Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MSF14819 "Field F638 and F639" Waldringfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25009 10th-12th century features indicating settlement activity (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29360 141-154 London Road/Handford Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9615). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18601 15-17 Tacket Street, (Wingfield House), Ipswich, (IAS 3410). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30091 17th century Palace Stables, Newmarket (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29262 2 Bridge Street Ipswich, (IAS 6202). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32094 31 Stoke Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21655 47-55 College Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18882 A linear feature, of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3440 A possible field system and associated trackway of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the south of the railway in Stratton Hall parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4817 A possible field system or unknown date is visible on aerial photographs to the south of Whinnyfield Wood in Woolverstone parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18911 A possible fragmentary field system, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4820 A possible Iron Age or Roman field system is visible on aerial photographs in Woolverstone Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8099 A possible Later Prehistoric or Roman enclosure and a number of ring ditches in Trimley St Martin parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19898 A possible linear ditched feature of unknown date and function in Trimley St Martin parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14764 A possible linear trackway and field boundaries of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the north-west of Walk Farm in Stratton Hall par… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22557 A possible ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3659 A probable Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and associated trackways in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8101 A ring ditch of unknown date, circa 25 metres in diameter can be seen as a cropmark on aerial photographs in Trimley St Martin parish. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29510 A single undated ditch at Lackford Solar Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19672 A system of linear ditches of unknown date and function, just to the south of Sutton Hoo Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17278 A trackway and possible field boundaries of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs to the north of Morston Hall, Trimley St Martin parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23461 A11 dualling, zone A4 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24775 Angel Hotel, Bury St Edmunds (Medieval). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2612 Area of linear cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5195 Area of possible enclosures and linear cropmarks of unknown date, aslo the findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed axehead. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5699 Assington Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11912 Assorted cropmarks around disused sewage beds and pumping station at the head of a small coombe, including possible small (circa 40 x 50m) irregular … (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29206 Bronze Age and Romano-British enclosure and occupation (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35576 Bronze Age Pit, Iron Age Post hole structure and occupation and Post Medieval ditches at East Anglia One Area 46 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31439 Bronze Age pits and Late Saxon 'burnt pits' Land North West of Ladywood House, Nacton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8153 Buck Wood (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32077 Bus Station development, St Andrews Street North, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33144 Candlet Road, Cowpasture Farm, Felixstowe (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25162 Central car park, RAF Mildenhall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23668 Church Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14097 Complex of field boundaries and an enclosure, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31417 CONFIDENTIAL Land to the South of Hillside Farm, Market Weston (PAS find) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27472 Cropmark of a Later Prehistoric/Roman trackway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5090 Cropmark of linear feature, consisting of two parallel lines. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27235 Cropmarks of a road and field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29897 Cropmarks of possible farmstead (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF33342 Cropmarks of possible subrectangular enclosure and field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2760 Cropmarks of two phases of trackways, enclosures and fields of probable later prehistoric to Roman date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21618 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21624 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21627 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21628 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21630 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21631 Cropmarks of uncertain archaeological significance (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1800 Cropmarks, indistinct linear features, possible track and small enclosures? (S1). (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27955 Curvilinear and pit type features at Land and buildings at Low Farm, Bromeswell (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4698 Curvilinear feature, possibly a trackway, with one or two field boundaries nearby (S1), also fieldwalking located flint scatter (S2). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3829 Decoy Wood (E of) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10000 Ditch and linear feature, visible as cropmarks, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5188 Ditched track of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20143 Ditched trackway and linear features of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19683 Ditched trackways and linear features of unknown date, Sutton Hoo, Sutton parish (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20270 Ditches and banks of unknown date are visible on aerial photographs in Woolverstone Park. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23755 Dog Kennel Field, Anglo-Saxon activity and multiperiod finds. (PAS find) |
Monument Type |
MSF40608 Early to Middle Romano British Settlement activity on land At Place Farm The Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4797 Elm Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3902). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19548 Enclosure or field boundaries of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19537 Enclosures and linear features of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27323 Extensive area of coaxial and rectilinear field systems, trackways and enclosures of unknown, but feasibly Roman date (and BACKLOG) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1810 extensive multi-period linear cropmark systems. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32320 Field boundaries identified by geophysical survey at Land Adjacent to No.1 St Johns Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3451 Field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3785 Field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3752 Field system/ seires of enclosures of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31236 Fore Street (Star Lane) (IAS 5902). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34586 Former field boundaries and marl pits, St Margaret's Crescent (SCCAS) GEO (ASE) EVAL (CFA) EXC (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26541 Geophysical anomalies (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF40966 Geophysical anomalies at Port One, Great Blakenham, Geo (WYAS) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27817 Geophysical anomalies, Baylham Barrow Cemetery (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37612 Geophysical anomalies, Land north of Green Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30460 Geophysical anomalies, Stoke Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27297 Geophysical Survey and Metal detector finds, Garden Field, Sutton Hoo (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31238 Greyfriars Road (Island Site), Ipswich, (IAS 5204). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21991 Hall Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7111 Hall Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22806 Hall Farm Reservoir, Flempton. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14673 Hardings Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1111 Henham Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27386 Henham Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22089 Holywell Drove, Beck Row (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18855 inear features, possibly a fragmentary field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31493 Iron Age and Roman occupation site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5154 Irregular enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18696 Irregular linear feture of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21680 Key Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5901). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3784 Kirton Hall (NW of) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3782 Kirton Lodge (W of) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28921 Land North of Lion Road, Glemsford (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34323 Land off B1115, Stowupland (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30011 Land South of Worlington Road, Mildenhall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF36710 Late Saxon and medieval rural activity, Church Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35062 Later prehistoric field system at Ipswich Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3826 Levington Heath (NW) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3827 Levington Heath (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18765 Linear (timber?) feature, possibly a shore revetment. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27385 Linear and curvilinear cropmarks in a field south-east of Wangford Common Covert (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19316 Linear and curvilinear cropmarks in a field south-east of Wangford Common Covert (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29017 Linear and pit type anomalies, Land at Church Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18815 Linear bank, possibly of Post Medieval date and possibly relating to a trackway, visible south of New England Farm. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18775 Linear bank, visible as an earthwork to the south of Valley Grange. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18774 Linear banks, of unknown date, visible on the golf course at South Warren. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21625 Linear boundaries of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5821 Linear cropmark with a dog leg, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1565 Linear cropmarks not related to present field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19314 Linear cropmarks visible in the field adjacent to Bulcamp Workhouse. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20132 Linear ditch of unknown date and function, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20145 Linear ditch of unkown date and function, north of Robert's Grove, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22441 Linear ditched feature, possibly a field boundary, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18699 Linear ditches and banks, probably field boundaries and tracks of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20027 Linear ditches and possible ring ditch of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19519 Linear ditches and possible small quarry, Ramsholt (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19894 Linear ditches of unknown date and function at Sleighton Hill, Trimley St Martin (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20103 Linear ditches of unknown date and function. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20377 Linear ditches of unknown date and function. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11915 Linear ditches of unknown date, possibly a field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20097 Linear ditches, enclosures and pits of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18811 Linear feature (possibly a trackway), of unknown date, visible in the intertidal mud at Sandy Point. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18812 Linear feature (wall/revetment), unknown date (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18716 Linear feature and rectangular enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF12622 Linear feature and ring ditch of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18859 Linear feature of unknown date (comprising a slight ditch and intermittent banks) visible as an earthwork. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18890 Linear feature of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18743 Linear feature of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11941 Linear features and indefinite cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30089 Linear features at Brickfield Stud, Exning Road, Newmarket (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18895 Linear features of unknown date, visible as a cropmark complex. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18893 Linear features of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22794 Linear features of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37402 Linear features, Land east of Loraine Way (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35367 Linear features, Land East of the Constable Medical Centre, Heath Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32648 Linear features, Lime Tree Farm, Blaxhall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18838 Linear features, of unknown date, most now eroded away. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18864 Linear features, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks west of Easton Woods (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18802 Linear features, of unknown date, visible as earthworks on Snape Warren, probably land divisions. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18884 Linear features, possibly forming enclosures or field boundaries of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18950 Linear features, possibly trackways, of uknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5250 Linear N-S cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3769 Medieval ditched field boundaries and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46663 Medieval ditches and pits and Post medieval field systems and ditches at Westerfield Road, Ipswich (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29477 Medieval grain processing features , Greater Gabbard Wind Farm Onshore Works, Sizewell Wents, Leiston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34612 Medieval, post Medieval, and undated activity at Johnson's Farm, Leiston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1026 Mettingham Castle/Mettingham College (Med) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20148 Modern structures in and near the intertidal zone. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1812 Multi-period linear cropmark complex. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1776 Multi-period linear cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35383 Multi-period occupation, Mildenhall Community Hub (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14339 NAFFMO Assessment (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35754 Negative evaluation, Stoke-by-Nayland Golf Course (Revoked Record) |
Monument Type |
MSF25034 OS field 3600 (Un) (PAS find) |
Monument Type |
MSF282 OS Field Number 7000 (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1805 Overlapping linear features, includig a possible rectangular enclosure, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5331 Parallel ditch system on the east side of the railway, of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28766 Possible barrow and cremations and other multi-period features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29205 Possible Bronze Age barrows and earlier field field system (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19555 Possible curvilinear field boundary, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32185 Possible ditches at Belstead House, Sprites Lane, Pinewood, Ipswich (ASE) GEO & EVAL (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32424 Possible enclosures and extraction pit, Riverside Farm, Creeting St Mary (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32112 Possible enclosures and pits, Reservoir Site 2 Capel St Andrew, Butley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31484 Possible evidence of medieval occupation, The Green, Capel St Andrew (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22737 Possible field boundaries and other linear features of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20437 Possible field boundaries and trackways of unknown date are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs in fields either side of Church Field Road, St… (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20019 Possible field boundaries and trackways of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19927 Possible field boundaries of unknown date and function in the field to the west of Alderton's Grove, Shotley parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4821 Possible field boundaries of unknown date are visible on an aerial photograph to the north of Kennels Wood, Woolverstone (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19513 Possible field boundary ditches, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18733 Possible field system of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18732 Possible field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18941 Possible fragmentary field system of unknwn date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19601 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system or enclosures, Sutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14751 Possible Later Prehistoric or Roman field system, Sutton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20102 Possible linear ditches and an enclosure of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18734 Possible linear feature of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19913 Possible Medieval or Post Medieval plot boundaries visible as cropmarks in Shotley parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20447 Possible plot boundaries and pits of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20110 Possible Post Medieval field boundaries and trackways, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20020 Possible Post Medieval field boundaries are visible on aerial photographs to the north-west of Morston Hall, Trimley St Martin parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20107 Possible Post Medieval field boundary, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20010 Possible Post Medieval tree ring and field boundaries. (PMed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3655 Possible Prehistoric or Roman double-ditched rectilinear enclosure (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15225 Possible Prehistoric or Roman enclosures, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20140 Possible Prehistoric or Roman trackway and other linear features. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14761 Possible rectilinear enclosures and field boundaries are visible on aerial photographs. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1314 Possible rectilinear enclosures and linear features, visible as cropmarks, probably a field system. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18741 Possible relict sea bank of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22700 Possible remains of a field boundary, visible as a curvilinear cropmark. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19335 Possible sub rectangular ditched enclosure and linear features, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21626 Possible track, visible as 2 curved cropmarks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18949 Possible trackway of uknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19558 Possible trackway of unknown date, Ramsholt parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18883 Possible trackway, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3765 Possible trackways, field boundaries and ring ditches of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19564 Possible undated enclosures, field boundaries or trackways, Waldringfield parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19552 Possible undated field boundaries or enclosures, Sutton parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19553 Possible undated linear features or trackways, Sutton parish (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18908 Possibly two or more rectilinear enclosures, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks with associated pits. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20101 Post Medieval field boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15201 Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20093 Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24776 Post medieval walls and yard surfaces, Angel Hotel, Bury St Edmunds (Pmed) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37406 Post-medieval ditches and pit, Martlesham Park and Ride (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32188 Post-medieval field boundary, Gipping Road, Stowupland (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3786 Prehistoric ditched trackways and field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3781 Prehistoric field boundaries, trackways and enclosures, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20405 Probable Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20445 Probable Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20025 Probable Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20378 Probable Post Medieval field boundaries. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20144 Probable Post Medieval field boundary, Nacton Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3787 Probable Prehistoric ditched field system or settlement, visible as cropmarks. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2639 Probable prehistoric field systems and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3627 Probable Prehistoric or Roman field systems and trackways, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20443 Probable remains of Post Medieval field boundaries, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4291 Ravens Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15200 Rectangular ditched enclosure and linear field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19550 Rectilinear ditched enclosure and linear ditched features of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18800 Rectilinear enclosure and associated bank, of unknown date, visible as earthworks southwest of Decoy Fram. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3713 Rectilinear field system of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8323 Remains of 2 possible ditched field systems of unknown date. (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3768 Remains of field systems, trackways and enclosures, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20095 Remnants of field systems of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20389 Remnants of the probable Post Medieval landscape. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF31539 RENDLESHAM PROJECT: Anglo-Saxon activity on School Field (PAS find) |
Monument Type |
MSF28598 RENDLESHAM PROJECT: multiperiod artefact scatter and potential archaeological features (PAS find) |
Monument Type |
MSF1130 Reydon Marsh road. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1887 Ring ditch and linear cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22115 Ring ditch and linear features, possibly associated. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF32727 Ring ditch and probable post-medieval field boundaries (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1806 Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF13511 Ring ditch with central 'pit' and associated linear features, of unknown date. (PAS find) |
Monument Type |
MSF1923 Ring ditch, rectilinear marks to N, reported by P Warner, 1978. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34465 Roman agricultural activity and possible medieval farmstead, Land to the West of Stowmarket Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8027 Roman artefact scatter of a small coin hoard, comprising 33 bronze coins. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37041 Saxmundham Southern Gateway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37069 Saxon and medieval pits at Gainsborough's House, Sudbury (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21629 Series of curved cropmarks of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8588 Series of field boundaries and trackways including long curving feature and ring ditches, SLY 022, 026 and 027 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22028 Series of linear, rectilinear enclosures and ring ditches, Wickham Market (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS22704 Shallow Medieval earthwork ditch. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14199 Short linear feature with parallel ditches of unknown date, possibly forming the corner of an enclosure. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF630 Shotford Heath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37685 Single positive linear anomaly, Land south of Pretyman Avenue (AS) EVAL (OAE) EXC (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2673 Site of multi-phase settlement and enclosures, including Saxon sunken-featured buildings (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSX27277 Site of probably medieval to post medieval field boundaries and land divisions (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35468 Sizewell C: Main Site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF43810 South of Hicks Plantation, Stoke by Nayland (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17936 Springfield Lodge, Stour Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34809 St. Helen’s Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8804). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10271 St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5203). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26687 Student Village, Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5908). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19268 The Franchise Bank (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6205 The Warbanks (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6181 The Warbanks; Le Barowe (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3867 Three linear ditches of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18742 Trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20138 Trackways and linear ditches of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3448 TraField system with possible trackways and enclosures of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28604 Two linear anomalies identified at Ellough Airfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19536 Two linear ditched features of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS19929 Two linear ditches of unknown date and function visible as cropmarks in a field to the south of Shotley Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20096 Two linear ditches of unknown date. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2757 Two parallel linear cropmarks. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS18766 Two possible (timber?) linear features, possibly non-archaeologial in origin. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MXS20056 Two possible linear ditches of unknown date and function, visible on aerial hotographs. (Monument) |
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MSF5189 Two possible rectangular enclosures, visible as linear cropmarks. (Monument) |
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MSF23309 Two Prehistoric rectangular cropmarks, possible long houses. (Monument) |
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MSF2800 Undated ditched trackway and possible field system, Ramsholt parish (Un) (Monument) |
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MSF29028 Undated linear feature and possible ditch, at A14 Balancing Pond, Haughley (Monument) |
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MSF23439 Undated pit, Memorial Heath; A11 dualling, zone A3 (Monument) |
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MSF8313 Vale Farm (Monument) |
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MSF12115 Valley Farm (Monument) |
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MXS20105 Wide linear ditch of unknown date, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument) |
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MXS18907 wo parallel linear features, of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument) |