Monument record MTF 127 - Great Kell, Nunns Lane; The Lows

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Pottery scatter.


Grid reference Centred TM 314 787 (107m by 154m) Centred on
Map sheet TM37NW


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Pottery scatter. Scatter of grey wares (a high proportion micaceous), some Samian and Nene Valley mortarium; late C2-C4 (S1).
Fieldwalking: pottery scatter. Two batches brought in, some overlap - 1 Samian, circa 10 abraded sherds. Grey wares: fabrics include high sand and high mica. Bowl form plain and grooves 3, triangular rim 1, thickened rim 2, and probably more of all of these. Flanged rim 1, lid ? 1, frilly rim jar 1, miscellaneous jars including hooked rims 17+. Animal bone also found. Also "The Lows", S end of site, Samian base, cut down to just above footing, and sherds.
2 April 1984: Samian: 2 sherds; Oxford ?: 1 rim, 2 sherds mortarium (red ware), 1 base bowl; Nene valley: mortaria 2 rims and 1 sherd, colour coated 1 sherd, 1 base; shell gritted: 1 sherd thick, colour coated base ?, light grey/orange fairly sandy fabric, dark colour coated ?; grey wares: large group included mortaria, flanged bowl.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <M1> Unpublished document: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Parish Files. Parish file: site report (S2) contained in above description.
  • <S1> (No record type): Hardy M J, 1984.
  • <S2> (No record type): SAU, Plouviez J, site report MTF 127, 1984.
  • <S3> Bibliographic reference: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Archaeol in Suff 1984, PSIA, 36, 1985,(1), 48.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Dec 20 1984 12:00AM

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