Monument record CAM 049 - Temple Bridge Heath, Cavenham
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Grid reference | Centred TL 757 728 (47m by 51m) |
Map sheet | TL77SE |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Pre 2009? Mesolithic core found in rabbit burrows? Possibly not from this exact location, (S3, S4)
2009: Artefact scatter of Late Neolithic and Bronze Age flint and Late Iron Age to Roman pottery identified in the backfill from rabbit barrows during an archaeological watching brief. Artefacts were found within a 90m by 40m area. These burrows were more than 1m above the floodplain on either a natural scarp or an earthwork. Lithic scatter included a core and a scraper (S1).
2010: Four worked flint pieces comprising a side scraper and three broadly Neolithic debitage flakes, and 11 sherds of Iron Age and Roman pottery were identifed during a watching brief on the construction of a cofferdam. They were found in the backfill of rabbit burrows and mole hill in the same location as the finds from 2009 (S2).
Sources/Archives (4)
- <S1> SSF56044 Unpublished document: Atkins, R. and House, J.. 2009. Watching Brief on Site Investigations for the Cavenham-Icklingham Water Level Management Plan.
- <S2> SSF56045 Unpublished document: Atkins, R.. 2010. Archaeological Watching Brief Report, Land near the Temple Bridge, Cavenham, Suffolk.
- <S3> SSF59354 Bibliographic reference: Billington, L, P.. 2016. Lithic Scatters and Landscape Occupation in the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic: A Case Study from Eastern England.. M 921.
- <S4> SSF59353 Digital archive: Jacobi, R.. 2014. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Lithic Artefact (PaMELA) database. 11608.
Finds (4)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event - Interpretation: Enhancement of the Suffolk HER for the Palaeolithic & Mesolithic Periods (ESF26899)
- Event - Intervention: Unknown Event? Temple Bridge Heath, Cavenham (Ref: S Marston) (ESF28111)
- Event - Intervention: Watching Brief - Land near the Temple Bridge, Cavenham (Ref: OASIS-oxfordar3-77750) (ESF23531)
- Event - Intervention: Watching Brief - Site investigations for the Cavenham-Icklingham Water Level Management Plan (Ref: OASIS-oxfordar3-66179) (ESF23528)
Record last edited
Jul 23 2020 3:45PM