Monument record WSW 013 - Scheduled Bronze Age Barrow
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Grid reference | Centred TL 8061 7292 (50m by 50m) |
Map sheet | TL87SW |
Type and Period (7)
Full Description
28 September 1977 : Barrow. Situated on level sandy soil, covered by mature coppiced elms and surrounded by recent afforestation. Circa 32m diameter and 1.6m high. No visible ditch. N half of mound has been truncated by ploughing but the top shows no sign of disturbance (S1).
Tithe map (1840) does not show this barrow and field is recorded as `arable' (S2).
June 1998: Scheduled - details in (S3).
October 2019. Breckland National Mapping Programme.
A Bronze Age Barrow can be seen as an earthwork on aerial photographs and visualised lidar data (S4-S6). The feature consists of a mound with a possible ditch (seen on the visualised lidar data) on the mounds south side. The barrow can be seen as earthwork underneath a tree in the 1940s, as an earthwork on the visualised lidar data and in-between an area of forestry plantations on recent (2018) aerial photographs. The Bronze Age Barrow is in close proximity to two possible barrows to the south (WSW 206) and south west (WSW 205).
J.Powell (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 08th October 2019.
Sources/Archives (7)
- <S1> SSF50032 Index: OS. OS Card. OS, card TL87SW21.
- <R1> SSF50032 Index: OS. OS Card. OS, card TL87SW21,.
- <S2> SSF23033 Map: 1840. West Stow Tithe Map and Apportionment.
- <S3> SSF50016 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Scheduled Ancient Monument file. English Heritage Scheduling information.
- <S4> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. RAF/3G/TUD/UK/60 V 5133-5134 05-FEB-1946 (HEA Original Print).
- <S5> SSF55747 LIDAR Airborne Survey: LIDAR airborne survey. LIDAR Kings Forest Research 0.5m DTM 15-JUL-2015 (BNG Project, FC England, Fugro Geospatial).
- <S6> SSF55745 Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM JUL-2018 ACCESSED 08-OCT-2019 (Digital).
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Record last edited
Mar 12 2020 10:38AM