Monument record FLK 006 - TraField system with possible trackways and enclosures of unknown date.
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Grid reference | Centred TM 294 392 (356m by 281m) Centred on |
Map sheet | TM23NE |
Type and Period (4)
Full Description
Rectangular enclosure circa 150m north-south and 125m east-west overall with two sub cells on the south side on either side of an opening to the south; the boundary of the enclosure is double to east, north, west, but the whole is a rather lightweight mark and not 'multiple ditched'. Possible ring ditch to South West angle (S1).
An undated field system consisting of a possible rectilinear ditched enclosure and ditched trackways is visible as cropmarks, centred on TM 29453924, on aerial photographs including the photograph mentioned above. The field system comprises two trackways or double-ditched boundaries running north to south roughly parallel to each other but around 120m apart. A rectilinear ditched enclosure circa 56m by 63m, centred on TM 29353927, can be seen attached to the western side of the western trackway. There may be a trackway running east to west, located at TM 29423934, to the north of the site but it is close to the edge of the field and may be confused with marks of an agricultural origin. Other linear and curvilinear features in the field may eventually turn out to be part of the wider field system. A pair of roughly parallel linear features, possibly an extremely wide trackway, can also be seen at TM 29303920. The possible ring ditch mentioned above was not plotted as it is not considered to be an archaeological feature (S1). (S2)
Sources/Archives (3)
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Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jul 19 2013 2:16PM