Monument record MNL 1157 - Prehistoric Features and finds, Land at Rookery Drove, Beck Row, Mildenhall (WYAS) EVAL

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Evaluation identified a Mesolithic /Neolithic Axehead and Early Mesolithic Flake, 4 Bronze Age cremations and various pits containging Bronze Age/ Iron Age pottery and animal bone, along with a number of Pingo / Doline features that also contained Bronze Age / Iron Age pottery and animal bone, as well as a number of undated pits and ditches which are likley to be contemporary.


Grid reference Centred TL 5687 2782 (388m by 308m)
Map sheet TL52NE


Type and Period (7)

Full Description

The majority of the site was successfully surveyed but the results did not show any magnetic anomalies suggestive of buried archaeological features. Areas of magnetic debris and discrete magnetic spikes were recorded across the site and indicate the presence of buried ferrous objects, likely modern refuse (S1).

44 trenches targeted several geophysical anomalies and earthworks identified on LiDAR data. Most features identified during the evaluation corresponded poorly with the geophysical results, likely due to the nature of the geology. Gullies, ditches, pits and cremations were recorded. Most of the features are undated, but a broad early prehistoric phase is suggested by an Early Mesolithic robust blade and Neolithic axehead, with a larger assemblage of Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age date. A Mid to Late Bronze Age phase is suggested by the C14 dates from 2 cremations. There were some fragments of Roman pottery and some post-medieval agricultural features. Trial trenching confirmed the presence of an undisturbed ancient fluvial-lacustrine environment characterised by infilled basins low in the landscape and still visible as earthworks on the ground surface. These could represent collapsed pingos or collapsed and infilled dolines, with vegetation around the margins of the resulting depressions that may have been favourable for early activity (S2).

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <S1> Unpublished document: Beaverstock, K. & Dawson, T.. 2020. Geophysical Survey Report - Land at Rookery Drove, Beck Row, Mildenhall.
  • <S2> Article in serial: Antrobus, A. , Rolfe, J. and De Leo, A.. 2022. Archaeology in Suffolk 2021, Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History.

Finds (5)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Jul 11 2024 9:31AM

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