Poorly Located Monument record CAM 073 - Park and rabbit warren

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Park and rabbit warren documented in 1310 at Cavenham, location unknown. Formerly recorded as CAM MISC


Grid reference TL 7600 7200 (point) Poorly located
Map sheet TL77SE


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Rabbit warren documented before 1650 at Cavenham (S1), location unknown.
" A small warren at Cavenham lay vacent for want of a tenant" (S2).
1310: Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, had a park and a free warren as well as a coney-warren at Cavenham (& Desning - see GAZ 007).
Mentioned by Bailey (S4).

Formerly recorded as CAM MISC

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <S1> Bibliographic reference: Dymond D and Martin E. 1999. An Historical Atlas of Suffolk (revised edition). Hoppit R, 1989 68-69.
  • <S2> Bibliographic reference: Miscellaneous Bibliographic reference. 'The rabbit and the Medieval East Anglian Economy' in The Agricultural Hist Review, 36, 1988, 68-9.
  • <S3> Unpublished document: Transcript of Patent Rolls in PRO "Reading Rm R542, 102", 3 Ed II 4D (p262), SROB HD/1720/17.
  • <S4> Bibliographic reference: Bailey, M.. 1989. A Marginal Economy? East Anglian Breckland in the Later Middle Ages. pgs 132, 134 & 296.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Jul 13 2022 3:08PM

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