Source/Archive record SSF50094 - Miscellaneous Bibliographic reference
Title | Miscellaneous Bibliographic reference |
Author/Originator | |
Date/Year |
Referenced Monuments (325)
- SDL 013 'Bronze socketed axe, raised line decoration' (triple ribbed), 9.1 cms long (Monument)
- BRG 042 'Field 10', Great Barton, (Mesolithic). (PAS find)
- BRG 042 'Field 10', Great Barton, (Neolithic-Bronze Age). (PAS find)
- WHR 128 'The Killhouse' (Pmed) (Monument)
- STN 017 (Santon) Downham Hall (Monument)
- UFF 027 `In 1819 the Reverend C Brooke found a number of bones, an iron shield boss and spear, and bronze ornaments, all within a layer of sand 1 foot deep. (Monument)
- UFF 027 `In 1819 the Reverend C Brooke found a number of bones, an iron shield boss and spear, and bronze ornaments, all within a layer of sand 1 foot deep. (Monument)
- BSE 253 12 Bristol Road (Monument)
- SUY 187 A Pewtyrer, a goldsmyth, an armerer and a wyredrawer are recorded in Sudbury in 1522. (Poorly Located Monument)
- CSM 019 A12 Pound Lane link Road; Cross Green; Groats (Monument)
- COG 020 Abbas Hall (Monument)
- COG 020 Abbas Hall (Monument)
- BSE 620 All Souls Gate, Eastgate Street (Monument)
- BSE 162 Almoner's Barns; Ginnings Barns (1740); Laundry Lane (Monument)
- BLB 148 Anglo Saxon artefact scatter, including a buckle, shield and harness (PAS find)
- SUY 005 Augustine Priory (site of), Friars Street (Dominican Friary) (Med) (Monument)
- SPL 015 Aveley Lane (PAS find)
- WFG 056 Babergh Hall; Babergh Place; Babergh Heath (Monument)
- WFG 056 Babergh Hall; Babergh Place; Babergh Heath (Monument)
- MNL 528 Baldwins Lode (Load, 1783) (Monument)
- DLL 009 Bank Barrow (field name) (Monument)
- BRK 015 Barking Hall (PMed) (Monument)
- BRK 015 Barking Hall (PMed) (Monument)
- CDD 001 Beacon Hill, Codenham Beacon (PMed) (Monument)
- ELO 009 Beccles (Elough) Airfield (Monument)
- SNP 020 Black Cottages (PMed) (Monument)
- NKT 012 Boyce House, Newmarket (Monument)
- BRD 188 Brandon Hall Ice House (Monument)
- NAC 062 Brick culverts associated with oyster pits, of unknown date. (Monument)
- LKH 585 Bronze Age dirk or knife, Undley (Monument)
- WCB 090 Bronze Age leaf shaped sword, said to have been found 14 feet deep in clay with a great number of human bones. (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- WCB 090 Bronze Age leaf shaped sword, said to have been found 14 feet deep in clay with a great number of human bones. (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LKH 589 Bronze Age notched butt dirk, Undley (Monument)
- LKH 589 Bronze Age notched butt dirk, Undley (Monument)
- LKH 589 Bronze Age notched butt dirk, Undley (Monument)
- LKH 586 Bronze Age notched knife, Undley (Monument)
- LKH 546 Bronze Age rapier. Undley Fen(?) (Monument)
- LKH 546 Bronze Age rapier. Undley Fen(?) (Monument)
- LKH 546 Bronze Age rapier. Undley Fen(?) (Monument)
- LKH 546 Bronze Age rapier. Undley Fen(?) (Monument)
- LKH 546 Bronze Age rapier. Undley Fen(?) (Monument)
- BUN 056 Bungay airfield (disused) (Monument)
- MTN 002 Bury Hill (Monument)
- WBG 019 Buttrums Mill, Burkitt Road. (Monument)
- RBK 018 Canal (Monument)
- BTE 001 Cast Iron Road Bridge, SE of Bridge Farm. (Monument)
- BNT 080 Castello of Hamo Petit (Monument)
- BUN 012 Castle Hills, Bungay Castle (Monument)
- BRG 001 Catteshill; Tyburn Barn; The Great Court; The Court of St Edmunds (Med) (Monument)
- BRG 001 Catteshill; Tyburn Barn; The Great Court; The Court of St Edmunds (Med) (Monument)
- BRG 001 Catteshill; Tyburn Barn; The Great Court; The Court of St Edmunds (Med) (Monument)
- BRG 001 Catteshill; Tyburn Barn; The Great Court; The Court of St Edmunds (Med) (Monument)
- COT 016 Causewayed ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
- CAM 041 Cavenham Heath (Monument)
- BSE 184 Chalk Road; Car Park (Monument)
- CLA 016 Chapel Cottage; Chapel of St Mary Magdalene; Wentford Chapel; Chilton Chapel (Building)
- RGL 013 Chapel Farm; Ringshall Chapel (Monument)
- RGL 013 Chapel Farm; Ringshall Chapel (Monument)
- SUE 001 Church of All Saints (Med) (Monument)
- SUE 001 Church of All Saints (Med) (Monument)
- SUY 032 Church of St Gregory (Sax) (Monument)
- ESO 007 Church of St Mary (Monument)
- HAD 032 Church of St Mary (Un) (Monument)
- EBG 014 Church of St Mary the Virgin (Monument)
- LVT 027 Church of St Peter (Rectory) (Monument)
- SXT 026 Circa 1827: Coin hoard (? of Edward III, AD 1327-1377) from Saxtead (Find Spot)
- CLY 022 Claydon Rectory Garden (Monument)
- THW 023 Coin hoard of 22 medieval silver pennies, deposited mid 1260s. Found in 1998. (Poorly Located Monument)
- THW 023 Coin hoard of 22 medieval silver pennies, deposited mid 1260s. Found in 1998. (Poorly Located Monument)
- THW 023 Coin hoard of 22 medieval silver pennies, deposited mid 1260s. Found in 1998. (Poorly Located Monument)
- THW 023 Coin hoard of 22 medieval silver pennies, deposited mid 1260s. Found in 1998. (Poorly Located Monument)
- WFG 058 Coin hoard of six silver pennies, deposited 1250. Found in 2000 (Monument)
- WFG 058 Coin hoard of six silver pennies, deposited 1250. Found in 2000 (Monument)
- WFG 058 Coin hoard of six silver pennies, deposited 1250. Found in 2000 (Monument)
- SUF 035 Complete bronze sword of Guendlingen type (Halstatt C). (BA) (Monument)
- SUF 035 Complete bronze sword of Guendlingen type (Halstatt C). (BA) (Monument)
- COG 024 Cornard Mills (Monument)
- COG 024 Cornard Mills (Monument)
- NYW 006 Court Knoll (Monument)
- CRN 010 Cransford Lodge; Wood Lodge (Monument)
- SSM 009 Cropmark of possible long barrow (115 x 25 paces), W of Stratford Hall. (Monument)
- MNL 527 Cross Bank (Monument)
- COK 047 Cross Green; Thatchers (Monument)
- WRW 032 Culford Camp; Wordwell Camp (Monument)
- CUL 019 Culford Kiln (Monument)
- SUF 034 Cylindrical "bit-spacer" made up of three rings of six rounded points each. (BA) (Find Spot)
- ONW 010 Dagworth Hall farmstead (PMed) (Monument)
- SPT 001 Devil's Wood Pit (BA) (Monument)
- SPT 001 Devil's Wood Pit (Neo) (Monument)
- ORF 218 Early maps of Orford and a general description (Monument)
- ORF 218 Early maps of Orford and a general description (Monument)
- BSE 068 Eastgate Street (Monument)
- ELV 009 Elveden Hall (Monument)
- EXG 081 Exning House & Park: The Glanely Rest (Monument)
- COW 020 Fairstead Farm; Chapel of St Margaret (Monument)
- COW 020 Fairstead Farm; Chapel of St Margaret (Monument)
- AST 024 Farmstead: Ashfield Lodge, Clowe's Corner (Farmstead)
- RAT 030 Fengate Farm (Monument)
- CAV 006 Field boundaries, sub-rectangular and oval enclosures and ten ring ditches, all of unknown date and visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- FXL 037 Find spot of a Bronze Age hoard and remnant of a pit (PAS find)
- FSG 035 Find spot of a Medieval coin hoard of 20-30 pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- FSG 035 Find spot of a Medieval coin hoard of 20-30 pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- FSG 035 Find spot of a Medieval coin hoard of 20-30 pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- FSG 035 Find spot of a Medieval coin hoard of 20-30 pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- IKL 319 Findspot of a Bronze-Age rapier or dirk blade fragment (Monument)
- BOY 006 Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe. (Find Spot)
- BMF 011 Findspot of a hoard of Bronze-Age palstaves. (Find Spot)
- BMF 011 Findspot of a hoard of Bronze-Age palstaves. (Find Spot)
- BMF 011 Findspot of a hoard of Bronze-Age palstaves. (Find Spot)
- BSE 586 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of 380 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- BSE 586 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of 380 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- BSE 586 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of 380 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- BSE 586 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of 380 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- GLG 045 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of 4 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- GLG 045 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of 4 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- GLG 045 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of 4 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- EBG 073 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of eleven silver pennies. (Med) (Find Spot)
- EBG 073 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of eleven silver pennies. (Med) (Find Spot)
- EBG 073 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of eleven silver pennies. (Med) (Find Spot)
- MNL 844 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- MNL 844 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- MNL 844 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- MNL 844 Findspot of a Medieval coin hoard of silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- CLY 056 Findspot of a Medieval gilded bronze buckle plate with winged beast design (Find Spot)
- IXW 145 Findspot of a Neolithic flint axehead (Poorly Located Monument)
- BRK 158 Findspot of a Roman bronze statuette of Emperor Nero in full armour (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BRK 158 Findspot of a Roman bronze statuette of Emperor Nero in full armour (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BAT 009 Findspot of a Roman turquoise frit melon bead. (Monument)
- AKE 019 Findspot of Anglo-Saxon artefacts. (PAS find)
- CAM 042 Five rectangular encampments, Cavenham Heath (Monument)
- SNT 072 Flint axehead listed as Class 4 (Poorly Located Monument)
- RSM 014 For pre 1800 maps of Redisham, see sources below (Poorly Located Monument)
- RSM 014 For pre 1800 maps of Redisham, see sources below (Poorly Located Monument)
- HNS 026 Former ancient woodland of unknown date, shown on maps of 1595 and 1721. (Monument)
- BRD 304 Former trackway or drove of potential medieval to post medieval date at site of Game Farm prehistoric settlement (BRD 154). (Monument)
- FSG 016 Fornham Park (Monument)
- CUL 037 Four military camps, Dixons Covert (Monument)
- GLG 028 Framlingham Airfield (Monument)
- GLG 028 Framlingham Airfield (Monument)
- GLG 028 Framlingham Airfield (Monument)
- SUY 005 Friars Street (Dominican Friary) (PMed) (Monument)
- HCH 053 Gallows Hill; The Wicklaw; Wicklow (Monument)
- HCH 053 Gallows Hill; The Wicklaw; Wicklow (Monument)
- HCH 053 Gallows Hill; The Wicklaw; Wicklow (Monument)
- HCH 053 Gallows Hill; The Wicklaw; Wicklow (Monument)
- HCH 013 Gallows Hill; Wicklow (Sax) (Monument)
- WLW 087 Game Place; Willow Court (Monument)
- GFD 022 Glemsford Park (Monument)
- GFD 022 Glemsford Park (Monument)
- MNL 545 Gravel Drove (Find Spot)
- MNL 545 Gravel Drove (Find Spot)
- MNL 545 Gravel Drove (Find Spot)
- DUN 003 Greyfriars Monastery; Franciscan Friary (Monument)
- DUN 003 Greyfriars Monastery; Franciscan Friary (Monument)
- MTN 046 Group of 5 Modern hulks. (Monument)
- HMG 024 Hemingstone Hall; Styles (Monument)
- HAM 006 Henham Hall (site of) (Monument)
- HAM 006 Henham Hall (site of) (Monument)
- HNS 024 Hintlesham (Great) Wood (Monument)
- HNS 025 Hintlesham (Great) Wood (Monument)
- WNG 012 Hoard - LBA founder's. (Monument)
- BSE 167 Home Covert (Monument)
- DRK 014 Home Farm; Drinkstone Park (Monument)
- SEY 002 Homersfield Pit (Rom) (Monument)
- FRD 010 Horsehair Manufactory (Monument)
- IPS 145 Hospital of St Leonard, Ipswich, SPECULATIVE, (IAS 7603). (Monument)
- IPS 145 Hospital of St Leonard, Ipswich, SPECULATIVE, (IAS 7603). (Monument)
- IPS 145 Hospital of St Leonard, Ipswich, SPECULATIVE, (IAS 7603). (Monument)
- BNH 009 Iron-Age trapezium shaped double ditched enclosure (Monument)
- ORF 240 Keelson of post-medieval wooden sailing ship, Orford Ness (Monument)
- FLK 022 Kings Fleet (Monument)
- MNL 459 Kings Staunch (Cow Gravel); River Lark (Monument)
- SLY 112 Large square cut in saltmarsh. Probably old dock. (Monument)
- SXL 014 Larners Wood; Lionel's Wood (1843); Lawnes Wood (1638) (Monument)
- BRD 154 Late Bronze Age activity at Game Farm (Monument)
- STN 203 Late Bronze Age socketed axes (Monument)
- LVT 070 Levington Airfield (Mod) (Poorly Located Monument)
- IKW 015 Lodge Close Field; Church Field; Ickworth Park (Monument)
- IKW 016 Long Grove Field; Ickworth Green & surrounding fields (Monument)
- LMD 051 Long, narrow, oval enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
- COK 081 Lower Church Farm, Church Lane; Mill Drift (Monument)
- MRM 083 Martlesham Heath Airfield; Foxhall Heath. (Monument)
- BLG 022 Mason's Cement Works (Monument)
- WKB 007 Medieval All Saints' church (Monument)
- BSE 594 Medieval aqueduct (Monument)
- BSE 594 Medieval aqueduct (Monument)
- BNC 111 Medieval coin hoard of nearly 400 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- BNC 111 Medieval coin hoard of nearly 400 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- BNC 111 Medieval coin hoard of nearly 400 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- BNC 111 Medieval coin hoard of nearly 400 silver pennies (Poorly Located Monument)
- BNT 081 Medieval salthouse, Brantham (Monument)
- FML 143 Medieval silver coin hoard, Framlingham Castle (Find Spot)
- FML 143 Medieval silver coin hoard, Framlingham Castle (Find Spot)
- FML 143 Medieval silver coin hoard, Framlingham Castle (Find Spot)
- FML 143 Medieval silver coin hoard, Framlingham Castle (Find Spot)
- FML 143 Medieval silver coin hoard, Framlingham Castle (Find Spot)
- FML 143 Medieval silver coin hoard, Framlingham Castle (Find Spot)
- TUG 014 Metal detected find (said to be from cited NGR) of decorated bronze terminal from a linch pin. (Find Spot)
- TUN 018 Metal detector find of plain socketed axe containing five fragments probably of socketed (axe?), one flat bronze (plate?) fragment, one fragment of m… (PAS find)
- THS 008 Mill Lane (Monument)
- IKL 026 Mitchell's Hill (BA) (Monument)
- NAC 063 Modern concrete and iron steps. (Monument)
- CHT 012 Modern earthworks, shown on aerial photographs. (Monument)
- MKR 001 Monks Farm (Monument)
- SUY 051 Moot Hall (Monument)
- SUY 051 Moot Hall (Monument)
- BSE 024 Moyses Hall, 41/41A Cornhill (Monument)
- WKS 003 Multi-period finds scatter (PAS find)
- WKS 003 Multi-period finds scatter (PAS find)
- WKS 003 Multi-period finds scatter (PAS find)
- BRD 280 Multi-phase cropmarks at the site of Middle to Late Bronze Age settlement at Game Farm (BRD 154) (Monument)
- NAC 058 Nacton Shores (Monument)
- MNL 843 Neolithic artefact scatter of 72 flint axeheads and 9 stone axeheads (Poorly Located Monument)
- BSE 172 No 30 Mustow Street (Monument)
- BSE 174 Norman Tower; St James Gate Tower (Monument)
- BSE 174 Norman Tower; St James Gate Tower (Monument)
- SUY 048 North Meadow (Monument)
- BSE 069 Northgate (Monument)
- OFF 002 Offton Castle, Castle Farm (Monument)
- SUT 036 OS Field Number 3700, adjacent Little Haugh (Med) (Monument)
- OTY 005 Otley Hall (Monument)
- OTY 005 Otley Hall (Monument)
- SBN 028 Oval cropmark of a possible Neolithic long barrow (Monument)
- CAM 073 Park and rabbit warren (Poorly Located Monument)
- GFD 030 Peverells; New Street Farm (Monument)
- GFD 030 Peverells; New Street Farm (Monument)
- BRD 017 Pit Cottage (Monument)
- LMD 013 Possible long barrow of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- BSM 010 Possible long barrow, Smallbridge Farm (Monument)
- HPN 030 Possible mill site, Mill Hill (Monument)
- GFD 071 Post Medieval mill (Poorly Located Monument)
- CAV 074 Post Medieval site of a mill (Monument)
- BAR 038 Post Medieval tower mill, ceased to work by wind in 1925 and was power driven for some years. (Monument)
- LVH 003 Post Medieval windmill recorded on a map of 1926. (Monument)
- HPN 021 Post Medieval windmill. (Monument)
- LWL 022 Post Medieval windmill. (Monument)
- WKB 007 Post-medieval grafitti at All Saints' church (Monument)
- FTN 024 Post-medieval landscape feature. (Poorly Located Monument)
- KNE 030 Presumed Roman road. (Monument)
- CRM 006 Priory and Church of Creeting St Olave (Monument)
- WKS 013 Probable location of Roman building (Monument)
- SUT 197 RAF Woodbridge; Woodbridge Airfield; RAF Sutton Heath (Monument)
- SUT 197 RAF Woodbridge; Woodbridge Airfield; RAF Sutton Heath (Monument)
- HNS 016 Ramsey Wood; Hintlesham (Great & Little) Wood (Monument)
- DEN 010 Redlingfield Wood (Monument)
- BRD 338 Remains of four skeletons, Brandon Warren (Poorly Located Monument)
- SUF 084 Revoked Record: List of details and sources for maltings in Suffolk (Revoked Record)
- WFG 007 Ring ditch (Monument)
- FKM 005 Ringwork in Burnthall Plantation (Monument)
- FKM 005 Ringwork in Burnthall Plantation (Monument)
- BSE 067 Risbygate; Chapel of the Blessed Mary, Stone Chapel (Monument)
- BSE 067 Risbygate; Chapel of the Blessed Mary, Stone Chapel (Monument)
- BRD 174 River Little Ouse (Monument)
- LKH 239 River Little Ouse (Monument)
- LKH 239 River Little Ouse (Monument)
- LKH 239 River Little Ouse (Monument)
- BRD 174 River Little Ouse (Monument)
- BRD 174 River Little Ouse (Monument)
- SEY 017 Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
- FRS 001 Roman settlement debris and Prehistoric and Medieval finds at Barbers Point (Monument)
- RGH 046 Rougham Airfield (Monument)
- SNP 020 Round Hill, Black Cottages (Un) (Monument)
- WLV 045 Royal Harwich Yacht Club (Monument)
- FKM 073 Rymer Grange and extra-parochial lands (Monument)
- TYY 085 Salt house listed in Domesday book in parish of Trimley St Mary (Poorly Located Monument)
- SXT 004 Saxtead Green Windmill (Monument)
- CAM 071 Scatter of post-medieval worked flints, Cavenham Heath (Poorly Located Monument)
- SLY 062 Shotley Fort (1862); HMS Ganges (1904); Shotley Battery (Monument)
- BXF 039 Site of a Post Medieval mill (Poorly Located Monument)
- BXT 041 Site of a Post Medieval mill. (Poorly Located Monument)
- COK 110 Site of medieval water mill, Willow Bridge (Monument)
- MNL 510 Site of second warrener's lodge, Three Hillls, Mildenhall Warren (Monument)
- WSW 195 Small Bronze Age pin, North Stow Farm (Monument)
- BSM 002 Small, irregular, oval enclosure or ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
- BSM 011 Smallbridge Farm (Monument)
- MNL 502 Smoke House Inn, Beck Row Roman (Rom) (Monument)
- MNL 502 Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, post medieval (PMed) (Monument)
- LKD 009 South of Icknield Way, Lackford (Monument)
- HRG 009 Southwood Park; South Park; Carters Park; Southwell Park (1880) (Monument)
- WLB 112 St Andrew's Church (Building)
- BSE 021 St Botolph's Chapel (Monument)
- BSE 021 St Botolph's Chapel (Monument)
- HRK 003 St Clements Chapel (Med) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
- WLV 037 Stacked and mortared tiles visible in eroded cliff. Whole stretch of beach covered in tile. R. Simper (River Orwell) - 1953 floods revealed kilns be… (Monument)
- WHL 025 Stradbroke Green (?) (Monument)
- CAV 019 Sub rectangular and sub oval enclosures of unknown date. (Monument)
- GLG 032 Sub-oval enclosure of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- THS 040 Suggested medieval gallows site, Gallow Hill, Mill Lane (Monument)
- BML 018 Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Preh) (Monument)
- BML 018 Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Sax) (Monument)
- MNL 204 Swales Fen (BA) (Monument)
- CSA 023 Tangham House (Monument)
- MNL 1057 The 'Old Castle' (Poorly Located Monument)
- COK 048 The Abbey; Le Tyle Kell (1539) (Monument)
- HWT 012 The Angel Site (LEM 1) (Monument)
- HWT 012 The Angel Site (LEM 1) (Monument)
- EWL 016 The Franchise Bank (Monument)
- THB 015 Theberton airfield; Leiston airfield; Saxmundham airfield (Monument)
- SNP 007 Thingelow (C13-C14) (Med) (Monument)
- SNP 007 Tumulii and Sax mixed inhumation and cremation cemetery. (Sax) (Monument)
- STN 204 Two Neolithic flint axeheads listed as Class 4 and Class 2C (Poorly Located Monument)
- LKH 587 Undley (BA) (Monument)
- LKH 587 Undley (BA) (Monument)
- LKH 587 Undley (BA) (Monument)
- WTN 049 Various undated weapon finds, Witnesham Hall; Manor Farm (Monument)
- WTN 049 Various undated weapon finds, Witnesham Hall; Manor Farm (Monument)
- WTN 049 Various undated weapon finds, Witnesham Hall; Manor Farm (Monument)
- WTN 049 Various undated weapon finds, Witnesham Hall; Manor Farm (Monument)
- FEX 037 Walton Old Hall (site of); Colneis Road (Monument)
- WNG 028 Wangford Lodge (1783); Shakers Lodge (Monument)
- WNG 008 Wangford Warren; Lakenheath Airfield (Monument)
- EWL 015 Warren Lodge (Monument)
- EWL 015 Warren Lodge (Monument)
- BRD 093 Warrener's Lodge, Brandon Warren (Monument)
- BRD 093 Warrener's Lodge, Brandon Warren (Monument)
- BRD 093 Warrener's Lodge, Brandon Warren (Monument)
- BRD 112 West Bridge; Chapel of the Virgin/St Mary (and Ethelreda) (Monument)
- BRD 112 West Bridge; Chapel of the Virgin/St Mary (and Ethelreda) (Monument)
- WTP 002 Westhorpe Hall (Monument)
- WTP 002 Westhorpe Hall (Monument)
- WTP 009 Westhorpe Park; Westhorpe Lodge Farm (Monument)
- WSN 009 Weston Hall (Monument)
- BRD 339 Wigatus's Cross; Wihtgar's Cross; High Cross Hill (Poorly Located Monument)
- WTM 039 Wortham Ling (Monument)
- DUN 135 Wreck of unknown date of the coast of Dunwich. (Un) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF29162 Building Survey and dissertation research - Greyfriars, Dunwich
Record last edited
Nov 7 2022 12:30PM