • Barnham Heath (Rom) (Monument)
  • Barnham Heath (Sax) (Monument)
  • Barningham Park (Monument)
  • Barons Road (Monument)
  • Barretts Lane (Monument)
  • Barretts Lane (Monument)
  • Barrow Bottom (IA) (Monument)
  • Barrow Bottom (Sax) (Monument)
  • Barrow Bottom; Baroughe Hill (1597) (BA) (Monument)
  • Barrow cemetery northwest of Bussock Woods or Barn. (Monument)
  • Barrow Green (Monument)
  • Barsham Hall (Monument)
  • Bath house, remains of two rooms each 10 feet long and circa 8 feet wide, with two small plunge baths. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Battisford Tye (Monument)
  • Battisford Tye Sawpits, Sandy Lane (Monument)
  • Battlesea Green (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Beach (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Cliff (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Cliff (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Cliffs (site 2/3/4) (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Cliffs (site 2/3/6); Spring Field (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Manor Farm; Backhouse Field (BY85A) (BA) (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Manor Farm; Backhouse Field (BY85A) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Beach (Confidential Monument)
  • Beach (IA) (Monument)
  • Beach (Monument)
  • Beach (Rom) (Monument)
  • Beach to the East of Easton Bavents, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Beach. Formerly recorded as COR Misc (Find Spot)
  • Beaker and stone battle axe found circa 1960 by a builder, probably in the Stowmarket area (Find Spot)
  • Bealings Hall (site of) (Med) (Monument)
  • Beans Lane "Southmore" (Monument)
  • Beccles (Monument)
  • Beccles Bridge (Med) (Monument)
  • Beccles Bridge (PMed) (Monument)
  • Beccles Bypass (Neo) (Find Spot)
  • Beccles Common; Golf Course (Monument)
  • Beccles Road (BA) (Monument)
  • Beccles Road (IA) (Monument)
  • Beccles Road (Monument)
  • Beccles Road; Carlton Park - Area 3 (Monument)
  • Beck Common (1824) (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Bedfield Little Green (Monument)
  • Bedfield Long Green (Monument)
  • Beech Tree Farm (Monument)
  • Beech Tree Farm. Formerly recorded as RMR Misc (Find Spot)
  • Beechwood (previously The Office) (Med) (Monument)
  • Bell Green, Cratfield. (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Bell Meadow (BA) (Monument)
  • Bells Lane (Monument)
  • Belstead Hall (Building)
  • Benacre Beach (Med) (Monument)
  • Benacre beach (Monument)
  • Bennett's Farm (Monument)
  • Berghersh House (Monument)
  • Berghersh Lane (Find Spot)
  • Berghersh Place (Monument)
  • Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
  • Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
  • Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
  • Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
  • Bethel Drive (Monument)
  • Between Greyhound Lane & Nethergate Street (IA) (Monument)
  • Between Greyhound Lane & Nethergate Street (Med) (Monument)
  • Between Greyhound Lane & Nethergate Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bickers Hill; Waterloo House (Monument)
  • Big Field (Monument)
  • Bildeston Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • Birchwood Farm, Hepworth, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Birds Hill (Rom) (Monument)
  • Birds Hill (Sax) (Monument)
  • Black Bourne (Rom) (Monument)
  • Black Cottages (PMed) (Monument)
  • Black Ditches, Risby Poor's Heath (Monument)
  • Black soil feature(s) with pottery (? late C1) found in construction of artificial pond. (Monument)
  • Blacksmith's Cottage, Duke Street (IA) (Monument)
  • Blacksmith's Cottage, Duke Street (Med) (Monument)
  • Blacksmith's Cottage, Duke Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • Blacksmith's Green (Monument)
  • Blacksmiths Green (Rom) (Monument)
  • Blacksmiths Green (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Blacksmiths Lane (Monument)
  • Blade end fragment of socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Blade end of a small bronze socketed axe (Find Spot)
  • Blade end of a socketed axe, found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Blade end of socketed axe and silver penny. (Find Spot)
  • Blade half of copper alloy (miniature) flat axehead with crecentric splayed blade, relatively corroded, surviving length circa 2. (Monument)
  • Bliss Estate, Joist Fen (IA) (Monument)
  • Bliss Estate, Joist Fen (Rom) (Monument)
  • Block 4036, North Stow (PMed) (Monument)
  • Block 4036, North Stow (Rom) (Monument)
  • Block 4036, North Stow, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Blofield Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Blofield Hall (Monument)
  • Blofield Hall (Monument)
  • Blood Hill (Monument)
  • Bloodmoor Hill (Monument)
  • Bloodmoor Hill (Monument)
  • Bloodmoor Hill (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Bloodmoor Hill (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Bloodmoor Hill, Pakefield (Confidential Monument)
  • Bloodmoor Hill; The Pylons (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Bloodmore Hill. Formerly recorded as CAC Misc (Find Spot)
  • Bloodwood, Debenham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Bloodwood; Mount Piece (Med) (Monument)
  • Blyford Hall (Find Spot)
  • Blyford Hall (Find Spot)
  • Blythburgh Hospital Burial Ground (Monument)
  • Blythburgh Hospital; Blything Union Workhouse; Bulchamp Workhouse (Monument)
  • Blythburgh Priory (Med) (Monument)
  • Body sherd of flint-tempered pottery with finger-nail rustication (Monument)
  • Bomb Dump, Holywell Drove, Beck Row. (Find Spot)
  • Bond Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Bond's Corner (Monument)
  • Bonds Farm (Monument)
  • Boney's Island; Bonaparte's Island (1838) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Border Cot Lane (Monument)
  • Botesdale Primary School, Botesdale, (Med) (Monument)
  • Botesdale Primary School, Botesdale, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Bottom Field, Brandon, (Mesolithic-Early Bronze Age). (Monument)
  • Boulge Hall (Monument)
  • Boulge Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Boulge Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Boulge Park (Monument)
  • Boulge Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Boulge Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Boulge Park; Gilbert's Farm House, site of (Monument)
  • Boundaries and house foundations of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Boundaries of unknown and probable post medieval date (Monument)
  • Boundary banks for the medieval to post medieval Downham High Warren (Monument)
  • Boundary Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Boundary Farm (Monument)
  • Boundary Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bourne Hill (Monument)
  • Boxford Lane (PAS find)
  • Boxted General, (Braggon's Farm?), (Mesolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Boxted Park (Monument)
  • Boyton Hall (IA) (Monument)
  • Boyton Hall Farm (Confidential Monument)
  • Brackenbury Battery site - Bronze Age features and finds (BA) (Monument)
  • Brackenbury Battery site - Iron Age pottery (IA) (Monument)
  • Brackenbury Battery site - prehistoric features and finds (Preh) (Monument)
  • Brackenbury Battery site - Roman features and finds (Rom) (Monument)
  • Brackenbury Battery site - Saxon finds (Sax) (Monument)
  • Brackenbury Battery site - undated features and finds (Un) (Monument)
  • Bradfield Hall (Monument)
  • Bradfield Park (Monument)
  • Bradfield Park (Monument)
  • Braggon Farm (Monument)
  • Braggon's Farm (BA) (Monument)
  • Braggon's Farm (Boxted) (Monument)
  • Braggon's Farm (Neo) (Monument)
  • Braggon's Farm (Neo) (Monument)
  • Braggon's Farm, Boxted, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Braiseworth Hall (Monument)
  • Bramford Hall; Bramford Park (Monument)
  • Bramford Park (Monument)
  • Bramwell Meadow; Robin Hanseys (1995) (Rom) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Branches Park (avenue) (Monument)
  • Branches Park (dovecote) (Monument)
  • Branches Park (garden) (Monument)
  • Branches Park (house) (Monument)
  • Brandon Bridge (PMed) (Monument)
  • Brandon General, (Mesolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Brandon House Hotel (Monument)
  • Brandon Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Brandon Park (Rom) (Monument)
  • Brandon Park, Brandon, (Prehistoric -Roman?) (Find Spot)
  • Brandon Plantation (Monument)
  • Brandon Warren; medieval to modern rabbit warren (Monument)
  • Brantham Hall (Monument)
  • Breach Drove (Rom) (Monument)
  • Breach Drove, Beck Row, Mildenhall, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Bredfield House (site of) and Stable; Fitzgerald House (and (Watching Brief) BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Brent Close (2006); Lark Road (2006) (Monument)
  • Brettenham Park (Monument)
  • Brice's Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Brice's Farm/The Firs (Med) (Monument)
  • Brice's Farm/The Firs (Rom) (Monument)
  • Brick and Pipeworks (Monument)
  • Brick and Pipeworks (Monument)
  • Brick House Farm (Monument)
  • Brick House Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Brick House Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Brick House Farm (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Brick kiln & works site operated from before 1800 to circa 1900. (Monument)
  • Brick Kiln Farm (Monument)
  • Brick Kiln Farm (Monument)
  • Bridewell and Gashouse Lane (Monument)
  • Bridge Cottages (Monument)
  • Bridge Farm (Monument)
  • Bridge Street (Chadbrook) (Monument)
  • Bridge Wood (Find Spot)
  • Bridge Wood (Monument)
  • Brightwell Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • Brightwell Heath (IA) (Monument)
  • Brightwell Heath (Neo) (Monument)
  • Brightwell Heath (Neo) (Monument)
  • Brihtoluestuna; off Murrills Road (Monument)
  • Bringloves, site of (Monument)
  • Broad Meadow (Med) (Monument)
  • Broad Meadow, Bardwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Broad Medieval green lane or driftway connecting Bedfield Long Green with Hungers Green in Monk Soham. (Monument)
  • Broad scatter of coins (range Henry II onwards, predominantly C15-C16) and other metalwork including gilded buckle, book clasp, Nurembu… (Med) (Monument)
  • Brockley Road (Monument)
  • Broke Hall and Park (Monument)
  • Broken polished flint axe (butt end), found in field by reservoir by S M Lait, at approximately TM 1500 3550, whilst hoeing sugar beet (S1). (Monument)
  • Brome Hall Farm, Eye, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Brome Hall; Ling Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Brome Hall; Ling Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Bromley Wood (Monument)
  • Bronze "supporting arm" brooch; Perlberg type. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze ?brooch, metal detector find, extremely corroded, triangular plate with traces of enamelled triangles. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze ?buckle fragment. (Med) also (BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze `cosmetic grinder' found metal detecting 1986 (Find Spot)
  • Bronze `disc shaped object (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age artefact scatter (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age artefact scatter Culford 'Field 1' (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barbed and tanged arrowhead, Barn Field (OS 655), Ashes Farm (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age Barrow Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
  • Bronze Age collared urn, The Park (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age finds, Centre-Parcs holiday complex (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age flanged axe, Kings (Forest) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age flint scraper, Bawdsey Cliffs (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age gold torc, Glebe Field (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age Hoard (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age hoard (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age hoard. Hall Farm (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Bronze Age items, Justice Wood Farm (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age palstave, Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Bronze Age pegged spearhead, Burnt Fen (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age pegged spearhead, Cupola Farm; Cupelow; Coplow (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age pits and ditches at Martlesham Park and Ride (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze Age post holes and ditches, Stow Park, Bungay (Monument)
  • Bronze Age Pottery and Prehistoric burnt flint on Land to rear of 71 Guildhall Street; St Andrew Street South (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze Age rapier, River Little Ouse, Lakenheath (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age settlement site, Sandy Lane Pit (Monument)
  • Bronze Age socketed axe (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age socketed axe, Banstead Farm (Kirtling) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age socketed axe, Flempton Golf Course; River Lark (Monument)
  • Bronze Age sword blade fragment, High Fen (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age thumbnail scraper (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age worked flints, High Lodge (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age, axe or chisel, Holywell Row (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age/Undated artefact scatter of Metal detected fragments and other finds (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze animal head strap end with two panels of inlaid decoration - ?gold wire in ? black enamel. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze awl, possibly Bronze Age, from mainly Roman scatter. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze brooch head-stud type. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze brooch trumpet type (Find Spot)
  • Bronze brooch, Colchester derivative (with double-pierced lug) type, broken. Also a part of a copper alloy figurine of Mercury and coin… (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bronze brooch, Colchester Derivative type with rear hook and with relief curvilinear decoration on the cross piece. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze brooch, Colchester derivative, rear hook type, badly corroded. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bronze brooch, Colchester derivative, rear hook type, found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze brooch, trumpet type (Collingwood type Riv). (Monument)
  • Bronze buckle in shape of Jew's harp, (S1). (Monument)
  • Bronze buckle plate with downward biting animal on each side and bird shaped belt mount. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bronze buckle with plate, very decorative (Find Spot)
  • Bronze button and loop fastener (J P Wild, Britannia 1970, Class III), "petal headed", may have been enamelled. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze coin of Cunobeline, type as Mack 230 and Van Arsdell 1977-5. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze coin, poor condition, as Mack 253 (Cunobelin, Camulodunum). Also silver Iron Age Iceni `Early Face-Horse' type coin. (IA) (Monument)
  • Bronze coin, very corroded but possibly Iron Age, similar to Mack 260, Van Arsdell 2109-1, of Cunobeline. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Colchester derivative brooch fragment and two C3 coins. (Monument)
  • Bronze Colchester type brooch found metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze collapsible balance fragment (Find Spot)
  • Bronze cruciform brooch (Confidential Monument)
  • Bronze cruciform brooch head fragment, end terminal present and cast in same piece as headplate. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Bronze decorative mount, tinned. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze disc brooch, decorated but badly corroded and broken into two pieces, long cross penny of Harold I (1035-1040), Ipswich mint, m… (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bronze disc brooch, probably enamelled, Maltese cross design and Sceatta. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bronze disc weight with `A' and `3' inscribed. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Bronze fantail/thistle type brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze fitting in two pieces, ?PMed. (PMed) plus (BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze girdlehanger, broken with iron ? mending rivet, and a decorated strap end. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Bronze harness fitting - terret or collar mount - with attachment ring below angled flanges, above which is a crescent-shaped crest which may be the … (Monument)
  • Bronze harness pendant (Monument)
  • Bronze head, hollow casting, worn, traces of tinning on right eye. Found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Bronze heraldic pendant (Find Spot)
  • Bronze hoard discovered while metal detecting and subsequently excavated December 1993. (Monument)
  • Bronze hooked tag type dress fastener, M-LSax. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bronze knob, probably from cruciform type brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze metal detected items from Shotley parish (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Bronze model wheel, 4 spokes, ring and dot decoration on outer rim face. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze mount with central iron corrosion, four curvilinear projections (2 broken) with probable enamel settings. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze object, identified as possible Med musical stringed instrument tuning key, C12 onwards, found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Bronze openwork fragment - rectangular section edge strips with two closed running spiral between. (Monument)
  • Bronze openwork object - possibly medieval (Find Spot)
  • Bronze palstave, metal detected. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze pin with punched ring and dot and an incised X, MSax-LSax type found in metal detecting survey. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze plaque decorated with a beast (?horse) in the Ringerike style, circa AD 1000, the reverse shows hammer marks, ? a die for foil work. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze purse frame (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Roman brooch fragment, probable large Hod Hill type, (Find Spot)
  • Bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Bronze seal matrix with circular die reading (translation) 'the seal of the new custom [of/at] Orford' (Monument)
  • Bronze seal matrix, Bramfield Hall (Find Spot)
  • Bronze seal matrix, circular die with a large letter 'R' flanked with sprays of foliage (Monument)
  • Bronze seal matrix, pottery and coins. (Med) (BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze sestertius coin and other metalwork (Monument)
  • Bronze sestertius, very worn and pitted, probably C2, found in a cottage garden on the N side of The Beck. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze small-long brooch, cruciform fragment and pair of tweezers (? Rom or Sax) found metal detecting - and a worn Rom coin (AD 330-33… (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Bronze spearhead. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze strap end with an animal head terminal. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze strap end with interlace decoration, animal head terminal and coin hoard. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bronze tanged knife. Found whilst metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze terret ring (Find Spot)
  • Bronze terret ring with enamel inlay found 1977, reported through Norwich Castle Museum. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter among a dense Roman scatter. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter including a bronze socketed axe fragment, saddle quern and bronze sword fragment. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 15 flakes, simple implements and 3 heat crackled flints. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 2 barbed and tanged arrowheads and flints. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 2 truncated pyramidal loomweights (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 4 socketed axe fragments, 2 ingot fragments and metal working debris (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 40 pieces of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 8 broken socketed axes and ingot fragments. (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of a bronze axe blade and the loop of a bronze socketed axe (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of a plain bronze chisel/ leather working tool, two tracer/awls and coins (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of a socketed arrowhead or spearhead fragment and the tip of a bronze spearhead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of finds. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of flints and pottery found in an area of an Anglo-Saxon cemetry. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of pottery and flint flakes. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds from a single vessel. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including beaker sherds. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of pottery, scrapers and cores, also a dagger. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of worked flints, including 5 crude scrapers and a microlith flint. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of worked flints, including 5 flint scrapers and a microlith flint. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a bronze side looped spearhead, pottery and burnt flint patch. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a large barbed and tanged arrowhead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a small barbed and tanged arrowhead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a thick flinted gritted sherd. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter. (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact sctater of scrapers, thumbnail scrapers, a borer and cutting tools. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age burnt mound. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age hoard (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Bronze-Age low round mound, possibly a round barrow. (Monument)
  • Bronzework found by metal detector. Fragment of a Hod Hill type brooch and a ? Rom buckle. (Monument)
  • Brooch fragment - finial from a radiate brooch with inlaid garnet - found metal detecting (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Brooch fragment, bow and head. Distorted and damaged, possibly from heat, i.e. might derive from a cremation. (Find Spot)
  • Brooch fragment, side wing of a large cruciform (Confidential Monument)
  • Brooch, Colchester derivative type, incomplete, found metal detecting. Also a sestertius of Lucilla (164-169). (Monument)
  • Brooch, variant of P-shaped type with traces of enamelling (Find Spot)
  • Brooch. Animal brooch, found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Brooches and cosmetic palette. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Brooches and pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Brook Farm (BA) (PAS find)
  • Brook Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Brook Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Brook Farm (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Brook Farm, Lackford, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Brook Farm, Valley Farm (Monument)
  • Brook House Farm (Monument)
  • Broom Close (Monument)
  • Broom Field (BY87E), Bawdsey, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
  • Broom Field (site BY87E) (Med) (Monument)
  • Broom Field (site BY87E) (Preh) (Monument)
  • Broom Hill (Monument)
  • Broom Hill Lane (Monument)
  • Broom Hills (Find Spot)
  • Broom Hills (Sax) (Monument)
  • Broom Hills (Un) (Monument)
  • Broomfield Pit (Find Spot)
  • Broughton Hall (Monument)
  • Broxley (Broxstead/Broxtie) Park; Broxley Lodge; Broxstead Lodge (Monument)
  • Broxtead Farm (Monument)
  • Bruisyard Arch (Monument)
  • Brundon Mill (Monument)
  • Brundon Pit; Ballingdon Pit (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bucklesham - Alton Water pipeline (site WHR/11) (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Bucklesham - Alton Water pipeline (site WHR/8);Blacksmiths Cottage (Med) (Monument)
  • Bucklesham - Alton Water pipeline (site WHR/9) (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Bucklesham to Alton Water pipeline (site WHR/4) (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Bucklesham to Alton Water pipeline (site WHR/4), (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Bucklesham to Alton Water pipeline (site WHR/6) (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Bucklesham to Alton Water pipeline (Un) (Monument)
  • Bucklesham to Alton Water pipeline (Un) (Monument)
  • Bucklesham to Alton Water Raw Water Main, Bucklesham (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Bucklesham to Alton Water Raw Water Main, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Bucklesham-Alton water pipeline (Preh) (Monument)
  • Building complex including villa and possible bathhouse, massive post-built aisled structure, enclosure and circular structures plus la… (Rom) (Monument)
  • Building site footings. (Monument)
  • Bulcamp Marshes (Monument)
  • Bullock Lodge (field name) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Bullock Lodge (field name) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bulls Barn (Med) (Monument)
  • Bulls Barn (PMed) (Monument)
  • Bungay (Monument)
  • Bungay Castle (Monument)
  • Bunkers Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Burbitts Lane/Gaol Lane (Monument)
  • Burgate Hall (Monument)
  • Burgate Road, Upper Green (Monument)
  • Burnt area, circular enclosure and ring ditch, unknown date (Monument)
  • Burnt area, Rookery Farm (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch 2 (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch observed (S1). (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch observed fieldwalking - 80 yds to S of path to Green Farm. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch with a scraper and struck flakes in the vicinity. Also a small number of unglazed medieval sherds (13-14th century). (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint scatter located on pipeline route. (Monument)
  • Burnt House Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Burnt House Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • Burntfirs Plantation (Monument)
  • Burrow Hill Bronze Age (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Burrow Hill Iron Age (IA) (Monument)
  • Burrow Hill Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Burrow Hill Saxon (Sax) (Monument)
  • Burrow Hill; Butley Ferry; Insula de Burgh (Un) (Monument)
  • Burthorpe Green (Monument)
  • Burthorpe Green (Monument)
  • Burthorpe Green (Monument)
  • Burthorpe Green (Monument)
  • Burthorpe Green (Monument)
  • Burthorpe Green (Monument)
  • Burthorpe Green (Monument)
  • Burton Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Burton Green (Preh) (Monument)
  • Bury Abbey; Queens House (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bury Hill (Monument)
  • Buss Creek; Old Key (1793 map) (Monument)
  • Butley Abbey: Butley Priory (Roman) (Find Spot)
  • Butley Abbey; Butley Priory; Abbey Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Butley Mills (Monument)
  • Butley Priory (Sax) (Monument)
  • Butt end of polished stone axehead, of veined dark greenish-black basic igneous rock. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Butt fragment of bronze palstave. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Butts Meadow (Monument)
  • Byfords; Church Farm `Top'; Church Farm `Bottom' (PMed) (Monument)
  • Byfords; Church Farm `Top'; Church Farm `Bottom' (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Byfords; Church Farm top and bottom (IA) (Monument)
  • Byfords; Church Farm top and bottom (Rom) (Monument)
  • Byways and Riverside Paddocks, Stow Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • C12-C14 pottery scatter and coin (Monument)
  • C13 midden, with section of small cooking pot, oyster shells. (Med) (Monument)
  • C13 part of small spouted pot, (Monument)
  • C13 pottery. (Monument)
  • C16/C17 buckle found while metal detecting whole field (S1). (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • C17-C18 sherds, including green-glazed red earthenware and stoneware (one piece Westerwald), also clay pipe fragments (Monument)
  • C19 brick kiln to rear of Mill Lane. (Monument)
  • C19/C20 scatter located on pipeline route. (Monument)
  • C1-C3 pottery, including samian and colour coated, flue tiles and sandstone quern (S1). (Monument)
  • C2 bronze trumpet or harp shaped brooch inlaid with red enamel found in June 1935. (Monument)
  • Cages (field name) (Monument)
  • Cages (field name) (Monument)
  • Calf Meadow (Tithe name) (Monument)
  • Calf Meadow and Great Cantlings (Tithe names) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (BA) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (IA) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (Med) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (Neo) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (PMed) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (Rom) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (Sax) (Monument)
  • Calke Wood (Un) (Monument)
  • Calves Meadow (site 10/4/2) (Monument)
  • Camp Close, Icklingham Plains (BA) (Monument)
  • Camp Close, Icklingham Plains. (Med) (Monument)
  • Camp Piece (1839 tithe) (Find Spot)
  • Camping Ground (1840 tithe) (Find Spot)
  • Camping Ground (1840 tithe) (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Camping Ground (1840 tithe) (Med) (Monument)
  • Camping Ground (1840 tithe) (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Camping Ground (1840 tithe) (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Camping Land (Med) (Monument)
  • Camping Land (PMed) (Monument)
  • Camps Road; Church of St Botolph; Crowland Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Campsey Priory (Monument)
  • Canada Farm (Monument)
  • Canada Field (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Canada Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Canal (Monument)
  • Capel Hall Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Capel St Mary Link Road, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Carlton Colville Bypass, land off Bloodmoor Road (Monument)
  • Carlton Park; Areas 1 & 2 (Med) (Monument)
  • Carlton Park; Areas 1 & 2 (Preh) (Monument)
  • Carrs Hill (Monument)
  • Cast bronze coin of the Durotriges, obverse : illegible, reverse : 6 pellets (as Mack 361), very poor condition. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Castle Farm (Monument)
  • Castle Field, Hill Farm. (IA) (Monument)
  • Castle Field, Hill Farm. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Castle field, Orford (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Castle Hill, Orford (Monument)
  • Castle House grounds, Mundays Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Castle House grounds, Mundays Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Castle Yard (Monument)
  • Castling's Heath (Monument)
  • Caterpillar type brooch, C7/C8 found metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Cathedral Centre and North Transcept (Sax) (Monument)
  • Cattawade Creek (Monument)
  • Cattawade; Braham Hall (Monument)
  • Cattle Pound (Monument)
  • Cattshill Farm (Monument)
  • Caudle Farm (Monument)
  • Causeway to Church of St Mary on sandy hillock (SYL 004). (Monument)
  • Cavenham Brook (Monument)
  • Cavenham Heath (Monument)
  • Cavenham Heath (Monument)
  • Cavenham Park; Cavenham Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Cavenham Quarry (Un) (Monument)
  • Cavenham Road (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Cavenham Road (Sax) (Monument)
  • Cedars Field Moated Site, Stowmarket, medieval (Med) (Monument)
  • Cemetery discovered through gravel quarrying in 1759. (Monument)
  • Cemetry of unknown date (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Centre of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch record ma... (Monument)
  • Centre of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch record map in 1982. (Monument)
  • Chalk Farm, Undley (Monument)
  • Chalk Hill Lane (Monument)
  • Chalk Hill, Bay Farm (Monument)
  • Chalk Pit on Blood Hill (Med) (Monument)
  • Chalk Walk, Mildenhall (Monument)
  • Chantry Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Chantry Farm (Monument)
  • Chantry Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Chantry Farm Marshes (OS Field 84) (Monument)
  • Chantry House, Hall Street (Monument)
  • Chapel Farm (Monument)
  • Chapel Farm; Ringshall Chapel (Monument)
  • Chapel Lane, Botesdale (Rom) (Monument)
  • Chapel of St Edmund (Monument)
  • Chapel of St Faith and medieval seal matrix (Monument)
  • Chapel of St James Hospital (Monument)
  • Chapel of St Mary Magdalene (Monument)
  • Chapel of St Mary, Thorpe (Monument)
  • Chapel of St Peter, Thorpe (Med) (Monument)
  • Chapel of the Charnel (Monument)
  • Chapel Pightle (Med) (Monument)
  • Chapel Pightle (Sax) (Monument)
  • Chapmans (1601); Sudburn Howse (1601); Sudbourne Hall & Park (Monument)
  • Charles I penny, London, 1632-1633, Class 3, found metal detecting (S1) (Find Spot)
  • Chediston Grange (Monument)
  • Chequer Meadow; Staunch Meadow (Sax) (Monument)
  • Chequer Meadow; Staunch Meadow (Sax) (Monument)
  • Chesawick (field name) (Monument)
  • Chestnut Cottage (site BY88CC) (Med) (Monument)
  • Chestnut Cottage (site BY88CC) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Chilton Street (Monument)
  • Chilton Street (Monument)
  • Chimney Street Farm, Chimney Street (Monument)
  • Chippenhall Hall (Monument)
  • Chippenham Road (BA) (Monument)
  • Chippenham Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Chippenham Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Chippenham Road (Neo) (Monument)
  • Chippenham Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Chippenham Road, Freckenham, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Christopher Lane/School Street (Monument)
  • Church Common Round Barrows (Monument)
  • Church Common Round Barrows; Hachuring Field (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church Farm 'Bottom' (Med) (Monument)
  • Church Farm 'Bottom' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Farm, Prehistoric (Preh) (Monument)
  • Church Farm, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Church Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Church field (Monument)
  • Church Field (Monument)
  • Church Field (Monument)
  • Church Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Church Field (OS 666) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church Fields (IA) (Monument)
  • Church Fields (Med) (Monument)
  • Church Glebe Meadow, Church Street (Monument)
  • Church Green (Monument)
  • Church Greene (Monument)
  • Church Hill (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Un) (Monument)
  • Church Lane; 'Field 4' (Med) (Monument)
  • Church Lane; 'Field 4' (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Church Meadow (PMed) (Monument)
  • Church of All Saints (Building)
  • Church of All Saints (IA) (Monument)
  • Church of All Saints (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of All Saints (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of All Saints (Monument)
  • Church of All Saints (Monument)
  • Church of All Saints (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church of St Andrew & St Eustachius (Monument)
  • Church of St Andrew (Monument)
  • Church of St Andrew (Monument)
  • Church of St Andrew (Monument)
  • Church of St Edmund (Monument)
  • Church of St Genevieve (Monument)
  • Church of St George (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Church of St Gregory (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church of St James (Kenny Hill) (Monument)
  • Church of St James, Little Redisham/Redisham Hall Park (Monument)
  • Church of St John the Baptist (Monument)
  • Church of St John the Baptist (Monument)
  • Church of St Lawrence (Monument)
  • Church of St Martin (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary churchyard (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary the Virgin (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary, Badley. (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary, Mildenhall. (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary's (site of) (Monument)
  • Church of St Michael & All Angels (Monument)
  • Church of St Nicholas (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter & St Paul (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Sax) (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter and Paul (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter and St Mary (& St Paul) (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter, Buxlow; Knodishall Green (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter. (BA) (Monument)
  • Church of St Peters churchyard (Neo) (Monument)
  • Church of the Most Holy Trinity (Building)
  • Church Room; Parish Room (Monument)
  • Church Walks (OS 0033) (IA) (Monument)
  • Church Walks; OS Field 0033 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Churchfield Plantation, Shrubland Park (Monument)
  • Cinema Garage, Angel Lane, Bury St Edmunds, (Prehistoric-Medieval). (Monument)
  • Cinerary urn (Monument)
  • Circa 1827: Coin hoard (? of Edward III, AD 1327-1377) from Saxtead (Find Spot)
  • Circa 1977: part polished, flaked axe, with central area still covered with cortex, circa 15. (Monument)
  • Circular bronze seal matrix probably C14 (Monument)
  • Circular bronze seal matrix, probably late C13 (Monument)
  • Circular mound, circa 4 feet high with ponds round some of it, remnants of ditch round the rest. (Monument)
  • Circular post medieval lead seal, probably a bale seal (Find Spot)
  • Clampe Meadow (Monument)
  • Clamps Heath (Monument)
  • Clappes Field (Monument)
  • Clare Castle - Children's Playground (Med) (Monument)
  • Clare Castle - Children's Playground (Rom) (Monument)
  • Clare Castle Country Park (Monument)
  • Clare Castle, Clare, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Clare Priory (Monument)
  • Clarice House (PMed) (Monument)
  • Clarkstone Plantation, Tuddenham, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Clay Break Broom, Eriswell, (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • Clay Hill (Monument)
  • Clay Lane (Find Spot)
  • Clayhill Farm (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, `Field 1' (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, `Field 1', Lavenham, (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, `Field 2' (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, `Field 2' (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, `Field 4' (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, `Field 4', Lavenham, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, Lavenham (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, Lavenham (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, Lavenham (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, Lavenham, `Field 3' (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course, Lavenham, `Field 3' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm Golf Course; Clay Hill (Monument)
  • Clickett Hill: Blofield Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Clickett Hill; Blofield Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Cliff House (Find Spot)
  • Clonea Cottage (Monument)
  • Clopton Green (Monument)
  • Close to Middle Farm, Ringshall, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Clumps (Monument)
  • Clunch stone architectural fragments found in a pit dug for fence post, see details. (Monument)
  • Cob Island (Monument)
  • Cockers Two Acres (1840 Tithe Map) (Monument)
  • Cocks Hill (Med) (Monument)
  • Cocks Hill (PMed) (Monument)
  • Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument)
  • Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Rom)
  • Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Sax) (Monument)
  • Coin (Ae 1) of Diocletian (AD 297-307) (Find Spot)
  • Coin hoard, scattered, 117 coins, range Gallienus - Tetricus, further metal detector finds, see details. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coin hoard. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coin, either bronze or poor silver, with obv: crude head to left, rev: horse to left, as Mack 273, Trinovantian of Addedomaros. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Coin. Groat of Mary (AD 1553-1554) found metal detecting (S1) (Find Spot)
  • Coin. Sestertius of Commodus (AD 175-192) and further coins (late C3 - 360's) and brooch fragments found metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coin. Silver denarius found whilst metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coin: gold stater, early type - "British J Norfolk wolf type" Mack 49 b. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Coin: penny of Cnut, moneyer Elfstan, mint Wilton (Wilts). (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Coins (Constantinian - Valentinian) and brooches found metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Coins (four, range Lucilla AD 164-180 to Constantinian AD 330-337) found while metal detecting (S1). (Monument)
  • Coins (Hadrian, Victorinus) found metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coins and metalwork found by IMDC from various fields (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Coins and metalwork from various fields, found by IMDC (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Coins found metal detecting including cut farthing Henry III, long cross penny Edward I, halfpenny forgery Henry V, sixpence Edward VI … (Med) (Monument)
  • Coins found metal detecting: 2 silver pennies of Edward I, London & Newcastle mints; 1 cut half penny of Henry II, cross and crosslets type (S1)(S2… (Monument)
  • Coins of Tetricus I (AD 270-273) and two others (circa 388-402) and belt slide fragment - from late Rom/ ESax ornate belt set - found m… (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coins, four, range AD 260-296, found metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coins, three, range AD 318-378. (Monument)
  • Colchester derivative hinged type brooch (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Coldham Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • College Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • College Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • College Heath Road (Monument)
  • College Heath Road (Monument)
  • Colluvial deposit containing Roman, medieval and post medieval finds, Land behind Garden House (Monument)
  • Colston Hall (Monument)
  • Columbine Hall (Monument)
  • Combs Hall and Garden (Monument)
  • Combs Hall Garden (Monument)
  • Common Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Common Road (Un) (Monument)
  • Compartment 2055, Brandon Park (Monument)
  • Compartment 2059 (Monument)
  • Compartment 2081, Elveden, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Compartment 4209 (Monument)
  • Complete bifacially worked leaf arrowhead `picked up' (by V Scott?). (Monument)
  • Complete, though corroded, metal detected bronze tracer/awl, details (S1) (S2). (BA) (PAS find)
  • Complex of cropmarks of series of field boundaries and trackways. (Monument)
  • Complex of cropmarks of unknown date, in the centre of an area of a Roman site. (Un) (Monument)
  • Complex of cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Concentrated scatter of EMed-C14 pottery sherds, probable site of Domesday vill of Bing. (Med) (Monument)
  • Concentration of burnt flint and excavated features (Monument)
  • Concentration of burnt flint and excavated features (Monument)
  • Concentration of burnt flint and excavated features (Monument)
  • Concentration of burnt flints and extensive prehistoric, Roman and medieval occupation (Monument)
  • Concentration of burnt flints found fieldwalking (S1). (Monument)
  • Concentration of clay pipe fragments. The material is similar to that from WYB 023, 024 & 029, dating from late C17 or early C18. (Monument)
  • Concentration of pottery sherds, found fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Concentration of Prehistoric white heat-crackled flints. (Monument)
  • Concentration of worked flint (flakes and scrapers) found within larger Rom scatter. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Confidential findspot of an Anglo-Saxon porcupine type sceatta. (PAS find)
  • Conifer Hill, Brome Hall Farm, Eye, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Consolidated support building, RAF Lakenheath, Saxon (Monument)
  • Constantinian coin, AD 318-324 (Find Spot)
  • Coockhowse Farm (Monument)
  • Cookes Tenement, site of (Monument)
  • Cooking pit with charcoal and a layer of burnt flints in a wall of a disused quarry, of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Cook's Drove (Monument)
  • Cooks Drove, West Row Fen; F1a & b; F33; OS Field 0076 (Neo) (Monument)
  • Cooks Drove, West Row Fen; F1a & b; OS Field 0076 (BA) (Monument)
  • Cooks Drove, West Row Fen; F2b; OS Field 0065 (BA) (Monument)
  • Cooks Drove, West Row. (Monument)
  • Cooks Drove, West Row; F35a; OS Field 7177 (BA) (Monument)
  • Co-op (Monument)
  • Copper alloy finger ring, The Willows (Find Spot)
  • Copper alloy harness pendant (PAS find)
  • Copper alloy metalworking debris (Monument)
  • Copper alloy pendant (Find Spot)
  • Copper alloy pin found metal detecting. (SAX) (PAS find)
  • Copper-alloy artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Corton Cliffs (Monument)
  • Corton Cliffs. Formerly recorded as COR Misc (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Cottage Farm (Monument)
  • Cottage Field (BA) (Monument)
  • Cottage Field (Monument)
  • Cottage Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Cottage Meadow (Med) (Monument)
  • Cottage Meadow (PMed) (Monument)
  • Cottage site, C18-C19, house platform still visible and many finds (Monument)
  • Court Knoll (Monument)
  • Covehithe Beach (Monument)
  • Covehithe Beach (Monument)
  • Covehithe Cliff (Med) (Monument)
  • Covehithe Cliff (PMed) (Monument)
  • Covehithe cliffs (IA) (Monument)
  • Covehithe Cliffs (Sax) (Monument)
  • Cowpath Breck, Place Farm. (Monument)
  • Coxs Close, Beccles, (Later Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Coxs Lane, Reydon, (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • Cranley Hall (Monument)
  • Cranmer Green (Monument)
  • Cranmer Lodge; Woodlands (Monument)
  • Creek Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Creek Farm (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Cricket Ground (Monument)
  • Croft Mead "Southmore" (Med) (Monument)
  • Croft Mead "Southmore" (Rom) (Monument)
  • Croft Mead; "Southmore" (Preh) (Monument)
  • Croft site - N side of Green. (Monument)
  • 'Cropmark area' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Cropmark area' (Sax) (Monument)
  • Cropmark complex of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Cropmark of a linear feature, showing as a parch mark, running NNE from the A12 across Thorington Park. (Monument)
  • Cropmark of a rectangular enclosure, crossed by a recent field boundary (now gone). (Med) (Monument)
  • Cropmark of a ring ditch (Monument)
  • Cropmark of adjoining rectangular or subrectangular enclosure/s S of WLB 010 and immediately W of WLB 009. (Un) (Monument)
  • Cropmark of linear feature, consisting of two parallel lines. (Monument)
  • Cropmarks and various undated metal detector finds from area of large Rom settlement - see site reports for details (S1). (Un) (Confidential Monument)
  • Cropmarks of a square ditched enclosure with an internal feature and several linear features, Former Tarmac Quarry, Flixton, (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of an unidentified medieval church (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of curving trackway from road junction north-west of Radar Station, abutted by a small rectilinear enclosure. (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of ditches, Benhall Lodge Park (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of ditches, Benhall Lodge Park (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of group of interconnecting trackways & possible field boundaries. (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of unknown date (Monument)
  • Cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Cropmarks: double ditched irregular enclosure, behind Manor House (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument)
  • Cross Bank (Monument)
  • Cross Bank (Monument)
  • Crow's Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Crows Hall (Monument)
  • Crow's Hall (Monument)
  • Crow's Hall (Monument)
  • Crow's Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Cruciform brooch in two pieces, early C6, found metal detecting. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Culbards (Monument)
  • Culford 'Field 3' (Monument)
  • Culford 'Field 5' (Monument)
  • Culford Heath (Monument)
  • Culford Lake (Monument)
  • Culford Park; Culford School (Monument)
  • Culford Village (site of) (Monument)
  • Cullum Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Cumberland's Mount, medieval earthwork in Staverton Park (BA) (Monument)
  • Cumberland's Mount, medieval earthwork in Staverton Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Cupola Farm (Monument)
  • Curved pale to medium grey polished flint adze/chisel (see 'Not to be published on web' tab for finder/s and/or findspot/s) (Monument)
  • Cut half penny of Henry III (1216-1272), London 3c. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Cut half penny of Stephen, type I - +S(V)E, 0-465g (S1). (Med) (plus BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Cutting edge fragment of bronze axe, probably a palstave. Found whilst metal detecting. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Cuttings tenement (site of) (Monument)
  • Cylindrical "bit-spacer" made up of three rings of six rounded points each. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Dagworth Farm (Monument)
  • Dagworth Hall farmstead (PMed) (Monument)
  • Dairy Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Dairy Farm (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Dakin's Drift (Monument)
  • Dale Farm (Monument)
  • Dale Pond (Monument)
  • Dale Tree Road (Monument)
  • Dalehole Plantation (Monument)
  • Dalgety Development site (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Dam Lane (Monument)
  • Dans Walk & Glebes (BY86B) (Monument)
  • Dans Walk & Glebes (site 9/4/2) (Monument)
  • Darleys Garden (Monument)
  • Darmsden (BA) (Monument)
  • Darmsden (IA) (Monument)
  • Darmsden (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Darmsden (Rom) (Monument)
  • Darmsden Hall Farm, Quarry Haul Road (PMed) (Monument)
  • Darmsden Hall Farm, Quarry Haul Road, (Prehistoric). (Find Spot)
  • Darsham Old Hall (Monument)
  • Dawes Tenement (site of) (Monument)
  • Day Care Centre, Crown Score, Lowestoft (Monument)
  • Deaves Farm (BA) (Monument)
  • Deaves Farm (Monument)
  • Deaves Farm (Monument)
  • Debach Airfield (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Club (Rom) (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Course (Med) (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Course (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Course (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Course (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Course (Rom) (Monument)
  • Debenside; Waterworks; Station Road (Monument)
  • Dec 1987: Fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located small pottery scatter in area 20m x 20m in "field 622". (Monument)
  • Dec 1987: Fieldwalking survey of `field 624' by John Newman located pottery scatter over 120 x 50m area, in field S of Sandpit Farm. (Monument)
  • December 1994: Detector finds of very worn long cross penny of Henry II (AD 1158-1180) and a bronze padlock (Rom or Med?) (Find Spot)
  • December 1994: Metal detected scatter of Med finds, including four long cross pennies (one of Edward I, 1272-1307). (Med) (Monument)
  • December 1994: Metal detected scatters of Rom finds including 18 C4 bronze coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • December 1994: Metal detected small oval buckle with rectangular plate with three rivets (two in situ). (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • December 1994: Metal detector find of LIA silver coin. (Find Spot)
  • December 1994: Metal detector finds of Colchester derivative, double lug type, brooch & bronze padlock (Rom or Med?) (Find Spot)
  • December 1994: Thin metal detected scatter of PMed finds. (PMed) (Monument)
  • December 1994: Metal detected Gallo-Belgic quarter-stater of `Geometric type'. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds include a Med gold finger ring with a modern stone re-set (Find Spot)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds of a Colchester type and a Nauheim derivative type brooches (and a Med gold finger ring with a mod… (Rom) (Monument)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 1100m by 400m, centreing on cited NGR. (Med) (Monument)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 1100m by 400m, centreing on cited NGR. (PMed) (Monument)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 1100m by 400m, centreing on cited NGR. (Rom) (Monument)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 1100m by 400m, centreing on cited NGR. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 600m by 300m, centreing on cited NGR. (Med) (Monument)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 600m by 300m, centreing on cited NGR. (PMed) (Monument)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 600m by 300m, centreing on cited NGR. (Rom) (Monument)
  • December 1995: Metal detected finds said to be from a very large defined area, circa 600m by 300m. Includes one bronze LIA coin, simil… (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Decorated bronze bracelet of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Deer Park, Pond Hall Park (Monument)
  • Deer Park, Wetheringsett (Monument)
  • Defined area of (repeated?) illegal metal detector activity reported by Forest Enterprise. (Monument)
  • Degenerate cruciform brooch C6 ?. Found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Denarii of Titus (AD 80) and Severus Alexander (AD 230) found metal detecting (S1). (Monument)
  • Denarius of Domitian (AD 81-96), quite worn. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Denarius of Marcus Aurelius (AD 166-167) (Find Spot)
  • Dench Wood Field, Freston, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Denham Castle; 'Castle Holes'; Desning Castle (Monument)
  • Denham Hall Farm formerly Denham Hall (Monument)
  • Denmark Bridge (Monument)
  • Denmark Bridge, Diss (Monument)
  • Dennington Wood (Med) (Monument)
  • Dennington Wood (Un) (Monument)
  • Dense Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Dense Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Dense Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Dense scatter of pottery sherds of C13/C14 (four sherds examined) (Monument)
  • Dense scatter of primarily LMed type pottery found whilst fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Dense scatter of Roman metalwork and pottery at Boyton Hall Farm (PAS find)
  • Denston Chantry or College (Monument)
  • Denston Hall; Denston Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Depden Hall (Monument)
  • Deserted Medieval village and green and artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Deserted Medieval village site, road, crofts and ponds and an artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Deserted Medieval Village, hollow way and house platforms in pasture to SW of church. (Monument)
  • Detector finds of four C3/C4 bronze coins, one C1 denarius and one silver finger ring with lost setting. 14 further coins found 1997/1998. (Monument)
  • Devils Handbasin, BROME AND OAKLEY, SUFFOLK (Monument)
  • Devil's Wood Pit (BA) (Monument)
  • Devil's Wood Pit (Neo) (Monument)
  • Diamond shaped stud/belt decoration with four openwork panels in centre. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Diffuse scatter of Rom grey ware sherds and one sand-gritted ?? IA sherd (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Disc brooch, possibly silvered, with ring and dot decoration, and a fragment of a small-long brooch, C5-C6. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Dispersed burnt flint patch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Dispersed burnt flint patch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Dispersed burnt flint patch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Disused Post Medieval cemetery. (Monument)
  • Disused Post Medieval nonconformist burial ground. (Monument)
  • Ditch containing Roman pottery, 14-16 St. Catherine's Street (Monument)
  • Ditch of unknown date, probably a continuation of a Roma dich. (Monument)
  • Ditch of unknown date, probably a tenement boundary. (Monument)
  • Ditchums Field; 34 (tithe map); Broom Hills, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Dixey (Med) (Monument)
  • Dixey (PMed) (Monument)
  • Dixons Corner (Sax) (Monument)
  • Dixons Corner, Winston (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Dix's Charity Land (Monument)
  • Dockins Field, Chediston, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Does Mill, Mill Farm. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Doranda Carpets, Main Road (Neo) (Monument)
  • Dorking Tye (Monument)
  • Dorking Tye (Monument)
  • Dorking Tye Footpath, Bures St Mary, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Dorley's corner (Find Spot)
  • Double ditched rectangular feature of unknown date, visible as a faint cropmark. (Monument)
  • Double ditched ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Un) (Monument)
  • Double ditches, Possible warren or deer park, Stoke College (Monument)
  • Double ring ditch or circular enclosure and attached single ring ditch of circa 30-40m diameter. (Un) (Monument)
  • Dove House (Tithe) (Monument)
  • 'Dove House' Hengrave Park (Monument)
  • Dovehouse Meadow & Long Meadow (Tithe Map) (IA) (Monument)
  • Dovehouse Meadow & part of Long Meadow (Tithe Map) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Drift Piece (Monument)
  • Drift Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Drift Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Drift Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Drift Road (Sax) (Monument)
  • Drinkstone Hall, dovecote (site of) (Monument)
  • Duke Street (Monument)
  • Duke Street (Monument)
  • Dummoc (Sax) (Monument)
  • Dunhill Lane; East end of Wood Lane; Grange Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Dunwich Bank Wreck (41) (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Dunwich Forest (Monument)
  • Dunwich Forest (Monument)
  • Dunwich Forest (Monument)
  • Dunwich Forest (Monument)
  • Dunwich Forest (Monument)
  • Dunwich Town (Med) (Monument)
  • Dupondius of Claudius I, irregular copy (circa AD 50-64) (Find Spot)
  • Dyehouse Fielde (Monument)
  • Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery Byways and Riverside Paddocks, Stow Road. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery Byways and Riverside Paddocks, Stow Road. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Early Bronze Age double sided flint scraper, Bawdsey Cliffs (Find Spot)
  • Early Saxon cemetery and artefact scatter behind Wideham Cottages (Monument)
  • Early Saxon Ditched and undated pit at RAF Lakenheath; Hospital Annex (Monument)
  • Earth Lane (Monument)
  • Earthwork banks, Mildenhall Warren (Med) (Monument)
  • Earthwork enclosure, Lakenheath Warren (Monument)
  • Earthwork enclosure, Lakenheath Warren (Monument)
  • Earthwork enclosure, Lakenheath Warren (Monument)
  • Earthwork enclosure, Lakenheath Warren (Monument)
  • Earthwork in Cromwell's Plantation; Fapes Hill (Monument)
  • Earthwork of unknown date (Monument)
  • Earthwork remains of bank and external ditch N of school playing field, surviving to 2.5 feet, from top of bank to bottom of ditch on N side. (Monument)
  • Earthworks and ditches of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Earthworks of post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
  • Earthworks of probable medieval to post medieval date in Grove Wood (site 10/4/4) (Monument)
  • East Farm Brick Pit (Early Upper Palaeolithic Or Neolithic). (Monument)
  • East Lane (Monument)
  • East of Groton Street, Groton, (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • East of Hepworth Church, Hepworth, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Eastall's Pit (Neo) (Find Spot)
  • Eastall's Pit, (Southern pits), Barham, (Palaeolithic?). (Monument)
  • Easter Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Easter Green (Monument)
  • Easter Green (Monument)
  • Easternmost of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch reco... (Monument)
  • Easternmost of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch record map in 1982. (Monument)
  • Eastgate Street (Monument)
  • Eastlow Hill Tumulus (Monument)
  • Edgars Farm (Monument)
  • Eight Round Barrows on Martlesham Heath; Brightwell Heath (Monument)
  • Eldon Lane, Hollywell Row; Holywell Dolvers (IA) (Monument)
  • Eldon Lane, Holywell Row; Holywell Dolvers (BA) (Monument)
  • Elms Covert (Monument)
  • Elms Covert (Monument)
  • Elmswell Hall (Monument)
  • Elveden Hall (Monument)
  • Elveden Lower Warren (Monument)
  • Enamelled disc brooch, one coin (illegible C3) and a few sherds of grey ware found metal detecting (S1). (Monument)
  • End of strap end with ?stylised animal head decoration (S1). (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Eriswell Hall Hill (Monument)
  • Eriswell Hall Mill (Monument)
  • Eriswell High Warren (Monument)
  • Erwarton Bay, Erwarton, (Palaeolithic). (PAS find)
  • Esther's Moat ; Esther's Barn (Monument)
  • Estry (or Easty or Estey) Park (Monument)
  • Euston Park (Monument)
  • Euston-Brettenham Pipeline (Preh) (Monument)
  • Euston-Brettenham Pipeline (Rom) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Eustree Cottage back garden (site BY88EC) (Med) (Monument)
  • Eustree Cottage back garden (site BY88EC) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Evans Barn (Monument)
  • Evergreen Oak (Monument)
  • Excavation, Marks & Spencer Extension, 24 - 26 Westgate Street, (IAS 0602) (Monument)
  • Excavations on corner of Mill Lane and Cross Street, in search of town defences. (Monument)
  • Exning Villa (Monument)
  • Extensive area of heat-crackled flint - `a considerable amount of burnt flint' noted (S1). (Monument)
  • Extensive cropmark pattern of ditches etc, cut by "Dead Lane". (Monument)
  • Extensive Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Extensive Roman settlement area. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Extensive spread of Roman pottery (Monument)
  • Extremely worn and twisted tracer/awl in good condition, found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Eye Castle (Monument)
  • Eye Castle, medieval (Med) (Monument)
  • Eye Castle; Kerrison's Folly (Med) (Monument)
  • Eye Castle; Kerrison's Folly (PMed) (Monument)
  • Eye County Modern School (Monument)
  • Eye Priory, Abbey Farm, Priory of St Peter (Med) (Monument)
  • Eye Town Hall (Monument)
  • Fakenham Hall (Monument)
  • Fasbourn Hall (Copinger Hall) (Monument)
  • Features and a quantity of Neo pottery and worked flints. (Monument)
  • Features and artefact scatter of unknown date, including a pit. (Un) (Monument)
  • Features: pits & post holes found cut into natural gravel during excavation of moated area. (IA) (Monument)
  • Feb/Mar 1997: Adult human clavicle, probably recent, on ploughed field surface (close to footpath) (Find Spot)
  • Felcourt (Monument)
  • Felixstowe College (Monument)
  • Felsham General, (Mesolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Felsham Hall (Monument)
  • Felshamhall Wood: Bradfield Woods (Monument)
  • Fen Farm, Flixton Road (Monument)
  • Fen Lane (Monument)
  • Fen Street Road (Monument)
  • Fen Street; 1 & 2 Brick Yard Cottages (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm (BA) (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm; Phillips `A' & `B' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm; Phillips `E', `F' & `G'; Field A, B & C (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fenhouse Farm; Phillips `E'; Field A, B & C (Un) (Monument)
  • Ferry Farm Sudbourne, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Ferry Farm Sudbourne, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Ferry Farm, formerly Stockerland (Monument)
  • Ferry Road (Monument)
  • Ffisshers (Monument)
  • Field 0001 (Find Spot)
  • Field 0001 (Monument)
  • Field 0004 (BA) (Monument)
  • Field 0004 (Find Spot)
  • Field 0004 (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Field 0004 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field 0004 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Field 0006 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field 0027, Hasketon Hall. (Find Spot)
  • Field 0030 (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Field 0030 (Neo) (Find Spot)
  • Field 0030 (PMed) (Monument)
  • Field 0030 (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Field 0030 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Field 0040 (IA) (Monument)
  • Field 0065 (BA) (Find Spot)
  • 'Field 1' (BA) (PAS find)
  • Field 114, Clopton, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 124, Clopton, (Mesolithic-Roman) (Monument)
  • Field 126 (2), Clopton, (Mesolithic?). (Monument)
  • Field 126, Clopton, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field 128, Clopton, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field 133, Clopton, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field 134, Clopton, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field 1400 (IA) (Monument)
  • Field 1400 (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Field 1400 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field 1400 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Field 1421/1800, Carlton Colville, (Bronze Age?). (Monument)
  • Field 174, Grundisburgh, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field 188, Clopton, (Prehistoric). (Find Spot)
  • Field 189 (1886 OS field number) (Find Spot)
  • Field 189, Clopton, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • 'Field 2' (Neolithic-Bronze age) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 2' (PAS find)
  • Field 232, Grundisburgh, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field 254 (OS 6200) (Later Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 254 (OS 6200), Playford, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Field 257 (OS 1700) (Monument)
  • Field 258 (OS 7869/0800) (Med) (Monument)
  • Field 258 (OS 7869/0800) (Monument)
  • Field 258 (OS 7869/0800) (Monument)
  • Field 258 (OS 7869/0800) (Monument)
  • Field 258 (OS 7869/0800) (Preh) (Monument)
  • Field 277 (OS 8100/0002) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field 277 (OS 8100/0002), Playford, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 299, Culpho (Monument)
  • 'Field 3' (PAS find)
  • 'Field 3' (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Field 3037 (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Field 3037 (Med) (Monument)
  • Field 3037 (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Field 309 (Monument)
  • Field 3339 (OS) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field 35 (tithe map); Broom Hills, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 384, Melton, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 385, Melton, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 39 (tithe map); Broom Hills, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • 'Field 4' (BA) (PAS find)
  • Field 426, Melton, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 449, Grundisburgh, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • 'Field 5' (Monument)
  • Field 5182, Kiln Farm (Monument)
  • Field 5358 (Find Spot)
  • Field 57 (Monument)
  • Field 571 (East), Martlesham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field 597, Melton, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • 'Field 6' (Monument)
  • Field 61 (tithe map), Blocka Hall Farm, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 614, OS3156, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric-Medieval). (Monument)
  • Field 63 (tithe map), Blocka Hall Farm, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 6300 (Monument)
  • Field 6368 (OS Number, 1979) (Find Spot)
  • Field 64 (tithe map), Blocka Hall Farm, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field 6757, Kiln Farm (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Field 690, OS 6961, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric-Medieval). (Monument)
  • Field 693, OS 3526, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • 'Field 7' (BA) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 7' (Med) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 7' (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Field 7300; Perity (field name) (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Field 8' (Monument)
  • 'Field 9' (Monument)
  • Field 9623 (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Field Adjacent to Newmarket Plantation, Cavenham, (Later Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • Field Adjacent to Newmarket Plantation, Cavenham, (Mesolithic?) (Monument)
  • Field boundary and trapezoid enclosure, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Field boundary of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Field E of Beans Lane (IA) (Monument)
  • Field E of Beans Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Field East of Elms Farm (Monument)
  • Field F162, Burgh, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field F165, Burgh, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field F256 (OS 1700) (Med) (Monument)
  • Field F256 (OS 1700) (Monument)
  • Field F259 (OS 3378) (Monument)
  • Field F260 (OS 0850) (Monument)
  • Field F268 (OS 5537) (Monument)
  • Field F278 (OS 0002) (BA) (Monument)
  • Field F278 (OS 0002) (Monument)
  • Field F278 (OS 0002) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field F279 (Monument)
  • Field F334 (OS 5537), Church Road, Playford, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field F334 (OS 5537); Church Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Field F334 (OS 5537); Church Road (Monument)
  • Field F334 (OS 5537); Church Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field F334 (OS 5537); Church Road (Sax) (Monument)
  • Field F354 (OS 7960) (Med) (Monument)
  • Field F354 (OS 7960), Playford, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field F455 (OS 0006, part of), Playford, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Field F455 (OS 0006, pt of) (Med) (Monument)
  • Field F455 (OS 0006, pt of) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field F523 (OS 0049) (Monument)
  • Field F523 (OS 0049) (Monument)
  • Field F612, OS 0005, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric-Medieval). (Monument)
  • Field F613, OS7300, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric-Medieval). (Monument)
  • Field F634, Foxhall, (Prehistoric, Medieval) (Monument)
  • Field GGBMA, Great Cornard, (Prehistoric) (PAS find)
  • Field N of Church (Monument)
  • Field next to Lane End (Monument)
  • Field next to Lane End, North Street (Med) (Monument)
  • Field next to Lane End, North Street (PMed) (Monument)
  • Field No 42 (Survey No) (Med) (Monument)
  • Field No 42, (Survey No), Herringfleet, (Prehistoric, Roman, Post Medieval) (Monument)
  • Field No 43 (Survey No); Manor House Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Field No 43 (Survey No); Manor House Farm (Preh) (Monument)
  • Field No 47 (Survey No); White House Farm, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric- Post Medieval) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (Med) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (PMed) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (Preh) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field No 61 (Survey No) (Preh) (Monument)
  • Field No. 0082 (Med) (Monument)
  • Field No. 0082 (Monument)
  • Field No. 0082 (Monument)
  • Field No. 0082 (Monument)
  • Field No. 0082 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field north of Lodge Farm Cottages (Monument)
  • Field North of Ringshall Church, Battisford, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
  • Field North of Whitton Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 8107). (Find Spot)
  • Field Northeast of Dry Cavenham Mere (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Field off Church Road (Monument)
  • Field opposite Cross House, Ixworth. (Med) (Monument)
  • Field opposite Cross House, Stow Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field opposite Cross House, Stow Road. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Field opposite Cross House, Stow Road. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Field OS 0045, Bucklesham to Alton Water Raw Water Main, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric - Medieval). (Monument)
  • Field OS 0184, Prehistoric pottery and flint, Bucklesham to Alton Water Raw Water Main, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field OS 95 (Monument)
  • Field SE of Big Mount, Neutral Farm. (Monument)
  • Field South of Great Carr, Bardwell, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Field systems, mostly recent. (Monument)
  • Fields 0021 0040 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fields 122E, 122F (IA) (Monument)
  • Fields 122E, 122F (Sax) (Monument)
  • Fields 122E, 122F (Un) (Monument)
  • Fields 122K, 122J (BA) (Monument)
  • Fields 122K, 122J (IA) (Monument)
  • Fields 122K, 122J (Neo) (Monument)
  • Fields 122K, 122J (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Fields 44 & 45' (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Fields 44 & 45' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fields 67/68 (tithe map), Blocka Hall Farm, Herringfleet, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Fields 7069, 7766, 7759 & 8255 (Sax) (Monument)
  • Fields 7069, 7766, 7759 & 8255 (Un) (Monument)
  • Fields F481 & 518 (OS 7000 & 0070) (Monument)
  • Fieldwalking to NW of St Peters Church included moderate scatter of EMed (2 sherds Thetford type ware), Med and late Med pottery (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Fieldwalking to NW of St Peters Church, included finds of possible Ipswich ware (1 rim, 1 body sherd) and 2 sherds Thetford type ware (… (Sax) (Monument)
  • Finborough Road brickworks (Monument)
  • Find spot fo an Iron Age coin; a LIA gold stater of ADDEDOMAROS (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of 1 Medieval bronze clasp or strap (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of 3 Roman coins, two pierced coins, possibly Saxon (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age awl (BA) (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age axe (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age chisel (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age flint barbed and tanged arrowhead (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age hoard and remnant of a pit (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age lugged chisel (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age spearhead (Monument)
  • Find spot of a bronze Age stone shat-hole (Monument)
  • Find spot of a bronze conical object, date and function unknown (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a bronze object, date unknown (Un) (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a fragment of clay mould, unknown date (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Iron Age bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval brass seal (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval bronze seal (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval circular bronze seal (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval harness pendant (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a Medieval lead ampulla (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Medieval part of a harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval penny of Henry VIII (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval small bronze lid (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Neolithic axe head (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Neolithic partially polished flint axehead (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Post-Medieval bronze Tudor belt fitting (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Post-medieval knife pommel in the shape of a double-sided human head (PMed) (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Post-Medieval lead 'Boy Bishop' token (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Post-medieval lead groat size Boy Bishop token (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Post-medieval oval bronze spoon bowl (PMed) (Monument)
  • Find spot of a reported Roman metal detected denarius fragment (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman bronze brooch fragment (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman bronze brooch, headstud type (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Roman bronze key terminal (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman bronze Nauhiem brooch (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman coin (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a Roman coin hoard, mid C4 (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Roman Denarii of Septimus Severus (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman disc brooch (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman silver coin (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Saxon bronze fragment, slightly curved (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Saxon bronze mount (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Saxon brooch (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a Saxon sceat (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a silver Henry VIII groat (Monument)
  • Find spot of an Iron Age bar (IA) (Monument)
  • Find spot of an Iron Age bar (IA) (Monument)
  • Find spot of an Iron Age cast bronze coin of the Cantii tribe (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Find spot of an Iron Age strap fitting (IA) (PAS find)
  • Find spot of Bronze Age axe/chisel/gouge(?) (BA) (PAS find)
  • Find spot of Roman denarius (Monument)
  • Find spot of Saxon brooch, pin and pottery, as well as possible Saxwon sunken featured building (Sax) (Monument)
  • Find spot of Saxon coin and pin (Sax) (Monument)
  • Find spot of Saxon Ipswich ware sherd (Monument)
  • Finds & pottery from Roman (samian) to Victorian. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Finds from spoil, associated with new sewage pipeline, included a few sherds each of Med and EMed wares (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Finds of pottery from Roman (samian) to Victorian. (Med) (Monument)
  • Finds of pottery from Roman (samian) to Victorian. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Finds recovered from a depression marking the site of a filled in pond. (Monument)
  • Finds scatter (from fieldwork associated with new sewage pipeline) including sherds of Thetford type ware and Med wares, some tile frag… (Med) (Monument)
  • Finds scatter and post-medieval pits, Bucklesham to Alton Water Raw Water Main (Monument)
  • Finds scatter from 400m of pipeline (new sewage pipeline) including a few Med sherds and fragments of Thetford type ware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Finds scatter including 4 flint flakes, from new sewage pipeline (S1). (Un) (Monument)
  • Finds scatter: 2 coins. (PAS find)
  • Finds scatter: disc brooch and coins. (PAS find)
  • Finds scatter: Medieval pottery and metalwork. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Finds scatter: metalwork. (PAS find)
  • Finds scatter: pottery (Rom) (Monument)
  • Finds scatter: stirrup, coin and Ansate brooch (also prehistoric flint & Roman face stud). (PAS find)
  • Findspot Medieval brooch, token, and coin (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA axehead, East Coast Searchers Rally 20/08/00 (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA ring money, Lee Farm (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA socketed axe, East Coast Searchers Rally Site (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA spearhead (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA spearhead (PAS find)
  • Findspot Bronze Age Palstave (PAS find)
  • Findspot Iron Age coin (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot Iron Age toggle (PAS find)
  • Findspot medieval coin (PAS find)
  • Findspot medieval seal (PAS find)
  • Findspot medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
  • Findspot medieval weight, Ash Tree Cottage, Breetenham Rd, Buxhall (PAS find)
  • Findspot Neolithic flaked axe, Easton Bavents Beach (PAS find)
  • Findspot Neolithic leaf shaped arrowhead, Jack's Lane (PAS find)
  • Findspot of 1 Roman pottery sherd. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Anglo-Saxon coins (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 Anglo-Saxon wrist clasps. (Sax) (and BACKLOG) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 inscribed Iron-Age Iceni coins. (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Medieval long cross pennies of Edward I and Edward I or III (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Medieval silver coins of Charles I. (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 pieces of Post Medieval bronze openwork, probably a buckle (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Roman coins and a bronze nail (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 Roman coins, one very worn denarius and one follis of Maximian (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 Roman Langton Down type brooches. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 sherds of Roman grey ware pottery and a coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 unidentifiable Roman coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 worn Roman coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 3 Anglo-Saxon buckles. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of 3 Bronze-Age fragments from a double edged sickle blade decorated with 2 flutings. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of 3 large unabraded sherds of Anglo-Saxon pottery (Monument)
  • Findspot of 4 Anglo-Saxon brooches (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 4 Anglo-Saxon sceattas (Monument)
  • Findspot of 4 Medieval silver short cross pennies (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 5 Anglo-Saxon brooches and part of a girdle hanger. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of 60 Anglo Saxon coins of Aethelred II, partly contained within a folded disc brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Harthacnut or Edward the Confessor. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a base sherd of Iron-Age pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a blade fragment of a Bronze-Age bronze faceted socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a blade fragment of a narrow socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a broken Medieval stone vessel (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a broken Neolithic chipped flint axe. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze- Age blade end of a bronze axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze Age bronze palstave (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze Age flat axe (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze annular brooch (Monument)
  • Findspot of a bronze belt stiffener (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze earring of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze finger ring of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze finger ring of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze leg from a Roman incense burner. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a bronze, decorated strip of unknown date. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age arrowhead on a multi-period site. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bag-shaped socketed axe (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged arrowhead with serrated edges (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged arrowhead. (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age blad end fragment of bronze axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age blade end from a socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age blade fragment from a notch hilted knife or dirk. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age broad butted flat axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze awl with pointed ends. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze awl. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze axe (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze axe. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze blade fragment, double sided with rounded tip. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze blade fragment. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze chisel. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze double-edged knife. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze flanged axe decorated with chevron design. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze flanged axe or palstave (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze flat tanged chisel. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze knife blade (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze object, probably a chisel (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze palstave, 'Shield-Pattern' type. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze palstave. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze palstave. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze penannular ring. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze pin with simple disc head (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze 'quiot headed' pin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze razor. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed axe blade fragment. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed spear (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze spear tip. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead blade fragment. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead tip. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze sword hilt fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze tanged knife. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze tanged knife. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age clay loom weight (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age complete socketed axe. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age cruciform shaped 4-way strap union (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age faceted socketed axehead or hammer (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age flanged axehead (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age hoard of 4 palstaves. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age incomplete barbed and tanged flint arrowhead, and a Iron Age-Roman bronze brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age looped narrow bladed palstave. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age miniature side- looped spear or arrowhead. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age palstave. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age pegged spearhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age pennanular composite gold ring. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age plate scrap ingot fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age pottery beaker (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age rim sherd of a beaker (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age side-looped spearhead. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socket and part blade of a small side looped spearhead or arrowhead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe blade fragment. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe fragment from a sand or gravel ridge in a field. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe fragment with hammer marks. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe fragment. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe with crescentic blade. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed bronze axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed gouge. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spear tip. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead point (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead tip. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead tip. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age sword and socketed axe or chisel fragments. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age sword fragment. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age trident-pattern looped bronze palstave. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age unlooped palstave with shield and rib decoration. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age worn double ended bronze awl. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Colchester derivative Roman bronze brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a complete Bronze-Age trident or shield pattern palstave. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a complete Neolithic partially polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a copper alloy 'awl' with relatively blunt, pointed ends, of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a copper alloy finger ring, of unknown date (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of a copper alloy finger ring, of unknown date (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of a corroded Iron-Age coin, possibly an Iceni Face-Horse type. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a damaged Roman Colchester type brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a detached bronze side knob from an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fine bronze Medieval seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a forged Iron-Age coin, a 'Norfolk Wolf' type stater, bronze with gold coating. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Anglo Saxon cruciform brooch, head and upper bow only. (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age axe blade. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age blade of a dirk or rapier. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age bronze blade, probably from a sword. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age bronze blade, very corroded. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age bronze sword hilt. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age jet or shale bead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age parallel sided bronze blade. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a large thistle type brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Medieval purse bar with incomplete niello inlaid inscription (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Neolithic large worked projectile point or dagger. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Post Medieval socketed lead/ pewter fitting. (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Roman bronze brooch, probably a Colchester derivative type (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Roman bronze Colchester derivative type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Roman bronze plate brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Roman Colchester derivative brooch and a coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Roman Colchester derivative type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Roman glass vase (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Roman hinged Colchester derivative type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a small Neolithic part-polished axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of an Anglo Saxon Arabic silver dirhem of Madinat al Salam, Baghdad. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of an Anglo Saxon bronze girdlehanger. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of an Anglo-Saxon silver disc or saucer. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of an Iron-Age bronze terret ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of monumental brass from a Medieval canopy (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of the butt-end of a small Bronze-Age palstave or miniature hammer flanged axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of the cutting edge of a Bronze-Age bronze axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of the handle of a Roman bronze scalpel. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of the lower part of an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of the socket of a Bronze-Age socketed bronze axe. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a glass bead of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a gold finger ring of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a half of a Medieval bronze pointed object (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a handmade Iron-Age pottery sherd. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a hoard of Bronze-Age palstaves. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a human skull when a stream was dredged up in 1975. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a large bronze Roman coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a large Bronze-Age bronze chisel (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a large Medieval bronze buckle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a large Medieval lead seal. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a large Neolithic partly polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a large Neolithic polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a large Roman coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a large sherd of Iron-Age pottery, partially abraded. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval ampulla of tin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval annular brooch with 8 circular settings and a patterned hand-punched thimble. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a medieval annular brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval annular brooch. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval barrel padlock in the form of a bronze horse. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval belt chape (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval Boy Bishop token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze and enamle harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze annular brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze aquamanile spout in the form of a dog's head (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze buckle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze buckle plate with decoration of a figure (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze buckle plate with winged beast with human head decoration (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze buckle tongue. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze buckle, possibly a harness mount. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze chape (Med) harness pendant and silver coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze coin weight (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze coin weight for a half-angel (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze double oval buckle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze finger ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze fitting. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze globular steelyard weight (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze handle with animal head terminal (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze horse harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze mount (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze openwork mount (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze padlock and four Roman bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix and a shield shaped bronze harness mount (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix and Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze shield shaped horse harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze socket with animal head terminal (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze spout from an aquamanile in the form of an animal head (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze spout of a vessel (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze strap end (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze sword pommel (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze, circular seal matrix within an area of undate cropmarks. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval brooch pin (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval buckle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval buckle plate (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval cauldron and harness. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval circular bronze seal matrix (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval circular lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval circular lead seal matrix (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval circular lead seal matrix with flower design. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval coin (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval copper alloy vessel (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval copper alloy weight (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval cut halfpenny of Henry I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval cut silver halfpenny of Stephen (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval decorated spur fragment. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval double sided lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval enamelled bronze heraldic pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval enamelled harness pendant with arms and a possible Post Medieval annular brooch pin and gilded buckle. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval finger ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gilded bronze buckle plate with winged beast design (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gilded bronze harness mount (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gilded bronze horse harness pendant of the Bures family of Acton. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gilded bronze strap end buckle. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gilt bronze, decorated pinhead (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gold finger ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gold noble coin of Edward III. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gold noble of Edward III (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval groat of Edward III, Boy Bishop token and other coins (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval halfpenny of Edward III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval Henry II Tealby penny. (Med) (backlog) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval hornse harness mount. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval iron dagger. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead alloy brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead alloy seal matrix pendant. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead ampulla and a silver groat of Edward III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead church token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead circular seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead papal bull of Pope Boniface IX (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead papal seal of Pope Gregory IX. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead pilgrim's ampulla. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal and two small bronze mounts, probably horse harness. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix in a pointed oval shape (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix with inscriptions on both sides (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix, pointed oval form and inscribed (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead weight (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval leaden seal (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval long cros penny of Henry III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval long cross halfpenny of Edward I or later and a damaged long cross penny of the same date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a medieval long cross penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval long cross penny of Henry III and a Nuremberg token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval long-cross silver halfpenny of Richard II. (Med) and 3 Medieval Coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lozenge-shaped copper alloy harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval Nuremberg token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval papal bull of Boniface IX (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval papal bull of John XXII. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval penny of Edward I (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval penny of Edward III. Formerly recorded as BNB Misc (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval Pilgrim's ampulla (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval pottery vessel (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a medieval ring (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval rowel spur. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval sculpture fragment of a head carved in soft fine-grained limestone. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval seal matrix (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval seal matrix and a coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval seal matrix. (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval shell-shaped gilded bronze harness pendant and a cut halfpenny of Henry III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval shield shaped seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval short cross penny and a bronze token (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver coin of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver coin of King John. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver groat of Heinrich V. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver half groat of Elizabeth I. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver half penny of Edward III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward III (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long-cross penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long-cross penny of Henry III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver object (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of Edward I and a circular weight (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of Edward II (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of Henry III, silver penny of Stephen and a Nuremberg token (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of King John. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of Stephen (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of William I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of William I, canopy type (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny, a continental imitation of a sterling penny. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny, possibly of Edward III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver ring (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver scabbard. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver seal matrix. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver short-cross penny of John (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver Soldino coin. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silvercut half-penny of William I of Scotland (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval square, flat bronze mount with enamelled front. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval strap end and a pottery sherd. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval strap end and lead papal seal (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval strap fitting (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval vessel (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval weight (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic axehead (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic bifacially-worked leaf-shaped flint projectile head. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic chipped flint axe. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic crude crescentric flint (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic edge-polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic edge-polished triangular 'discoidal' flint knife. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flaked axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flaked axehead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flaked flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flint blade (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flint knife or sickle. Formerly recorded as LUD Misc (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flint leaf arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic grey-white flint axe head of plano-convex section with polish around the cutting edge. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic hollow based flint arrowhead. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic laurel leaf pont. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic part polished flint axe (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic partially polished flint axehead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic partly polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic part-polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished axehead (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint axe (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint axe and partly polished axe butt. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint axehead from a cliff fall. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint axehead with distinctive colouring. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint chisel and small axe (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished grey flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished stone axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished stone axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic stone axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic stone axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic stone axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic stone axe. Formerly recorded as COR Misc (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic tranchet derivative arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic transverse derivative arrowhead from a ditch on a mainly Roman site. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic transverse flint arrowhead. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neoltihic polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a pair of Anglo-Saxon bronze tweezers with animal heads on bow and other decoration. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a pebble with small hourglass perforation. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a plain Bronze-Age square sectioned socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a plain Broze-Age bronze chisel. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a pointed oval shape lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bridle fitting (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze leg of a horse figurine (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze livery button (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze oval setting from a seal ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze plate (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval coin of Charles I. Formerly recorded as BNB Misc (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval coin of James II (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval copper alloy harness. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval Danish coin of Christian IV (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval gold half-groat of Elizabeth I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval groat of Mary I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval half groat of James I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval Hanoverian spoon, found in a wall (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval lead alloy circular medallion. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval lead cloth seal (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval miniature bronze tripod cauldron (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval oval bronze seal matrix and a Post Medieval weight (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval padlock. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval pendant and two Nuremberg type jettons (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval penny of Philip and Mary (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver bracelet (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver coin of Charles I. (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver coins (Pmed) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver lead dress pin fragment and silver coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward III. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver threepence of Elizabeth I. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval tradesmen's token of Debenham (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval twopenny piece of Henry VIII (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval unidentified bronze object (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a post-medieval animal-headed ewer spout (Monument)
  • Findspot of a post-medieval seal ring, Groton Park (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Prehistoric pot boiler flint (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Prehistoric pot boiler flint. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Prehistoric saddle quern. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Prehistoric scraper and trimmed blade (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Prehistoric unpatinated flint flake (Monument)
  • Findspot of a reputed Roman coin hoard (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman Aesica derived type brooch fragment. (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman antoninianus of Allectus coin. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bow brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman bow brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman bow brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman bow brooch. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman bow brooch. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman box lid and a rosette stamp decorated sherd (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze 4-way strap (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze belt stiffener (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze brooch of Colchester derivative hinged type (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze brooch with hinged pin and short bow. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze brooch, Colchester derivative (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze brooch, Colchester derivative type with reward hook. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin and Copper alloy dolphin shaped fitting (bucket) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin of Constantine I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin of Constantius (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin of Crispus. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin of Magnentius (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin, illegible (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin, sestertius of Commodus (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze Colchester derivative hinged pin type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze crossbow brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze disc brooch (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze enamelled disc brooch with damaged edges (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze enamelled plate brooch, chatelaine type (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze figurine. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze finger ring with protruding key (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze horse and rider brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze key handle terminal (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze knife terminal in the form of a man's head (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze miniature axe (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze Nauheim derivative type brooch (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze oval plate brooch (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze pin fragment (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze plate brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze razor/ folding knife (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze sestertius coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze sestertius coin, possibly of M Aurelius. And a possible Donpondius. (ROM) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze skeuomorphic brooch of plate-shoe type (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze trumpet type brooch fragment (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze tumbler lock slide key (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze wheel with ring and dot decoration (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman brooch fragment (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman button and loop fastener. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman cast bronze escutcheon from a vessel (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin hoard of 500 bronze coins. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Allectus (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Antoninus Pius (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Carausius (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Claudius (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Claudius I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Constantius I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Domitian. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin, possibly of Domitian. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin, probably of Claudius II (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Colchester derivative brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman Colchester derivative brooch fragment (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Colchester derivative brooch. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman Colchester derivative rear-hook brooch. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman Colchester derivative type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman Colchester derivative type brooch. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman copper alloy Colchester derivative fibula brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman copper alloy eagle figurine. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman crescentic pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman denarius coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman denarius coin of Hadrian (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman denarius coin of Titus, apparently forged. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman disc brooch with curvilinear enamelled design (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman disc brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman disc type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman door lock. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Dupondius of Domitian coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman enamelled brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman enamelled disc brooch fragment (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman enamelled trumpet brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman finger ring (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman finger ring. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman follis coin of Constantine I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman grey ware sherd (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman illegible radiate, pierced for suspension (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman incomplete dragonesque brooch fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman iron finger ring (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman Irregular Fel Temp Reparation coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman key. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman La Tene III brooch, Nauheim derivative. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Langton Down type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman miniature bronze object, probably an anvil. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Nauheim derivative type brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman pewter hoard, including 3 flat round dishes or plates and a square dish (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman pewter ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman plate brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman pottery sherd, Essex grey and also a shallow wall foundation of flint and brick rubble construction. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman puddingstone quern. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman rim sherd (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman rotary quern, found in two pieces. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman samian potsherd, biconical headed bronze pin and other Medieval and Post Medieval objects. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Domitian (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Faustina I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Hadrian (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Hadrian. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Maximus I. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Trajan (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Trajan (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Trajan. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Sestertius of Antonius Pius coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius of Hadrian. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman sestertius of Vespasian (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver coin hoards of siliqua. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver coin. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver denarius coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver denarius coin, Roman Republican. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver denarius coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver denarius of Domitian coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver finger ring (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver plated denarius coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman solid cast bronze figurine. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman trumpet-type brooch fragment. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman turquoise frit melon bead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Urbs Roma coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a rounded Bronze-Age spearhead tip. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a sherd of Iron-Age handmade flint gritted. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a sherd of Iron-Age pottery, flint gritted. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a sherd of Medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Findspot of a sherd of Roman C1 pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a shield shaped Medieval bronze harness mount (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a silver Iron-Age Iceni coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a silver spoon with circular bowl and angled handle, of unknown date. (Un) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a single Iron-Age hand-made pottery sherd. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a single rim sherd of Anglo-Saxon handmade pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a single sherd of Medieval pottery (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze Age flat axe (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small bronze cross, with arms of equal length, of unknwon date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age bag shaped socketed axe (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age bronze chisel with low side flanges. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age bronze socketed hammer. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age bronze spearhead (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age jet toggle. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age socketed axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small cast bronze 'classical' figurine of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small Medieval buckle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small Medieval lead finial in the shape of a man's head (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small Prehistoric sandstone saddle quern. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small quantity of Anglo Saxon Ipswich ware pottery. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small quantity of Anglo Saxon Ipswich ware pottery. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small Roman bronze colchester derivative type brooch. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small, complete Neolithic polished flint axehead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a thin scatter of Roman coins (Monument)
  • Findspot of a tip of a Bronze-Age socketed spreahead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a undated bronze pin-shaped object. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a uninscribed Iron Age coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Whetstone with perforation at one end, of unknown date (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon body sherd of Ipswich ware. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze boss fitting. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze box mount. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze brooch. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze cruciform brooch. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze die stamp. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze disc brooch decorated with sunken cross. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze hooked tag. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze key with elongated looped handle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze mount in the shape of a stylized human head. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze openwork disc brooch. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze pin (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze pin with decorated facetted head. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze pin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze pinhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze plate brooch and coin of Cnut. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze rotary type key. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze saucer brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze saucer type brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze small-long type brooch. (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze square- headed bow brooch (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze stirrup mount (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze stirrup mount (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze stirrup mount. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze strap end fragment with animal interlace design on both faces. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze strap end, inlaid with silver. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze strap end. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze stud. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon brooch. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon broze decorated strap end. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bun-shaped fired clay spindle whorl decorated with lathe turned concentric groves. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon caterpillar brooch with serrated ends. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon circular decorated fitting. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon copper alloy animal headed strap end with incised decoration. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon copper alloy casting hanging bowl mount. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon copper alloy stirrup mount. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon cruciform brooch. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon cut half-penny of Aethelred II. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon gilded and tinned decorated disc brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon gilded bronze strap end. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon gilded bronze sword pommel with stylised animal head or beak. (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon gilded disc brooch with decoration. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon gilt disc brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo- Saxon Ipswich ware sherd. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon iron sword. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon lead model for a brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon oval bronze buckle. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon penny fragment, cross type. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon pinhead and part of shaft. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon sceat. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver earring (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver Merovingian dernier. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver penny fragment of Alfred, cross pattee type. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver penny of Aethelred II (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver penny of Aethelred II. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver sceat coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver sceat with inscription. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon stirrup-strap mount. Formerly recorded as BNC Misc (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon strap end, originally with stylised animal head. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon strap end. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon strap fitting. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon Thetford type ware pottery sherd (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon tinned bronze equal-armed brooch (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon tongue-shaped strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon, gilded bronze saucer brooch. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon ansate brooch fragment. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon backward looking beast disc brooch (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon belt fitting (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze animal head strap end. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze backward looking beast brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze brooch fragment. (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze buckle with curvilinear openwork interlace design with animal heads flanking the bar. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze decorated object, possibly part of a handle, also 2 brooches. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze disc brooch (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze fibula (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze seal of Bishop Aethewald of Dommoc. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze stirrup mount. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze strap union. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze wire clip (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze wrist clasp. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze zoomorphic stirrup terminal. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon brooch (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon brooch fragment. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cast stirrup terminal and a handmade rim sherd. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon coin of Harold I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon copper alloy disc brooch with backward- looking beast. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch fragment. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cruciform type brooch fragment, possibly unfinished. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cut half-penny of Aethelred II. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon decorated bronze disc brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon decorative bronze disc from a hanging bowl. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon disc brooch with backward looking beast. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon disc brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon dress fastener. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon elongated circular amber bead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon flat fragment of a decorative object. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon gilded bronze strap end of Carolingian type with 5 silvered bosses (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon gilt bronze closionne disc brooch (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon gilt bronze sword pommel. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon gold tremissis coin. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon hanging bowl escutcheon found in builders spoil (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon head of a small-long type brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon hooked tag. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon hooked tag. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon iron spearhead (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon key. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon offa penny (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon openwork stirrup-strap mount with central naked male human figure. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon penny of Aethelstan I. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon pottery scatter, including one sherd of Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon rim sherd of Ipswich ware. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon sceat coin. (Sax) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon sceatta. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon sherd of gritty Ipswich ware. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver coin of the King of East Anglia (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver coin, a sceat or proto-penny (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver decorated pin head. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver gilt pendant made from coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver obol (or half denier) of Charles the Bald. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Aethelred II (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Aethelred II. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Aethelred II. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Alfred the Great (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Coenwulf. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Offa (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver sceatta. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon small-long type brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon steering board of a boat washed up following storms. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon stirrup- strap mount (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon stone spindle whorl with ring and dots motifs. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end and disc brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end with stylised animal head terminal. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap separator with 3 arms. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon suporting arm brooch. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon supporting arm type brooch fragment. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon wrist clasp. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Scandinavian bronze cheek piece. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Angl-Saxon stirrup mount. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an enamelled Roman head-stud bronze brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an illegible Roman sestertius coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an inscribed Medieval circular bronze seal matrix. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an inscribed Roman bronze ring with blue glass intaglio (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an inverted Bronze-Age pottery urn containing a cremation. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron Age coin, an Iceni half unit. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron Age gold quarter stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron Age pottery sherd with burnt flint temper (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age artefact scatter, including a silver coin of "Bury Tribe". (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age body sherd. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age broken silver coin, Iceni pattern horse type. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin from a mainly Roman site. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin of Cunobelin. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin of Cunobelin. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin of Trinovantian Apollo Head variety. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin, Trinovantian type and silver Iceni boar-horse type C coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin, Trinovantian. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze decorated miniature terret ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an iron-Age bronze miniature terret ring. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze mount in 'trumpet' style (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze potin coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze Trinovantian type coin of Cunobeline. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze vessel rim fitting in the form of a stylised bull's head. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age brooch. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age cast linch pin terminal, highly decorated. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age coin. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age glass bead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold coin. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold Gallo-Belgic type coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin of Cunobeline. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin of Cunobelinus. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater of Cunobelin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater of Cunobelin. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater, Iceni type. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin and Medieval Copper alloy pendant. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin of Ambiani. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin of 'Late Clacton' type. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin, 'Norfolk Wolf' type. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age grey fabric with burnt flint filler. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age hand-made flint-gritted pottery sherd. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age harness. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age Iceni pattern horse type coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age 'Iceni' silver coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age La Tene type brooch. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age lipped terret ring. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age miniature terret ring. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age quadrilobate strap-union or bronze harness mount (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age quarter stater coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin of Cunobelin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin of Iceni. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin, 'Bury Tribe' type (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin, Iceni Pattern-Horse Ecen series. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver Iceni coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver stater coin of Cunobelin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver stater coin of Cunobelin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age spiral-headed bronze pin. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age terret fragment (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age terret-comb with curvilinear and enamelled decoration. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age toggle. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Anglo Saxon decorated bronze tweezers. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Anglo Saxon metalwork, including a harness. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Anglo Saxon metalwork, including a strap end and buckle. (Monument)
  • Findspot of Anglo-Saxon artefacts, including pottery, brooches and strap end (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Anglo-Saxon artefacts. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Anglo-Saxon hooked tag/ dress hook. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Anglo-Saxon sceatta. (Monument)
  • Findspot of Anglo-Saxon tweezers. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age damaged barbed and tanged arrowhead and bronze axe fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age metalwork (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age metalwork finds, including a spearhead tip. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age possible sword and side looped spearhead fragments. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age, Roman and Anglo-Saxon metalwork finds, including a fragment of spearhead with lozenge section midrib. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of five hundred bodies of unknown date, possibly a battlefield site (Monument)
  • Findspot of five Roman coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of four Roman bronze coins. (Monument)
  • Findspot of half of a Neolithic polished flint axehead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of Iron-Age coins and pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Medieval bronze objects, including a brooch and fragments of cooking vessels. (Monument)
  • Findspot of Medieval coarseware pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Medieval coins (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Medieval fixtures and fittings. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Medieval metalworks, including buckle, thimble and spoon (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Medieval pottery (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Medieval pottery and metalwork, including a bronze buckle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Medieval pottery, including Thetford ware (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Neolithic artefacts, including two discoidal knives and three flaked axes (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Neolithic flint axes, knives, arrowheads and a stone axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of Neolithic flints. (Neo) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Neolithic leaf shaped arrowheads. (Monument)
  • Findspot of one Anglo-Saxon body sherd of Ipswich ware and one body sherd of Thetford type ware (Monument)
  • Findspot of one large base sherd of Ipswich ware on site of undated field system/ enclosure. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of one sherd of Iron-Age flint gritted hand-made pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of part of a Medieval crucifix depicting Christ suffering. (Monument)
  • Findspot of part of an Anglo-Saxon bridle cheekpiece. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Post Medieval bronze and lead animal and cherub heads and fitting and a coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of Post Medieval objects (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Post Medieval platform gunflint, leaf arrowhead, flaked axe and two polished stone axes (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of post medieval unidentified object (Monument)
  • Findspot of Prehistoric pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Findspot of Roman coin and brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Roman coins (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Roman coins, including a forged denarius with bronze core and silver coating. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Roman pottery sherds (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of small Bronze-Age pottery collared urn (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of stray Bronze-Age finds (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a Bronze-Age 'hammer' broken socketed axe (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a Bronze-Age socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a Bronze-Age socketed axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a large Bronze-Age flat axe. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of the blade half of a Neolithic flint flaked axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of the butt end of a Bronze-Age socketed axe (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the butt end of a Neolithic polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of the butt end of a small Neolithic flaked flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of the butt of a Neolithic partly polished flint axe. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of the haft end of a Bronze-Age broken bronze palstave. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the tip of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed spearhead. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the tip of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the tip of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of three separate finds of Roman grey ware sherds, a Samian sherd and a silver coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of three sherds of Roman grey ware and a bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Anglo Saxon silver coins (Monument)
  • Findspot of two fragments of a Late Iron Age mirror handle. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two fragments of Roman roofing tile in a late Anglo Saxon pit. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of two Iron-Age silver coins (Monument)
  • Findspot of two Medieval and one Post Medieval pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Findspot of two Medieval coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Medieval long cross pennies of Henry III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Medieval seals (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Post Medieval coins and a hooked bronze mount (Monument)
  • Findspot of two post-medieval silver coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Roman brooches. (Monument)
  • Findspot of two Roman coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Roman coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Roman coins, one silver and one bronze (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of various Anglo-Saxon artefacts. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot post medieval harness, East Coast Searchers Rally 20/08/00 (PAS find)
  • Findspot post medieval strap fitting, Culpho Rally Site 03/09/00 (PAS find)
  • Findspot Roman bow brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot Roman Bow Brooch (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Findspot Roman coin (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Findspot Saxon Bridle fitting and ring, Culpho Rally site 03/09/00 (PAS find)
  • Findspot Saxon stirrup, East Coast Searchers Rally 20/08/00 (PAS find)
  • Findspot terret ring (PAS find)
  • Findspot, polished flint axehead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot, incomplete partly polished flint axehead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot, silver IA coin (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Finely flaked flint chisel 15.5cm long made from polished axe. (Monument)
  • Finf spot of an Iron Age coin (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Finspot of a Roman upper stone of a quern. (Monument)
  • Finspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze disc brooch, missing pin. (Find Spot)
  • Fire Station (ex Theobalds Bus Depot) (Monument)
  • First Golder (tithe map) (BA) (Monument)
  • Fitzgerald Meadow, Boxford, (Mesolithic), (Monument)
  • Five boundary stones of uknown date. (Monument)
  • Five concentrations of clay pipe fragments observed in a ploughed field. (field now part of lake?) (Monument)
  • Five cores and two scrapers found during gravel extraction in gravel pits S of Weybread house (S1). (Monument)
  • Five metal detected Iron Age coins from mainly Roman site. (IA) (Monument)
  • Fiveways ("Field 4") (Med) (Monument)
  • Fiveways (IA) (Monument)
  • Fiveways; Bridge Farm (Rom)
  • Flatford Dry Dock & Barge, East Bergholt, Suffolk (Monument)
  • Fleming's Hall (Monument)
  • Flint Chisel, Eriswell High Warren (Find Spot)
  • Flint core, Brandon Park; Forest Compartment 2033 (Find Spot)
  • Flint scatter : 70 scrapers, 9 thumbnail scrapers, 5 points, etc. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Flixton Hall Estate School (site of) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (quarry) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (quarry) Bronze Age (BA) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (quarry) Neolithic (Neo) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (quarry) Post-medieval (Monument)
  • Flixton Park (quarry) Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry Early Anglo-Saxon (Sax) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, Flixton, Phase 5 (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (BA) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (Neo) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (PMed) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (IA) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (Neo) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (Neo) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (Sax) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park Quarry, Phase 5 (Un) (Monument)
  • Flixton Park, Bronze Age (Quarry) (Monument)
  • Floodlighting, MT Compound, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Flowton Road (Sax) (Monument)
  • Fordham Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Fordham Road (Monument)
  • Fordham Road (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Foreshore (Monument)
  • Foreshore (Sax) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Forest Blocks 2006 & 2014 (Monument)
  • Forest Lodge Pit, West Stow, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • Forest Road 83, Wordwell, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Forestry Commission, Replanted Area, 1988/1989, (Prehistoric). (Find Spot)
  • Forestry Commission, Replanted Area, 1988/1989, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Forestry Compartment 2001, Brandon Park (Monument)
  • Forestry Compartment 2003, Brandon Park (Monument)
  • Forestry Compartment 2082, Elveden Warren, Elveden, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Forestry Road 83, Kings Forest (Monument)
  • Forestry Road 83, Kings Forest (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • Forestry Road 83, Kings Forest (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • Forestry Road 83, Kings Forest, Wordwell, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Former ancient woodland of unknown date, shown on maps of 1595 and 1721. (Monument)
  • Former Andrews and Plumptons Yard, St Andrews Street South (Med) (Monument)
  • Former Andrews and Plumptons Yard, St Andrews Street South (Preh) (Monument)
  • Former Hospital Car Park; RAF Lakenheath (BA) (Monument)
  • Former Hospital Car park; RAF Lakenheath (Med) (Monument)
  • Former Primary School, The Street (Monument)
  • Former Rectory (Monument)
  • Former Waterworks Site, Union Street (Monument)
  • Fornham By-Pass (area C), Fornham St Martin. (Monument)
  • Fornham by-pass (Med) (Monument)
  • Fornham by-pass (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fornham By-Pass (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Fornham cursus (Monument)
  • Fornham Cursus, Fornham, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Fornham Cursus, Fornham, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Fornham Cursus. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Fornham Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Fornham Park; Sewage Works (Monument)
  • Fort William Plantation (Rom) (Monument)
  • Forty Farm, Hurdle Drove, West Row Fen. (Monument)
  • Forty Farm, Hurdle Drove, West Row Fen. (Monument)
  • Four ?worked flints, from finds scatter from backfilled trench (new sewage pipeline)(S1). (Un) (Monument)
  • Four bags labelled `pottery from Long Green (Monument)
  • Four concentrations of C12-C14 pottery found in a field stradling the Rumburgh/South Elmham All Saints boundary. (Monument)
  • Four full and three partial ring ditches and linear features of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Four parallel close set ditches of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Four Saxon silver sceattas (? C8) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Four small pits with charcoal rich fill and a scatter of burnt flints, of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Fox Farm, Great Bradley (Monument)
  • Foxburrow's Field (Monument)
  • Foxburrows Field (site 2/3/6) (Monument)
  • Foxhall Hall Pit, Foxhall, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
  • Foxhole Heath (Monument)
  • Foxledge Common (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fragment - tip of a spearhead with pronounced mid ribs. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of ? circular bronze roundel or pendant found with a metal detector (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of a bronze lock bolt with triangular perforations, found metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of a bronze rapier blade with a flattened mid-rib. (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of a Colchester type brooch, found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of a medieval bronze buckle with punched small circle decoration (Find Spot)
  • fragment of a Roman brooch, Mill Hill (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of a Roman disc brooch, Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Fragment of an Iron-Age bronze handle from a tankard (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of bronze crossbow brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fragment of bronze socketed axe, blade end, and complete socketed hammer. (BA) (Confidential Monument)
  • Fragment of Bronze-Age socketed knife or axe from field in Barking (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of C6 small-long brooch found metal detecting in mainly Rom scatter (S1). Further Sax finds from 2000. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Fragment of Colchester derivative (hinged pin) brooch, terminal and three silver Republican denarii (Monument)
  • Fragment of Colchester derivative (rear hook fixing) type brooch. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of decorated object with square garnet setting, flat back with small projection. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Fragment of enamelled trumpet brooch (Collingwood Group R (iv)) (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of foot & part bow of large bow brooch (probably Colchester derivative type of C1/early C2) (Find Spot)
  • Fragment of gold (18 carat) brooch, ? Kentish type, with evidence of repair on the back. Also bronze tweezer arm with ring and dot deco… (Sax) (Monument)
  • Fragment of post-medieval gold jewel, ?pendant, (Find Spot)
  • Fragments of flint gritted pottery, probably IA. (IA) (Monument)
  • Fragments of Roman floor tile, Hawstead Place (Monument)
  • Fragments of two moulded stone coffin covers of C13 type, Church Lane (Find Spot)
  • Fragments of two small-long brooches (Monument)
  • Framlingham Airfield (Monument)
  • Framlingham Castle (Med) (Monument)
  • Framlingham Castle (Rom) (Monument)
  • Freckenham Castle (remains of); The Beacon Mound (Med) (Monument)
  • Freckenham Hall (Un) (Confidential Monument)
  • Freckenham House garden (Med) (Monument)
  • Freckenham House garden (Rom) (Monument)
  • Freckenham House garden (Sax) (Monument)
  • Freewood Street (Monument)
  • Freston Park; `Old Tileyard' (late C15) (Monument)
  • Friars Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Friars Lane; The Grindle (Med) (Monument)
  • Friday Street (Monument)
  • Friston Hall (Monument)
  • Fritton Decoy (Un) (Monument)
  • Frogs Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Frogs Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Front Street (Monument)
  • Fuind spot of Iron Age bronze coin of Cunobeline type (Monument)
  • Further Barn Field (Monument)
  • Further Garden Meadow, OS No. 658 (Monument)
  • Further mines meadow (1840 tithe) (Monument)
  • Fynn Hoo Farm (Monument)
  • Gainsborough Road (BA) (Monument)
  • Gainsborough Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Gallow Field (tithe map); Gallow Lane (Monument)
  • Gallow Lane (Monument)
  • Gallows Hill (Med) (Monument)
  • Gallows Hill (Rom) (Monument)
  • Gallows Hill (Tithe Map); Wilford Square (PMed) (Monument)
  • Gallows Hill (Tithe map); Wilford Square (Un) (Monument)
  • Garden Cottage (PMed) (Monument)
  • Gardenhouse Field, Pound Field. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Gardenhouse Field, Pound Field. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Gardenhouse Field, Pound Field. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Gardenhouse Field; Pound Field (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Garth' (Monument)
  • Gate Farm (Monument)
  • Gate Ford (Sax) (Monument)
  • Gate House Farm (Monument)
  • GBMA (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Gedding Hall (Monument)
  • Gedding Hall Brick Kiln (Monument)
  • Gerald Palmers, Maids Cross (PMed) (Monument)
  • GGBMA I (Sax) (PAS find)
  • GGBMA II (Med) (PAS find)
  • Giffords Hall (Monument)
  • Gilt bronze disc brooch with 7 lobes. (Find Spot)
  • Gipping Farm (Monument)
  • Glass bead, slightly irregular in section, dark blue glass with white swirls (S3). (Monument)
  • Glebe Farm (Monument)
  • Glebe Farm, Spears Hill; Long Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Glebe Farm, Spears Hill; Long Green (Preh) (Monument)
  • Glebe Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Glem Bridge; Glemsforde Brydge (1580) (Monument)
  • Glemham Hall gardens (Monument)
  • Glemham House - dovecote (Monument)
  • Glemham House (Monument)
  • Glemham Park; Stratford St Andrew (Monument)
  • Glenside, Anglo-Saxon coin (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Glenside, Roman finds (Rom) (Monument)
  • Gobbetts Road (Monument)
  • Godwins Place (Monument)
  • Gold casing for pyramidal scabbard mount found metal detecting. (PAS find)
  • Gold quarter stater and Greek coin found after cliff-fall (Find Spot)
  • Gold quarter stater found with metal detector (S1). (IA) (Monument)
  • Gold quarter stater of Trinovantian type and Iceni Face-Horse B type coin. (IA) (Monument)
  • Gold ring, 22ct, inscribed `Remember the absent' inside loop (Monument)
  • Gold stater (Find Spot)
  • Gold stater of Catuvellauni. (Monument)
  • Gold stater of Iceni, Mack type 397 (Allen 1970, plate I, No 11). (Find Spot)
  • Gold stater, Gallo-Belgic A, Ambiani, face left. (Monument)
  • Gold stater, Trinovantian of Addedomos(?), six armed spiral, horse right. (Find Spot)
  • Golf Course Green 7 (Monument)
  • Goose Hill (Monument)
  • Grange Farm Development, Foxhall (Find Spot)
  • Grange Farm, Kesgrave, OS 4846, 7300, 2064 (field number) (Monument)
  • Grange Farm, Walton (BA) (Monument)
  • Grange Farm, Walton (IA) (Monument)
  • Grange Farm, Walton (Sax) (Monument)
  • Grange Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Grange Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Grange Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Grange Wood (Monument)
  • Gravel Drove, West Row (Find Spot)
  • Gravel Drove, West Row (Monument)
  • Gravel Drove, West Row (Monument)
  • Gravel Drove, West Row. (Monument)
  • Gravel Hill (Tilbrooks) (Monument)
  • Gravel Hill, Nayland (Monument)
  • Gravel Pit Hill (Tithe); Bunkers Barn (Monument)
  • Graveyard (extension) (Monument)
  • Great Back Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Great Back Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Great Church Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Great Church Meadow (Tithe Map)(OS 112) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Great Churchyard of Abbey (Monument)
  • Great Glemham Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • Great Kell, Nunns Lane; The Lows (Monument)
  • Great Laymans (IA) (Monument)
  • Great Laymans (Rom) (Monument)
  • Great Normans (Field name - tithe) (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Great Parke (Monument)
  • Great Saxes Farm (Monument)
  • Great Sexton's Meadows (Monument)
  • Great Whittingham Green (Monument)
  • Green Farm; Hermitage; Blower Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Green Heath (Monument)
  • Green Heath; beach (Med) (Monument)
  • Green Lane (Find Spot)
  • Green Lane, Barningham, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Green, Rede Hall (Monument)
  • Greens Field (Monument)
  • Gregory Street, Sudbury. (IA) (Monument)
  • Gregory Street, Sudbury. (Med) (Monument)
  • Gregory Street, Sudbury. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Gregory Street; Stour House (BA) (Monument)
  • Greshaw Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Greshaw Green (Monument)
  • Greshaw Green (Monument)
  • Grey flint chisel. (Monument)
  • Grey ware pottery sherds plus one Samian sherd (Monument)
  • Greyfriars (Franciscan Friary) - precinct wall (Monument)
  • Greyfriars (Franciscan Friary) (Monument)
  • Greyfriars Monastery; Franciscan Friary (Monument)
  • Grime Fen (BA) (Monument)
  • Grime Fen (Neo) (Monument)
  • Grime Fen (Neo) (Monument)
  • Grime Fen (Rom) (Monument)
  • Grime Fen, White Fen, Lakenheath, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • Grime Fen; White Fen (Neo) (Monument)
  • Grime Fen; White Fen (Un) (Monument)
  • Grimes tenement, site of (Monument)
  • Grimston Hall (Monument)
  • Grimston Hall (Monument)
  • Grimstone End (Neo) (Monument)
  • Grimstone End (PMed) (Monument)
  • Grimstone End (Rom) (Monument)
  • Grimstone End (Sax) (Monument)
  • Groat of Robert III of Scotland (1390-1406), Seaby 5164. Found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Groton Hall (Monument)
  • Group of bronzework, mainly late Med - C17, including buckles, book clasp, belt mount, found metal detecting (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Group of medieval finds, Cliff (Monument)
  • Group of Roman coins (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Group of round barrows, Sutton Hoo; Sutton Mounts; Mound 11 (Monument)
  • Group of three buildings, belonging to Mr John Clinch, shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton, 1629 (S1). (Monument)
  • Group of three buildings, belonging to Rose Compton, shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton, 1629 (S1). (Monument)
  • Group of tile fragments, generally large pieces, including tegula, imbrex, box and plain flat types. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Group of timber posts noted in inter-tidal zone in 1970s, now said to be washed away. (Monument)
  • Group of unglazed C13-C14 sherds, also some glazed C16-C17 sherds (green- glazed and glazed red earthenware) and stoneware. (Monument)
  • Grove Farm (Monument)
  • Grove Farm, Ringsfield Common (Monument)
  • Grove Field (Monument)
  • Grove Field (Site 2/4/2) BY88Z; Ten Acres Field (Monument)
  • Grundisburgh Hall and park (formerly Sigers or Seagers) (Monument)
  • Grundisburgh Hall Park (Monument)
  • Grundle Farm (Monument)
  • Guildhall (Monument)
  • Gull Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Gull Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Gull Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Gull Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Gull Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Gull Farm, Debenham, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Gull Farm, Debenham, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Gulling Green Farm (Monument)
  • Gulling Green; The Parsonage; Brockley Place (Monument)
  • Gynners tenement (Monument)
  • Hales Farm Barn Development, Haverhill (Withersfield) (BA) (Monument)
  • Halesworth (Med) (Monument)
  • Halesworth Road (Monument)
  • Halesworth, General, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Half if a polished flint axe and a flaked flint axe ploughed up in a field on the 'south side of Wingfield'. (Neo) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Half Moon Public House (Find Spot)
  • Hall Barn (Monument)
  • Hall Common (Monument)
  • Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Hall Farm, Elms Road, Freckenham (Monument)
  • Hall Farm, Swilland Hall (Monument)
  • Hall Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Hall Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Hall Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hall Road, Oulton Broad. (Monument)
  • Hall Road, Wash Lane (BA) (Monument)
  • Hall Street (Monument)
  • Hall Street (Monument)
  • Halll Mill (Monument)
  • Hambridgehouse (Monument)
  • Handmade rim sherd with fingertip impressions, vegetable temper fabric. (IA) (Monument)
  • Hardings Farm (Monument)
  • Hardwick House (Monument)
  • Hardwick Manor House (Monument)
  • Harleston Green, Shelland (Monument)
  • Harleston Hall (Monument)
  • Hartest Lane (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Hartest Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Hasketon Detector Rally Site 1996, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Hatten's Farm (Monument)
  • Havberd tenement, site of (Monument)
  • Haverhill Castle (Monument)
  • Hawks Lane (Monument)
  • Hawstead Lodge (Monument)
  • Hawstead Manor (site of) (Monument)
  • Hawstead Place (Monument)
  • Hawstead Place (Monument)
  • Hawstead Place (Monument)
  • Hayland Drove (BA) (Monument)
  • Hayland Drove (Monument)
  • Hayland Drove, West Row Fen; F36; OS Field 1544 (BA) (Monument)
  • Hayland Drove, West Row Fen; F36; OS Field 1544 (Neo) (Monument)
  • Hayland Drove; OS Field 3045; F21 (Neo) (Monument)
  • Hayland Drove; F32 (BA) (Monument)
  • Haylands Drove (Neo) (Monument)
  • Haylands Drove; F27 & F28; OS Fields 3200 & 6100 (BA) (Monument)
  • Hazel Stub (Find Spot)
  • Hazel Stub (Monument)
  • Hazel Stub (PMed) (Monument)
  • Head of C6 small-long brooch, damaged. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Heath Farm (Monument)
  • Heath Farm (Monument)
  • Heath Farm (Monument)
  • Heath Farm (Monument)
  • Heath Farm (Monument)
  • Heath Lane (Monument)
  • Heavily burnt area of clay and mortar of Medieval or Post Medieval date (Monument)
  • Hempnalls Hall; Caldecott (Monument)
  • Hempsalls (BA) (Monument)
  • Hempsalls (Neo) (Monument)
  • Hempsalls (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hempsalls (The Hempstills, 1839) (IA) (Monument)
  • Hengrave Hall (Building)
  • Hengrave Hall (Building)
  • Hengrave Park (Monument)
  • Hengrave Park; Mount Hill (Monument)
  • Henham Deer Park (Monument)
  • Henham Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Henham Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • Henham Hall Garden (Monument)
  • Henham Landscape Park (Monument)
  • Henham Park (BA) (Monument)
  • Henham Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Henham Park (Monument)
  • Henham Park (Monument)
  • Henham Park (Monument)
  • Henham Park (Rom) (Monument)
  • Henry VII half groat minted Canterbury (Find Spot)
  • Heraldic horse brass, Moore Paragon, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds (Find Spot)
  • Hercules Went (Monument)
  • Hernehill Farm (Monument)
  • Herringswell General, (Mesolithic, Neolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Hexagonal bronze seal matrix C14?, silver pennies (Edward III) and a base silver jetton. (Med) (Monument)
  • High Fen (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • High Fen (Rom) (Monument)
  • High Fen (Sax) (Monument)
  • High Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • High Hill Farm (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • High Hill Farm (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • High Lodge (Find Spot)
  • High Lodge Camp (Monument)
  • High Lodge Farm; High Lodge; Downham Lodge (Monument)
  • High Lodge Visitor Centre (BA) (Monument)
  • High Pale Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • High Pale Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • High Street (Med) (Monument)
  • High Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • High Street (Un) (Monument)
  • High Street Green (Monument)
  • High Street, Lakenheath. (IA) (Monument)
  • High Street, Lakenheath. (Rom) (Monument)
  • High View Market Garden (Monument)
  • Higham Bridge (Monument)
  • Highfen Farm, White Fen (Monument)
  • Highfield: Harefield: Flint Acre, Market Lane (Monument)
  • Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Hill Farm Gravel Pit (Med) (Monument)
  • Hill Farm Gravel Pit (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hill Farm Gravel Pit, Wangford with Henham, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Hill Farm Gravel Pit, Wangford with Henham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • Hill Farm, Somersham. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hill House Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Hill House Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hill House, Three Firs (Monument)
  • Hill/Hall Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Hill/Hall Field (Preh) (Monument)
  • Hill/Hall Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Preh) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Hillside Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • Hillside Road East (PMed) (Monument)
  • Hillside/Sunnydale(?), Knox Lane (Monument)
  • Hilt fragment of a bronze sword of Wilburton type, with two rivet holes (Find Spot)
  • Hinderclay Wood (Monument)
  • Hintlesham (Great) Wood (Monument)
  • Hintlesham Hall; Hintlesham Park (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (IA) (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (Roman) (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (Sax) (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (Un) (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory, Brandon (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Hisses Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Hisses Farm (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Hitcham House (Monument)
  • 'HL'; North Street (IA) (PAS find)
  • Hoard - LBA founder's. (Monument)
  • Hoard of 160 silver plated bronze contemporary forgeries of denarii of Claudius I struck between AD 46 - AD 51 including numerous die links. (Monument)
  • Hoard of Boy Bishop tokens and lead blanks found during metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Hockey Field (Monument)
  • Hockhouse Grove (IA) (Monument)
  • Hockhouse Grove (Monument)
  • Hockhouse Grove (Preh) (Monument)
  • Hockhouse Grove (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hod hill type brooch, Mildenhall/West Row Road (Find Spot)
  • Hoggett Lay; West End Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • Holbrook Bay (Monument)
  • Holbrook C P School (Monument)
  • Holbrook Hall (original) (Monument)
  • Hollocks Grove (Monument)
  • Hollow way(?) circa 3m deep, to N of present road from Whatfield to A1141, which appears to be cut into S side of S bank defining hollow way (S1). (Monument)
  • Holly Bush Farm (Monument)
  • Holly Lane (rally site, 1998). 'F 261a' 'F264' (SE suffolk survey) (Un) (Monument)
  • Hollywell Drove (BA) (Monument)
  • Holy Trinity Church (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (BA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (BA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers (Rom) (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic/Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers, Mildenhall, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers, Mildenhall, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Holywell Dolvers, Mildenhall, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove (IA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove (Neo) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Beck Row (BA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Beck Row. (BA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Beck Row. (IA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Beck Row. (IA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Beck Row. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Holywell Row Cemetery (Monument)
  • Home Covert (Monument)
  • Home Farm (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Home Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Home Farm Cottage site and associated artefacts (Monument)
  • Homersfield Lake, Homersfield, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • Honeypot Farm (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Honeypots Farm; Godbolds in the Wood (Monument)
  • Honeypots Farm; Godbolds in the Wood (Monument)
  • Honington Airfield; Gibbet Covert (Monument)
  • Horringer Court; Horringer Red House (1837); Clarice House (2003) (Monument)
  • Horsecroft; Gipsy Lane; Horsecroft Road (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Horselands Field (Monument)
  • Horselands Field (Monument)
  • Horselands Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Horselands Field; Roman Villa SW of Weatherhill Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Horseshoe Ponds, Hengrave Hall (Monument)
  • Hospital of Holy Trinity ; Maison Dieu Hospital (Monument)
  • Hospital of St Mary Magdalen (Monument)
  • Hospital of St Peter's (Monument)
  • Houghton Hall (Monument)
  • Houghton Hall (Monument)
  • House at the north end of `Sandgrene', described as a bond tenement of the manor of Sutton, belonging to w Burwell, marked on William Haiward's map o… (Monument)
  • House belonging to Henry Foster(?) shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton, 1629 (S1). (Monument)
  • House shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton, 1629, described as a bond tenement of the manor of Fen Hall, belonging to William Marsh (S1). (Monument)
  • House shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton, 1629, described as belonging to Mr Burwell (S1). (Monument)
  • Howe Lane (Monument)
  • Hoxne New Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Human bones, iron knife and iron object (Saxon) excavated by Basil Brown on ridge in field between Calke Wood and Walnut Tree Farm in February 1936. (Monument)
  • Hundon Great Lodge; Great Park (Monument)
  • Hundred Lane (Monument)
  • Hundred Lane; Swilltub Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Hundred Lane; Swilltub Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hunstonhall Farm, Hunston, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Hurst Fen (IA) (Monument)
  • Hut Hill (Monument)
  • IA artefact scatter Chippenham Road (IA) (PAS find)
  • IA artefact scatter, Brook Farm (IA) (PAS find)
  • IA coin and harness, Mill Field (tithe) (Monument)
  • IA coins and terret ring (Find Spot)
  • IA pottery sherd scatter, concentrated to W of the field. (IA) (Monument)
  • IA silver coin found with a metal detector (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Iceni Pattern-Horse coin found metal detecting in area of cropmark enclosure. (IA) (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (BA) (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (IA) (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Preh) (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Rom) (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Sax) (Monument)
  • Ickworth Green (Monument)
  • Ickworth Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • Ickworth House; Ickworth Park (Monument)
  • Ickworth Lodge (Monument)
  • Ickworth Park (Monument)
  • Ickworth Park (Monument)
  • Ickworth Park (Monument)
  • Ickworth Park (Monument)
  • Iken Decoy (Monument)
  • Illegible denarius found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • In large pit on Stuston Common, 8-9 feet diameter, Basil Brown found hearth of EBA, probably used for making pottery. (Monument)
  • Infilled pit/pond and medieval pottery, 1 Stoney Road (Monument)
  • Ingham Quarry (Monument)
  • Ingham Quarry (Monument)
  • Ingham Quarry, Ingham, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Ingham Quarry, Ingham, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Ingham Well (Monument)
  • Inhumations of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Intense Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, animal remains and pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Interrupted Ditch System / Causewayed Enclosure at Potash Farm (Monument)
  • Ipswich Road (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Ipswich Road, Orford. (Monument)
  • Ipswich ware finds, West Stow Medieval Village (Find Spot)
  • Iron adze found metal detecting 1999 (Find Spot)
  • Iron Age and Middle Saxon activity, Kesgrave Quarry (N Face) (Monument)
  • Iron- Age artefact scatter of hand-made pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron Age ditch at Carlton Park Phase 2B (Hollow Lane) (Monument)
  • Iron Age features including a cremation and possible bank at Ingham Quarry, Fornham St. Genevieve (Monument)
  • Iron Age finds, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 3') (Find Spot)
  • Iron Age or Roman coin, Pakefield cliffs (Monument)
  • Iron Age pit and two post holes (Monument)
  • Iron Age rim sherd. (Monument)
  • Iron Age settlement site, Sandy Lane Pit (Monument)
  • Iron Age silver coin (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Iron Gasholder, Lavenham Gasworks (Monument)
  • Irona Age pottery sherds, Wangford Warren (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Iron-Age and Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age and Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age and Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter including 4 hand-made pottery sherds. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter including a possible hand-made pottery sherd. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 2 hand made sherds, also of Roman greyware. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 2 sherds of flint-gritted hand-made ware. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 3 body sherds of hand made flint gritted pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 3 sherds of flint-gritted pottery within a larger Medieval scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 3 silver Iceni coins. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 4 sherds of flint gritted pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 4 silver coins. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a bronze coin of Cunobeline and a La Tene 1 type brooch. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a flint gritted pottery sherd and a coin of Tasciovanus. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a human skeleton, 2 horses, a gold torc, iron sword and axe (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a large group of coins, including various Iceni type. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a silver coin and a bronze forgery of a Corieltauvi stater coin. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of burnt flints, worked flints and pottery. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of coins and pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of flint gritted pottery sherds and a coin of Cunobelinus. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of flint gritted pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of flint-gritted handmade pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of flint-gritted pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of Gold Gallo-Belgic quarter stater, seven Iceni silver coins and a toggle (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of hand made flint-gritted pottery sherds. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of hand-made flint-gritted pottery sherds. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of hand-made flint-gritted pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of handmade flint-tempered pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of metalwork within area of a Roman settlement scatter. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery and animal remains. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery and coins, including 2 gold staters- Iceni double crescents and a few Iceni silver and 2 cast potin coins. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery and flints. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including large hand-made sherds (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including 2 sherds of hand-made flint-gritted pottery (Find Spot)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including 3 sherds of hand-made flint gritted pottery. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including one sherd of flint-gritted pottery found within a Roman pottery scatter. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including sherds of flint gritted ware. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including some handmade pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, including three hand-made sherds with burnt flint grit. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, silver coins and a gold coin (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of small quantities of hand-made black burnished wares. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of three flint gritted sherds. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of two bronze coins and an unidentified bronze object. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of two sherds of heavily burnt flint, gritted with red exterior. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of two silver Iceni coins and two brooches (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter, including 3 Iceni stater coins. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter. (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact sctater of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age site, visible as circular black patches situated along an underlying gravel ridge. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age trapezium shaped double ditched enclosure (Monument)
  • Irregular enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Irregular roughly oval or sub square enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Irrelgular enclosure, roughly hexagonal shaped of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Isolation hospital (Un) (Monument)
  • Items found metal detecting (on cropmark site) include 35 Rom coins, brooches, cosmetic grinders and stylus fragment. (Rom) (Confidential Monument)
  • Items found metal detecting, mainly Rom. (Med) (Monument)
  • Items found within 20 feet of each other, with a metal detector, possibly part of a dispersed LBA hoard (Monument)
  • Ixworth Abbey (PMed) (Monument)
  • Ixworth Priory (now `Ixworth Abbey') (Med) (Monument)
  • Ixworth School (Monument)
  • Jack Knotts Hill, Thurston (Monument)
  • Jacks Grove (Monument)
  • Jacqueline Close (Monument)
  • James I silver penny, Field 1258 (Find Spot)
  • Jan/Feb 1995: Metal detected decorated hilt and joining part blade of rapier fragment, 146mm long. (Find Spot)
  • January 1985: Five sherds C13/C14 coarse ware from `TM 184 538' (S1). (Monument)
  • January 1986: 2 body sherds Med coarse ware and 1 lava quern stone fragment located during parish fieldwalking survey. (Med) (Monument)
  • January 1996? - Metal detector finds of buckle and silver short cross penny (Monument)
  • Jays Farm (Monument)
  • Jeagor Farm, Derricks Field, Holywell Row, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithc) (Find Spot)
  • Jeagor Farm; Derricks Field; Holywell Row (Monument)
  • Jeagor Farm; Derricks Field; Holywell Row (Monument)
  • Jennies (Monument)
  • Jerry's Barn (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (BA) (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (IA) (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (IA) (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (IA) (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (Neo) (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (Un) (Monument)
  • Joist Fen, Lakenheath, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Jubilee Fields (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Jubilee House (Monument)
  • Jude's Ferry, Mildenhall (Monument)
  • Judes Ferry, West Row (Rom) (Monument)
  • July 1998: Monitoring of small housing development located Med features and footings (mainly of crag) of substantial C16/C17 building. (Med) (Monument)
  • July 1999: finds scatter of Roman and mainly Medieval pottery seen during watching brief. (Rom) (Monument)
  • July(?) 1999: Scatter of Medieval pottery located on pasture field surface (mole action?) by Trevor Preston. (Monument)
  • June 1992: single sherd of Roman grey ware found fieldwalking (Find Spot)
  • June/July 1994: Part of fine bifacially worked, leaf shaped arrowhead (tip third missing) found on surface whilst weeding onions. (Monument)
  • Just West of Wyken, Ixworth, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Justice Wood Farm (Monument)
  • Kedington Hill (IA) (PAS find)
  • Kedington Hill (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Kedington Hill (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Kedington Mill Garden (Neo) (Monument)
  • Keebles Yard (Monument)
  • Keelson of post-medieval wooden sailing ship, Orford Ness (Monument)
  • 'Keepers Cottage' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Keepers Cottage' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Keepers Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Keepers Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Keepers Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Keepers Field, Bardwell, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Kelsale Lodge (Monument)
  • Kenton Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Kents Close, Chediston, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Kents Field, Chediston, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Kerrys Farm, Kerrys Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Kerrys Farm, Kerrys Lane (PMed) (Monument)
  • Kerseys Field (Monument)
  • Kessingland beach (Monument)
  • Kettleberr's Manor; Swans Dam (Monument)
  • Kettles Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Key handle, trilobate type (Find Spot)
  • Kiln Field (Monument)
  • Kiln Field (Monument)
  • Kiln Lane (IA) (Monument)
  • Kiln Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Kiln Lane, Stowlangtoft, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Kiln site. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Kings (moated?) site (Monument)
  • Kings Forest cpt 4037, North Stow (Monument)
  • Kings Forest cpt 4042, North Stow, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Kings Forest, compartment 4145 (BA) (Monument)
  • Kings Forest, Compartment 4145 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Kings Staunch (Cow Gravel); River Lark (Monument)
  • Kingsway (Monument)
  • Knettishall Heath (Monument)
  • Knettishall Heath (Monument)
  • Knettishall Heath (Monument)
  • Knettishall Heath Country Park (Monument)
  • Knettishall Heath, Knettishall, (Mesolithic-Bronze Age). (Monument)
  • Kyleborne Close (Monument)
  • Kyson Point (Monument)
  • Kyson Point brickworks (Monument)
  • Lackford Bridge Quarry (IA) (Monument)
  • Lackford Bridge Quarry (Neo) (Monument)
  • Lackford Bridge Quarry (Rom) (Monument)
  • Lackford Bridge Quarry (Sax) (Monument)
  • Lackford Bridge Quarry, West Stow, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Lackford Bridge, West Stow, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Lackford double lock, River Lark Navigation (Monument)
  • Lackford Green (Monument)
  • Lackford Pit (Monument)
  • Lackford Sand & Gravel Pit (Rom) (Monument)
  • Lackford Sand & Gravel Pit (Un) (Monument)
  • Lackford Sand & Gravel Pit, West Stow, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Lake Sediments at Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Airfield (BA) (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Airfield; Caudle Head (Rom) (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Airfield; Skills Centre (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Airfield; Swimming Pool (Monument)
  • Lakeside, Great Finborough, (Prehistoric). (PAS find)
  • Lambeth Way
  • Lambeth Way (Monument)
  • Lambeth Way (Monument)
  • Lambeth Way (Monument)
  • Land adj 29 Front Street, Mendlesham (Monument)
  • Land Adj. 'The Haven', Rectory Rd, Middleton, post medieval (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Land Adj. 'The Haven', Rectory Rd, Middleton, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Land Adj. 'The Haven', Rectory Road, Middleton, medieval (Med) (Monument)
  • Land adjacent Parrot & Punchbowl (Med) (Monument)
  • Land adjacent to 30 Fore Street, Framlingham (Monument)
  • Land adjacent to Bramertons, Long Melford (IA) (Monument)
  • Land adjacent to Bramertons, Long Melford (Rom) (Monument)
  • Land adjacent to Hornbeam, Little Green, Gislingham (Monument)
  • Land adjacent to Lime Tree Farm (Monument)
  • Land adjacent to Topos. (Monument)
  • Land at Folly Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Land at Folly Farm (Preh) (Monument)
  • Land at Folly Farm, Tattingstone (Un) (Monument)
  • Land behind Main Road, off Wrights Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Land off Aldridge Lane (Monument)
  • Land off Chapel Road (Monument)
  • Land off Lowestoft Road (BA) (Monument)
  • Land off Lowestoft Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Land off Lowestoft Road (Monument)
  • Land off New Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Land off New Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Land off New Road, Framlingham (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Land off Rendham Rd, Saxmundham (Rom) (Monument)
  • Land off Rendham Road, Saxmundham (IA) (Monument)
  • Land Opposite Medite House, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich, (IAS 9136). (Monument)
  • Land to the rear of 276 High Street, Walton (Monument)
  • Land to the rear of 'Wrights', St Catherine's Road (PMed) (Monument)
  • Land to the rear of 'Wrights', St Catherine's Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Landguard (PMed) (Monument)
  • Landguard (PMed) (Monument)
  • Landguard (PMed) (Monument)
  • Landguard Fort complex, post 1720 (PMed) (Monument)
  • Landwade (Monument)
  • Landwade Hall (Monument)
  • Landwade Hall (site of) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Lane Field, Chediston Grange Farm (Neo) (Monument)
  • Lane Field, Chediston Grange. (BA) (Monument)
  • Langham Bridge (Monument)
  • Langham field (Monument)
  • Langlands; Middle Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Langton Grove Farm (Monument)
  • Large amount of pottery, including numerous large fragments. from the edge of a field (S1). Mostly C15-C16. (Monument)
  • Large Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery (Monument)
  • Large Anglo-Saxon hand-made pottery sherd. (Monument)
  • Large area of earthworks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Large artefact scatter of burnt flint and three unpatinated flint flakes of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Large clay lined pit, truncated by footing trench excavation. (Monument)
  • Large decorative pinhead with applied bronze wire dividing the surface into cells with gilding all over. (Find Spot)
  • Large Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery. (Med) + (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Large Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks, including a coin and a ring. (Monument)
  • Large medieval pottery scatter in field, Church Meadow (Med) (Monument)
  • Large metalwork scatter apparently confined to this field found metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Large Park Field (Monument)
  • Large part-polished flint axe (Monument)
  • Large pit or ditch, CEVCP School, The Street (Monument)
  • Large Post Medieval ring ditch, the site of a windmill. (Monument)
  • Large quantity of pottery from possible Medieval kiln site (Monument)
  • Large rim sherd of Ipswich ware of fairly gritty sandy fabric but not `pimply' found on the beach. (Monument)
  • Large ring ditch of unknown date, vivible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery (PAS find)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Large Roman Artefact scatter of pottery and roof tiles (Monument)
  • Large Roman Artefact scatter of pottery and roof tiles (Monument)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of pottery, coins and brooches (Monument)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter, including flue tile and oyster shells. (Monument)
  • Large Roman scatter probably from villa type complex. (Monument)
  • Large Roman settlement area (Monument)
  • Large Saxon cruciform brooch with side knobs missing and a good "horses head" foot (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Large triangular piece of hard chalk pierced at apex for suspension as a medieval plumb bob (Find Spot)
  • Large, polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Late 1990: footings of building, apparently of ?brick and stone found while hand digging post hole close to, and to SW of, large pond,… (PMed) (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age activity at Game Farm (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age pegged spearhead, Bagsham, West Row (Find Spot)
  • Late medieval and post-medieval finds, Pound Hall Field (Monument)
  • Late medieval bronze token (Find Spot)
  • Late medieval finger ring, Saddlers Cottage (Monument)
  • Late Medieval kiln site. Reddened earth and clay with great quantities of wasters. Jugs, storage jars, bungholes, etc. (Monument)
  • Later Prehistoric artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Lattinford Bridge (Monument)
  • Lattinford Hill (Monument)
  • Lattinford Hill (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Laurel-leaf(?) fragment and leaf arrowhead found while metal detecting. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Lavenham Hall (Monument)
  • Lavenham Hall (Monument)
  • Lawshall - Alpheton pipeline (Monument)
  • Layer burnt flint and charcoal. (Monument)
  • Lead ampulla. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Lead pilgrim's ampulla, scallop shell with pierced handles on either side (Find Spot)
  • Lead scallop shaped ampulla with twin triangular loops at base of neck. (Med) (Monument)
  • Lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Lead seal matrix, pointed oval shape, "Alice wife of Nicholas" around leaf design, and part of a purse frame bar with niello inscriptio… (Med) (Monument)
  • Lead seal matrix, pointed oval with ridge on back. (Med) (Monument)
  • Lead seal matrix, pointed oval, inscribed +S ROBINI. Also seal matrix found in 2002. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Lead St Nicholas ('Boy bishop') token, groat size, pierced for suspension (Find Spot)
  • Leaf shaped flint arrowhead found on surface while metal detecting whole field (S1). (Neo) (Find Spot)
  • Leaf-shaped spearhead with a peg-hole, missing point, and also one side of socket which looks like a casting failure. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Leaseland Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Lee Farm (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Lee Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Lee Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Lee Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Lee Farm, Freckenham, (Roman) (PAS find)
  • Leiston Abbey, Abbey Farm. (Monument)
  • Leiston Road (Monument)
  • Letheringham Abbey (PMed) (Monument)
  • Letheringham Lodge (Monument)
  • Letheringham Lodge (Monument)
  • Letheringham Mill (Monument)
  • Letheringham Priory (Med) (Monument)
  • Letheringham Water Mill (Sax) (Monument)
  • LIA and Early Roman pottery sherds, Yeoman's Cottage, Little St Mary's (Monument)
  • LIA coins found metal detecting. (IA) (Monument)
  • Lidgate Castle (Monument)
  • Light scatter of Med sherds (Monument)
  • Light scatter of Rom grey ware sherds and 1 colour coat sherd (Monument)
  • 'Lilliput', Lodge Lane (Monument)
  • Limekiln Farm, Brandon (Monument)
  • Limekiln, Mount pits, Thetford Road (Monument)
  • Linear banks and ditches of unknown date, visible as earthworks. (Monument)
  • Linear boundaries of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Lingheath Flint Mines (Monument)
  • Liston Bridge (Monument)
  • Little Eriswell, Eriswell, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Little Fakenham DMV (Monument)
  • Little Hill (field name - tithe) (Monument)
  • Little Mead (Monument)
  • Little Ouse River (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Little Ouse River (Monument)
  • Little Ouse River (Rom) (Monument)
  • Little Paddocks Farm, Kenny Hill. (Monument)
  • Little Plumbs (Tithe name) (Monument)
  • Little Saxham Hall (Confidential Monument)
  • Lloyds Bank, Market Place. (Med) (Monument)
  • Lloyd's Bank, Market Place. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Location of a small scatter of burnt flint of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Lodge Farm (Monument)
  • Lodge Farm, Brandeston Lawne (1844), Kettleburgh (Monument)
  • London Road, Beccles, (Prehistoric-Post Medieval). (Monument)
  • Long Roberts Mead (Monument)
  • Long Uphall Field, Chediston Grange Farm (Monument)
  • Long Walk, Henham Park (Monument)
  • Longs Farm (Monument)
  • Looms Lane (Monument)
  • Loosgrene (Monument)
  • Lord Somerleyton's field No. 10, Blundeston, (Medieval-Post Medieval). (Monument)
  • Lord Somerleyton's field No. 10, Blundeston, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Lord Somerleyton's field No. 13, Blundeston, (Medieval-Post Medieval). (Monument)
  • Lord Somerleyton's field No. 13, Blundeston, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Lord Somerleyton's Field Number 08, Blundeston, (Medieval-Post Medieval). (Monument)
  • Lord Somerleyton's Field Number 08, Blundeston, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Lothingland Hospital; Oulton Poor Law Institution; Union Workhouse (Monument)
  • Lotmans Carr, Beccles, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Loudham Church ; Loudham Hall (Monument)
  • Lound Run (Monument)
  • Lovetofts Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 8122). (Monument)
  • Low Farm (formerly); Flimworth Hall (Monument)
  • Low Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Low Road (Monument)
  • Low Road (Rom) (Monument)
  • Low Road (Sax) (and BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Low Road (Sax) (Monument)
  • Lower Clamps (Monument)
  • Lower Common, Clare Camp; Erbury (Med) (Monument)
  • Lower Common, Clare Camp; Erbury (Un) (Monument)
  • Lower Dales (Monument)
  • Lower Dales (Monument)
  • Lower Falkenham Road (Monument)
  • Lower Holbrook (Monument)
  • Lower Park Field (Monument)
  • Lower Park Field (Monument)
  • Lower part of flat brooch bow with crude animal head. Found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Lower Signal Hill (Neo) (Monument)
  • Lower Signal Hill, Hollesley, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Lower Whent, Bardwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Lowestoft Porcelain Factory (Monument)
  • Lowestoft Water Treatment Works; Stirrups Lane (Preh) (Monument)
  • Lowestoft Water Treatment Works; Stirrups Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Luke's Cottage, Syleham, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Lytle Parke (Monument)
  • Lyttleton Meadow (Med) (Monument)
  • Lyttleton Meadow (PMed) (Monument)
  • M/LSax belt mount, quadrilateral with four open sectors near centre, ?animal head decoration at each point. (Find Spot)
  • Maidenhall School, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich, (IAS 9302). (Find Spot)
  • Maids Cross Hill (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Maids Cross Hill (Med) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Maids Cross Hill (Sax) (Monument)
  • Mainly medieval metal detected finds (Monument)
  • Mallets Field (Monument)
  • Malting Farm (Monument)
  • Manningtrees; Tenement Thomas Broke; Cooks Green (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Hopton) (IA) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Hopton) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Rom) 'Field 365' (Monument)
  • Manor Farm, Hopton (Monument)
  • Manor Farm, Ixworth Thorpe, "Higher up Field from Old Moat" (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm; Maisters Manor (site of) (Monument)
  • Manor Farm; Manor House; Barton (Old) Hall (Monument)
  • Manor House, Market Hill (Monument)
  • Manor of Shottisham (Monument)
  • Manthorp; Manthorp Green (Monument)
  • March 1986: `Nice 16th cent. buckle', metal detected (Find Spot)
  • March-May 1991: Scatter Med, C13/C14, pottery found fieldwalking on area of waste ground to E of area stripped for sand/gravel extraction. (Monument)
  • Market Hill (Monument)
  • Marsh Farm (Monument)
  • Marsh Farm (Neo) (Monument)
  • Marsh Farm Gravel Pit; Brantham Hall Farm Gravel Pit (BA) (Monument)
  • Marsh Farm, Sternfield, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Martello Tower R; Bartlet Hospital (Monument)
  • Martins Marsh (Monument)
  • Martlesham Mill; Mill Farm (Monument)
  • Mason's Quarry - Field F1 (Monument)
  • Mason's Quarry - Field F3 (Preh) (Monument)
  • Masons quarry field F2 (Preh) (Monument)
  • Mason's Quarry, Field F4, Great Blakenham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Mathergate (Monument)
  • May 1993: Metal detector finds including bronze double oval buckle, could be PMed. (Med) (Monument)
  • McLeans building site (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Meadows Field (site 10/4/3) (Monument)
  • Med metal detected finds from area of undated cropmarks (Monument)
  • Med metal detected finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med pottery and metal detected finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med pottery scatter, S of All Saints church, surrounding artificial inlet (now dry). Found during fieldwalking survey. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med pottery sherds and one damaged long cross penny (Monument)
  • Med pottery sherds, glazed and unglazed. (Monument)
  • Med sherds found SW of Thrandeston - fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Med surface finds, 1 rim, 1 base & 4 body sherds Med coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Meddler Stud (Monument)
  • Medeieval pottery, N of Fire Station, Ipswich Road (Monument)
  • Medeival Features and a Post Medieval Pit at Queen's Head, Queen Street, Haverhill (Monument)
  • Medical Supply Building, USAF Little Eriswell; Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
  • Medieaval iron door key, 11 Victoria Avenue (Find Spot)
  • Medieavl artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieavl bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • 'Medieval midden' (Monument)
  • Medieval and late medieval artefact scatter in Freston (Monument)
  • Medieval and later artefact scatter at Home Farm, on edge of former Great Whittingham Green (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact satter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (PAS find)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval artefact scatter of silver coins, ranging from John or Henry III to James I. (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a buckle and a key. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a dagger scabbard chape and 2 long cross pennies of Edward I. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval finds, Old Butchers Shop (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval finds, Rook Hill Farm (Find Spot)
  • Medieval and post medieval material, OS Field 136 & 137 (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval metal detector finds (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval metal finds (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval metalwork, Rook Hill Farm (`Fields 3 & 3a') (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval metalwork, Rook Hill Farm (`Fields 3 & 3a') (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval scatter found on pipeline route. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval and post mediveal finds, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 2') (Monument)
  • Medieval and post-medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval and post-medieval ditches and quarry, Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument)
  • Medieval and post-medieval pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval and post-medieval pottery, Bucklesham to Alton Water Raw Water Main (Find Spot)
  • Medieval and Roman pottery sherds, Hall Farm, off Gipping Road (Monument)
  • Medieval and Roman pottery, Capel St Mary Link Road (Monument)
  • Medieval annular silver brooch, "Undley Meadows" (Find Spot)
  • Medieval aqueduct (Monument)
  • Medieval architectural fragment, Manor Farm Road (Monument)
  • Medieval architectural fragment, Wickham Green (Find Spot)
  • Medieval architectural fragments, The Old Rectory (Monument)
  • Medieval area of burnt clay surrounded by unburnt clay. (Monument)
  • Medieval aretefact scatter (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval aretfact scatter of pottery and metalowrk, including a book fitting. (Monument)
  • Medieval arteafact scatter, including a Papal bull and a pin. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact Medieval artefact scatter consisting of coins, harness and buckle (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact sactter of pottery, mainly unglazed sherds and a few part-glazed sherds, probably from jugs. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatted of unglazed sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including a rim of Thetford ware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter and findspot of a Medieval papal bull and harness pendant. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter consisting of three buckles (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter from bothe the north and south of the church. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter from Camping Ground (1840 tithe) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter from field in Boulge (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter from field in Boulge (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter if pottery, including 2 glazed sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including 5 coins, 2 buckles and 2 strap fittings. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including a hammered silver coin, further coins and pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including a small oval buckle, bronze dagger chape and a casting of a human bust in pewter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including a square bronze weight and bronze rowel spur fragment. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including coins and buckles (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including pottery, weight, scabbard and harness. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including two bronze buckles and a strap end. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter NE side of St Michael's Green (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 15 pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 2 base sherds and 2 body sherds of coarse ware (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 2 bodysherds of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 2 keys and a harness. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 2 seal matrices. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 2 silver half groats of Henry VII. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 28 unglazed pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 4 coarseware sherds (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 40 pot sherds, mostly a mixture of glazed and unglazed, also a clay pipe bowl and fragment of burnt bone. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 40 pot sherds, mostly a mixture of glazed and unglazed, also a clay pipe bowl and fragment of burnt bone. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 5 silver pennies of Edward I. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 7 sherds of coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a buckle and a strap end (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a coin, jetton, seal matrix, harness pendant and mount. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a few sherds pf coarseware and a strap end and a jetton. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a seal matrix and a bridle cheek-piece (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a short cross penny of Henry II and a long cross half penny of Edward III and twelve cut half and quarter pennies. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of abraded pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarse ware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware and one Prehistoric flint gritted sherd (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware pottery sherds, a long cross Edward penny and a scottish Alexander III silver penny. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware sherds (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarsewares. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins of Edward III, Henry III and David of Scotland (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins of Stephen, Henry, Edward and Elizabeth I, buckle plates and a seal ring. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, 2 scabbard chapes and a harness ring. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including 11 silver coins, a penny,a half-penny and farthing denominations. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a gold noble of Edward III. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a silver penny of William I. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including one of Stephen. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins. (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of eight sherds of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of finds from Henry II through to George III, including coins, seals and buttons. (Med) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of five body sherds of coarse ware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of five silver coins. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of four pieces of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of m,etalwork, including ampulla, buckle and strap end. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of mainly unglazed pottery, also a rim sherd and lava millstone fragments. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of mainly unglazed sherds and a part-glazed sherd from a Grimston-type jug. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of Medieval pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metal work (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including coins of Henry III and Edward I. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork on a multi-period site. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, includin a coin and seal. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including 2 coins and 2 buckles. (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including 2 finger rings, a cut long cross halfpenny and a buckle. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including 2 long-cross pennies and a gilded harness pendant. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze heraldic shield-shaped stud (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze ring brooch and buckle pin. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze seal matrix. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze vessel and a jetton. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a buckle and coins. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of Metalwork, including a buckle, coin and mirror. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a gilded harness pendant (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of Metalwork, including a heraldic pendant (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a lead seal matrix, lead token and crude bronze belt stiffener. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a lead seal matrix. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a long cross halfpenny of Edward III and an annular brooch. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a padlock and finger ring (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a pin, purse and ampulla. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a plain bronze circular harness pendant and bronze annular brooch. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a purse and token. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a stud, strap fitting, silver coin and fixtures and fittings. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a tripod foot fragment, coin, spur and strap fitting (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including an ear ring and mount strap end (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including an enamelled heraldic pendant and dagger chape (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including belt plates and fittings, an enamelled gilded pendant, dress fastener and keys. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, coins and fittings. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including buckle and thimble. (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coin and candlestick (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coin and jetton (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coin, brooch, knife and purse. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coin. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, buckle and pendant (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including some Roman and some Post Medieval as well (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including strap ends and harness fittings. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwrok, including a long cross half penny, gold finger ring and 3 Nuremberg jettons. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of mixed metalwork (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of mortar fragments and pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of numerous metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of of metalwork from the town ditch area (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pot sherds and oyster shells. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and a coin. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and a lead token. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and a silver penny of Henry I. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and dark soil. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and findspot of 1 Anglo-Saxon Ipswich ware sherd and 2 Anglo-Saxon Thetford ware sherds. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and flint flakes. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and flint flakes. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and fragments of peg tile. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and lava mill stone fragments. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork including the bull of Pope Matin IV (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork with evidence of Medieval pits. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a bronze "locking" buckle. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a buckle and harness. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a gilded decorative mount of a stylized human figure. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a padlock (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a scabbard (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including book fitting, buckle and strap fitting. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including book fitting, purse and seals. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooch, pilgrim badge and seal. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including buckle and harness. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including buckle, coin and token. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coin and harness. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including several lead ampullas. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and oyster shell. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and possible WW2 crash site (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and Post Medieval artefact scatter of gunflint waste, brick and tile. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and quern stone. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and silver coins. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and some lava millstone. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and tile as well as a concentration of Post Medieval clay pipes. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery associated with a black patch with flints. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery associated with a probable trackway along the edge of a field. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery associated with an area of dark soil. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery consisting of over 150 sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery fragments. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery in a feature, possibly a ditch, adjacent to the parish boundary. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery in an area of dark soil. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery including Rghetford ware and coarse ware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery on the edge of a large scatter of burning. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds and metalwork, including a buckle. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds in a cliff. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, bone fragments and oyster shells. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, chalk floor and clay features. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including 8 rims, 4 base and 16 body sherds of coarsewares. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including one glazed sherd. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including Thetford ware and coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including2 glazed. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, mainly unglazed, aksi 2 lava mill stone fragments and a singe edged iron knife (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, mainly unglazed. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery within a circular enclosure. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery within an area of dark soil. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery within several pits. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, apparently a house site. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, bronze metal work and moated enclosure (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, coarseware and a Post Medieval sherd. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 1 base and 1 body sherd of coarse ware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 1 base and 1 body sherd of coarseware (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 1 rim, 1 base and 13 body sherds, also a penny of Edward III. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 1 Thetford sherd. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 15 rim, 1 base and 12 body sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 2 base and 2 body sherds of coarseware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 2 rims and 10 coarseware sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 3 rim and 9 body sherds of Thetford type ware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 3 rims, 2 bases, 2 handle and 10 body sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 7 rim, 3 handle, 6 base and 31 body sherds of coarseware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including a body sherd of coarseware (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including a few probable fragments of Grimston-type jugs. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including bowl rims and a cooking pot rim. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including one rim sherd and 4 body sherds (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including possible Thetford ware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including sherds of coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including some Thetford ware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including St. Neots ware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including Thetford type sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including Thetford type ware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including Thetford ware (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including Thetford ware and coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including Thetford ware. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainlg unglazed sherds but also some sherds with sparse shell tempering. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly of unglazed sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglaxed wares but also some part- glazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed but with a small number of Tudor glazed wares and stonewares. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed sherds and a few part-glazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed sherds and a few part-glazed sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed sherds and one possible rim sherd (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares but a few shell-tempered sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares but also one part-glazed strap handle and one lava quern fragment. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares with a small number of part-glazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of roughly 553 coarseware sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of silver coins (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of silver pennies. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of small sherds of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of ten sherds of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of Thetford and St. Neots wares (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of three lead 'Boy Bishop' tokens. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of two silver pennies and a bronze jetton (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of unglazed pottery sherds and a few part-glazed sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of unglazed pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of unglazed pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of unglazed pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of unglazed pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Bullock Lodge (field name) (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Bullock Lodge (field name) (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Glenside, medieval finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Great Finborough water mains replacement (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Hazel Stub (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze belt fitting, oval buckle, double buckle and buckle plate. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze gilt buckle and a looped disc. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a buckle and token (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a circular lead seal matrix. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a coin, harness and buckle. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a double-sided lead seal matrix and a coin of Edward the Confessor. (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a lead oval seal matrix. (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a lead pilgrim's ampulla and a coin. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a limestone spindle whorl. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a 'Rosary' penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a seal, buckle and coin weight. (Med) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a silver cut halfpenny of Henry III and a silver groat of Henry VII. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a small vessel and a strap end. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a strap end and strap fastener. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including bronze harness pendant ,a clasp, purse and coins. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including coarse ware sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including pottery, a nail and an iron key. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including two silver half-pennies of Edward III. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including two silver pennies and one cut halfpenny (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Park Farm (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Red House Farm (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatterof pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact sctater of pottery with an area of dark soil. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefavt scatter of pottery sherds, including one rim sherd, one glazed strap- handle and a large lava mill stone fragment. (Monument)
  • Medieval artfeact scatter of pottery found under house footings near the castle (Monument)
  • Medieval b ronze ring brooch with simple incised decoration. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bonze strip decorated with a standing figure, (Find Spot)
  • Medieval brick working site, South Elmham Manor (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Medieval bronze buckle with animal head decoration and interwoven tails, LSax/Emed (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze buckle with stylised animal head on the bar, iron tongue, a small suspension loop instead of a buckle plate (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze handle ?, in the form of a head, fairly crude, heavy (Monument)
  • Medieval bronze harness pendant, Station Road (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze harness pendant, Station Road (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze harness, Kelsale Place (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze horse harness pendant, 8 Chippenham Road (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze horse-harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze mirror case halves, Fire Station (Monument)
  • Medieval bronze object, Sledging Hill at Church Meadow behind graveyard (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze pendant, Byng Hall (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze plaque/mount, The Street (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze plate, Undley Hall Farm Yard (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix, 2 Fern Cottages, King's Hill (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix, 'Claydon Hall' (Monument)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix, Grimston Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix, Mundays Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix, Over Hall (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze single buckle with stylised animal decoration (Find Spot)
  • Medieval brooch and knife, Castle field, Orford (PAS find)
  • Medieval brooch/buckle, Undley Meadows (PAS find)
  • Medieval buckle and decorated book clasp (Monument)
  • Medieval buckles and brooch (Monument)
  • Medieval casket mount, `Henham' (Find Spot)
  • Medieval Chantry Chapel. (Monument)
  • Medieval circular bronze seal matrix with six pointed star (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval circular lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Medieval circular moat and findspot of Medieval pottery and mortar. (Monument)
  • Medieval clamp type kiln producing Hollesly type ware and an artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval coin brooch, Drift Road (Monument)
  • Medieval coin, Drybridge Hill (Find Spot)
  • Medieval coin, Mildenhall Warren (Find Spot)
  • Medieval cut half silver penny, shortcross type, Henry III, AD 1217/8-1242 (Find Spot)
  • Medieval ditch and green edge (Monument)
  • Medieval ditched field boundaries and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Medieval ditches, confirmed by evaluation trenching. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval extraction pits. The Old Bus Depot (Monument)
  • Medieval finds 64 (tithe map); Blocka Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, 35 (tithe map); Broom Hills (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, 39 (tithe map); Broom Hills (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, 61 (tithe map); Blocka Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, 63 (tithe map); Blocka Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, 67/68 (tithe map); Blocka Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, Deben Valley Golf Course (Find Spot)
  • Medieval finds, Ditchums Field; 34 (tithe map); Broom Hills (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, Field No 64 (Survey No) (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, Hasketon Detector Rally Site 1996 (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, Old Bury Road; Anglian Water pipeline (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, Tunstall Forest (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, West Stow Medieval Village (West End) (Monument)
  • Medieval finds, Willow Farm; OS Fields 4965, 2442 & 4100 (Monument)
  • Medieval finger ring, Nr Windmill, Pakenham (PAS find)
  • Medieval flint and mortar wall and Medieval/Post-Medieval artefact scatter. (PAS find)
  • Medieval fragment of a bronze spur with some evidence of gilding (Find Spot)
  • Medieval gilded bronze strap end and buckle, Thorpe Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval gilded copper alloy roundel, Covehithe Cliffs (Find Spot)
  • Medieval gold finger ring, Beach (Find Spot)
  • Medieval horse harness pendant found with a metal detector (Find Spot)
  • Medieval horse harness pendant, 3 Long Meadow (Find Spot)
  • Medieval iron dagger (Find Spot)
  • Medieval iron object, Old Tithe Barn(?) (Monument)
  • Medieval jetton, 5 Watson Close (back garden) (Find Spot)
  • Medieval jug handle, 18 Blomfield Street (Monument)
  • Medieval jug, West Row (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead alloy pendant (?) seal with *I'ECARDIC(reversed)ELIVIRI1I' around central 8 rayed star (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead ampulla, squashed, with pseudo-heraldic shield on one side (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead church token (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead papal bull, 10 Fornham Road (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead pilgrim badge, Pinmill (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead pilgrims ampulla with a reversed S below a crown (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal matrix, Bridge Farm (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal matrix, circular, unpierced lug on the side (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal matrix, Folly Road (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal matrix, pointed oval, broken suspension loop at top end of oval (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal, pointed oval, with fleur-de-lys in centre, *21G-10h2-L?VII?I (?seal of John?) (Find Spot)
  • Medieval limestone mortar fragment, Pakefield Cliffs (Find Spot)
  • Medieval metal detected scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval metal detector finds (Find Spot)
  • Medieval metalwork and pottery scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval metalwork, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 4') (Monument)
  • Medieval mill mound, visible as a broad ring ditch cropmark. (Monument)
  • Medieval moat containing a house. (Monument)
  • Medieval moat, only west and north side remains. (Monument)
  • Medieval moat, unoccupied. (Monument)
  • Medieval occupation evidence (Monument)
  • Medieval opper alloy seal matrix, Martlesham Hall (near) (Find Spot)
  • Medieval penny, 3 East View, The Street (Find Spot)
  • Medieval post marking the parish boundary. (Monument)
  • Medieval Pottery and Metal objects scatters.Goff's Corner (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery and two coins (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery at Low Farm, Bromeswell (Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval Pottery scatter and Post Medieval ditches at Rickinghall - Botesdale Bypass (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter found while metal detecting. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval pottery scatter in field to west of Mill House. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter of over sixty sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter, Pitcher's Green Farm (Monument)
  • Medieval Pottery scatter. (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery sherd, Church Cottage (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery sherd, Lakenheath Warren (Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery sherd, Milden Phase II mains renewal pipeline (Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery sherd, Walberswick Beach (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery sherds C13-C14. Found during fieldwalking scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery sherds, 17 Grundisburgh Road (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery sherds, Street Farm, North Street (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery sherds, The Street (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, 17 Holly Lane (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, 37a Upper Olland Street (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, Alder Carr (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, Bucklesham - Alton Water pipeline (site WHR/3) (Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery, Goosings (Field name); OS Fields 7428, 0039, 8553 (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, Playing field, Sandy Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery, Thrandeston Link Road; Great Green (Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery, tile and bone scatters close to road, found fieldwalking (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, two pennies, and a jetton, Lime Kiln Cottages (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, Walnut Tree Cottage, Castle Green (Find Spot)
  • Medieval pottery, White Arch Covert (Monument)
  • Medieval purse frame edging strip (Find Spot)
  • Medieval rectangular enclosure. (Monument)
  • Medieval rectangular moat with an entrance causeway on the north side, unoccupied. (Monument)
  • Medieval rectangular moat, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Medieval rim sherd, 2 Mortimer Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval rtefact scatter of pottery sherds, including Thetford ware and coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval rubbish pit, Land adjacent to Meadow Cottage (Monument)
  • Medieval scatter found on pipeline route. (Monument)
  • Medieval scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval seal impressions, Blacksmith Green (Find Spot)
  • Medieval seal matrix, cone shaped with loop on top, device - crude Ihs (Jusus) religious type. (Find Spot)
  • Medieval seal matrix, facetted cone shape (Find Spot)
  • Medieval short corss penny (Find Spot)
  • Medieval short cross penny, Old Hall (Monument)
  • Medieval short cross penny, Tuffin Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval silver coin and two post-medieval lead tokens, Rabbit Hill, Reek Field & Reek Bottom (Monument)
  • Medieval silver coin hoard, Framlingham Castle (Find Spot)
  • Medieval silver half groat, NW of Fourcross Bridge (Monument)
  • Medieval silver penny, Baynards (Find Spot)
  • Medieval silver penny, Cherry Tree Farm (Find Spot)
  • Medieval silver penny, Old Mill, Horringer Road (Find Spot)
  • Medieval silver penny, The Mount, Bawdsey (Find Spot)
  • Medieval silver plaque, Dales Farm, Stanstead (PAS find)
  • Medieval spread of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval steelyard weigh, 108 Maidstone Road (Monument)
  • Medieval Strap end found during metal detecting rally in 1987 (Find Spot)
  • Medieval strap end, Maids Cross (?Hill) (Find Spot)
  • Medieval tile kiln (Monument)
  • Medieval tile kiln, brick kiln and later, house (Monument)
  • Medieval Town Ditch, bank. possible town wall and pits on Land to rear of 71 Guildhall Street; St Andrew Street South (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval unglazed small jug, River Waveney (Find Spot)
  • Medieval vessel spout (PAS find)
  • Medieval village, deserted settlement. (Monument)
  • Medieval vronze coin weight for gold noble (Find Spot)
  • Medieval, artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval/post-medieval bronze strap mount (Find Spot)
  • Medieval/post-medieval features, Land to the rear of the Royal Oak Public House. (Monument)
  • Mediveal blue box heraldic, found metal-detecting (PAS find)
  • Med-PMed pottery scatter amongst wooden breakwaters. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Meen's Farm (Monument)
  • Meideval metalwork, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 5') (Monument)
  • Melford Cross (Monument)
  • Melford Green (Monument)
  • Melford Green (Monument)
  • Melford Green (Monument)
  • Melford Park (Monument)
  • Melford Place (PMed) (Monument)
  • Melford Road (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Melford Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Melford Road (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Mellis Road (Find Spot)
  • Mellis Road (Monument)
  • Melpost House, Hawstead, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Melton House of Industry; St Audry's Hospital (Monument)
  • Melton Old Gaol (Monument)
  • Mendham Lane (Find Spot)
  • Mendham Priory and walled garden (Monument)
  • Mendlesham Green (Monument)
  • Metal detected & surface finds (Monument)
  • Metal detected bronze coin, Ae 3, AD 330-7 (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected bronze pendant, cross shaped with arms tapering inwards, decorated with ring & dot and crudely incised lines. (Monument)
  • Metal detected bronze socketed barbed arrowhead. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected bronze tang, possibly from knife or razor. (PAS find)
  • Metal detected coins and a La Tene I style brooch. (IA) (Confidential Monument)
  • Metal detected copper alloy stirrup mount. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected cruciform brooch. (Confidential Monument)
  • Metal detected denarius of Septimus Severus (AD 197), fairly worn. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected find (said to be from cited NGR) of decorated bronze terminal from a linch pin. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected find of an Anglo-Saxon silver pin head (Monument)
  • Metal detected finds of silver coins, prick spur, possible sword fitting. Also Med roof tile & Roman storage jar (Monument)
  • Metal detected finds. (Monument)
  • Metal detected finds: lead ampulla, scallop shell type with small handle on each side (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected IA bronze coin (PAS find)
  • Metal detected Middle Saxon bronze pin, bent, spherical head (slightly facetted), diameter 7mm, with small collar rib. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected openwork relief-decorated strap-end. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected Roman bronze coin, AS, corroded (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected socketed axe fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Metal detected, copper alloy Roman coin, illegible. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detecting finds of mainly PMed metal work (Monument)
  • Metal detecting finds: Cut silver halfpenny of Henry III (1216-1272) and bronze belt fitting, see details (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Metal detecting in 2001 revealed a Saxon bronze stirrup mount. (PAS find)
  • Metal detecting in 2001 revealed Rom finds scatter including 130+ coins and brooches. (PAS find)
  • Metal detecting in August 2001 revealed a lead seal matrix (PAS find)
  • Metal detecting in August 2001 revealed a Med seal matrix (PAS find)
  • Metal detecting in August 2001 revealed two 13th century lead seal matricies. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Metal detecting in July 2001 revealed Med lead seal matrix. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Metal detecting located bronze pendant, oval shaped with large centrally set piece of crystal, badly corroded & suspension loop broken. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detecting Med finds:- 2 strap ends; 7 long cross pennies (not seen) and a bronze seal matrix of small facetted cone shape with device of a ?sq… (Monument)
  • Metal detector and surface finds of coins & pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Metal detector find - irregular copy of Constantine I GLORIA EXERCITUS (2 standards) (AD 240-6) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of early runic penny (sceatta) of circa 717-735. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of bronze barbed and tanged arrowhead with slight central rib and chamfered edges (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of bronze coin, probably a sestertius (very corroded), pierced for suspension. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of bronze pin/stylus. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of bronze seal matrix, narrow pointed oval form, flat with pierced lug on one side of the reverse (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of copper alloy dagger chape found within undated enclosure & field (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of copper alloy pin fragment of mid/late Saxon date. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of Late Medieval silver finger ring with inscription 'Jesus & Mary'. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of medieval gilded(?) bronze shield shaped heraldic stud (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of miniature solid cast bronze phallus (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of MSax strap end fragment. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of plain socketed axe containing five fragments probably of socketed (axe?), one flat bronze (plate?) fragment, one fragment of m… (PAS find)
  • Metal detector find of Roman siliqua of Julian II (AD 360-363) (Monument)
  • Metal detector find of the foot of a cruciform type brooch. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Metal detector find of very corroded Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find, corroded bronze coin probably an As, pierced with two holes for suspension. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detector find, corroded bronze coin, C3? (S1). (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find, December 1994: C11 bronze stirrup mount with three projections. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Metal detector find, gold finger ring (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find, lozenge-shaped bronze belt mount, fairly corroded (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find: bronze solid cast animal head on neck (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find: medieval bronze stamp (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Metal detector find: seal matrix. Also IA coin found in 2003 (PAS find)
  • Metal detector find: three seal matrices. Formerly recorded as RMR Misc (PAS find)
  • Metal detector finds (Un) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds include blade end of palstave (?). (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector finds include bronze stirrup mound (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds of 10 Rom coins - details in (S1). (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds of backward looking animal brooch & strap end. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds of ewer spout in form of dog's head and sword pommel (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector finds of fragment of bronze vessel (Med?), D-shaped bronze buckle (date?) & circular lead seal matrix with unpierced lug… (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector finds of possible bronze hoard. (BA) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds of probable coin hoard (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds of stepped blade spearhead tip and socket fragment (artefact type unknown). (PAS find)
  • Metal detector finds, bronze coins, various; lead wool seal fragment; also three bronze trade tokens (S1). (PMed) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds, including over 60 Rom coins, also pottery, mainly C3 & C4 and storage vessel ?C1-C2 and brooches (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds, silver long cross penny of Edward I, 1280. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector finds: square lead weight with chequer design, 35gms (Monument)
  • Metal detector(?) find of blade end of bronze axe with broad midrib - probably MBA palstave. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector(?) find of sestertius of Domitian (AD 81-96)(S1) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Metal stag's head handle, Beverly Court (Find Spot)
  • Metalwork found in area around a pond while metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metalwork scatter (PAS find)
  • Mettingham Castle/Mettingham College (Med) (Monument)
  • Mettingham College (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Mia Casa, St Catherines Gardens. (Med) (Monument)
  • Micky's Tea Bar site (Med) (Monument)
  • Micky's Tea Bar site (Sax) (Monument)
  • Micky's Tea Bar site (Un) (Monument)
  • Mid 1980s?: Gold angel of Henry VI (AD 1422-1461)(not seen) metal detected from general area of WTM 020 (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Middle and Late Saxon pottery and metalwork scatter. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Middle Saxon to medieval activity at London Road, Brandon (Monument)
  • Middle to Late Anglo Saxon Artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Middle/Late Saxon and medieval occuaption evidence (Monument)
  • Middleton's Farm (Monument)
  • Milden Hall (Monument)
  • Milden Phase II mains renewal pipeline (Monument)
  • Mildenhall Football Clubhouse, Mildenhall, (Prehistoric) (Find Spot)
  • Mill Farm ("Toms") (IA) (Monument)
  • Mill Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Mill Farm (Monument)
  • Mill Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Mill Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mill Farm (site of) (Monument)
  • Mill Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Mill Field (PMed) (Monument)
  • Mill Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mill Field, Stoke by Nayland, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Mill Green Farm (Monument)
  • Mill Heath (Monument)
  • Mill Heath (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mill Heath Anglo Saxon cremation cemetery (Monument)
  • Mill Heath; Gough's' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Mill Hotel, Walnut Tree Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Mill House (Monument)
  • Mill House, Alpheton (Monument)
  • Mill Lane (Monument)
  • Mill Lane (Monument)
  • Mill Lane School (Med) (Monument)
  • Mill Lane School (PMed) (Monument)
  • Mill Lane School (Un) (Monument)
  • Mill Lane, Weybread, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Mill Mound: Mill Hill (Monument)
  • Mill Mount (1842); Mill Lane (Monument)
  • Mill Mount (Monument)
  • Millgreen Farm (Monument)
  • Millhouse, Wetheringsett, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Millpost Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Millpost Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Minsmere; The Broad (1783) (Monument)
  • Miscellaneous metal detected finds of PMed metalwork from area of large Rom settlement - see site reports for details (S1). (PMed) (Confidential Monument)
  • Mislocation of LKH 121. (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Mislocation of Melton Misc Rom. (Monument)
  • Mis-location, correct findspot, see Kessingland 021. (Monument)
  • Miss Felgate's Cottage (Monument)
  • Mitchells Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Mitchells Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Moat at Church Farm Gosbeck (Med) (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Monument)
  • Moat Farm, Hestley Green (Monument)
  • Moat Farm; Pyeshall Manor (Med) (Monument)
  • Moat Farm; Claydons (Monument)
  • Moat Hall (formerly Old Hall) (Monument)
  • Moat Hall (Monument)
  • Moat House Farm (Monument)
  • Moat House Farm (Monument)
  • Moat Plantation (Monument)
  • Moat roughly trapezoidal in shape with possible fish pond on the east side. (Monument)
  • Moat shown on Tithe Map, unoccupied, rectangular & not very large, ?causeway in S side. (Monument)
  • Moat, College Farm, formerly Denham College alias Denham Dungeon (Monument)
  • Moat, Letheringham Hall or Old Hall (Monument)
  • Moat, Rishangles Park (Monument)
  • Moat, roughly rectangular, (Monument)
  • Moated feature of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Moated inclosure adjoining the churchyard of Otley (Monument)
  • Moated Site at Hoo Green (Monument)
  • Moated site E of church; Landwade Hall (site of) (Med) (Monument)
  • Moated site in Moatyard Covert (Med) (Monument)
  • Moated site in Moatyard Covert (Monument)
  • Moated Site N of Church Farm; Kettleburgh Old Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • Moated Site NE of Occold Hall (Monument)
  • Moated Site S of Bastings Hall (Monument)
  • Moated Site W of Gifford's Hall; Clopton Hall (Monument)
  • Moatyards (OS 343/372) (Monument)
  • Monastery of St Botolph (Sax) (Monument)
  • Monfordes or Mundford's Manor (site) (Monument)
  • Monitoring of construction works on site of demolished timber framed house (see PMed) located two substantial ditches containing residu… (Rom) (Monument)
  • Monk Soham (Monument)
  • Monks Farm (Monument)
  • Monk's Hall (Monument)
  • Monks' Park Wood (Monument)
  • Monks Slough Meadow (Tithe Map) (Monument)
  • Monument Farm (Find Spot)
  • Monument Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Monument Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Moor Farm; High House Farm (Monument)
  • Moor Hall, Eye, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Moore's Farm; Dovermoor (Monument)
  • Moores Green Farm (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Moores Green Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Moors Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Moors Farm (Neo) (Monument)
  • Moot Hill; Home Lawn (1837) (Monument)
  • Moreton Hall (Monument)
  • Moreton Hall east (Monument)
  • Moreton Hall East (Monument)
  • Moreton Hall School (IA) (Monument)
  • Moreton Hall School (Med) (Monument)
  • Moreton Hall School (PMed) (Monument)
  • Moreton Hall School (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mortared foundations of a building of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Mortimer Lane (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Mortimer Lane, Freckenham, (Mesolithic-Neolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Mortimer's Lane (Find Spot)
  • Mortimers Lane (IA) (PAS find)
  • Mortimers Lane (Un) (Monument)
  • Moss's Covert (Monument)
  • Mound and round barrow of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Mound with surrounding ditch. (Monument)
  • Mount Field, Neutral Farm (BA) (Monument)
  • Mount Field, Neutral Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Mount Field, Neutral Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mount Field, Neutral Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Moyses Hall, 41/41A Cornhill (Monument)
  • Mr Southwells Mill (1601) (Monument)
  • Multeperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Multi period artefact scatter (Find Spot)
  • Multi period artefact scatter (Find Spot)
  • Multi period artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Multi period artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Multi period artefact scattter (PAS find)
  • Multi Period Metal Artefact Scatter, Boyton Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Multiperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Multiperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Multiperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Multi-period artefact scatter, Near Kiln Grove/Roman way (Monument)
  • Multi-period cropmarks of probable field boundaries and enclosures (Monument)
  • Multi-period features, Former Tarmac Quarry, Flixton (Monument)
  • Multi-period finds scatter (PAS find)
  • Multi-period finds scatter (PAS find)
  • Multiperiod scatter including some Saxon finds. (Find Spot)
  • Multi-period settlement activity, Firecrest Nursery (Monument)
  • Multi-period site, RAF Wattisham, (Roman-Medieval). (Monument)
  • Multi-period site, RAF Wattisham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Mundys Farm (Monument)
  • Mwnt Cottage, Water Lane (Monument)
  • Naviculum: bronze time and latitude measuring instrument, boat shaped (navicular). (Monument)
  • Near A1065, Eriswell (Find Spot)
  • Near Aspall Hall (Monument)
  • Near Babergh Hall, Great Waldingfield, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Near Baddow House, Badingham, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Near Brick Kiln Farm, Leiston, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Near Brook Cottages, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Near Brown's Grove, Hitcham, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Near Great Carr, Ixworth Thorpe, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Near Groton Church, Groton, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Near Roundfolly Plantation (Monument)
  • near Sutton Hall (BA) (Monument)
  • near Sutton Hall (IA) (Monument)
  • Near Sutton Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • near Sutton Hall (Sax) (Monument)
  • Near the White House, Sproughton, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • near Ulveston Hall (Monument)
  • Near Waterloo Plantation, Eye, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • near Winston Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • near Winston Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Near Winston Hall, Winston, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Neat House (Tithe name) (Monument)
  • Neathouse Meadow (Monument)
  • Needle Corner (Monument)
  • Negative watching brief, Coastguard Cottages (Monument)
  • Neo potsherd found in field NW of church. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neo/Med Ditch, Neo/med pit and find spot of Neo/med worked object (Un) (Monument)
  • Neolithic and Bronze-Age artefact scatter of implements, including 4 scrapers, a core, a knife and several flakes. (Monument)
  • Neolithic and Bronze-Age artefact scatter of worked flints. (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter including leaf arrowhead, scrapers and flakes. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of 2 flint scrapers and a few rough flakes. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of a circular flint scraper found with a Roman scatter. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of a polished flint axe and the butt of a chipped flint axe. (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of flint core and flake (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of flints and pottery in an area of an Anglo-Saxon cemetry. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of flints, blades and a core. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of flints, including scrapers and thumbnail scrapers. (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of flints, scrapers and an arrowhead. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of flints, scrapers, a borer and cutting tools. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of flintwork. (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of stray finds (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flint. (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints and burnt flints. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints, (Neolithic) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints, including scrapers and a worked point. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter, Chippenham Road (Neo) (PAS find)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter, including a flint willow-leaf shape arrowhead. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Neolithic axe, Springfield Road (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic finds and Late Saxon features, Coulson Lane (Monument)
  • Neolithic flint axe, Kirkley Fen (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic flint axe, The Bell (site) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Neolithic flint axehead, Boundary Farm (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic flint fabricator, Braggon's Farm (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic flint flakes, Snape Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Neolithic leaf shaped arrow head, Highpoint Prison (Monument)
  • Neolithic lithic implememnt, `Old Aerodrome at Chevington' (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic or Bronze Age backed flint blade or chisel (Monument)
  • Neolithic polished axehead, Kenny Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Neolithic polished axehead, Southwold Beach (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic polished celt (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Neolithic polished flint axe, Warren Farm (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic pottery sherd and flint flakes, Chickory Farm; Hiss Farm (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic small stone axe (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic to Bronze Age features and Iron Age cremations at Ingham Quarry (Monument)
  • Neolithic unpatinated flint scraper and waste flake (Monument)
  • Neolithic worked flint, High Lodge (Find Spot)
  • Neoltihic axes, Justice Wood Farm (Find Spot)
  • Nether Hall (Monument)
  • Nethergate Street, Bungay (Monument)
  • New Bells Farm (Monument)
  • New Blue Bells Plantation (IA) (Find Spot)
  • New Blue Bells Plantation (Med) (Monument)
  • New Blue Bells Plantation (PMed) (Monument)
  • New Cut (Monument)
  • New Cut; Bramwell Meadow; Robin Hanseys (1995) (BA) (Monument)
  • New Fen, Lakenheath, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • New House Farm (Monument)
  • New House Farm (Monument)
  • New House Farm (Monument)
  • New House Farm (Monument)
  • New House Farm (Monument)
  • New Pond, Brome Hall, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • New Security Fence, Lincoln Rd, RAF Mildenhall (Monument)
  • 'New site Deners No 13' (Monument)
  • Newlodge Farm (Monument)
  • Newmarket Heath (Monument)
  • Newmarket Heath (Monument)
  • Newmarket Heath (Monument)
  • Newmarket Heath; Newmarket Racecourse (Monument)
  • Newmarket Isolation Hospital (BA) (Monument)
  • Newmarket Isolation Hospital (IA)
  • Newmarket Isolation Hospital (Rom) (Monument)
  • Newmarket Road (Monument)
  • Newton Green Golf Club extension (Find Spot)
  • next to Kiln Field (Monument)
  • Nikke's Lane (Monument)
  • Nine sherds of IA pottery, including one flint gritted sherd (Monument)
  • Ninescore Hill; Ninescroft Hill; Newmarket Heath; Racecourse (Monument)
  • No Mans Meadow (Monument)
  • No. 2 Dairy Farm, Ixworth, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Norman Tower; St James Gate Tower (Monument)
  • North Court (Monument)
  • North Court Nursing Home, Cotton Lane (Monument)
  • North End Warren (BA) (Monument)
  • North End Warren (Neo) (Monument)
  • North End Warren (Un) (Monument)
  • North Hall Farm (Monument)
  • North Meadow (Monument)
  • North of Ash Covert, Little Glemham (Monument)
  • North of Ash Farm, Chediston, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • North of Chediston Street, Halesworth, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • North of Constable Manor, Wherstead, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • North of Dale House, Woolpit, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • North of Greyhound Lane (IA) (Monument)
  • North of Greyhound Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • North of Greyhound Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • North of Gull Farm, Debenham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • North of Hall Cottage, Foxhall. (Monument)
  • North of Ivytree Farm, Hadleigh, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • North of Long Plantation, (Med) (Monument)
  • North of Long Plantation, Wangford (PMed) (Monument)
  • North of Long Plantation, Wangford (Un) (Monument)
  • North of Long Plantation, Wangford, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • North of Long Plantation, Wangford, (Rom) (Monument)
  • North of Long Plantation, Wangford, (Sax) (Monument)
  • North of Malthouse Farm, Winston (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • North of Middle Farm, Barking, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • North of Middleton's Farm, Weybread (Monument)
  • North of Oak Tree Field, Eriswell (Monument)
  • North of Park Bungalows, Santon Downham, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • North of Rushbrooke Woods, Bradfield St George, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • North of Russian Plantation, Redgrave (Monument)
  • North of the Former Post Office, Aldringham, (Mesolithic?). (Monument)
  • North of Triangle Planation, Sapiston, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • North Precinct Wall, stone recording. (Monument)
  • North Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • North Street (Sax) (PAS find)
  • North Street, Freckenham Communtiy Woodland Planting (Med) (Monument)
  • North Transept, St James Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • North West of The Old Cottage, Winston, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Northgate (Monument)
  • Northumbrian styca (base sceat) of Aethelred II, second reign circa AD 844- 849. (Monument)
  • Norwich Road (Monument)
  • Notcutts Nursery (Rom) (Monument)
  • Notcutts Nursery; Martlesham Field (Preh) (Monument)
  • November 1970: A broken barbed and tanged arrowhead, unpatinated honey coloured, and a few flakes. (BA) (Monument)
  • November 1970: Handful of very abraded sherds, found in spoil heap from N Sea gas pipe-line trench (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • November 1986: fieldwalking by John Newman for SE Suffolk survey located C13/C14 to C15/C16 pottery scatter, adjacent to small pond, over 30 x 30m a… (Monument)
  • November 1993: Metal detected enamelled bossed disc type brooch fragment. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • November 1993: Metal detector find of Rom bronze nail cleaner from (within?) moated site - see Med. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Nowhere House (Monument)
  • Oak Farmhouse (Monument)
  • Oak Tree Farm (Monument)
  • Oak Tree Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Oak Tree Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Oak Tree Field, Eriswell (Monument)
  • Oak Tree Field, Eriswell (Monument)
  • Oakley Park Stables; Hoxne Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Oakley Park Stables; Hoxne Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Oakley Park; Hoxne New Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Oblique arrowhead and worked flint scatter. (Monument)
  • Oct 1986: Fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located small scatter, circa 20m diameter, in "field 380", just S of Ufford Thicks, adja… (Monument)
  • Oct 1987 fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located dense pottery scatter, in area 180 x 120m, in "field 594". (Rom) (Monument)
  • Oct 1987: Fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located pottery scatter in 180 x 120m area, in "field 594". (Sax) (Monument)
  • October 1990: 1 potsherd of C13/C14 date found on watching brief (Find Spot)
  • October 1993: Metal detector finds including bronze hexagonal key plate, bronze letter `O' and Misc PMed fragments (S1). (PMed) (Monument)
  • off Evans' Heath (Monument)
  • off North Street (Med) (Monument)
  • off North Street (PMed) (Monument)
  • off Rushbrook Lane (Monument)
  • Office Farm, Laxfield Road (Monument)
  • Okenhill Hall (BA) (Monument)
  • Okenhill Hall (IA) (Monument)
  • Okenhill Hall, Badingham, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Old Angel Bowling Green/access road to relief road (BA) (Monument)
  • Old Angel Bowling Green/access road to relief road (IA) (Monument)
  • Old Angel Bowling Green/access road to relief road (Neo) (Monument)
  • Old Angel Bowling Green/access road to relief road (Sax) (Monument)
  • Old Angel Bowling Green/Access Road to Relief Road, Halesworth, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Old Bank House (garden), Broad Street, Eye. (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • Old Brook Hall (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Old Bury Road/George Street (Monument)
  • Old Cages (BA) (Monument)
  • Old Cages (Med) (Monument)
  • Old Cages (Monument)
  • Old Cages (Monument)
  • Old Dalgety Granary Site (Rom) (Monument)
  • Old Elveden Hole (BA) (Monument)
  • Old Elveden Hole, Eleveden, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Old Farm Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Old Farm Field (Monument)
  • Old Farm Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Old Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Old Hall (Monument)
  • Old Hall (Monument)
  • Old Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Old Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Old House Yard (Monument)
  • Old Keepers Lodge, W of High Lodge Farm, Mildenhall Warren. (Building)
  • Old Market Place (Monument)
  • Old Mill Court, Bardwell, (Prehistoric and Roman). (Monument)
  • Old Mill Race, River Waveney (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Old Moat (1769 field name) (Med) (Monument)
  • Old Moat (1769 field name) (Monument)
  • Old Moat (1769 field name) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Old Netherhall (Monument)
  • Old Rectory (Monument)
  • Old Rectory (Monument)
  • Old Road (Monument)
  • Old Sewage Works (PMed) (Monument)
  • Old Sewage Works, Exning, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Old Snuff Factory, Whiting Street (Monument)
  • Old Spelthorne Field (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Old Spelthorne Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Old Stone Pits (tithe map 1838 plot 792) (Monument)
  • Old Sword in Hand, Southgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Old Vicarage Farm (Monument)
  • Old Wall Marsh (Monument)
  • Oldtown Marshes (Med) (Monument)
  • Oldtown Marshes (PMed) (Monument)
  • Olivers Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Olivers Green (PMed) (Monument)
  • Olivers Manor (Monument)
  • One late Iron-Age bronze coin, one ditch and two areas of black sand representing pits/features (not excavated) revealed (Un) (Monument)
  • One of three shipwrecks of unknown date found near to Sizewell nuclear power station. (Monument)
  • One of three shipwrecks of unknown date found near to Sizewell nuclear power station. (Monument)
  • One of two (also WRW 012) Med pottery scatters marked on "Field IV" on fieldwalking map by Myrtle Taylor (S1). (Monument)
  • One of two (also WRW 013) Med pottery scatters marked on "Field IV" on fieldwalking map by Myrtle Taylor (S1). (Monument)
  • One rim and one ornamented body sherd of Rom grey ware found amongst a Med pottery scatter in a rectangular enclosure adjoining Stuston… (Rom) (Monument)
  • One Samian sherd, also one grey ware sherd from the area of the Med scatter (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • One sherd of flint-gritted IA pottery (Monument)
  • One sherd of flint-gritted IA pottery (Monument)
  • One sherd of flint-gritted Iron Age pottery, found just to the N of a small scatter of 27 flint flakes, a scraper and a backed knife. (Monument)
  • Opposite Esther's Moat (Monument)
  • Opposite the school (Med) (Monument)
  • Opposite the school (Rom) (Monument)
  • Opposite the school (Sax) (Monument)
  • Orchard Field, Chediston Grange Farm (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Orford Castle (Med) (Monument)
  • Orford Castle Trial Excavation, medieval (Med) (Monument)
  • Orford Castle Trial Excavation, post-medieval (PMed) (Monument)
  • Orford Castle Trial Excavation, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Orwell foreshore (Monument)
  • Orwell Park School; Orwell Park (Monument)
  • OS `Field 372' (Monument)
  • OS 0067 (field no); Jacks Lane; Gt Finborough water mains (Med) (Monument)
  • OS 0067 (field no); Jacks Lane; Gt Finborough water mains (Un) (Monument)
  • OS 180 (field number); Priory Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • OS 180 (field number); Priory Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • OS 4165; F457 (survey field number) (Med) (Monument)
  • OS 4165; F457 (survey field number) (Rom) (Monument)
  • OS 4900 (field no.) (Monument)
  • OS 4900 (field no.) (Monument)
  • OS 8176; F584 (survey field number); Grange Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • OS 9664 (field no); Jacks Lane; Gt Finborough Water Mains (Monument)
  • OS Field 0004 (IA) (Find Spot)
  • OS Field 0025; Oak Hill (Monument)
  • OS Field 0065 (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • OS Field 0065 (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • OS Field 0065 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • OS Field 0585; Old Post Office Lane (Monument)
  • OS Field 1136 (Monument)
  • OS Field 1368 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • OS Field 1540 (Monument)
  • OS Field 21 (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field 239 (Monument)
  • OS Field 2500 (part) (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Field 2549; Fathies tenement (site of) (Monument)
  • OS Field 2646 (Monument)
  • OS Field 6345 (Field 727) (Monument)
  • OS Field 6500 (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field 6700; Sandy Lane (Monument)
  • OS Field 6757 (Rom) (Monument)
  • OS Field 7570 (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field 7570 (Rom) (Monument)
  • OS Field 7570(?) (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Field No 8500 (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field No 8500 (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Field No. 8500 (Rom) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 3700, adjacent Little Haugh (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 5835 (Un) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 5835; Manor of Sutton (site of) (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 5835; Manor of Sutton (site of) (PMed) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 5835; Manor of Sutton (site of) (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 8500 (PMed) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 8500 (Un) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 0086 & 0600 (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (PMed) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Rom) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Un) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 6173 and 0065; World's End plantation (Monument)
  • ot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged arrowhead. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Ousden Hall (Monument)
  • Ousden Hall dovecote (Monument)
  • OUTLINE RECORD: Findspot Bronze Head and Ring (Rom) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • OUTLINE RECORD: Findspot Disc Brooch (Sax), frag pewter spoon (med)(BACKLOG) (Allocated Number)
  • OUTLINE RECORD: Findspot Harness Mount(med) Pewter spoon bowl (BACKLOG) (Allocated Number)
  • Outney Common (Monument)
  • Outney Common, Bungay, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Oval enclosure and 2 smaller ring ditches of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Overhall Farm (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (PMed) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Un) (Monument)
  • Palace House Mansion;The Palace;The Greyhound;United Reform Church (Monument)
  • Pale cropmark of square enclosure(?) with circa 40m sides (S1). (Monument)
  • Pales Dyke (Monument)
  • Palmers Heath (Monument)
  • Palmer's Heath (Monument)
  • Pam Finchams; Bell Meadow (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Pam Finchams; Bell Meadow (Med) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Pam Finchams; Bell Meadow (PMed) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Pam Finchams; Bell Meadow (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Pannington Hall area, `Areas A & C' (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Pannington Hall area, `Area B' (Med) (Monument)
  • Pannington Hall area, `Area B' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pannington Hall area; `Areas A & C' (Med) (Monument)
  • Pannington Hall area; `Areas A & C' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pannington Hall area; `Area B' (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Pannington Hall; `Area A' (Monument)
  • Pannington Hall; `Area A' (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Pantiles Cottage (Monument)
  • Papal bull of Boniface VIII AD 1295-1303 dredged up nine miles off Southwold (Find Spot)
  • Papal bull of Gregorius VIIII (1227-1241) found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Paradise Farm; The Lodge (Monument)
  • Parallel ditches, possibly a cursus of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Parish Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Parish Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Park Corner (Find Spot)
  • Park Cottages; Park Cottage Field (Find Spot)
  • Park Cottages; Park Cottage Field (Find Spot)
  • Park Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Park Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Park Farm (Monument)
  • Park Farm (Monument)
  • Park Farm (Monument)
  • Park Farm (Preh) (Monument)
  • Park Farm Quarry; Dovehouse Park (Tithe map); Thorington Park (IA) (Monument)
  • Park Farm Quarry; Dovehouse Park (Tithe) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Park Farm 'site 2' (Monument)
  • Park Farm, Wyverstone, (Prehistoric) (PAS find)
  • Park Road (Monument)
  • Park Tuft (Monument)
  • Parkers Wood (Monument)
  • Parliament Heath (Monument)
  • Parsonage (1837) (Monument)
  • Part of a Roman tile structure, possibly a collapsed pila of a hypocaust and scatter of Roman pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Part of a tile kiln of unknown date and scatter of tile fragments over adjoining field. (Monument)
  • Part of an undated rectangular posthole building, RAF Mildenhall Southern Taxiway and Perimeter Road (Monument)
  • Part of Coopers Meadow (Tithe name) (Monument)
  • Part of enclosure with rounded corner - suggested Rom marching camp - obscured by linear field system (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument)
  • Part of rectangular enclosure and rectilinear cropmark system noted on SAU APs 14-15 July, 1977 (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument)
  • Part of WNG 006. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Part polished flint axe, light grey colour. Surface find, possibly in an area of redeposited soil from Levington Marina (Monument)
  • Pashford Poors Fen (Monument)
  • Patch of burnt flints (Monument)
  • Patch of burnt flints, 10m x 20m exten (Monument)
  • Patch of heat-crackled flints (Monument)
  • Patch of white heat-crackled flint, also 2 med silver coins. (Monument)
  • Patch of white heat-crackled flints (Monument)
  • Patch of white heat-crackled flints covering an area of 50 x 70m, near a former field boundary. (Monument)
  • Patch of white heat-crackled flints of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Patch of white heat-crackled flints of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Pear Tree Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Peartree Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Peat Deposits filling an underground water course for Car Parks adjacent to Building 958 & 960 (Monument)
  • Peddars Way; Knettishall Heath (Monument)
  • Penannular brooch, 10 Meadowlands (Find Spot)
  • Pennanular ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Penny of Aethelred II, CRVX type (North no. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Penny of Edward I (1272-1307), London 6B. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Penny of Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), sovereign/Eagles type (struck 1056-1059) in superb condition. (Monument)
  • Perforated antler object, possibly pick, possibly kept by finder. (Monument)
  • Pesthouse (Monument)
  • Pesthouse Farm (Monument)
  • Peter Fen Drove, Wilde Street (Monument)
  • Peterhouse Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Peterhouse Farm; `Pooleys' (IA) (Monument)
  • Pettistree Hall (Monument)
  • Pettistree Lodge; Hunn Wyatt's Mount (Monument)
  • Peyton Hall (Monument)
  • Peyton Hall (Monument)
  • Phase 3, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pickard's Hall (Monument)
  • Piggery Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Pilgrim badge: lead disc with simple hook fastener on back, showing crowned probable virgin and child. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Pinefields; Bennett's Site (Monument)
  • Pipeline (Monument)
  • Pipeline (PMed) (Monument)
  • Pipeline (Preh) (Monument)
  • Pipeline (Preh) (Monument)
  • Pipeline route (Med) (Monument)
  • Pipeline; Capel Hall Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Pipeline; Capel Hall Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Pipeline; Everetts Corner (Monument)
  • Pipers Vale, Ipswich, (IAS 9114). (Find Spot)
  • Pit containing medieval and post-medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Pit containing medieval and post-medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Pit containing medieval and post-medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Pit containing medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Pit Cottage (Monument)
  • Pit exposed by tidal erosion in a cliff along the R Stour contained IA pottery, a triangular loom weight, animal bones, iron fragments, charcoal and … (Monument)
  • Pitcher's Green (Monument)
  • Pitches Mount, Groton House Park (Monument)
  • Place Farm (Monument)
  • Playford Hall (Monument)
  • Playford, General, (Prehistoric) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Playing Field; OS No. 220 (Monument)
  • Plot 214; One or more bowl barrows in Tunstall Forest 950m N of Heath Cottages (Monument)
  • Plum Pudding Hill (Find Spot)
  • PMed sherds, 350gm, found with Med sherds, `inside building floor level (below foundations of wall of earlier building (Monument)
  • Point "B", Tunstall Forest (Monument)
  • Point "E", Tunstall Forest (Monument)
  • Point "F", Tunstall Forest (Monument)
  • Polished flint axe (Monument)
  • Polished flint axe, 18cm long, 6cm wide. (Monument)
  • Polished flint axe, circa 123mm x 65mm x 37mm, found circa 1970. (Monument)
  • Polished flint axe, Ivy House Farm (Find Spot)
  • Polished flint axe, white patination (Find Spot)
  • Polished neolithic stone axe head (from W V Clarke?) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Pond Farm; Wyatts Lane (Monument)
  • Pond Meadow (Med) (Monument)
  • Pond Meadow (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pond Meadow (Un) (Monument)
  • Pond Wood (Monument)
  • Poole (?) Bridge; Plod's Bridge (Monument)
  • Poorly defined cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm, Church Meadow, Church Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm, Church Meadow. (Med) (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm, Church Meadow; Roman Camp (Rom) (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm; Church Meadow; Church Field (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Poplar Farmhouse, Lower Oakley (Monument)
  • Poplar Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Poplar Hall (Preh) (Monument)
  • Poplar Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Poplar Lane; Chapel (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (PMed) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (Sax) (Monument)
  • Popples Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Popson Street (Monument)
  • Porters Covert, Nacton (Monument)
  • Porters Covert, Nacton (Monument)
  • Possible Anglo Saxon cemetery and artefact scatter of pottery sherds and metalwork, including brooches and sleeve clasp. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Possible Anglo Saxon cemetry. (Monument)
  • Possible barrow mound of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
  • Possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
  • Possible Cemetery, Early Anglo- Saxon (Confidential Monument)
  • Possible cropmark of a ring ditch, seen by motorist, see details. (Monument)
  • Possible ditched enclosure, irregular, 3 sides double ditched, probably Med N of Wood Farm. (Monument)
  • Possible double bank earthworks, Eriswell Warren. (Monument)
  • Possible Early Medieval Celler and Medieval features at 51-52 Churchgate Street (Monument)
  • Possible earthworks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Possible features and worked flints, RAF Lakenheath, Perimeter Road (Monument)
  • Possible Iron Age or Roman field system, originally thought to be a cropmark of a small rectangular enclosure, suggested as a possible … (Rom) (Monument)
  • Possible irregular rectilinear enclosure of unkown date. (Monument)
  • Possible kiln, Mill House (Monument)
  • Possible med or Pmed ditch at 8-12 Castle Street, Framlingham (Monument)
  • Possible medieval hermitage at 47-55 College Road, Framlingham (Monument)
  • Possible medieval pits, 4 Gainsborough Street (Monument)
  • Possible Medieval rectangular moat. (Monument)
  • Possible moated site along southern edge of Church Lane, Common Lane, Troston. (Monument)
  • Possible original site of Walberswick church and settlement. (Med) (Monument)
  • Possible pillow mound, Compartment 5023, Mildenhall Woods (Monument)
  • Possible pillow mound, Compartment 5023, Mildenhall Woods (Monument)
  • Possible ploughed out remains of pottery kiln (Monument)
  • Possible Post Medieval house sites to the north of Ferry Farm, Sutton (Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval feature, The Old Parsonage (Monument)
  • Possible ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Possible ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Possible ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Possible ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Possible Roman coin hoard at SE Link Road, Elmhurst Park. (Monument)
  • Possible Roman length of road. (Monument)
  • Possible Roman settlement site with an artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Possible Roman villa site at Aldham Mill (Rom) (Monument)
  • Possible round barrow of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Possible sherd of handmade ESax pottery and definite rim of Ipswich ware found fieldwalking (S1). (Sax) (Monument)
  • Possible site of a Post Medieval mill (Monument)
  • Possible small rectangular enclosure, visible as a faint cropmark. (Monument)
  • Possible sub-rectangular enclosure within area of periglacial marks. (Monument)
  • Possible track and ring ditch of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Possible track, visible as 2 curved cropmarks (Monument)
  • Post medeival feature and Medieval and post-medieval pottery at Rickinghall - Botesdale bypass (Monument)
  • Post Medieval pottery, tile and bone scatters close to road, found fieldwalking (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact sactter of pottery and metalwork, including a Nuremberg token. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Post Medieval Artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including a bronze conical mount, possibly a furniture mount. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including a buckle and spoon. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including a toy, buckle, pin and thimble. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including pottery, bone and metalwork (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including two bronze farthings, bronze lace tag and bronze terminal. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of 12 pottery sherds and 6 small tile fragments. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of a buckle and a coin of William III (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of brick and tile fragments and a few burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of brick, pottery and tile (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a coin of Charles I (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a silver sixpence of Charles I. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of finds from Henry II through to George III, including coins, seals and buttons. (PMed) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of flints and gunflints. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of fourteen coins dating from George II to 1924. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and coins. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a box, buckle, button, plaque and stud. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze button and a bronze crotal bell. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze candle snuffer. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze ring and bronze trade token. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a buckle and a finger ring (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a buckle fragment and bronze object. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a button, coin and token. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a lead cloth seal, bronze farthings and a Nuremberg jetton (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a silver seal, bronze knife fitting and 3 ornate buckle fragments (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a spur fragment and lead weight (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a strap fitting, buckle and token (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including buckle fragments and a head shaped decorative fitting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including buckles, buttons and tokens (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coin and token. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and spoon (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (PMed) (and BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks, including a bronze finger ring and square bezel (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a buckle and button. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a button and coin. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including buckle, button and a thimble. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins, spoon and thimble. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including token, spoon and finger ring. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and tile (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery found at the bottom of Bungay Town or Borough well (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including 8 rims, 4 base and 16 body sherds of Medieval coarsewares. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, brick and tile fragments (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, brick and tile. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including glazed red earthenware and Cologne stoneware. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including stoneware, glazed earthenware and bottle and window glass. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, tile and brick. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, tile and building material. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, tokens and fragments of shoe and strap buckles. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of silver and gold coins of James I and Charles I. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of tile and pottery. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of tile fragments. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter ofpottery and metalwork, including buckle, button, coins and finger rings. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post medieval artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, Hintlesham (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including 2 bronze tokens and a bronze farthing. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bell, buttons, pendant and spoon. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze circular buckle, bronze purse bar fragment and silver penny and silver threepence. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze farthing, bronze token and belt fitting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze spoon bowl, bronze weight and bronze dress hook. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze terminal. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a buckle, coin and strap fitting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a fragment of glass, a clay pipe bowl, an iron and copper handle and 43 mixed pot sherds, some Medieval. (PM (Monument)
  • Post medieval artefact scatter, including coins and a copper alloy belt fitting (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including fragments of 2 bronze spoons, belt mounts and furniture mounts. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, of metalworks (Monument)
  • Post medieval artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post medieval boat fragment, Thorpeness Point beach (Monument)
  • Post medieval boundary bank (Monument)
  • Post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
  • Post Medieval brick kiln and brickworks, opened for the naufacture of bricks for Elveden Hall. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval brick kiln. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval brickworks and kilns. (Monument)
  • Post medieval bronze boar plaque (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Post medieval bronze purse frame (Find Spot)
  • Post medieval buckle fragment, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 8') (Find Spot)
  • Post Medieval building depicted on a map of 1597 to the south of the windmill. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval building/house depicted on a map of 1597. (Monument)
  • Post medieval button and crotal bell, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 7') (Find Spot)
  • Post medieval cast brass thimble (Find Spot)
  • Post Medieval duck decoy. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval earthwork bank. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval earthwork bank. (Monument)
  • Post medieval enclosure, possibly a ‘clapper’ associated with Brandon Warren (Monument)
  • Post medieval features, Pettaugh Mill (Monument)
  • Post Medieval field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval field with buildings, named 'Ice House Meadow' on the Tithe map. (Monument)
  • Post medieval flint mine (Monument)
  • Post Medieval flint mine and industrial site. (Monument)
  • Post medieval flint mines (Monument)
  • Post medieval flint mines in Forest Block 3098 (Monument)
  • Post medieval flint mines in Mount Plantation (Monument)
  • Post Medieval flint wall base at Site of Fordhams Garage, Ixworth (Monument)
  • Post Medieval flint working site with a scatter of manufacturing debris. (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Post Medieval garden canal, part of a large formal garden around Culford Hall. (Monument)
  • Post medieval gunflint production waste, High Lodge (Monument)
  • Post Medieval house depicted on a map of 1597. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval Hundred boundary. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval landscape feature (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Post Medieval landscape feature and manuscript (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Post Medieval landscape feature and manuscript (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Post medieval lead weight (Find Spot)
  • Post Medieval lime kiln (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Post Medieval lime kiln and a small square chalk pit. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval lime kiln and chalk pit extraction. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval lime kiln and complex of chalk pits. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval lime kiln. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval lime kiln. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval mill house and yards. (Monument)
  • Post medieval pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Post medieval pottery scatter in field adjoining the church (Monument)
  • Post Medieval Quaker burial ground. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval Ridge and Furrow and Bank (Monument)
  • Post Medieval scatter of heavily burnt flints, field 447 (Monument)
  • Post Medieval scatter of heavily burnt flints, field 448 (Monument)
  • Post Medieval site of a brick works. (Monument)
  • Post medieval to modern enclosure (Monument)
  • Post medieval to modern possible plantation bank (Monument)
  • Post medieval to modern possible stock enclosure (Monument)
  • Post Medieval watch tower recorded in the 1st edition OS map (Monument)
  • Post Medieval watch tower recorded on the 1st edition OS map. Formerly COR Misc (Monument)
  • Post Medieval water meadow and former Post Medieval ridge and furrow (Monument)
  • Post Medieval water mill, shown on a map of 1668. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval water mill, shown on Hodskinson's map of 1783. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval well (Monument)
  • Post Medieval windmill depicted on a map of 1597. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval windmill shown on a map of 1839. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval windmill site, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Post medieval, strap mount (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Post meieval metalwork, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 5') (Monument)
  • Post-medieval architectural fragments, Church Farm (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Post-medieval bottle and pottery, River Waveney (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval brick built well, RAF Honington; Gibbet Covert (Monument)
  • Post-Medieval brickworks. (Monument)
  • Post-medieval bronze buckle, C17-C18 and lead seal, found with a metal detector (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval cemetery, probably a Quaker burial ground (Monument)
  • Post-medieval copper-alloy dividers, Hall Heath (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval finds, 35 (tithe map); Broom Hills (Monument)
  • Post-medieval finds, 39 (tithe map); Broom Hills (Monument)
  • Post-medieval finds, 64 (tithe map); Blocka Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval finds, 67/68 (tithe map); Blocka Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Post-medieval finds, Ditchums Field; 34 (tithe map); Broom Hills (Monument)
  • Post-medieval finds, School Field (Monument)
  • Post-medieval finds, Willow Farm; OS Fields 4965, 0058, 0073, 0085, 2442, 4100 (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gold finger ring with freemasons insignia (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval grafitti at All Saints' church (Monument)
  • Post-medieval house platform, The Street (Monument)
  • Post-medieval jetton, Castle field, Orford (PAS find)
  • Post-medieval jug, 2-4 Station Road (Monument)
  • Post-medieval linear lake or canal with an overflow pont at its north east end. (Monument)
  • Post-medieval metal detector finds (Monument)
  • Post-medieval metal finds, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 4') (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pit, Gosford House, High Street (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pit, Moat Farm House, Burgh (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pits and debris, Chapel Street/Duke Street (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pottery, St Audreys Hospital, Melton (Monument)
  • Post-medieval pottery, tile, and brick, Adjacent The Crown Public House (Monument)
  • Post-medieval Quaker burial ground (Monument)
  • Post-medieval Quaker burial ground on a triangular plot. (Monument)
  • Post-medieval scatter of C16-C19 glazed wares (Monument)
  • Post-medieval sculpture stray find, The Old Rectory (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval shipwreck, River Orwell (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval sixpence of James I (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval well, The Malt House (Monument)
  • Posy-Medieval artefact scatter of sundry metal finds (PMed) (Monument)
  • Potash Cottage (PMed) (Monument)
  • Potash Cottage (Rom) (Monument)
  • Potash Farm (Monument)
  • Potash Farm, Wyverstone (Monument)
  • Potash Field, Brick House Farm (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Potash Field, Brick House Farm; Chapel of St Margaret (site of) (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery (? C15) found during ploughing (Monument)
  • Pottery and metalwork scatter - see Arttype for full list of artefacts. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pottery and metalwork scatter (PMed) (Monument)
  • Pottery and metalwork scatter scatter, and Time Team excavation - for full list of artefacts on screen, see Arttype. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pottery found `inside building floor level (?below foundations of wall of earlier building)',in N range of courtyard complex (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter - coarse ware sherds and four glazed sherds of LMed- Transitional type. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter - mainly C13-C14 unglazed wares, but also a C12 rim sherd and a small amount of C16-C17 glazed wares and some clay pipe fragments. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter (concentrated in small area) C13-C15. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter amongst wooden breakwaters. (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter extending over two fields. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter in field adjoining St Michael's Green (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter in field adjoining St Michael's Green. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter including handmade ESax and Thetford type sherds (S1) and metalwork. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter on the slope leading to the Beck. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter, C11-C12. Area circa 20m square, coarse ware and some Thetford ware. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter, concentrations at TM 3120 7143 and along E side of field. (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter: three C12 rims, remainder C13-C14 unglazed wares and partially glazed C15 wares. (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery sherds found throughout fields walked for Rom settlement evidence (S1). (Med) (Confidential Monument)
  • Pottery sherds; a bronze inscribed seal ring ; a tubular dagger chape and other Med or PMed fragments (Monument)
  • Pottery was found in August 1976 in a ditch beside lane running SW from main road. (Monument)
  • Pound Corner (Monument)
  • Pound Farm, seal matrix (Monument)
  • Pound Hill and Green Hills (Tithe Map 1839) (Med) (Monument)
  • Pound Hill and Green Hills (Tithe Map 1839) (Monument)
  • Pound Hill and Green Hills (Tithe Map 1839) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Powers Farm (IA) (PAS find)
  • Powers Farm (Monument)
  • Prehistoric and Roman Pits at Lound Water Treatment Works (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter (Preh) (and BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of 1 scrapper, 6 flakes of worked flint and 1 sherd of Medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of 4 flint flakes (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of 5 pieces of worked flint. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of burnt flint around a large hollow. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of burnt flint around a large hollow. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of burnt flints and some worked flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of flakes and burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of flakes and pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of flint flakes, including pot boiler flints and scrapers. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of flints (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of flints and a sherd of flint-gritted pottery. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of Iron Age pottery sherds (Find Spot)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of pot boiler flints and worked flints. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of pottery and flint flakes. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of pottery sherds, 2 flakes, one blade and 2 burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of roughly 90 worked flnts. (Preh)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of white heat- crackled flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked and burnt flints. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flint and a pottery sherd. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flint, including pot boiler flints and scrapers. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flint, including scrapers and knives. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flint. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flint. (PAS find)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flints and burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (Preh) (PAS find)
  • Prehistoric burnt flint patch with a flint scraper and flake recovered from the same area. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric burnt flint patch with some worked flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric burnt flint patch. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric burnt flint patch. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric burnt flint patch. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric burnt flint patch. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric ditch at RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Prehistoric finds, Deben Valley Golf Course (Find Spot)
  • Prehistoric flint knife, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 4') (Preh) (Find Spot)
  • Prehistoric Flint Scatter, Compartment 2084 (Monument)
  • Prehistoric flints and burnt flint, Kenton Hall (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric flints and finds, Lord Somerleyton's field No. 11 (Monument)
  • Prehistoric lithic implements, 26 Church Crescent (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric lithic scatter (PAS find)
  • Prehistoric or Roman cropmark settlement site consisting of enclosures and trackways. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric pottery sherd at RAF Bentwaters (Monument)
  • Prehistoric scatter of flints (Monument)
  • Prehistoric spread of burnt flint, black earth and charcoal. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric worked and burnt flints at Lodes, Granta Relief Scheme, Exning (Monument)
  • Prehistoric worked flints at Lodes-Granta Relief Scheme, Exning (Monument)
  • Prehistoruc burnt flint patch. (Monument)
  • Priddy Bridge, Brookside (Monument)
  • Primary School, Quintin Road. (Monument)
  • Primrose Hill Farm (Monument)
  • Principally Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Priors Mill (Monument)
  • Priory church of Saints Peter and Paul, Wangford (Monument)
  • Priory Farm (Find Spot)
  • Priory Farm (Monument)
  • Priory Farm (Monument)
  • Priory Farm (Monument)
  • Priory Farm (Monument)
  • Priory Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Priory Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Priory Field (PMed) (Monument)
  • Priory Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Priory of St Peter/Priory Church of Saints Peter & Paul (Monument)
  • Probable Bronze Age ring ditch on Iken Heath (Monument)
  • Probable dispersed hoard of gold coins, all found with metal detectors. (IA) (Monument)
  • Probable Iron Age or Roman settlement, north-east of Sutton Hall, Sutton parish. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Probable location of Roman building (Monument)
  • Probable Medieval moat, with adjacent fish pond. (Monument)
  • Probable Medieval settlement site with pottery and metalwork scatters. (Med) (Monument)
  • Probable post medieval boundary bank (Monument)
  • Probable Post Medieval Ditch and field boundaries and medieval pottery scater at Botesdale - Rickinghall Bypass (Monument)
  • Probable post medieval flint mines (Monument)
  • Probable post medieval water meadows (Monument)
  • Probable Roman Villa (Monument)
  • Proposed school site, Gislingham (Monument)
  • Pryke's Cottage (Monument)
  • Puddingstone quern (Find Spot)
  • Purdis Road (Monument)
  • Quadrant shaped enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark (Monument)
  • Quarry (Monument)
  • Quaves Lane (Monument)
  • Quay Lane (Monument)
  • Quay Lane Gravel Pit (Monument)
  • Quay Lane, gas pipe trench (Monument)
  • R. Alde estuary (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill (BA) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, 'East Plot' (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Rabbit Hill, East Plot (Med) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, East Plot (PMed) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, East Plot (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, East Plot (Sax) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, Pit Field (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, Pit Field (PMed) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, Pit Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, West Plot (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Rabbit Hill, West Plot (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, West Plot (PMed) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, West Plot (Rom) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Radleys Ten Acres (IA) (Monument)
  • Radleys Ten Acres (Rom) (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath housing: Kennedy Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath housing: Kennedy Street (Un) (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath MERC Building (915) (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath Underground Tanks (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath, Child Development Centre (IA) (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath, Child Development Centre (Rom) (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath, Child Development Centre (Sax) (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath, Intermediate School (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath,Communications Command Facility, Building 1087 (Monument)
  • RAF Lakenheath; New Dental Clinic; Oxford Road (Monument)
  • RAF Mildenhall Confidence Course (Monument)
  • RAF/USAF Lakenheath (IA) (Monument)
  • RAF/USAF Lakenheath (Rom) (Monument)
  • RAF/USAF Lakenheath (Sax) (Monument)
  • RAF/USAF Lakenheath, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • RAFL Building 916 extension (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Rally site' (BA) (Monument)
  • Ram Hotel Bridge & causeway (Monument)
  • Rattlerow Green (1783); Rattlerow Hill (Monument)
  • Rattlers Road; Stuart Close (Monument)
  • Rattlesden Field (Find Spot)
  • Rear of Barclays Bank, Angel Lane. (Med) (Monument)
  • Rear of Barclays Bank, Angel Lane. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Rearing Field (Confidential Monument)
  • Rearing Field (Monument)
  • Rearing Field (Monument)
  • Rearing Field, Farmyard (Monument)
  • Rearing Field; Sandy Plantation (IA) (Monument)
  • Rearing Field; Sandy Plantation (Sax) (Monument)
  • Rebuilding of brick wall of old Smithy revealed wall construction was of clay lump (circa 9"x9"x18" blocks) on brick plinth (Monument)
  • Rectangular enclosure and ditches of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument)
  • Rectangular enclosure and other cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Rectangular Moat, Park Yards (Monument)
  • Rectangular moated site, shown on OS 1:10560 map, set back from All Saints Common. (Med) (Monument)
  • Rectilinear field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Rectilinear field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Rectory Lane (Monument)
  • Rectory; Moats Hall (Monument)
  • Red Hill Road, Lady Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Red Hill Road/Lady Lane (Preh) (Monument)
  • Red House (Monument)
  • Red House Farm (IA) (PAS find)
  • Red House Farm, (OS Field 174) (Monument)
  • Red House Farm, (OS Field 174) (Preh) (Monument)
  • Red House Farm, (OS Field 174) (Sax) (Monument)
  • Red House Farm, Debenham, (Mesolithic-Early Bronze Age) (Find Spot)
  • Red House Field and The Fair Field (tithe) (Monument)
  • Redcastle Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Redcastle Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Rede Green (Monument)
  • Rede Hall (Monument)
  • Redgate Hard (Monument)
  • Redgrave Green (Monument)
  • Redgrave Green (Monument)
  • Redhouse Farm (Monument)
  • Relatively substantial earthwork bank to E of similar sized banks (Monument)
  • Remains of ?Med structure revealed by excavation (non-archaeological) of water pipeline trench to N of B1078. (Monument)
  • Remains of 2 possible ditched field systems of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Remains of a Post Medieval barge. (Monument)
  • Remains of Hoxne Priory at Abbey Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Remains of Hoxne Priory at Abbey Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Remains of villa building uncovered by amateur enthusiast and archaeology student in Summer 1994 - see parish file - within site STS 002. (Monument)
  • Rendham Bridge (Monument)
  • Reported as a moat in permanent pasture (Monument)
  • Republican denarius (Find Spot)
  • Reputed chapel site, Church Field (1731) (Monument)
  • Residual medieval & post-medieval finds, 6 High Street; former Lloyds Bank (Monument)
  • Retreat Farm, Flixton (Un) (Monument)
  • REVOKED RECORD: Moreton Hall East (Revoked Record)
  • REVOKED, Bredfield General, (Prehistoric). (Revoked Record)
  • REVOKED, Duplicate (Revoked Record)
  • REVOKED, Duplicate (Revoked Record)
  • Reydon Grange (Monument)
  • Reydon Marsh road. (Monument)
  • Reydon Smear/The Grove (Monument)
  • Rigborn Hill (Monument)
  • Right angled/rectangular toft boundary running back from road in angle formed with Wash Lane (Monument)
  • Ring ditch (Monument)
  • Ring ditch (Monument)
  • Ring ditch (Monument)
  • Ring ditch (Monument)
  • Ring ditch (Monument)
  • Ring ditch (R1). (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date with 4 pits on its west side. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a soilmark. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch with central 'pit' and associated linear features, of unknown date. (PAS find)
  • Ring ditch/es of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Ringwork in Burnthall Plantation (Monument)
  • Ringwork in Burnthall Plantation (Monument)
  • Risbridge Home/Hospital (Rom) (Monument)
  • Risbridge Home; Hospital (IA) (Monument)
  • Risby Poor's Heath (Monument)
  • Risby Poor's Heath Round Barrows (Neo) (Monument)
  • Risby Poor's Heath Round Barrows (Rom) (Monument)
  • Risby Poor's Heath, Risby, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Risbygate; Chapel of the Blessed Mary, Stone Chapel (Monument)
  • Rishangles Lodge (Monument)
  • Rishangles Lodge (Monument)
  • River Alde (Rom) (Monument)
  • River Black Bourne (Monument)
  • River Deben (Monument)
  • River Deben; Bloss Island (Monument)
  • River Deben; Ferry Hard (Monument)
  • River Dove (Monument)
  • River Dove (Monument)
  • River Fromus (Monument)
  • River Fynn, Fynn Lane (Find Spot)
  • River Lark, Mildenhall (Monument)
  • River Little Ouse (?) (Monument)
  • River Little Ouse (BA) (Monument)
  • River Little Ouse (Find Spot)
  • River little Ouse (Monument)
  • River Little Ouse (Monument)
  • River Little Ouse (Monument)
  • River Little Ouse; Fenhouse Farm (Find Spot)
  • River Stour (IA) (Find Spot)
  • River Stour (Monument)
  • River Stour beach (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • River Waveney (Neo) (Monument)
  • River Waveney (Rom) (Monument)
  • River Waveney (Rom) (Monument)
  • River Waveney (Rom) (Monument)
  • River Waveney (Un) (Monument)
  • River Waveney (Un) (Monument)
  • River Waveney at Barsham, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • River Waveney, Outney Common, Bungay, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Riverside Paddocks, Stow Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Rivetts Hall; Rivetts Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Rivetts Hall; Rivetts Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Road 64 (PMed) (Monument)
  • Rodbridge Corner (Monument)
  • Rom bronze brooch, head-stud type, missing pin & head loop. (Find Spot)
  • Rom bulding material, pottery, 2 fragments of plain Samian (form 33). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rom face mask urn - face mask forms spout of jug (Find Spot)
  • Rom greyware rim sherd in graveyard at TM 4205 5194 and small ?Rom greyware sherd to N at TM 4200 5196 (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rom metal detector finds (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Rom pottery sherd scatter, mainly late. Includes Samian, Nene Valley and Oxford, (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rom road on field S of Scole Bridge, running E-W and composed of stones. Also fieldwalked & metal detected finds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rom surface finds located, pottery (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman activity, Shakerland Hall Quarry (Monument)
  • Roman amphora, Glebe Farm (Monument)
  • Roman and Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman and medieval artefact scatter, including pottery, tile and lead seals. (Med) (Monument)
  • Roman and medieval pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Roman and medieval pottery sherds (Find Spot)
  • Roman and medieval pottery sherds, Bridge Street (Monument)
  • Roman and post-medieval artefact scatter, Pond Hall Rally Site (Monument)
  • Roman and Saxon pottery sherds at service trench, Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
  • Roman aretfact scatter of coins, including one of Theodora (Monument)
  • Roman aretfact scatter ofpottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact sactter of grey ware pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact satter of 5 coins. (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman Artefact scatter (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (and Backlog) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Fields 15 & 16) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter and site of cinerary burials (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter and soilmark with tile and pottery found on the surface. (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter at Worlington - Freckenham Road (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter consisting of a coin hoard (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter consisting of a coin hoard (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter consisting of coins (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter in the soil around a skeleton. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter including 76 coins, 7 brooches, pottery, key handle and a bracelet fragment. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including brooches and coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter including brooches and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including coins and a mount (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter including coins and brooches (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including pottery and a fragment of a bronze bracelet (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 10 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 10 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 12 bronze Roman coins and half of a Colchester derivative type brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 13 coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 15 pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 2 bronze brooches. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 2 coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 26 sherds of greyware and 10 other sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 28 pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 3 coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 3 silver denarii and a Colchester type brooch fragment. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 4 bronze coins, a Colchester derivative hinged brooch fragment and an umbonate plate type brooch fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 4 brooches and a coin. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 4 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 48 coins and a spoon fragment (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 5 bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 5 coins, very worn and pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 5 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 5/6 coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 57 coins, one Domitian and the rest late C3-C4 (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 6 bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 7 bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 9 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a bracelet, finger ring and pin (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a bronze pin and 4 bronze coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a coin hoard of 67 silver denarii. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a Colchester derivative type brooch and an enamelled square seal box lid (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a few sherds of grey ware. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a possible hoard of denarii. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a small coin hoard, comprising 33 bronze coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a stud, coin and bow brooch. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a tile fragment, grey ware sherds and a greyware base. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of abraded pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of animal remains and pottery, including two samian sherds, one with graffito. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of bow brooches and a plate brooch. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of bronze and silver coins and a pin. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of bronze coins and a fibula. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of bronze coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of building debris and pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of building tile. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins and a cast bull's head mount, Bredfield (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins and metalwork, including 2 denarii and a finger ring fragment. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins and pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins over the surface of a mound. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins, brooch and a stud (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins, including 3 denarii, one Commodus and one Septimus Severus (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins, including a silver denarius. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of eleven coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of features and finds. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of fifteen coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of finds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of five coins and a spoon fragment. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of five sherds of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of four coins, a bracelet and a brooch (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of four coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery concentrated in the area of some rectilinear cropmarks. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery sherds and a bronze scoop. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery sherds and a brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery sherds, including 16 rims and 51 body sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery, 5 coins and oyster shells. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds amongst a larger Medieval pottery scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds and a coin of Trajan. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds and medieval finds (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of greyware sherds and a coin. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of Iceni coins and Roman pottery and tiles. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of mainly coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and a few pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including brooch and coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork including brooches and coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, detected from a mainly Medieval site (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including 11 bronze coins and a bow brooch. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including 13 coins and brooches. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including 3 brooches and a coin. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including 3 coins, a complete terret ring, silver finger ring fragment and Colchester derivative brooch (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including 40 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bell, coins and harness. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bow brooch and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze harness fitting. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including a coin and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including a seal box lid, ear scoop and a belt mount. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooche, oins and token. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches and coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, coin and tweezers (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, coin, key, strap fitting and pottery. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, coins and a bracelet fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, coins and tweezers. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and a brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and brooches (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins of Severus Alexander and Constantius. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. Saxon brooch. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalworks. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of minimae coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of nine sherds of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of one silver and four bronze coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of potetry, including 1 sherd of Nene Valley. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and a pit. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and a small lead figurine. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and an area of dark soil. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and bronzework, including coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and building debris. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, consisting of 40 sherds of greyware, 32 coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a brooch and a coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a coin and bow brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a knife and coins. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including bracelet, brooches and coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including bracelet, figurine and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooch, coin and pin. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and a bracelet (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and coins. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and coins. (Rom, also IA, Neo) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches, cosmetic grinder and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins, brooch and ring (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins, brooches and a necklace link. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins, brooches and a pin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including over 30 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including samian sherd and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including tweezers and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery in an area of dark soil with burnt flints (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and a tile fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and fragments of oven and kiln lining. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and metalwork, including coins, brooch fragments, terret ring and a conical headed pin. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and pottery kiln remains. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and tile fragments. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including a couple of colour coated sherds. (Rom) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including grey wares. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including greyware body sherds and a base sherd (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including greyware sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery within an occupation layer. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, also a thin Iron-Age pottery scatter and a Prehistoric flint scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, coins and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including 6 rims, 7 base and 18 body sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including a bowl with internal kick. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including Belgic sherds. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including grey ware storage jar sherds. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including one rim and one body sherd and two flint flakes. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including one sherd of samian and one sherd of belgic. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including onw shell gritted base. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including samian, amphora and shell gritted wares. (Rom) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, mainly grey wares, including storage vessel sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, roofing tile, box tile and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, some decorated. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile and coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile and metalwork from small holes dug into an area of pasture. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile and metalwork, including coins and brooches. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile, coins and brooches (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of rim and base sherds. (Rom) (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of roof tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of roughly 30 grey ware sherds among a larger Medieval pottery scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of seven bronze coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of silver denarii coins, including 3 Republican coins and 1 of Tiberius. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of silver denarii of Hadrian, Septimus Severus and Julia Domna. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of surface finds recovered from molehills and erosion from the river bank. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tegulae fragments (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tegulae, imbrices and box tiles. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tegulae, imbrices and box tiles. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tegulae, imbrices and box tiles. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tesserae and tile. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of three bronze coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of three bronze coins and a Colchester derivative brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of three coins and pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of three coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tile and brick. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tile fragments and possible kiln furniture. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tile, possibly a manufacturing site. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tile, pottery and a brooch. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of twenty three coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of two bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of two brooches and a tile (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of two coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of two coins and a brooch (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of two corroded brooches, an enamelled disc type and a sitting bird. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of worn and corroded coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Abbey Housing Development (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Borough Lane (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Brook Farm (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, includign coins and an oval plate brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including 4 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a bow brooch, steel yard and bracelet (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a bronze coin (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a bronze figurine head of Atys. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a denarius coin of Vespasian and a bronze enamelled plate brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a lead miniature axehead. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a range of bronze and silver coins and a bronze female bust. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including an aoval plate brooch and bronze tinned finger ring (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including an armlet. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including coin and brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including coins and a brooch fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including coins and a lead seal matrix (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including coins, bird brooch and a bronze ring. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including pottery and brooches (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including pottery, coins and a brooch fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Just south of Chantry Farm/Mill Lane (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Low Road (Rom) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Mortimers Lane (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, North Street (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, North Street; Field next to Lane End (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, OS Field 241 (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Park Farm (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Poplar Farm; Church Meadow; Church Field (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Red House Farm (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Rush Green Field (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Water Lane (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefat scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman blue glass bead, melon shaped type (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze belt stiffener (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze brooch fragment. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze coin scatter (Monument)
  • Roman bronze coins, The Mount, Bawdsey (Find Spot)
  • Roman Bronze cosmetic grinder with centre loop (bent & worn) and animal head (bull & very worn animal with small ears) terminals (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze fragment, Icklingham Heath (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze sestertius, late C2, corroded (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze strap fitting (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman brooch fragments, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 5') (Find Spot)
  • Roman brooch, related to Hod Hill type, C1. (Find Spot)
  • Roman brooch, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 6') (Find Spot)
  • Roman brooches (Monument)
  • Roman Building SW of Lake Farm; Fields I, II & III (Monument)
  • Roman Building, features and finds (Confidential Monument)
  • Roman Burials and saxon ditch at Caudle Head, Sewage Works, Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
  • Roman Camp N of Pakenham windmill (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman clay floor and finds made during watching brief at Woodbridge School (Monument)
  • Roman coin (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin and ring, County Upper School (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin and seal found metal-detecting (PAS find)
  • Roman coin hoard, Outney Common (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, 65 Benton Street, Hadleigh (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Cockfield Hall (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Combs Lane (Monument)
  • Roman coin, Elms Farm (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Field 0001 (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Howe Lane (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Howe Lane (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Lodge Farm (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Mason's Field (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Middleton Hall (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Mount Pleasant Farm (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Opposite Beck Common, east of Lee Brook (Monument)
  • Roman coin, Rook Hill Farm (`Field 4') (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Stonehall Farm (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Tesco (Find Spot)
  • Roman coins (Monument)
  • Roman coins found metal detecting (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman copper alloy brooch, Near Kiln Grove (Find Spot)
  • Roman copper alloy key, Mickys Tea Bar (near) (Find Spot)
  • Roman cosmetic grinder, Church Field (Find Spot)
  • Roman diffuse scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman Ditches and Medieval ditches on Land off Gardeners Walk (Monument)
  • Roman ditches at Base Library extension, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Roman double coiled bronze snake (finger?) ring (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman features and inhumation at USAF/RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Roman features at RAF Lakenheath housing- Thunderbird Way (Monument)
  • Roman features at Rapcon Facility, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Roman features, Blackacre Hill (Monument)
  • Roman features, Fornham Road (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field, Kiln 2 (Monument)
  • Roman Field; Rearing Field; Sandy Drove; Turkey Farm; Home Farm (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman finds and features, Vicarage Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman finds, 15 Meeting Field (Monument)
  • Roman finds, 39 (tithe map); Broom Hills (Find Spot)
  • Roman finds, Centre-Parcs holiday complex (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Roman finds, Deben Valley Golf Course (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman finds, Green Lane (Monument)
  • Roman finds, Hasketon Detector Rally Site 1996 (Find Spot)
  • Roman flue tile, North End Warren (Find Spot)
  • Roman grey ware sherds recovered from a 37m stretch of a field bank - exposed by ditch cutting. (Monument)
  • Roman lamp, Downs Farm (Find Spot)
  • Roman metalwork scatter, Boyton Hall Farm (Find Spot)
  • Roman metalwork, East Coast Searchers' Rally site (Monument)
  • 'Roman midden' (Monument)
  • 'Roman midden' (Monument)
  • Roman mount, Mill Field (tithe) (Monument)
  • Roman pewter bowl, found circa 1975, retained by finder (Find Spot)
  • Roman pit exposed in Pakefield cliffs (Monument)
  • Roman pit. (Monument)
  • Roman plate brooch, Memorial Meadows (Find Spot)
  • Roman pottery and burnt flint, Rickinghall-Botesdale bypass (Find Spot)
  • Roman pottery and tile scatter found while metal detecting. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Roman pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Roman pottery scatter. (Monument)
  • Roman pottery sherd, Grove Field (Find Spot)
  • Roman pottery sherd, Notcutts Nursery (Monument)
  • Roman pottery sherds, Molehill (Monument)
  • Roman pottery sherds, Whalebone Cottage (Monument)
  • Roman pottery, Blue Triangle Cafe site (Find Spot)
  • Roman pottery, Cavenham Heath Nature Reserve (Monument)
  • Roman pottery, Holywell Dolvers (Monument)
  • Roman pottery, Kenton Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman puddingstone quern, Flixton Park (Find Spot)
  • Roman radiate coin, High Fen (Monument)
  • Roman Religious Site, West Stow (PAS find)
  • Roman Republican bronze uncia of first half of 2nd century BC. Rare British find. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman rim sherd from foreshore. Sax also found nearby (Find Spot)
  • Roman road and artefact scatters of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman road and occupation site/s. (Monument)
  • Roman scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman semi-circular flat-backed bronze ?inset with enamel (lost, possibly red), curvilinear design. Found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Roman settlement debris and Prehistoric and Medieval finds at Barbers Point (Monument)
  • Roman settlement evidence (midden?) Black Street, Century House (Monument)
  • Roman Settlement NW of Cotton Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman shore fort, unamed, lost over the cliff edge by 1766. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman silver finger ring, Beck Bridge (Find Spot)
  • Roman site; Roman field; Rearing field; Turkey Farm (Monument)
  • Roman skillet handle, brooch, coins and Post-medieval seal matrix. (PAS find)
  • Roman soilmark and rim sherd. (Monument)
  • Roman steelyard weight, Red Castle Farm, Pakenham (PAS find)
  • Roman stone coffin. (Monument)
  • Roman storage jar sherd, found in 1978 (Find Spot)
  • Roman terret ring, Hall Farm (Find Spot)
  • Roman tessellated pavement. (Monument)
  • Roman tile kiln (Monument)
  • Roman tiles found at Bonds Farm (Monument)
  • Roman trackway and field system, Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument)
  • Roman trumpet brooch, damaged, found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Roman Villa East of Rodbridge Hall (Monument)
  • Roman Villa South East of Lidgate (Monument)
  • Roman Villa SW of Weatherhill Farm; Horselands Field (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Roman Way (Monument)
  • Roman, artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman, medieval, and post-medieval finds, Sports ground (Monument)
  • Roof tile fragments. (Monument)
  • Rook Hill Farm (`Field 2') (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Rook Hill Farm (`Field 2') (Med) (PAS find)
  • Rook Hill Farm (`Field 2') (Neo) (PAS find)
  • Rook Hill Farm (`Field 2') (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rook Hill Farm (`Field 4') (Monument)
  • Rook Hill Farm (`Field 5') (Monument)
  • Rookery Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Rookery Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Rookery Mound (Un) (Monument)
  • Rookery Mound, Great Bealings, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • Rookwood Farm, Stanningfield, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Rookwood Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Rookwood Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roos Hall (Monument)
  • Roots an Shoots Nursery, Stowmarket Road. (Monument)
  • Rosemary Lane (Monument)
  • Rotten Row (Monument)
  • Rotten Row Field (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Rotten Row Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Rotten Row Field (PMed) (Monument)
  • Rotten Row Field (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Roughly half of a Bronze-Age ring ditch. (Monument)
  • Round barrow of unknown date (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Round barrow of unknown date on flat, low lying land. (Monument)
  • Round barrow of unknown date, marked on the OS 1st edition map. (Monument)
  • Round Barrow SE of Ash Lodge; Cottage Wood (Monument)
  • Round Barrow. (Monument)
  • Round Barrow. (Monument)
  • Round Hill, Black Cottages (Un) (Monument)
  • Roundwood Farm (Monument)
  • Row of four Post Medieval buildings. (Monument)
  • Row of large timber posts in inter-tidal zone, some(?) visible 1995, some(?) washed away. (Monument)
  • Row View, The Street (Monument)
  • Rowan Drive (Monument)
  • Rumburgh Place Farm (Neo) (Monument)
  • Rumburgh Wood (Monument)
  • Rumoured Saxon artefact scatter including a coin of Edward the Confessor and Burgred (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Rumoured Saxon artefact scatter including a coin of Edward the Confessor and Burgred (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Rush Green (BA) (Monument)
  • Rush Green (IA) (Monument)
  • Rush Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Rushbrooke Green (Monument)
  • Rushbrooke Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • Rushmere Road (Sax) (Monument)
  • Rymer Grange and extra-parochial lands (Monument)
  • Rymer Point (Monument)
  • Rymer Point, Rhymer Meadow, Little Livermere, (1846) (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Rymer Point; Rhymer Meadow (1846) (Preh) (Monument)
  • Rymer Point; Rhymer Meadow (1846) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Rymer Point; Rhymer Meadow (1846) (Sax) (Monument)
  • Rymer Point; Rhymer Meadow (1846) (Un) (Monument)
  • S of Sleights Wood (Monument)
  • S of Upthorpe Road (Monument)
  • Saddlers Cottage (Monument)
  • Sadd's Close, Gravel Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Sadd's Close/Gravel Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Sadd's Close/Gravel Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Sahara Field (BA) (Monument)
  • Sahara Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Sahara Field; Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
  • Sahara; No 1 field (Monument)
  • Sahara; No. 1 field (Monument)
  • Sahara; No 1 Field (Monument)
  • Sahara; Pashford Wood; Number 1 field (Confidential Monument)
  • Sainsbury's (Monument)
  • 'Saltern area' (Med) (Monument)
  • Saltings (Monument)
  • 'Sand Track Field', Brandon (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Sandcliff (Monument)
  • Sandgalls, London Road, Brandon, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Sandgrenehouse, site of (Monument)
  • Sandpit Deering (Monument)
  • Sandy Drove (Monument)
  • Savornes Tenement (Med) (Monument)
  • Savornes Tenement (PMed) (Monument)
  • Sax metalwork and pottery finds found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
  • Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
  • Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
  • Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
  • Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
  • Saxmundham Bypass, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Saxmundham Bypass; OS 5269 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Saxmundham by-pass; OS 5575/6357 (Monument)
  • Saxon and medieval artefact metalwork scatter (PAS find)
  • Saxon and medieval metal finds, Horsecroft (Monument)
  • Saxon artefact scatter (Sax) (Monument)
  • Saxon artefact scatter consisting of 83 pottery pieces (Sax) (Monument)
  • Saxon artefact scatter including Saxonm pottery (Sax) (Monument)
  • Saxon artefact scatter of metal finds (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon artefact scatter of sherds (Sax) (Monument)
  • Saxon artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon artefact scatter, Park Farm (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon artefact scatter, Rush Green Field (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon bronze mount (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Saxon bronze stirrup mount, Black Street (Find Spot)
  • Saxon burials at Windmill Hill, Exning (Monument)
  • Saxon copper alloy strap, White House Farm (Find Spot)
  • Saxon find spot and artefact scatter including Saxon tweezers and pottery (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon finds and features, Vicarage Farm (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Saxon finds, Church Farm (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon findspot, The Hangings, Nacton (PAS find)
  • Saxon gold "bulla" or pendant (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Saxon iron spearhead, Cuckoo Island (Find Spot)
  • Saxon metal artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Saxon metalwork scatter (PAS find)
  • Saxon pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Saxon pottery sherd, Chestnut Farm (Find Spot)
  • Saxon Pottey at Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
  • Saxon Religious House at Abbey Farm (Monument)
  • Saxon silver sceat, Crows Hall (Find Spot)
  • Saxon stone carving, West Suffolk Hospital (former) (Find Spot)
  • Saxon whalebone writing tablet and three stylii, Priory of Black Canons (Find Spot)
  • Sayers Tye; Sawyers Farm (Monument)
  • Scatter (nature not determined) of pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter : pottery etc. (Monument)
  • Scatter of (metal detected?) metalwork and pottery found near the southern edge of the former Clay Lane (see RAT 020). (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of ? C17 - C19 pottery and bricks, within the area of a small field shown on OS 1:10560 map. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Scatter of ?C14-C16 pottery, mainly weighted towards the end of that period. (Monument)
  • Scatter of 11 sherds of hand-made flint gritted `IA' pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of bronze objects found metal detecting, including brooch fragments (? Colchester derivative types), finger rings, a small key,… (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13 and C14 sherds found in arc to E of Norfolk Road, Wangford, as marked by Mr Gardner on 6 inch record map in 1982 (S1). (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13 C14 pottery and mill stone fragment (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13 C14 pottery with a small number of C16 C17 sherds (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13 C14 pottery, with a hint of some C12 (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 pottery associated with a burnt flint patch. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 pottery on the edge of the former St Nicholas Green (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 pottery. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed pottery and oyster shells (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed pottery, also one ?C12 rim and two abraded post- medieval glazed sherds (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed pottery, also one worn ? C12 rim and two post- medieval glazed sherds. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed sherds near the edge of All Saints Common. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed sherds, one post-medieval sherd. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed sherds, plus three post-medieval glazed sherds (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C15 pottery on the edge of All Saints Common. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C15 pottery, including a few glazed wares, also three lava mill stone fragments and oyster shell (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C16 pottery (some glazed). Found whilst fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C16 pottery, including a C15-C16 glazed pancheon fragment. Found whilst fieldwalking. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-early C16 pottery, including one piece of polychrome glazed pottery of Waveney Valley type. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14 - C16 pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C15 pottery in two slightly separated groups, also two lava mill stone fragments. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C15 pottery on the edge of All Saints Common. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C15 pottery on the edge of All Saints Common. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C15 pottery, including glazed wares (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C15 pottery, one lava mill stone fragment and some oyster shells (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C15 pottery, some glazed (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C16 pottery, including partially glazed wares. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C17 pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C14-C17 pottery (smallish group) including glazed wares. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C15 pottery and two lava mill stone fragments on a roughly square platform. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C15-C16 pottery in field adjacent to a lane. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C16 - C17 pottery, including a fragment of Westerwald stoneware (Monument)
  • Scatter of C16-C17 glazed pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C16-C18 pottery. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C17 pottery, including a Westerwald stoneware tankard fragment (Monument)
  • Scatter of C17-C18 pottery on the edge of the former St Nicholas Green. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C17-C19 pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of C17-C19 pottery within the area of two small enclosures shown on 1:10560 map. (Monument)
  • Scatter of C2-C4 pottery, including one samian chip and one shell-gritted rim, tile fragments and two possible tile tesserae. (Monument)
  • Scatter of clay pipe fragments including numerous bowls. (Monument)
  • Scatter of coarse wares with one glazed piece (Monument)
  • Scatter of coarseware pottery, fairly dense. (Monument)
  • Scatter of coins, found metal detecting (S1), see details. (Monument)
  • Scatter of coins, Richard I, Edward I and Henry I. Also detecting rally in 1994 revealed further metal finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of early C16 - early C19 glazed wares, together with a smaller amount of medieval pottery (q. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Scatter of early medieval to C14 pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of finds over area. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of flint flakes and two small scrapers (Monument)
  • Scatter of glazed C16-C17 sherds (Monument)
  • Scatter of glazed C16-C18 pottery and other ceramic finds (Monument)
  • Scatter of grey ware pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of grey ware pottery and coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of grey ware pottery, probably mainly C1 - C2, an annular glass bead with marvered red trail and an acorn-shaped bronze mount with two rear h… (Monument)
  • Scatter of grey ware sherds, one samian fragment, and one white ware mortarium fragment (Monument)
  • Scatter of grey ware sherds, together with 4 abraded samian sherds and 4 glass fragments (Monument)
  • Scatter of heavily burnt flint, Bawdsey Manor (Monument)
  • Scatter of IA sherds and two bronze coins, found metal detecting, in mainly Rom scatter. (IA) (Monument)
  • Scatter of Late Med and PMed metalwork metal detected in field (Monument)
  • Scatter of Late Prehistoric worked flint & pottery. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Scatter of mainly C13-C14 unglazed sherds, some C15-C16 unglazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of mainly C14-C15 pottery, with some possible C13 material. (Monument)
  • Scatter of mainly grey ware sherds, ? C1-C3, some highly micaceous. (Monument)
  • Scatter of mainly Med and PMed metalwork from SE corner of field. Metalwork also found in 2002. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Scatter of mainly unglazed sherds (Monument)
  • Scatter of Med pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of Med pottery including kiln waster. Possibility of kiln or kiln dump in this area. (Monument)
  • Scatter of Med pottery, mainly from the western part of the hatched area on the map (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of Medieval finds at Boyton Hall Farm (PAS find)
  • Scatter of medieval pottery on arable land . (Monument)
  • Scatter of medieval pottery on arable land. (Monument)
  • Scatter of medieval pottery, found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork - brooches including: dolphin brooch, circular enamelled brooch, gilt bronze belt mount, coin - ? Constantine. (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork : two coins (Henry III and Edward I/II), gilded finger ring, bronze fitting with animal head terminal (? LSax - Me… (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork and pottery found metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork and pottery found metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork and pottery found metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork, mainly concentrated in 100m area centred on grid reference, found metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork, mainly within 100m area centred on grid reference. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork, mostly pmed, found whilst metal detecting in 2003. Also occasional pot sherds. (Pmed) (PAS find)
  • Scatter of metalwork, probably from Esax cemetery (Confidential Monument)
  • Scatter of MSax and LSax metalwork, mainly concentrated in 100m area centred on grid reference, found metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Scatter of objects found metal detecting, enamelled disc brooch, miniature axe, antoninianus of Elagabalus (AD 218-222) (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of post-medieval pottery, Everetts Corner (Monument)
  • Scatter of post-medieval pottery, Derrybrook Farm (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery - mainly unglazed wares of C12-C14 date (includes material with sparse shell tempering). (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery (S1). (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery and metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery and metalwork found metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery and metalwork over about half an acre found metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery and oyster shell, TM 2093 5722-25. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery C14-C15 (? some C13) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery found adjacent to a lane (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery found fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery including a few fragments of Samian, shell gritted ware, colour coated fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery near Withersdale Road (S1). Mostly C14-C15. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery recovered from a field adjoining the E side of St Michael's Green. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery sherds found fieldwalking, includes one St Neots ware rim and later coarse wares. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery sherds, mainly small fragments, mostly flint gritted fabrics and a few pieces of sand tempered (and one grog-temper … (IA) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery with some tegula fragments (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, late C1 to C3, including a samian sherd and a ground down grey ware base. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly grey wares - 1 mortaria sherd, 1 flanged bowl, several 'dog' bowls, also 3 samian sherds. Found whilst fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly grey wares but also a samian base found whilst fieldwalking. Various other Rom finds recovered at later stages. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly PMed but including some part-glazed late Med sherds and a possible C12 or C13 rim. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares of 13th-14th century date, but also a few part-glazed sherds, probably from Grimston-type jugs of the 14th-… (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares of C13-C14 date, but also a sherd of Low Countries Undecorated slipware of the late C16-C17 (… (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed wares of the C13-C14, but also some fragments of Grimston-type jugs of C14-C15 and small amounts of glazed wares … (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, predominantly in the N part of the field, concentrated at TM 3887 8008. (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of Rom grey ware sherds, with some some abraded samian sherds, tile fragments and fired daub (Monument)
  • Scatter of Rom pot sherds, totalling circa 40 sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of Rom pottery: mainly grey wares, ranging in date from late C2 to C4, also 1 Samian sherd, 1 shell-gritted sherd, 1 ?Oxford t… (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman artefacts at Park Farm (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Scatter of Roman coins and a post medieval gilded bronze fragment (Find Spot)
  • Scatter of Roman coins and other metalwork, mainly Sax (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman finds, Willow Farm; OS Fields 0058 & 4965 (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman objects (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman pottery. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Scatter of Thetford ware found in 1971-1972. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Scatter of tile and metalwork found at E end of cropmark features. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of worked flint (Monument)
  • Scatter of worked flint found in fieldwalking survey: widespread flakes (including some probably Mes blades), several scrapers and a f… (Neo) (Monument)
  • Scatter, fairly thin mostly, found metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter, not well defined, with a few pottery sherds and tile fragments concentrated in small area found by rapid fieldwalking followin… (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter: pottery, tile, tesserae. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Scatter: metalwork (Med) (PAS find)
  • Scatter: metalwork (Pmed) (PAS find)
  • Scatter: pottery (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter: pottery and metalwork (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter: pottery and metalwork. Roman, Medieval and Post Medieval. Mill Green. (PAS find)
  • Scatter: pottery and metalwork. Roman, Medieval and Post Medieval. Mill Green. (PAS find)
  • Scatter: pottery and metalwork. Roman, Medieval and Post Medieval. Mill Green. (PAS find)
  • Scatter: pottery, found metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Sceatta, Medieval token and late saxon? Relief decorated strap end. Bentley Hall (Monument)
  • Sceatta, porcupine type: Rigold series E, Metcalf B (var), Frisia circa 710-730. (Find Spot)
  • Scheduled Round barrow E of Chillesford Walks; Money Hill (Monument)
  • School Farm Cottage (site of) (Med) (Monument)
  • School Farm Cottage (site of) (PMed) (Monument)
  • School field (Med) (Monument)
  • School Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • School field (Sax) (Monument)
  • School House (Monument)
  • School House garden (Monument)
  • School Street (Nos 14-24) (Monument)
  • Scole Bridge (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scotchmans Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Scotchmans Lane (PMed) (Monument)
  • Scotchmans Lane (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Scott Avenue; Hanmer Avenue (Monument)
  • Scottish two-penny piece of Charles I (1625-1649), Seaby 5602. Found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Scramble Track, West Stow, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • SE Town Defences (Med) (Monument)
  • SE Town Defences (Sax) (Monument)
  • Searchlight (field name) (Med) (Monument)
  • Searchlight (field name) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall (Med) 'Field 402' (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall (Sax) (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall Golf Course (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall. Great Bealings, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Second World War practice target, Shravedell Heath. (Monument)
  • Second World War site (LCS 094) (Monument)
  • Section of a Medieval ditch/water course, probably part of a town defence ditch. (Med) (Monument)
  • Section of a Medieval ditch/water course, probably part of a town defence ditch. (PMed) (Monument)
  • See Artifact type for full list of artefacts - Roman (and BACKLOG) (Confidential Monument)
  • Semer Poor Law Institution; Cosford Union Workhouse (Monument)
  • September 1987: Bronze harness stand, pivoted mount with four projections for suspension of pendants ? Found metal detecting (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • September 1991: fieldwork (undertaken as a result of new sewage pipeline) produced finds scatter including sherds of C13/C14 Med potte… (Med) (Monument)
  • September 1991: Fieldwork undertaken (as a result of new sewage pipeline) produced finds scatter which included 2 ?Ipswich ware sherds… (Sax) (Monument)
  • September 1996: Single sherds of handmade ESax pottery and Thetford ware discovered during excavation of mainly Med site - see (S1) fo… (Sax) (Monument)
  • Series of curved cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Series of Roman ditches, Martlesham Park and Ride (Rom) (Monument)
  • Sestertius possibly of Trajan, 98-117 AD (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • 'Settlement', Smith's Pit (Monument)
  • Settlement: pit, pottery, coins and brooches. Seen in gravel pit face. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Seven Hills Barrows (Monument)
  • Seven Hills Round Barrows; Knight's Wood (Monument)
  • 'Seven-Hills Field' (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (IA) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (IA) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (Med) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (PMed) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (PMed) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (Rom) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (Rom) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (Sax) (Monument)
  • Sewerage scheme, Pettistree (Med) (Monument)
  • Sewerage scheme, Pettistree (Med) (Monument)
  • Shadowbarn Farm (Monument)
  • Shadowbarn Farm (Monument)
  • Shadowbarn Farm (Monument)
  • Shadowbarn Farm (Monument)
  • Shadowbarn Farm (Monument)
  • Shaker's Lane (Monument)
  • Sharper's Corner (Neo) (Monument)
  • Sharpe's Corner (BA) (Monument)
  • Sharpes Corner (Find Spot)
  • Sharpes Corner; Gerald Palmers 1st Field Rows (PMed) (Monument)
  • Sharpes Corner; Gerald Palmers 1st Field Rows (Rom) (Monument)
  • Sharpes Corner; Gerald Palmers 1st Field Rows (Un) (Monument)
  • Sharpes Corner; Grime Drove (Find Spot)
  • Sheepwalk Plantation (Rom) (Monument)
  • Sherd from neck of Frechen stoneware jug showing double head (Find Spot)
  • Sherd of early medieval coarseware, Bawdsey Manor (Monument)
  • Sherd of flint gritted (?IA) pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Sherd of late medieval pottery, The Street (Monument)
  • Sherd scatter - Med only, found behind Almhouses, Metal detected 1997. (Monument)
  • Sherds of mostly Late Medieval wares (Monument)
  • Sherds of samian, grey ware, large storage jar and base of colour coated beaker (Monument)
  • Shield shaped harness mount with 3 lions passant on red enamelled background and LMed purse bar fragment (Monument)
  • Shimpling Hall (Monument)
  • Shipmeadow Poultry Farm;Wangford Union Workhouse;House of Industry (Monument)
  • Shire Hall, Market Hill (Monument)
  • Short cross penny of Edward the Confessor, struck on small flans, Norwich mint, moneyer LEOFWINE, struck 1048-1050, weight 1. (Monument)
  • Short cross penny of John, type 5b (Find Spot)
  • Short cross type penny identified by M Archibald (BM) as of Rhineland origin, Bishopric of Munster (Find Spot)
  • Shotford Heath (Monument)
  • Shotley Fort (1862); HMS Ganges (1904); Shotley Battery (Monument)
  • Shrubland Quarry phases 2 & 3; Smyes Corner (IA) (Monument)
  • Shrubland Quarry, phase 6 (Monument)
  • Sibton Abbey (Med) (Monument)
  • Sicklesmere (Find Spot)
  • Sicklesmere (Monument)
  • Side Hill Field; OS Field 4400 (Monument)
  • Significant Roman artefact scatter, including 163 coins and 38 brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Silver coin of unique type of King Athelstan of East Anglia. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Silver coin, Antoninianus, 244-249 (Monument)
  • Silver coin, farthing Edward I C13-C14 (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Silver coin, inscribed pattern - horse series, anted type. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Silver decorative mount, bird-shaped, with traces of gilding on front, single rivet on rear. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Silver denarius of ?Augustus (not seen by SAU) found metal detecting. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Silver denarius of Antoninus Pius (AD 138-161), found metal detecting. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Silver gilt finger ring of C17 or C18 found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Silver gilt pin, Saxon (Monument)
  • Silver half groat of Edward III - London mint (Find Spot)
  • Silver Iceni coin, Boar-Horse type (Allen 1970 type C) and enamelled terret ring fragment, found metal detecting. (IA) (Confidential Monument)
  • Silver Iron Age coin with ?eagle on obverse and horse to right reverse. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Silver Lea, 5 Chimney Mill (Un) (Monument)
  • Silver long cross penny of Henry III (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny fragment of Aethelstan (AD 924-939), die axis BMC I (N. (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny fragment of Eadwald, apparently new moneyer. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny fragment of William I, Skeets Green (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny of Beornwulf of Mercia, AD 823-825. Also bronze spearhead tip fragment - BA found in 2003. (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny of Edward I (1273-1307) (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny of Henry III found while metal detecting whole field (S1). (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny, long-cross type Henry V (1413-22) (Find Spot)
  • Silver Republican denarius and medieval lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Silver Rom coin, found metal detecting and then lost! Also one Samian sherd (Monument)
  • Silver sceat. (Monument)
  • Silver sceatta, C8, together with Ipswich and Thetford ware pottery fragments. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Silver seal, London, maker's mark of Hester Bateman (Grimwade no. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Silver testoon, Goslyns Hall (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Silver Thor's hammer pendant of Viking type. (Find Spot)
  • Silver, foreign, ?Spanish/Portuguese? coin, circa C16 (photograph sent to BM) (Find Spot)
  • Silverlace Green (Monument)
  • Silverlace Green (Monument)
  • Single ring ditch (Monument)
  • Single ring ditch observed from air photographs 1977. (IA) (Monument)
  • Single ring ditch observed from air photographs, 1977. (Un) (Monument)
  • Single ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Single Samian sherd, School (Find Spot)
  • Single sherd of hand-made flint-gritted Iron-Age pottery amongst a Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Single sherd of Iron-Age hand-made pottery, mixed quartzite and burnt flint temper. (IA) (Monument)
  • Single sherd of medieval coarseware, Milden Phase II mains renewal pipeline (Find Spot)
  • Single sherd of pottery, rilled gritty Ipswich ware. (Monument)
  • Site `Q', Site `B' (Med) (Monument)
  • Site 9/4/3 (Med) (Monument)
  • Site 9/4/3, Bawdsey, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Site 9/4/4, Bawdsey, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Site BY86D (Med) (Monument)
  • Site of 20th century labour camp at High Lodge (Monument)
  • Site of 4 barrows, Newmarket Heath; Newmarket Racecourse (Un) (Monument)
  • Site of a barrow of unknown date (Monument)
  • Site of a kiln of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Site of a Medieval windmill. (Monument)
  • Site of a Post Medieval 'House and Yards' shown on a map of 1748. (Monument)
  • Site of a Post Medieval wall and building. (Monument)
  • Site of a ring ditch, reinterpreted as a possible saltern mound (LCS 182) (Monument)
  • Site of a Roman villa, including roofing and flue tile, tesserae and a fragment of puddingstone quern. (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Site of Barton Hall, Great Barton (Monument)
  • Site of chapel - mentioned C15-C16 (S1)(R1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Site of cottage marked on Tithe Map, demolished this century. (Monument)
  • Site of cottage, marked on the Tithe Map and on the 1:10000 map. Site marked on the ground by a spread of pottery C17-C18 to C20. (Monument)
  • Site of Little Glemham Manor (Monument)
  • Site of Little Glemham Manor (Monument)
  • Site of Little Saxham Hall; Crofts Place (Monument)
  • Site of Napoleonic battery, North Battery (Monument)
  • Site of Pest House, Outney Common (Monument)
  • Site of possible ring ditch on The Mutton (Monument)
  • Site of possible Roman period saltern (Monument)
  • Site of possibly medieval to modern banks, ditches and trackway at High Lodge Visitor Centre (Monument)
  • Site of post medieval to modern boundary bank and ditch at High Lodge Visitor Centre (Monument)
  • Site of previously recorded ring ditch (Monument)
  • Site of previously recorded ring ditch (Monument)
  • Site of second warrener's lodge, Three Hillls, Mildenhall Warren (Monument)
  • Site of unknown date, reported to be heavily nighthawked (Monument)
  • Site of World War Two Diver anti aircraft battery (Monument)
  • Site within the scheduled ancient monument of unknown date, visible as miscellaneous cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Six acres; Church Fields (Sax) (Monument)
  • Six sherds of Rom material. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Six small scoops with charcoal rich fill and a scatter of burnt flints, of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Sixpence of Elizabeth I, Pakefield (Find Spot)
  • Sixteen 17th century tokens found with metal detector on site at Peasenhall. (Monument)
  • Skeltons Drove (Monument)
  • Skeltons Drove (Neo) (Monument)
  • Skeltons Drove (Neo) (Monument)
  • Skelton's Drove, Beck Row. (Monument)
  • Slade Lane (Preh) (Monument)
  • Sleighton Hill (Med-Pmed) (Monument)
  • Sleighton Hill (Monument)
  • Sleighton Hill; Trimley Shore (Sax) (Monument)
  • Slender leaf-shaped arrowhead (Green's type 3C) 4. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Slough Hall (field name), Rush Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Slough Hall (field) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Slough Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Slough Road (Monument)
  • Small ?socketed axe blade fragment metal detected from field. (Find Spot)
  • Small `area of settlement' and `oven' marked on map (Monument)
  • Small `spread of sherds' defined on map of proposed quarry site. (Monument)
  • Small Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork (PAS find)
  • Small blade fragment of socketed axe, surviving width 2. (BA) (Monument)
  • Small Bronze Age Hoard (PAS find)
  • Small bronze rowel spur with straight arms. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Small bronze seal matrix, with shield-shaped die and central wolf's head, traces only of inscription (Find Spot)
  • Small circular Medieval moat arouns a probable mill mound. (Monument)
  • Small concentration of pottery (Monument)
  • Small concentration of small burnt flints of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Small Fen, Brandon, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • 'Small Field'; 'Lower Field' (BA) (Monument)
  • Small group of bronze objects - heraldic stud (?enamelled), purse frame fragment, buckle, - and coin of Henry III (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Small group of C14-C15 pottery (Monument)
  • Small group of C14-C16 sherds, including one polychrome glazed sherd of 'Waveney Valley' type. (Monument)
  • Small group of fairly large pottery sherds - Samian form 44, ? Nene Valley castor box, Oxford ware bowl (S1). (Monument)
  • Small group of flint tools - knife and scraper and two flakes within a much larger assemblage of medieval finds. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Small group of grey ware sherds (Monument)
  • Small group of grey ware sherds, some micaceous. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small group of largely unglazed sherds, ? C13-C14 (Monument)
  • Small group of mainly sand gritted sherds (Monument)
  • Small group of Med unglazed pottery (Monument)
  • Small group of Rom grey ware pottery including storage vessel and jar rims. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small group of Rom grey ware sherds (Monument)
  • Small group of Rom grey ware sherds (Monument)
  • Small group of Rom grey ware sherds and one samian sherd (Monument)
  • Small group of unglazed Med sherds ?C14/C15/ Fragment of a small lava mill stone, circa 14cm in diameter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Small group of various finds C (Monument)
  • Small inhabited moat shown on an estate map of 1815 (S1), but gone by the time of the tithe map of 1840 (S2). (Monument)
  • Small Iron-Age artefact scatter of flint-tempered pottery and worked flint. (Monument)
  • Small Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Small irregular double enclosure of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of 2 body sherds (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of 9 pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of pottery recovered from spoil on a building site. (Med) (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds, mainly unglazed wares. (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of two shield shaped harness pendants (Monument)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatterof pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Small Medieval pottery scatter within the boundaries of an undated cropmark field system. (Monument)
  • Small Medieval rectangular moat. (Monument)
  • Small Medieval scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Small metalwork `scatter' found with metal detector. (Monument)
  • Small moat shown on 1841 map (S2)(R2). (Med) (Monument)
  • Small mound, 10.5m in diameter and under 50cm in height, possible round barrow. (Monument)
  • Small Parallel rectilinear field boundaries of unknown date, visible as faint cropmakrs and earthworks. (Un) (Monument)
  • Small polished flint axe, length 119mm and scatter. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Small Post Medieval building shown on a map of 1580. (Monument)
  • Small rectangular enclosure and outline of a building on the site of St Clements chapel, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument)
  • Small rectilinear enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Small ring ditch of unknown date with central feature, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact sactter of grey ware sherds amond a larger Medieval pottery scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery amongst a lareger Medieval scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds and storage jar sherds among a larger Medieval scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and a Colchester derivative type brooch. (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of pottery among a larger Medieval pottery scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of pottery amongst a larger scatter of Medieval pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of pottery and burnt flints. (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds among a larger Medieval scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman bronze hinge (Find Spot)
  • Small scatter ?LSax/Med pottery slightly to N of Rom scatter, consisting 1 rim sherd Thetford type ware (LSax/EMed); 3 rim, 1 base and… (Med) (Monument)
  • Small scatter of 12 Roman grey ware sherds (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small scatter of C14 pottery near field entrance (S1). (Monument)
  • Small scatter of coins - denarius of Vespasian (69-79) and two bronze, one probably late C4. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small scatter of mainly unglazed C13-C14 pottery, together with a lava quern fragment (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Small scatter of Med pottery sherds, similar fabrics to adjacent site - WNT 012. (Monument)
  • Small scatter of Med/PMed pottery - 1 rim, 1 base & 7 body sherds. (Monument)
  • Small scatter of pottery - grey wares and single plain sherd of Samian. (Monument)
  • Small scatter of pottery - medieval unglazed wares of C13-C14 date, LMed part-glazed wares, Rhenish stonewares and glazed wares of C16-C18 date. (Monument)
  • Small scatter of Rom grey ware sherds, together with a few abraded Med and PMed sherds (Monument)
  • Small scatter of Roman coins (and BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Small scatter of unglazed Med sherds (Monument)
  • Small scatter of unglazed pottery, probably C13 (Monument)
  • Small sub-rectangular enclosure, farmstead and toft, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
  • Small sub-square enclosure of unknown date and function. (Monument)
  • Small trapezoidal edge-polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Small, rectangular moat. (Monument)
  • Smallbridge Hall (Monument)
  • Smallbridge Hall Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Smallbridge Hall Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Smallish group of ? C13-C15 pottery, two lava mill stone fragments and oyster shell, together with post-medieval pottery (q. (Med) (Monument)
  • Smallish group of C13 pottery f (Monument)
  • Smallish group of C13-C15 unglazed, with a larger group of post-medieval pottery (q. (Med) (Monument)
  • Smallish group of C13-C16 pottery (Monument)
  • Smallish group of C13-C16 pottery, including one polychrome glazed sherd of 'Waveney Valley' type. (Med) (Monument)
  • Smallish group of fairly abraded C13-C14 pottery, also one lava mill stone fragment (Monument)
  • Smallish group of pottery, C13-C14 with a few C16-C17 sherds, also lava mill stone fragments (Monument)
  • Smallish scatter of C14-C15 pottery, including some sherds with imperfect glazes. (Monument)
  • Small-long and cruciform brooches found metal detecting. (Confidential Monument)
  • Smoke House Inn, Beck Row Iron Age (IA) (Monument)
  • Smoke House Inn, Beck Row Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, post medieval (PMed) (Monument)
  • Smyes Corner, Shrubland Quarry phase 2 (Sax) (Monument)
  • Snape Hall (Monument)
  • Snape Race Course (Monument)
  • Snare Drove, Kenny Hill. (BA) (Monument)
  • Snare Drove, Kenny Hill. (Monument)
  • Socketed bronze gouge. (Monument)
  • Sogenhoe Chapel (Monument)
  • Soilmark visible on AP 95 65 052 (RCHME) showing 2(?) small enclosures. (Monument)
  • Solid cast human (female) head, ? a mount or a fitting from ? furniture (no clear attachment). (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Some C18-C19 glazed pottery and clay pipe stems, two fragments of lava mill stone and oyster shells (Monument)
  • Some C18-C19 pottery and a lava mill stone fragment found with C13-C16 pottery scatter. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Some Rom metalwork found to W of main scatter (SAL 009) according to grid references supplied. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Sotterley Hall; Sotterley Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • South Battery (Monument)
  • South Elmham Minster (Med) (Monument)
  • South Elmham Minster (Sax) (Monument)
  • South Grange; Repton (Monument)
  • South of Allotment Gardens, Exning, (Iron Age/Roman) (Monument)
  • South of Allotment Gardens, Exning, (Medieval) (Monument)
  • South of Allotment Gardens, Exning, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • South of Allotment Gardens, Exning, (Post Medieval) (Monument)
  • South of Allotment Gardens, Exning, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • South of Ashes Farm, Mendlesham, (Mesolithic). (Monument)
  • South of Crooked Chimney Row, West Stow, (Mesolithic-Bronze Age) (Monument)
  • South of Icknield Way, Lackford (Monument)
  • Southfields Pumping Station (Monument)
  • Southolt Hall (Monument)
  • Southwold Salt Works; Salt Creek (Monument)
  • Sparkford (Monument)
  • Sparks Farm (Monument)
  • Sparks Farm (Monument)
  • Sparks Farm; Hurdle Drive, West Row (Monument)
  • Spexhall Manor (PMed) (Monument)
  • Spooners Field, Park House Farm. (Confidential Monument)
  • Spread of C13-C14 pottery, with possibly some C15 material (Monument)
  • Spread of C14-C15 pottery and possibly some C13. Found whilst fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Spread of C14-C15 pottery, with some possibly C13 (Monument)
  • Spread of Med sherds C14-C16, including 'Late Medieval and Transitional Ware' glazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Spread of pottery near Withersdale Road (S1). Mostly C14-C15. (Monument)
  • Spread of pottery sherds 20m x 48m, mainly part-glazed Late Med and Transitional types, including some wasters (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • Spread of pottery, including kiln wasters, found in an area where grassland had been churned up by wheeled vehicles. (Monument)
  • Spreads of Med pottery in two fields - ? C12-C14. (Med) (Monument)
  • Spreads of Rom grey ware sherds in two fields, weighted towards the two westerly concentrations as shown on the map. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Spring 1992: during assessment trial trenching prior to housing development (Planning Application B/91/0740), a single pit was located and excavated. (Monument)
  • Sproughton Knoll, Sproughton, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Square enclosure, probably moat (S1). (Monument)
  • Square House, St Mary's Square (Monument)
  • Square House, St Mary's Square; St Edmunds Nursing Home (Monument)
  • Square lead weight with chequer design, 35gms (Poorly Located Monument)
  • St Andrew's Church (Monument)
  • St Andrew's Church, Little Fakenham (site of); Park House (Monument)
  • St Audrey's Hospital; St Audry's Hospital (Find Spot)
  • St Bartholomew's Church (Monument)
  • St Botolph's Chapel (Monument)
  • St Clare's Nunnery; Bruisyard Abbey (Monument)
  • St Clements Chapel (Med) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • St Edmund Memorial penny, post Cuerdale group, circa AD 905-910, found 1987 with metal detector. (Monument)
  • St Edmunds Abbey Cloister (Monument)
  • St Edmunds Hospital & Nursing Home, (Multi Period) (Monument)
  • St Edmunds Monument field (Monument)
  • St James' Chapel (site of) (Med) (Monument)
  • St James' Town Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • St James' Town Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • St John's Manor House, Manor House Farm (Monument)
  • St Margaret's Church; Halgestowe (Monument)
  • St Margaret's Green (Monument)
  • St Margaret's Town Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • St Margaret's Town Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • St Margaret's Town Farm (site of) (Monument)
  • St Martin's Church (Rectory) (Monument)
  • St Martin's Church (Rectory) (Monument)
  • St Martins Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • St Mary Magdalene's Churchyard, Little Whelnetham. (Monument)
  • St Mary's chapel and hospital/St Mary's Flats (Monument)
  • St Mary's Church (Monument)
  • St Mary's Church (Monument)
  • St Mary's Church, (Easton?) (Sax) (Monument)
  • St Mary's Church, Dunningworth (Neo) (Monument)
  • St Mary's Hospital; Samford Poor Law Institution (Monument)
  • St Mary's House, formerly Town House, originally Cock's (Monument)
  • St Mary's Priory; Mendham Marshes (Monument)
  • St Nicholas' Church (site of) (Monument)
  • St Peter's Road (Sax) (Monument)
  • St Peter's Road, Carlton Colville, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • St Petronilla's Hospital (Monument)
  • St Stephens Hospital; Unicorn Place (Monument)
  • Stangrove Hall (Monument)
  • Stanny Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Stanstead Great Wood (Monument)
  • Stanton Chare; Stanton Chair (Rom) (Monument)
  • Stanton Chare; Stanton Chair (IA) (Monument)
  • Stanton Chare; Stanton Chair (Sax) (Monument)
  • Stanton Green (Monument)
  • Starknaked Farm ; Sternacre Farm (Monument)
  • Station Road (Monument)
  • Staunch Meadow (BA) (Monument)
  • Staunch Meadow (Monument)
  • Staunch Meadow; Chequer Meadow (Rom) (Monument)
  • Staverton Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Stawberry Field, Anglo-Saxon (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Stawberry Field, medieval (Med) (Monument)
  • Stawberry Field, Roman (Rom) (Monument)
  • Steeple End; E Counties Bus Area (Med) (Monument)
  • Steps Farm to Water Tower, Stoke by Nayland (Monument)
  • Stock Corner Farm (Monument)
  • Stock Corner Farm (Monument)
  • Stock Corner, Beck Row. (BA) (Monument)
  • Stock Corner, Beck Row. (IA) (Monument)
  • Stock Corner, Beck Row. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Stoland Abbey (Monument)
  • Stone Hall, Nethergate Street (Monument)
  • Stone Street (Monument)
  • Stone tablet, Mill Farm (Monument)
  • Stoneylands (Monument)
  • Stoneylands; Nursery (IA) (Monument)
  • Stoneylands; Nursery (Rom) (Monument)
  • Stony Lane (Monument)
  • Stour Estuary beach (Monument)
  • Stour House; Gregory Street (IA) (Monument)
  • Stour House; Gregory Street (Med) (Monument)
  • Stour House; Gregory Street (PMed) (Monument)
  • Stour House; Gregory Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • Stour House; Gregory Street (Sax) (Monument)
  • Stow Park, Bungay, (Prehistoric - Roman) (Monument)
  • Stow Union Workhouse; Stow Lodge Hospital; Stow Poor Law Institution (Monument)
  • Stowmarket Road (Find Spot)
  • Stowupland Street (Monument)
  • Straatesella (Monument)
  • Stradbroke Town Farm (Monument)
  • Strawberry Field, Iron Age (IA) (Monument)
  • Stray find: copper alloy bridle bit. (PAS find)
  • Stray find: Crossbow brooch (PAS find)
  • Stray find: horse harness fitting (Med) (Monument)
  • Stray find: medieval buckle (PAS find)
  • Stray find: Medieval silver coin found metal-detecting (PAS find)
  • Stray find: Neolithic flint flake (PAS find)
  • Stray find: pottery. Probably found whilst metal detecting (PAS find)
  • Stray find: Religious personal accessory. (PAS find)
  • Stray find: silver hooked fastener, metal detected 1999. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Stray find: strap fitting (PAS find)
  • Street and Steel's Farm, Bucklesham, (Mesolithic-Bronze Age). (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Street Farm (now Generations Farmhouse); Becketts (Monument)
  • Street Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Street Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Street Farm (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Street Farm Cottage; Waylands(?) (Med) (Monument)
  • Street Farm Cottage; Waylands(?) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Stubbings Entry (Med) (Monument)
  • Stuston Common (Monument)
  • Stuston Common (Monument)
  • Stuston Common (Monument)
  • Stuston Common (Monument)
  • Stuston Place Farm (Monument)
  • Stutton Ness, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Stutton Shore (Monument)
  • Stutton Shore, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Stutton Shore, Douglas Spinney, (Mesolithic, Neolithic?) (Monument)
  • Sub-circular mound, circa 15m diameter and 1.5m high, Scheduled Monument. (Monument)
  • Subrectangular enclosure & field boundaries (moat?), & a metal detected bronze animal head. (Monument)
  • Sub-rectangular enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark, also a semi-circular cropmark to the east. (Monument)
  • Sub-square enclosure, Codson Hill (Monument)
  • Substantial burnt flint patch with thousands of burnt flint fragments (S1). (Monument)
  • Substantial group of unglazed C13-C14 sherds, with a small amount of C17-C18 glazed sherds. (Monument)
  • Substantial group of unglazed sherds, C13-C14, together with 2 small glazed sherds, found whilst fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Substantial scatter of C14-C15 pottery, with some ? C13 sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Substantial scatter of pottery, (Monument)
  • Substantial timbers, close to River Blyth, possibly from causeway leading to Walpole Bridge, were located during observation of Anglian Water trench,… (Monument)
  • Sudbourne Marshes (Monument)
  • Sudbourne Marshes; Town Marshes (Monument)
  • Sue Ryder Home (Monument)
  • Suffolk General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Suffolk Stadium, Ipswich, (IAS 7709), (Prehistoric-Medieval) (Monument)
  • Summerpit Bottom (Monument)
  • Sunset Bungalow, Meeting Green (Monument)
  • Surface find, while metal detecting, of complete flaked flint axe. (Monument)
  • Surface find: polished rod or `fabricator', 12. (Monument)
  • Surface finds scatter of pottery (grey wares), coins (mid C2-mid C4) and brooches (Monument)
  • Surface scatter of maily Roman finds (Monument)
  • Surface scatter of Neolithic worked flints including scrapers, borer?, knife? (Monument)
  • Surviving earthwork about 50m long bounding old rectory - mapped since at least C16. (Monument)
  • Sutton Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Sutton Hall (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo (Preh) (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo Farm Reservoir (Med) (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo Farm Reservoir (PMed) (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Preh) (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Sax) (Monument)
  • Swales Fen (BA) (Monument)
  • Swales Fen (Isleham Marina) (BA) (Monument)
  • Swales Fen; Isleham Marina (Monument)
  • Swale's Tumulus (BA) (Monument)
  • Swale's Tumulus (Neo) (Monument)
  • Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Sycamore House (Find Spot)
  • Syers Field, Cook's Green (Monument)
  • Syleham Cross (Monument)
  • Syleham Mill; Syleham Toll Bridge (Med) (Monument)
  • Symonds Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Symonds Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Systern Field, Walnut Tree Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Tacon Close (Monument)
  • Taflin's Quarry (PMed) (Monument)
  • Taflin's Quarry (Un) (Monument)
  • 'Taimoshan', Church Lane (Monument)
  • Tan Office (PMed) (Monument)
  • Tanged arrowhead, garden of 21 Church Street (Monument)
  • Tangham Farm (Monument)
  • Tangham Mount (Monument)
  • Tannington Hall (remains of) (Monument)
  • Tapering butt end of Neolithic flaked flint axehead, 12 (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Tattingstone Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Tattingstone Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Taylor's Field; Thurston End (Monument)
  • Telephone cable, Abbey Gardens (Monument)
  • Telephone Pole Hole, Glemsford, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Ten Acres (IA) (Monument)
  • Ten Acres (Rom) (Monument)
  • Ten Acres (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Ten Acres, Bardwell, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Tendring Hall Estate (Find Spot)
  • Terminal of Bronze Age gold bracelet of round section rod with splayed solid buffer terminal (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Thatchers End, Bardwell, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • The 50 Field (AND BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • The Albany, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, (IAS, 8503). (Find Spot)
  • The Angel Site (LEM 1) (Monument)
  • The Avenue (Monument)
  • The Barclays Bank Site (BBS 1 & BBS 2) (Monument)
  • The Basin (Monument)
  • The Bath House (1839); Pump House (1797); Hengrave Park (Monument)
  • The Bruehouse (site of) (Monument)
  • The Bull Inn (Monument)
  • The Castle Yard (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • The Castle Yard (Sax) (Monument)
  • The Conduit, Melford Green. (Monument)
  • The Croft (Med) (Monument)
  • The Decoy; Decoy Wood (Monument)
  • The Delph (Find Spot)
  • The Delph, Undley. (Monument)
  • The Denes, Benacre Ness (Monument)
  • The Devil's Ring, Brightwell Heath (BA) (Monument)
  • The Devil's Ring, Brightwell Heath (IA) (Monument)
  • The Dolvers : Breach Drove (Neo) (Monument)
  • The Dolvers, Breach Drove. (Monument)
  • The excavation took place in the autumn of 1964 on the bank of a tributary of the River Lark. (Monument)
  • The Fifty (1874) (Monument)
  • The Firs (Monument)
  • The First Woods (field name) (Monument)
  • The Forge, Boulge Road, Burgh, (Prehistoric-Post Medieval). (Monument)
  • The Forge, Claydon, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • The Gables, Bramford (Monument)
  • The Gallows (1601) (Monument)
  • The Glebe (field) (Monument)
  • The Glen (Monument)
  • The Grange (IA) (Monument)
  • The Grange (Med) (Monument)
  • The Grange (Monument)
  • The Grange (Monument)
  • The Grange (Rom) (Monument)
  • The Grange; Mill Hall (c1840) (Monument)
  • The Green (Monument)
  • The Green; Wood Farm (Monument)
  • The Griffin; Newmarket Court House; Palace (of James I); Marlborough Club (Monument)
  • The Grime, Grime Fen (Monument)
  • The Grove (Monument)
  • The Guildhall, Bury St Edmunds (Monument)
  • The Harbourage; Peddars Lane; Ingate Road (Monument)
  • 'The Haven', Stonham Rd, Mickfield (Monument)
  • The Hermitage, Dennington Road (Monument)
  • The Howe (Monument)
  • The Island (Med) (Monument)
  • The Island (Monument)
  • The Island (Monument)
  • The Left Battery, Landguard Fort (Monument)
  • The Limes (Monument)
  • The Lodge, Hoxne New Park (site of) (Monument)
  • The Lowe(s?); Undley (Monument)
  • The Maltings, Bridge Street (Med) (Monument)
  • The Manor House, Honey Hill. (Monument)
  • The Mardle, The Street (Monument)
  • The Mardle, The Street (Monument)
  • The Marsh (Monument)
  • The Mill; Ashfield Mill (Monument)
  • The Mount (E of Thorpe Hall) (Monument)
  • The Old Bakery (Monument)
  • The Old Hall (Monument)
  • The Old Hall (Monument)
  • The Old Rectory, Church Lane, Sproughton, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • The Old School (Med and Post Med) (Monument)
  • The Old School (Preh) (Monument)
  • The Old School (Rom) (Monument)
  • The Old School (Sax) (Monument)
  • The Old Vicarage (Monument)
  • The Old Vicarage, Kenton (Monument)
  • The Old Yaws (Med) (Monument)
  • The Old Yaws (PMed) (Monument)
  • The Ostrich Inn (Monument)
  • The Parke (Monument)
  • The Pightle (Rom) (Monument)
  • The Pines, Hill Farm (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • The Plains Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • The Plains Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • The Poplars, Thorpeness (Monument)
  • The Pottery, Low Street (Monument)
  • The Queech (Monument)
  • The Rectory (garden) (Monument)
  • The Rectory (Monument)
  • The Rectory; The Old Rectory; The Moat House; Charnwood (Monument)
  • The Red House (Monument)
  • The Rookery (Med) (Monument)
  • The Rookery (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • The Rookery Farm (Monument)
  • The Rookery Farm (Monument)
  • The Rookery; formerly Battlesea Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • The Shepherds Watch (Monument)
  • The Skirts and The Stautlands (Monument)
  • The Straw House, Stanton Chase, Stanton (Monument)
  • The Street (Find Spot)
  • The Street (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • The Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • The Street (Sax) (Monument)
  • The Street (site BY88K) (Monument)
  • The Street (Un) (Monument)
  • The Thrift (Monument)
  • The Vicarage; Sickles House (Monument)
  • The Vinery, Babwell Friary (Monument)
  • The Walk, Loudham Hall (Monument)
  • The Warbanks; Le Barowe (Monument)
  • The Warren (Monument)
  • The White Hart (medieval feature (Monument)
  • The White House (Med) (Monument)
  • The White House, Church Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • The White House; Easton Mansion; Easton Park (PMed) (Monument)
  • Thelford (Snape) Watering Bridge (Monument)
  • Theobalds Yard, St Catherine's. (Monument)
  • Thetford Forest, Santon Downham, (Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Thetford Road (Find Spot)
  • Thetford Road, Brandon; Mounts Whiting works chalk pit (Monument)
  • Thetford ware pottery, 85 High Street (Monument)
  • Thetford ware scatter & St Neots type ware, S of church near valley bottom. Found during fieldwalking survey. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Thin and diffuse scatter of Rom pottery noted as a result of fieldwalking (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Thin artefact scatter of Roman pottery. (Monument)
  • Thin Medieval artefact scatter of abraded pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Thin Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Thin Medieval scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Thin Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Thin Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Thin Roman artefact scatters of pottery and metalwork, including a bracelet, harness and stud. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Thin scatter Med pottery - 4 rim & 24 body sherds found in small concentrations, during fieldwalking survey on OS fields 7717 & 0002. (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of finds from metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of handmade flint gritted sherds found in fieldwalking (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of Med pottery (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of Med pottery on OS field 3100, found during fieldwalking survey. (Med) (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of Med pottery over fields OS 0006 & 4161 with slight concentration suggested on S half of field OS 4161. (Med) (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Thin scatter of Rom pottery on OS field 3100 found during fieldwalking survey. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Thin surface scatter of prehistoric flint flakes and Med pottery and Medieval coin (Monument)
  • Thinly distributed Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a brooch and coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Thistleton Hall (Monument)
  • Thistley Green; Micky's Tea Bar site (BA) (Monument)
  • Thorington Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Thorington Park (Monument)
  • Thorington Park (Monument)
  • Thorington Park (Monument)
  • Thorington Park (Monument)
  • Thorington Park (Monument)
  • Thorpe Green or Common (Monument)
  • Thorpe Hall (field name) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Thorpe Hall (field name) `Site C' (Med) (Monument)
  • Thorpe Hall (field name), Manor Farm (Monument)
  • Thorpe Street (IA) (Monument)
  • Thorpe Street (Med) (Monument)
  • Thorpe Street (Monument)
  • Thorpe Street (Neo) (Monument)
  • Thorpe Street (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Thorpe Street (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Thorpes Hill (Monument)
  • Three (+?) rings of large flint ?foundations (?cemented) (Monument)
  • Three `IA' sherds found during fieldwalking survey by John Newman. (Monument)
  • Three abraded Roman grey ware sherds (Monument)
  • Three areas of white heat crackled flints (Un) (Monument)
  • Three bronze C4 coins (Monument)
  • Three buckles, one of strap end type with gilded plate (cf Nacton 033) found metal detecting. (Med) (Monument)
  • Three buildings held by Robert Geiton and Simon Burwell, shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton, 1629 (S1). (Monument)
  • Three C14(?) stone architectural fragments, Great Greys (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Three circular hut (?) sites with hearths (pottery fragments in hearth no. (Monument)
  • Three coins, Antoninus Pius (AD 138-161) - Commodus (AD 177-180). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Three Corner Chittocks (Med) (Monument)
  • Three denarii (Nerva - Trajan - Hadrian, AD 96-125 range) found metal detecting in a limited area. (Monument)
  • Three medieval silver coins, 'Field 7' (Monument)
  • Three semi-circular post structure of possible 16th to 19th century date at Holbrook Bay (Monument)
  • Three sherds of Ipswich Ware with a small group of abraded medieval and post-medieval sherds (Monument)
  • Three sherds of Ipswich Ware from amongst spreads of Rom and Med sherds in two fields. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Three sherds of Rom grey ware from amongst a Med scatter (Monument)
  • Thurleston Lane (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Thurleston Lane (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Thurleston Lane (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Tiny conical coppper alloy clapper bell ('Norse bell'), found metal detecting. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Tip of Bronze Age rapier, circa 65 mm long. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Tithe Farm (Monument)
  • TM 2070 5420 to TM 2095 5412: 375gms of C13/C14 coarse ware consisting: 7 rim, 2 handle, 47 body and 1 glazed PMed sherd. (Monument)
  • Toft of unknown date, visible as a small rectangular cropmark. (Monument)
  • Tollgate Public House (Med) (Monument)
  • Tollgate Public House, Bury St Edmunds, (Prehistoric, Saxon) (Monument)
  • Tower Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Town Defences: NW section (Med) (Monument)
  • Town Defences: NW section (PMed) (Monument)
  • Town Defences: W section (Med) (Monument)
  • Town Defences: W section (PMed) (Monument)
  • Town Defences: W section (Sax) (Monument)
  • Town Ditch (Monument)
  • Town ditch evidence (Monument)
  • Town Ditch, Quaves Lane (Monument)
  • Town House - fruit farm (Monument)
  • Town House (1769); Fornham Park (Monument)
  • Trackways and ditches of potential Roman date (Monument)
  • Treakle's Farm, Nr Castlehill Farm. (Monument)
  • Trenched evaluation located ditches, gullies and pits with a few abraded sherds of Ipswich & Thetford ware. (Monument)
  • Trenches found C18 & C19 pit and one Med(?) and two small body sherds (Monument)
  • Trimley Marshes (NE edge) (Monument)
  • Trimley Marshes (Preh) (Monument)
  • Trimley Marshes (S side) (Monument)
  • Trimley Marshes Managed Retreat (Rom) (Monument)
  • Trinity Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • Trinovantian bronze coin of Cunobelinus, obv: coiled animal with ram's head rev: ?horse to left. (IA) (Monument)
  • Triple ditched ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
  • Tudor Cottage (Med) (Monument)
  • Tudor Cottage (PMed) (Monument)
  • Tumuli - Part of Eastlow Hill Group (Monument)
  • Tumulii and Sax mixed inhumation and cremation cemetery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Tunstall Forest (Monument)
  • Tunstall Forest, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Turf Fen, Lakenheath. (Monument)
  • Twisted unglazed jug handle (Find Spot)
  • Two bowl barrows on Aldringham Green (Monument)
  • Two Boy Bishop tokens. (Med) (Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age beakers and stone wristguard, Brandon Fields (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Two Bronze Age flanged axes, West Row Fen (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Two bronze coins. (Monument)
  • Two brooches, Colchester derivative types, found metal detecting (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Two buildings marked on William Haiward's map of Sutton, 1629, described as a bond tenement belonging to John Hales (S1). (Monument)
  • Two buildings shown on William Haiward's map of Shottisham, 1631, as belonging to Robert Bourne (S1). (Monument)
  • Two buildings shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton 1629, belonging to Henry Havfen (S1). (Monument)
  • Two buildings, labelled `Mr Burwell voc, Tho Marshes', shown on William Haiward's map of Sutton 1629 (Monument)
  • Two buildings, owned by Robert Bourne, shown on William Haiward's map of Shottisham, 1631 (S1). (Monument)
  • Two copper or bronze flat axes and a probable spearhead (or possible dagger) (Monument)
  • Two cruciform brooch fragments. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Two Edward I long cross pennies, two Nuremberg tokens and a William III penny (AD 1700) found metal detecting (Med) (Monument)
  • Two enamelled head-stud brooches and part of a disc brooch, found metal detecting (S1). (Monument)
  • Two flint scrapers and some waste flakes (Monument)
  • Two Iron-Age hand-made grited pot sherds found in the top of a small feature. (Monument)
  • Two lengths of curving bank forming semi(?) circle, Wangford Warren (Monument)
  • Two linear features, probably small ditches, aligned NE-SW, found in cleaning subsoil in area of early Roman coin hoard. (IA) (Monument)
  • Two long cross pennies, Lower Falkenham (Find Spot)
  • Two Medieval ditches at No 30 Mustow Street (Monument)
  • Two medieval sherds C13/C14 pottery found by S Podd (Monument)
  • Two metal detected coins of Edward I (Monument)
  • Two post medieval lead cloth seals from garden in Reeve Close (Monument)
  • Two pottery lamps and Roman pottery at 34 Grundisburgh Road (Monument)
  • Two rectangular cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Two rectangular enclosures, possible moat to S, pre-airfield field boundaries. (Monument)
  • Two Roman brooches and hair pins, "New Lee Farm" (Monument)
  • Two Roman coins and brooch fragment, 'Pagent Field' (Monument)
  • Two Roman finds metal detected (Monument)
  • Two rows of Medieval pegged posts, presumed to be from a water-mill leat. (Monument)
  • Two sherds of flint gritted (?IA) pottery from OS field 4161. (IA) (Monument)
  • Two sherds of hand-made flint tempered pottery found with mainly Rom group while metal detecting. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Two sherds of medieval coarseware from watching brief (Find Spot)
  • Two sherds of samian and a few grey ware sherds (Monument)
  • Two small, abraded sherds, found in 1970 on abraded field surface. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Two undated postholes at Drury House, Great Whelnetham (Monument)
  • Ufford Hall (Monument)
  • Ufford Hall (Monument)
  • Ufford Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Ulveston Hall (Monument)
  • Ulveston Hall (Monument)
  • Undated bank earthwork on Lodes - Granta Relief Scheme, Exning (Monument)
  • Undated bank, Havergate Island (Monument)
  • Undated bone point, River Waveney (Find Spot)
  • Undated bronze finger ring, Holywell Row (Find Spot)
  • Undated cobbled surface, 3 St Marys Close (Monument)
  • Undated decorated gold fragment, Grange Farm (Monument)
  • Undated ditch and buried ancient soil profile, Center Parcs Forest Resort, Elveden (Monument)
  • Undated ditch and pit, The Osiers (Monument)
  • Undated ditch and scatter of Medieval pottery at Rickinghall - Botesdale Bypass (Monument)
  • Undated ditch, Church Terrace Cottage (Monument)
  • Undated ditch, Kesgrave High School (Monument)
  • Undated ditch, Rear of Fleurael Cottage (Monument)
  • Undated ditch, The Old Rectory (Monument)
  • Undated dith at Caudle Head Interceptor, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Undated earthwork bank, Block 4036, North Stow (Monument)
  • Undated earthwork mound (Monument)
  • Undated features and buired soil at RAF Lakenheath Medical Storage Facility (Monument)
  • Undated features and Post-Med ploughlines at Transient Lodging Facility, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Undated finds and features, Vicarage Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • Undated flat bronze fragment decorated with stamped rings (Find Spot)
  • Undated gully and two medieval coins at Exeter Stables, Exning (Monument)
  • Undated human skeletal remains, Lakenheath Airfield (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Undated mound, possibly a Bronze Age round barrow, in Mount Plantation (Monument)
  • Undated pit (Monument)
  • Undated pit and 19th century horse stud on Land off George Lambton Avenue, Newmarket (Monument)
  • Undated Pit on Land adjacent to A134, Tesco Site, Long Melford (Monument)
  • Undated pit, Stay Barn, The Street ( (Monument)
  • Undated pits, Former Four Swans Hotel, North Street (Monument)
  • Undated pottery cone, Kings Forest (Find Spot)
  • Undated rectilinear ditched enclosures, Ramsholt parish (Monument)
  • Undated ring ditch crop mark, Rougham Industrial Estate (Monument)
  • Undley (Monument)
  • Undley (Monument)
  • Undley (Monument)
  • Undley (Monument)
  • Undley (Monument)
  • Undley (Monument)
  • Undley Causey; The Causeway; Church Patch; Babbridge (Monument)
  • Undley Common (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Undley Common (but see description) (Sax) (Monument)
  • Undley Common (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Undley Common (IA) (Monument)
  • Undley Common (Monument)
  • Undley Common (Monument)
  • Undley Common (PMed) (Monument)
  • Undley Common; Nursery Plantation (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Unidentifiable Roman coin, Bawdsey Church Field (Find Spot)
  • Unknown artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Unoccupied Medieval moat near BRP 003 and 004. (Monument)
  • Unstratified post-medieval finds, Methodist Church Hall (Monument)
  • Unstratified potsherds, Stratford Lodge (Monument)
  • Upper Arboretum, Christchurch Park, (IAS 7805). (Monument)
  • Upper Chamberlains Farm, Eriswell, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Upper Dales (Monument)
  • Upper Dales (Monument)
  • Upper Dales (Monument)
  • Upper Dales (Monument)
  • Upper Dales (Monument)
  • Upper part of a bronze notch-hilted rapier, surviving length 11.9cm. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Upper part of a flint arrowhead, unpatinated - Neo or EBA, found during fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Upper School Playing Fields (BA) (Monument)
  • Upper School Playing Fields (Neo) (Monument)
  • Upper School Playing Fields (Rom) (Monument)
  • Upper School Playing Fields (Sax) (Monument)
  • Upper School Playing Fields, Mildenhall, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Upright wooden posts and horizontally laid brushwood sealed by riverine deposits. (Monument)
  • Upsher Green (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Upsher Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Upsher Green (Rom) (Monument)
  • Upsher Green (Un) (Monument)
  • USAF (Monument)
  • USAF/RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Vale Farm Formerly Aldams (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (BA) (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Valley Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (Neo) (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Valley Farm; Church Wood (IA) (and BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Vancouver, Bury Road (Monument)
  • Various Med metal detected finds includes buckle, harness and spur (PAS find)
  • Various Medieval finds, either strays or from dispersed scatters (Find Spot)
  • Various medieval metal detected finds, Boyton Hall Farm (Find Spot)
  • Various metal detected finds includes buckle, spoon and a button (PAS find)
  • Various metal detector finds of undated and unidentified metal work. (Un) (Monument)
  • Various metal detector finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various metal finds found whilst metal detecting including bow brooch, Colchester derivative brooch and coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Various pmed finds recorded during detector rally, 1994. (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Various post-medieval metal detected finds, Boyton Hall Farm (Find Spot)
  • Various pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Various pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Various pottery sherds and metal detected finds (Monument)
  • Various rom metalwork and pottery finds recovered whilst metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Various Roman finds, either strays or from dispersed scatters (Find Spot)
  • Various Roman metal detected finds, Boyton Hall Farm (Find Spot)
  • Various Saxon metal objects found with a metal detector (S1). (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Various undated metalwork finds recovered whilst metal detecting along pipeline route. (Un) (Monument)
  • Various undated weapon finds, Witnesham Hall; Manor Farm (Monument)
  • Venetian medieval coin, 69 Beccles Road (Find Spot)
  • Very small copper-alloy 'knife-dagger' with triangular blade & incomplete broad lozenge tang. Metal detected. (Monument)
  • 'VFI', Brent Eleigh. (Monument)
  • Vicarage Farm (BA) (Monument)
  • Vicarage Farm (IA) (Monument)
  • Vicarage Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Vicarage Farm (Monument)
  • Vicarage Farm (Preh) (Monument)
  • Victoria Mill, Castleton Road; Mortimers Mill (Monument)
  • Victoria Road (Monument)
  • Victorian limestone/chalk block, 6 Downs Place (Monument)
  • Vill of Bixley (Monument)
  • Vine Cottage (Building)
  • Vine Cottage (Med) (Monument)
  • Vine House, Vine Lane (Monument)
  • Vineyard, Snipe Cottage (Sax) (Monument)
  • V-shape Roman ditches containing artefact scatter of pottery and animal bones. (Monument)
  • W of Cretingham Church (Rom) (Monument)
  • Wade Hall (Monument)
  • Wades Lane, Shotley (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Wainford (Monument)
  • Wainwright Way (BA) (Monument)
  • Walberswick Beach (Monument)
  • Waldringfield Quarry (Monument)
  • Waldringfield Quarry, Area 8 (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Farm - Fields 240, 241 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Hospital (IA) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Hospital (Med) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Hospital (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Hospital (PMed) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Hospital (Rom) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Hospital (Sax) (Monument)
  • Walton Old Hall (site of); Colneis Road (Monument)
  • Walton Priory (site of) (Monument)
  • Walton Road (Monument)
  • Wamil Walk (Rom) (Monument)
  • Wangford Grange; Livermere Grange; Elmermere Grange (Monument)
  • Wangford Recreation Ground, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
  • Wangford Warren; Forest Compartments 2113/2114 (Monument)
  • Warren Heath (Monument)
  • Warren Hill, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Warren Hill; Three Hills (Sax) (Monument)
  • Warren Lodge (Monument)
  • Warren Wood, Centre Parcs, Elveden. (Monument)
  • Warren Wood; Centre Parcs Holiday Village (Monument)
  • Warren Wood; Centre Parcs Holiday Village (Monument)
  • Warrener's Lodge, Brandon Warren (Monument)
  • Warrener's Lodge, Brandon Warren (Monument)
  • Wash Lane (Monument)
  • Washracks, RAF Lakenheath (Monument)
  • Watching brief at Barham's Way revealed no features, and only four sherds of Rom greyware (Find Spot)
  • Watching brief on creation of new drive - no features noted, two sherds of Thetford type ware found (S1). (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Watching brief prior to housing recorded ditch and pit. (Monument)
  • Watching Brief, identified Roman pottery (Monument)
  • Water Hall Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Water Hall Farm, Roman (Roman) (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Water Mill (Monument)
  • Waterloo Plantation (Sax) (Monument)
  • Watson Way (Monument)
  • Wattisfield Hall Farm (Monument)
  • Wattisham Hall (Monument)
  • Wattisham Meadow; Henry Squirrell's Tenement (Monument)
  • Waveney House Hotel, Puddingmore, Beccles (Monument)
  • Waveney House, The Street (Monument)
  • Weathercock Field (Monument)
  • Weathered sherd of large medieval pot (bottle) with bung-hole (opposed to handle), fine buff sandy fabric, pale yellow green glaze bib (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Weatherhill Farm (Monument)
  • Wells Hall Primary School, Great Cornard, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
  • West Bridge; Chapel of the Virgin/St Mary (and Ethelreda) (Monument)
  • West Calthorpe Heath (Find Spot)
  • West End Farm (Monument)
  • West End Farm; Boarded Barn Farm; Adders Hall, High Street Green (Monument)
  • West Field and Stackyard Field (Med) (Find Spot)
  • West of Combs Hall Barn, Combs, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • West of Cretingham Church (Sax) (Monument)
  • West of Debenham Hall Cottages, Debenham, (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • West of Eriswell (Monument)
  • West of Four Winds, Kessingland, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • West Row (Un) (Monument)
  • West Row Fen (Find Spot)
  • West Stow Country Park (Med) (Monument)
  • West Stow Country Park (Rom) (Monument)
  • West Stow Hall (Monument)
  • West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
  • West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
  • West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
  • West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
  • West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
  • West Stow Heath, West Stow, (Mesolithic-Neolithic) (Monument)
  • West View (Find Spot)
  • Westbury Estate; McLeans Estate, Mildenhall. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Westerfield, Ipswich, (IAS 8303). (Find Spot)
  • Westernmost of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch reco... (Monument)
  • Westernmost of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch record map in 1982. (Monument)
  • Westhorpe Hall (Monument)
  • Westleton Common (Monument)
  • Westley Road (Un) (Monument)
  • Westley Road, Bury St. Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
  • Westley Wood (Monument)
  • Weston Ditch NE; Micky's Tea Bar site (Rom) (Monument)
  • Weston Ditch, West Row (Monument)
  • Wetherden Hall (Monument)
  • Wetheringsett Lodge (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Wetheringsett Lodge (Sax) (Monument)
  • Whatfield Hall (IA) (Monument)
  • Whatfield Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Whatfield Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Wheatlands Manor, Walsham Road; Clarkes Meadow (Tithe Map) (Monument)
  • When the dike at this spot was dredged, several freshly cut pieces of masonry blocks and mullions came out. (Monument)
  • White House Farm (Monument)
  • White House Farm (Monument)
  • White Lion Hotel (yard); Eye Castle (Monument)
  • Whitehouse Farm (Find Spot)
  • Whitehouse Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Whitehouse Farm (Monument)
  • Whitehouse Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • White's Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Whites Field; Great Lodge Field (Tithe map 1840) (Med) (Monument)
  • Whitestreet Green (Monument)
  • Whittingham Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Whittingham Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Whittingham Hall Deer Park (Monument)
  • Whitton Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 8112). (Find Spot)
  • Wickham Market bypass (Monument)
  • Wickham Market bypass (Monument)
  • Wicks Green (Monument)
  • Wildmere Farm, Wildmere Lane, Holywell Row. (BA) (Monument)
  • Wildmere Farm, Wildmere Lane, Holywell Row. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Willow Farm (Monument)
  • Willow Farm; OS Field 0085 (Monument)
  • Willow Farm; OS Field 2442 (Monument)
  • Willow Farm; OS Field 4965 (Find Spot)
  • Windmill Hill (Rom) (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Winston Green (Monument)
  • Withersdale Hall (Monument)
  • Withindale Mill; Wyffyndall Myll (1580) (Monument)
  • Wood Close & English Croft (Tithe names) (Med) (Monument)
  • Wood Close & English Croft (Tithe names) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Wood Farm (Monument)
  • Wood Hall (PMed) (Monument)
  • Wood Hall Moated Site (Monument)
  • Woodbridge Union Workhouse; Amberfield School; Nacton House (Monument)
  • 'Woodgates' Lattinford Hill (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Woodgates', Lattinford Hill (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Woods Covert (Monument)
  • Woolard's Pit (IA) (Monument)
  • Woolmer Wood (Monument)
  • Woolpit Heath (Monument)
  • Woolverstone Park (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Woolverstone Park (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Woolverstone Park (Monument)
  • Woolverstone Park (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Woolverstone Park, Chelmondiston, (Prehistoric). (Find Spot)
  • Wordwell medieval settlement remains (Monument)
  • Worked flints including two laurel leaf points, oblique arrowhead, unifacially worked point, two scrapers, discoidal core. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Workhouse Green (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Workhouse Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Workhouse Green (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Workhouse Lane; Pesthouse Lane; Bosmere and Claydon Incorporated Hundred Workhouse (Monument)
  • World War II bombing decoy with barbed wire obstruction enclosure. (Monument)
  • World War II building debris. (PMed) (Monument)
  • World War II signal light. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Worlds End Lane (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Worlds End Lane (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Worlington - Freckenham Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Wortham Ling (Monument)
  • Wortham Ling (Monument)
  • Wratting Mill (1836) (PMed) (Monument)
  • Wratting Road (Monument)
  • Wrentham Hall (site of) (Monument)
  • WW2 Brackenbury Battery (Mod) (Monument)
  • Wyken Hall (IA) (Monument)
  • Wyken Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Wyken Road, Staton, (Mesolithic) (Monument)
  • Wyken Wood (Monument)
  • Wyken Wood (W of) (IA) (Monument)
  • Wyken Wood (W of) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Yarn Hill (Sax) (Monument)
  • Yarn Hill (Un) (Monument)

Referenced Events (8)

  • Borehole Survey, Friars Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4102).
  • Casual Observation, Keepers Field, Bardwell, (Mesolithic).
  • Casual Observation? Breach Drove, Beck Row, Mildenhall,
  • Evaluation, Friars Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4102).
  • Excavation, Marks & Spencer Extension, 24 - 26 Westgate Street, (IAS 0602).
  • Monitoring (Ref: )
  • Unsystematic Fieldwalking Survey? Field Adjacent to Newmarket Plantation, Cavenham.
  • Watching Brief - M Sommers (Ref: )

Record last edited

Jan 18 2024 9:42AM

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