Context |
Record |
Monument Type |
MSF4215 "Roman coins and pottery found" (S1). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6041 51 Castle Lane, Haverhill. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF20439 AAFES Gas Station, Douglas Avenue (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25007 Aldham Mill Hill, Hadleigh (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10304 All Saints Churchyard (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6540 Anglo Saxon barrow with associated cremation and finds (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF15321 ARC Quarry (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7411 Artefact scatter of Bronze-Age urns, probably a cemetry. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2390 BA collared urn was found inverted over a cremation within Tumulii and Sax cremation cemetery. (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8367 Back Hills (Sax) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7049 Barnham Heath (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF164 Barrow Bottom; Baroughe Hill (1597) (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17813 Baseball Pitch, RAF Lakenheath (Sax) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF215 Beacon Hill, Chalk Hill Round Barrow (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10055 Bernersfield Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10239 Bernersfield Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17532 Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6268 Brettenham Park (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF237 Brick House Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3735 Brightwell Heath (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6654 Bronza Age urn, Westley Heath (Poorly Located Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF34561 Bronze Age Burnt Mound and cremation cemetery, Iron Age D-shaped enclosure and Roman Enclosure, Land NW of Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4066 Bronze Age collared urn, locality unknown, & cremation (S1). (Poorly Located Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF34576 Bronze Age concentric ring ditch and cremation burials, Land at High Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24596 Bronze Age Cremation pit, Puddlebrook Playing Fields (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3999 Bronze Age ring ditch (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3841 Bronze Age ring ditch, part of a compelx of four barrows (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3840 Bronze Age ring ditch, part of a complex of four barrows (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7890 Bronze Age Round Barrow, Upper Chamberlain's Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF201 Bronze-Age barrow containing a cremation interment, site unknown (Poorly Located Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10091 Bronze-Age cemetry and inhumation. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5932 Bronze-Age cremation urn, possibly collared, found inverted over the ashes of a child. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3350 Bronze-Age unrfield containing roughly twenty five burials in groups of four to five urns. (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7016 Broom Close (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5758 Brundon Pit; Ballingdon Pit (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2966 Bucket urns (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21928 Carlton Park Phase 2B (S of bypass) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2595 Castle House grounds, Mundays Lane (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9420 Caudle Farm (IA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6050 Cemetery discovered through gravel quarrying in 1759. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF487 Chantry House, Hall Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26638 Cherry Tree Public House, Debenham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34798 Chesterfield Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 8207). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23209 Church Lane (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11520 Church of St Mary (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF1931 Church of St Peter. (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23828 Churchfields Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8032 Cinerary urn (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4059 Claimed findspot of LBA hoard, or possibly ESax cemetery (see THD Misc). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSZ27242 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4313 Coddenham Baylham Roman Site (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18140 Concentration of burnt flints and extensive prehistoric, Roman and medieval occupation (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3839 Concentric ring ditch, part of a complex of four Bronze Age barrows (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23389 Consolidated Communications Building (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7112 Cowpath Breck, Place Farm. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27177 Cremation in pot (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6239 Cremation in urn and two inhumations -Roman (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5240 Dairy Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11127 Darmsden Hall Farm Quarry, Iron Age (IA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4520 Devil's Wood Pit (Neo) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5164 Double ringed Bronze-Age round barrow, visible as a cropmark. (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28616 Early and Late Iron Age settlement and agricultural activity, A11 - EXC AREA 10 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7733 Early Anglo-Saxon cemetery Byways and Riverside Paddocks, Stow Road. (Sax) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28428 Early Bronze Age Round Barrow with cremation and a Small Middle Bronze Age Barrow with a cremation (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2343 Findspot of 2 Bronze-Age cinerary urns. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9322 Findspot of a fragment of a Roman glass vase (Poorly Located Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF3792 Findspot of a large Roman pot, found with bones (Poorly Located Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF1548 Findspot of a Roman cremation in a pot. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2820 Findspot of a Roman grey ware pot, found with 4 others containing burnt bones (Poorly Located Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF1716 Findspot of a Roman urn containing bones (Poorly Located Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF17754 Findspot of an inverted Bronze-Age pottery urn containing a cremation. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6360 Findspot of Roman cremation urns. (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF906 Flixton Park (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18285 Flixton Park Quarry (New Phase 6) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25912 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 12 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19242 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 6 (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25911 Flixton Park Quarry, New Phase 9 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF911 Flixton Park, Bronze Age (Quarry) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6696 Gainsborough Road (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6697 Gainsborough Road (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29368 Gainsborough Sports and Community Centre, Braziers Wood Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9694 Gallows Hill (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4525 Gipping Way (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2540 Golf Course (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2543 Gorse Hill (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10073 Gravel Pit Hill (Tithe); Bunkers Barn (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6860 Grimstone End (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6861 Grimstone End (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3386 Group of round barrows, Sutton Hoo; Sutton Mounts; Tumulus A; Mound 3 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3387 Group of round barrows, Sutton Hoo; Sutton Mounts; Tumulus E; Mound 4 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4870 Hadleigh Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7910). (Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF7111 Hall Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5877 Hall Street (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25917 Hartismere High School, Eye (Prehistoric) (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23811 Household Waste Centre, Hadenham Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17361 Ingham Quarry (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24585 Intensive Romano-British rural landscape at Former Smoke House Inn (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21470 Ipswich Airport, Area of Roman Features, (IAS 9133). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24210 Iron Age occupation site at Bridge House Dairies, Mildenhall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2983 Junction Glenfield Avenue and Fairfield Avenue. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4764 Junction of Burlington Road and Dalton Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7702) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4765 Kelly Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7902). (Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF17013 Kesgrave Hall carriageway (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF10217 Kiln Field, Iklingham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27161 Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Field 41, a Neo pit and BA- IA features, Part of BRL 026 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26880 Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Fields 26 Bronze Age cremation cemetery (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26871 Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Fields 4 & 5, prehistoric (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF27162 Kirtling Green to Wixoe Pipeline, Fields 48-49, prehistoric features (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF37770 Land off Fishponds Way, Haughley (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25121 Land South of railway line, Westerfield Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18646 Late Bronze Age activity at Game Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF30369 Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age features AW PIPELINE Trench 176 (NPS) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF21708 Late Iron Age to Roman features at Barham Quarry (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35587 Late Medieval to Post Medieval activity at EAOne Site 11, and Bronze Age cremations at site 11b on Land off Cockfield Hall Lane, Westerfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF38512 Late prehistoric and Roman fetaures at Land east of Artiss Close and Rotheram Road, Bildeston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF29484 Late Prehistoric and Romano-British agricultural activity at Galloper offshore Wind Farm (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35601 Late Prehistoric, Medieval, and post Medieval activity at Land South of Top Street, Martlesham - East Anglia One Area 25 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5105 Lattinford Bridge (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23814 Liberty village, RAF Lakenheath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25608 Long Melford Primary School (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3599 Martlesham Airfield (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28545 Medieval and undated features including two Roman cremations pits, Land West of Mill House, The Street, Darsham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3685 Methersgate Hall (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF36995 Middle Bronze Age Cremation and Iron Age occupation evidence at Electrical Substation, Rougham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24619 Middle Iron Age settlement at Westfield Primary School, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6514 Mill Field (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF131 Mill Heath Anglo Saxon cemetery (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6939 Mislocation of WSW 003 (Revoked Record) |
Monument Type |
MSF19283 Mitchells Farm, Trench A (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF26843 Multi-period features, Former Tarmac Quarry, Flixton (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF35613 Multi-phase, late prehistoric, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon activity, East Anglia One Area 37 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17359 Neolithic to Bronze Age features and Iron Age cremations at Ingham Quarry (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5955 North of Sewage Works, Clare, (Roman) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2980 Old School Allotments; Exeter Road, Walton. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
Monument Type |
MSF26544 Paddocks site, Moulton Mesolithic, (Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF18648 Palmer's Heath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34322 Pannington Quarry, Wherstead (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25030 Phase 2, Rear of Smoke House Inn, Beck Row, Mildenhall (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14971 Phase 3, Roman (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6449 Pin Farm Round Barrow; Gallow Field (Tithe) (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4246 Pond Meadow (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4248 Pond Meadow (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28766 Possible barrow and cremations and other multi-period features (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6852 Possible Rom cemetery (cremation) found here in 1810 by a man digging for brick earth on the field near Pakenham windmill. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46653 Prehistoric activity at Johnson's Farm, Leiston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7103 Probable Anglo-Saxon cremation cemetry with urns (Poorly Located Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3356 Probably Anglo Saxon burial site and finds including a shield boss, two spears, a javelin and fragments of cooking pot. (Sax) (Confidential Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9516 Rabbit Hill (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2258 Rearing Field (Confidential Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9478 Rearing Field (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6552 Risby Poor's Heath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6607 Risby Poor's Heath Round Barrows (Bronze Age) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8884 Rom road on field S of Scole Bridge, running E-W and composed of stones. Also fieldwalked & metal detected finds. (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34388 Roman activity at Erskine Lodge, Stanningsfield Road, Great Whelnetham (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF46654 Roman activity at Johnson's Farm, Leiston (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6271 Roman artefact scatter and site of cinerary burials (Poorly Located Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5911 Roman artefact scatter of glass and pottery vessels containing cremations (Poorly Located Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5864 Roman artefact scatter of pottery and glass. (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF14547 Roman artefact scatter of pottery and site of cremations. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5879 Roman artefact scatter of samian sherds, a pottert flask and a cremation urn. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6425 Roman burials found in a gravel pit (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF9145 Roman Camp N of Pakenham windmill (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8119 Roman cordoned urn, Broom Hill Farm (Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF5112 Roman cremation with four pots, one with burnt bones. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4410 Roman cremations and three urns found in army pits. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4739 Romano British Cemetary, Dales Road, Bolton & Pipe's Brickfield; Knightsdale Road, (IAS 8007, IAS 8008). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2419 Round Barrow on Blaxhall Common; Blaxhall Heath (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2420 Round Barrow on Blaxhall Common; Blaxhall Heath (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6539 Round Barrow. (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6541 Round Barrow. (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF48 Sapiston Bridge (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22364 Saxon metalwork scatter cemetery (Sax) (PAS find) |
Monument Type |
MSF2480 Scheduled Round barrow E of Chillesford Walks; Money Hill (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8031 Sepulchral urns (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF7137 Seven Hills Barrows (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3763 Seven Hills Round Barrows (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF16938 Site of 4 barrows, Newmarket Heath; Newmarket Racecourse (Un) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF212 Site of a Roman cremation burial and findspot of six Roman vessels. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3745 Site of an Anglo Saxon barrow containing a scatter of artefacts including a bead and a bracelet. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3212 Six Roman urns and a vault, Roses Pit (Poorly Located Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF6885 Skeleton or Black Plantation (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF11442 Sproughton Road, Boss Hall Industrial Estate, (IAS 7914). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4853 St Joseph's College, Ipswich, (IAS 9405). (Find Spot) |
Monument Type |
MSF26574 St Lucy, Church Road, Elmswell (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19039 Stanard Way; 45 Bures Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5502 Station Road (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF17313 Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF19231 Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Sax) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8016 Swale's Tumulus (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8015 Swale's Tumulus (Neo) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25466 SWISS Centre, Ipswich (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF246 The Basin (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3732 The Devil's Ring, Brightwell Heath (BA) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2807 The Nunnery (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3035 The Park (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF22071 The Sandpits, Station Road, Lakenheath (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF8026 Three cremation burials with samian ware found in Worlington parish. (Rom) (Poorly Located Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6267 Treakle's Farm, Nr Castlehill Farm. (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6581 Tumuli - Part of Eastlow Hill Group (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF2391 Tumulii and Sax mixed inhumation and cremation cemetery. (Sax) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF28618 Two Middle Bronze Age cremation burials: A11 - WB (PCA)- AREA 8 (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF34867 Urn Field, Allenby Road, (Hadleigh Road), Ipswich, (IAS 7901). (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4530 Valley Farm Sand Pit (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5645 Vicarage and cemetery (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF23447 Walk Farm (Rom) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF24376 Wangford Quarry Covert Extension (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6375 Water Hall Farm, Roman (Roman) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF3973 Waterloo Plantation (Sax) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6941 West Stow Country Park (Neo) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF6731 Westgarth Gardens (Anglo-Saxon) (Sax) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5671 Whitestreet Green (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF5684 Whitestreet Green (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF25406 Windsor Circle, RAF Lakenheath (Preh) (Monument) |
Monument Type |
MSF4270 Woolard's Pit (BA) (Monument) |