Monument record SUT 034 - OS Field Number 7000 (Rom)

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Probable Later Prehistoric or Roman field systems, north of Methersgate, Sutton parish.


Grid reference Centred TM 285 469 (810m by 823m) Centred on
Map sheet TM24NE


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

Cropmarks, multi-period. Rectilinear field system; possible small rectangular enclosure in NE of area. E-W double ditched linear feature - ? droveway (S1, S5). Continues into field to W & N? (S4) - area extended on map, October 1989.
Also BA, IA, Rom, Med sherds from fieldwalking.
Probable Later Prehistoric or Roman field systems are visible as cropmarks of ditches on aerial photographs, covering an area 0.4 km2 centred on TM 28574706. The components of the first field system are orientated on NNE-SSW and ESE-WNW alignments and the field system consists of rectilinear ditched enclosures of varying size as well as a possible trackway. At least four large adjoining rectilinear enclosures are visible centred on TM 28554712, TM 28684705, TM 28514696 and TM 28714719, enclosing areas 142m by 122m, 159m by 146m, 171m by 127m and 138m by 109m respectively. To the north, cropmarks of the enclosures can been seen crossing into the next field. A double-ditched feature, interpreted as a trackway, is visible running between three large enclosures on a ESE-WNW alignment from TM 28474708 to TM 28654699. To the north-west of the site, at the corner of one of the large rectilinear enclosures, much smaller rectilinear enclosures are visible as a number of rather confusing cropmarks. These enclosures, centred on TM 28744709, are difficult to decipher but as an example, one enclosure appears to measure roughly 30m by 20m. This area may have been the focus for some type of settlement within the field system. Ditched features showing as cropmarks on a different alignment to those described above are also visible in this field. These include a trackway running roughly east to west from TM 28754708 to TM 28444707. The trackway is 315m in length and cuts across the field system described initially. At the western end of the trackway, the ditch that defines its northern side turns a right angle and runs north for 145m. Another isolated stretch of trackway runs for approximately 70m from TM 28744692 to TM 28814692 to the south of the site. Although it is not directly related to any other elements of the field systems it does follow the same east-west alignment as the 315m trackway described above. Another curvilinear feature runs roughly north to south for 750m from TM 28464720 to TM28914755. This feature may be related to the other elements on a north-south or east-west alignment but it does appear to cut the trackway at TM 28454706, suggesting that the two features are not contemporary and that the linear cropmark may be an amalgamation of two separate features. It may also be possible that this feature is related to the Post Medieval field boundaries that are also visible in this field (see SUT 142). There are a number of other linear ditches visible as cropmarks to the west of the site, centred on TM 28304703, which, though isolated, may be related to either of the two field systems described above. The field system pattern and trackways suggest that the field systems are probably of Later Prehistoric or Roman date, though how they may have related to each other is unclear (S6-S9).

Sources/Archives (11)

  • <M1> Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. APs: ANN 23, 24; RCHME TM 2846/5/256; CUCAP CJG 21, 23.
  • <S1> Photograph: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2847/2 (SFU 16149/23) 14-JUN-1982 (SMR ANN 23).
  • <S2> (No record type): Sutton Hoo Research Committee, Bulletin 2 1984 10-11 (Number 6).
  • <S3> Bibliographic reference: Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology. Archaeol in Suff 1984, PSIA, 36, 1985, (1), 49.
  • <S4> (No record type): NMR TM 2846/5 (11116/256) 04-JUN-1980.
  • <S5> Photograph: Suffolk Archaeological Service. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2847/3 (SFU 16149/24) 14-JUN-1982 (ANN 24).
  • <S6> Photograph: Essex County Council. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2847/4 (EXC 16930/03) 13-JUN-1996.
  • <S7> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2846/1 (SF1767/90) 04-JUN-1980.
  • <S8> Photograph: National Monuments Record. Air Photograph. NMR TM 2847/1 (1767/98-99) 04-JUN-1980.
  • <S9> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. RAF 106G/UK/1635 2322-3 09-JUL-1946.
  • <S10> Photograph: CUCAP. CUCAP aerial photograph. CUCAP (BNL95) 22-JUN-1973.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

Related Events/Activities (3)

Record last edited

Jun 18 2012 2:37PM

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