Monument record ADT 007 - Remains of a ploughed-out Bronze-Age round barow, visible as cropmarks.
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Grid reference | Centred TM 3600 4223 (22m by 22m) |
Map sheet | TM34SE |
Type and Period (4)
Full Description
Ring ditch, circa 30m diameter (TM36004223) (S1)(S2). Adjacent ring ditch ADT 008, within area ADT 009.
The possible remains of a ploughed-out Bronze Age round barrow are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs in Alderton parish centred on TM 36014223. The single ring ditch, which encloses an area 23m in diameter, appears to be cutting a possibly earlier trackway (see ADT 009). There appears to be a large pit in the centre of the ring ditch, which, if taken as evidence of antiquarian activity, suggests that the ring ditch may represent a Bronze Age burial mound. The size of the ring ditch and the proximity of a number of other ring ditches (ADT 008, 026, 027) also supports this conclusion. (S3) (S4) Grid reference altered to fit rectified plot. (S5)
April 2016. Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty National Mapping Programme.
This ring ditch is likely to have formed part of a Bronze Age round barrow cemetery, see ADT 105 for details. It is suggested above that the ring ditch is later than the trackway, however it is also possible that the trackway incorporates the site of an earlier and extant barrow. Potentially the relationship with the trackway and fields of ADT 099 would suggest that the barrows were still extant at the time of laying out of the main boundary ditches.
S. Horlock (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 20th April 2016.
Sources/Archives (6)
- <S1> SSF50031 Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP, AP CMP 14.
- <M1> SSF50031 Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. APs: AJD 11, 12; CUCAP CMP 14.
- <S2> SSF18866 (No record type): SAU, APs AJD 11 & 12.
- <S3> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 58/839 5112 11-MAR-1952.
- <S4> SSF50005 Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 58/877 5098 21-MAY-1952.
- <S5> SXS50100 Verbal communication: Newsome, S.. 2001 -. Suffolk Coastal NMP Project. Sarah Newsome 19/03/04.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event - Interpretation: Suffolk Coast and Intertidal Zone NMP Project (EXS18033)
- Event - Interpretation: TM34SW. Mapping Block 3: Sutton to Hollesley. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Ref: English Heritage Project No. 7085 (ESF23666)) (ESF23666)
Record last edited
Jul 7 2021 8:50PM