Site Event/Activity record ESF27300 - Map Sheets TL77NE/77SE/87NW/87SW, Mapping Block 3: Breckland Aerial Investigation & Mapping (NMP) Project
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Norfolk Historic Environment Service
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'Map Sheet' TL77NE/77SE/87NW/87SW, covering 45 sq km, comprising mainly parts of OS quarter sheets TL87SW and TL87NW, but also the easternmost edge of TL77SE and TL77NE along its west side. It forms Mapping Block 3 for the Breckland Aerial Investigation & Mapping (formerly National Mapping Programme) Project.
Sources/Archives (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (226)
- WSW 212 A group of undated banks and ditches. (Monument)
- IKL 368 A group of undated small mounds. (Monument)
- LKD 099 A large area of medieval to post medieval banks and ditches. (Monument)
- FMP 040 A series of banks, ditches and enclosures relating to medieval settlement remains (Monument)
- LKD 046 Alder Carr (Monument)
- LKD 047 Alder Carr (Monument)
- BNH 171 An area of probable post medieval boundary banks and ditches. (Monument)
- CUL 082 An area of undated banks possibly relating to a boundary banks. (Monument)
- WSW 219 An area of undated ditches, banks and a mound. (Monument)
- WSW 202 An area of undated possible low ridges. (Monument)
- IKL 342 An area undated earthwork ridges (Monument)
- CUL 077 An undated earthwork mound. (Monument)
- WSW 208 An undated mound possibly relating to a Bronze Age Barrow. (Monument)
- WSW 156 An undated probable boundary bank. (Monument)
- LKD 025 Area of Medieval banks and ditches probably relating to medieval settlement (Monument)
- IKL 369 Area of possible post medieval extraction. (Monument)
- LKD 098 Area of possible undated extrication. (Monument)
- WSW 063 Bank, Kings Forest, compartment 5314 (Monument)
- WSW 061 Banks, Kings Forest, compartment 5325 (Monument)
- IKL 107 Berners Heath (Monument)
- IKL 353 Berners Heath Bombing Range. (Allocated Number)
- IKL 005 Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
- IKL 074 Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
- IKL 199 Boundary bank and depression earthworks, Icknield Heath RIS, Icklingham (Monument)
- WRW 021 Boundary Bank, Chequers Belt; The Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 162 Boundary bank, Gorse Covert (1880s); Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 161 Boundary banks, Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 004 Bronze Age Barrow Bernersfield Farm (Monument)
- WRW 020 Bronze Age Round Barrow, Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 028 Bronze Age Round Barrow. (Monument)
- FMP 024 Canal and Lock by Flempton Carr (Monument)
- WSW 084 Canal leading off from Fullermill, River Lark (Monument)
- WRW 065 Circular earthwork with hollow centre (BACKLOG) (Monument)
- ELV 068 Circular enclosure or ring ditch of unknown date, visible as a cropmark. (Monument)
- WRW 031 Compartment 4200, Boundary Banks; The Kings Forest, (Monument)
- IKL 165 Compartment 5140, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 072 Compartment 5312, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 073 Compartment 5312, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 074 Compartment 5312, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WRW 039 Cropmarks of two possibly Iron Age – Roman enclosures and further banks and ditches. (Monument)
- WRW 032 Culford Camp; Wordwell Camp (Monument)
- CUL 019 Culford Kiln (Monument)
- CUL 022 Culford Park; Culford School (Monument)
- CUL 033 Culford Village (site of) (Monument)
- WSW 043 Dale Pond (Monument)
- ELV 137 Earthwork banks, Old Barnham Slip (Un) (Monument)
- WSW 078 Earthwork boundary bank, Brandonroad Heath, North Stow; Kings Forest (Monument)
- BNH 052 Earthwork boundary banks, Elvedon Road (1836) (Monument)
- WSW 213 Earthwork undated braided trackways, banks and ditches. (Monument)
- IKL 361 Earthworks most likely relating to a post medieval plantation. (Monument)
- IKL 158 Farmstead: (Lodge Farm) (Farmstead)
- CUL 038 Group of possible field boundaries, circular and oval shaped ring ditches and pits of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- CUL 003 Hill of Health Round Barrow (Monument)
- CUL 020 Icehouse; Culford Park; Culford School (Monument)
- ELV 016 Icknield Way (Monument)
- IKL 105 Icknield Way; Weststow Road (1880s) (Rom) (Monument)
- IKL 105 Icknield Way; Weststow Road (1880s) (Un) (Monument)
- WSW 029 Jennet's Hill (Monument)
- WSW 014 Jennets Hill, Kings Forest (Monument)
- LKD 056 Lackford Staunch (Monument)
- IKL 362 Large embanked earthwork pit. (Monument)
- WSW 049 Large probable post medieval boundary bank, King's Forest (Monument)
- ELV 181 Large probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- CUL 081 Large undated curved ditch. (Monument)
- ELV 033 Larling Heath (Monument)
- CUL 034 Medieval rectangular moat with an entrance causeway on the north side, unoccupied. (Monument)
- LKD 097 Medieval to post medieval banks and ditches possibly relating to strip fields. (Monument)
- WSW 207 Multi period banks, ditches and field systems most likely relating to settlement activity. (Monument)
- WSW 204 Multiple probable Medieval-post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
- WRW 089 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks and ditches. (Monument)
- IKL 371 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- WSW 210 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- WSW 211 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- BNH 129 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- IKL 160 Oldtoys Belt (1880s); Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 356 Possible Boundary Banks. (Monument)
- CUL 075 Possible Bronze Age ring ditch (Monument)
- WRW 097 Possible Bronze Age Ring Ditch. (Monument)
- WSW 147 Possible Cold War military feature or Modern pit. (Monument)
- WSW 036 Possible continuation of Roman road (Monument)
- CUL 076 Possible cropmark bank of an unknow date. (Monument)
- ELV 108 Possible former Second World War huts and air raid shelters (Monument)
- WSW 148 Possible Frist World War practice trench. (Monument)
- WSW 151 Possible Frist World War practice trenches. (Monument)
- WSW 069 Possible line of Roman Road from LMG 003 to WSW 036, part of road between Pakenham Fort and Icklingham.
- IKL 378 Possible Medieval - post medieval banks and ditches (Monument)
- BNH 170 Possible Medieval – post medieval square enclosure. (Monument)
- WSW 215 Possible medieval-post medieval banks and ditches. (Monument)
- BNH 131 Possible medieval-post medieval enclosure (Monument)
- WSW 037 Possible moat, Ingham Road. (Monument)
- WSW 144 Possible Modern pits, Compartment 5314, West Stow (Monument)
- WRW 086 Possible mound and surrounding ditch of an unknown date. (Monument)
- WSW 149 Possible multi period earthwork banks and ditches on multiple alignments. (Monument)
- ELV 187 Possible post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- ELV 180 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- ELV 186 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- FMP 041 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- WSW 216 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- ELV 194 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- WSW 157 Possible post medieval enclosure. (Monument)
- ELV 178 Possible post medieval rectangular enclosure. (Monument)
- ELV 179 Possible post medieval rectangular enclosure. (Monument)
- WRW 085 Possible ridges of an unknown date. (Monument)
- WSW 198 Possible ridges of an unknown date. (Monument)
- IKL 354 Possible ring ditch. (Monument)
- WRW 059 Possible Round Barrow, Kings Forest, Wordwell (Monument)
- WSW 083 Possible Round Barrow. (Monument)
- IKL 345 Possible Second World War bombing range feature or a Bronze Age barrow. (Monument)
- WRW 083 Possible Second World War feature. (Monument)
- WRW 082 Possible Second World War Features. (Monument)
- WSW 209 Possible Second World War mounds and pits. (Monument)
- WRW 093 Possible Second World War pit and banks. (Monument)
- CUL 074 Possible Second World War pit features. (Monument)
- WRW 094 Possible Second World War pit features. (Monument)
- WRW 092 Possible Second World War pits with surrounding banks. (Monument)
- CUL 083 Possible Second World War pits. (Monument)
- WSW 217 Possible Second World War Pits. (Monument)
- CUL 078 Possible Second World War practice trench. (Monument)
- BNH 128 Possible Second World War practice trenches. (Monument)
- WRW 095 Possible Second World War structure. (Monument)
- BNH 172 Possible Second World War training features (Monument)
- ELV 185 Possible Second World War training features or post medieval garden features. (Monument)
- IKL 372 Possible Second World War training features within a large post medieval extraction pit. (Monument)
- CUL 080 Possible Second World War training features. (Monument)
- WRW 081 Possible Second World War training features. (Monument)
- IKL 366 Possible Second World War training features. (Monument)
- BNH 127 Possible Second World War training features. (Monument)
- BNH 130 Possible Second World War training features. (Monument)
- BNH 132 Possible Second World War training trenches. (Monument)
- IKL 379 Possible small undated mound. (Monument)
- WRW 079 Possible undated banks. (Monument)
- WRW 078 Possible undated boundary bank. (Monument)
- WRW 084 Possible undated circular banked feature with an internal depression. (Monument)
- WRW 090 Possible undated mound. (Monument)
- WSW 201 Possible undated mound. (Monument)
- WRW 091 Possible undated mounds. (Monument)
- ELV 193 Possible undated rectangular pit with surrounding banks. (Monument)
- CUL 084 Possible undated ring ditch and bank. (Monument)
- IKL 164 Post Medieval boundary bank Compartment 5140, Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 163 Post Medieval boundary bank, Jennetshill Belt (1880s); Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 043 Post Medieval kiln within a brick pit. (PMed) (Monument)
- IKL 125 Probable bank and ditches possibly relating to Icklingham Belt (Monument)
- WSW 064 Probable boundary banks, Kings Forest, compartment 5311/2 (Monument)
- WSW 028 Probable Bronze Age barrow, Jennet's Hill (Monument)
- WRW 007 Probable Bronze Age Barrow. Kings Forest (Monument)
- ELV 002 Probable Bronze Age Round Barrow (Monument)
- WSW 150 Probable Frist World War earthwork trenches. (Monument)
- IKL 352 Probable Frist World War trenches. (Monument)
- CUL 079 Probable Medieval ridge and furrow and medieval-post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
- WSW 153 Probable post medieval – modern boundary bank. (Monument)
- IKL 351 Probable post medieval boundary bank (Monument)
- WRW 044 Probable post medieval boundary bank, compartment 4140, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 071 Probable post medieval boundary bank, Compartment 5148 (coupe 13964). (Monument)
- IKL 344 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- IKL 346 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- IKL 347 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- IKL 348 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- WSW 154 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- WRW 077 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- IKL 355 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- IKL 358 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
- WRW 058 Probable post medieval boundary bank. Kings Forest, Wordwell (Monument)
- IKL 370 Probable post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
- IKL 364 Probable post medieval boundary banks and ditches. (Monument)
- WRW 028 Probable post medieval boundary banks, The Kings Forest (Monument)
- IKL 343 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- IKL 349 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- IKL 350 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- IKL 357 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- BNH 173 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- BNH 174 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- ELV 197 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
- WRW 076 Probable post medieval parish boundary banks. (Monument)
- IKL 365 Probable Second World War – Cold War explosive craters. (Monument)
- ELV 199 Probable Second World War military site (Monument)
- WSW 203 Probable Second World War pits and a probable practice trench. (Monument)
- WSW 146 Probable Second World War training features. (Monument)
- ELV 046 Ring ditch and plantation of unknown date. (Monument)
- WSW 013 Scheduled Bronze Age Barrow (Monument)
- ERL 083 Second World War anti-landing trenches on Weather Heath. (Monument)
- ELV 196 Second World War Military Training features. (Monument)
- FMP 039 Second World War Pillbox. (Allocated Number)
- IKL 123 Second World War practice target, Shravedell Heath. (Monument)
- WRW 087 Section of undated curved bank and ditch. (Monument)
- ELV 195 Section of undated ditch. (Monument)
- WSW 062 Series of ditches and banks, Kings Forest, compartment 5314 (Monument)
- LKD 064 Site of a World War II pillbox. (Monument)
- WRW 088 Small undated embanked pit. (Monument)
- WSW 200 Small undated mound. (Monument)
- WRW 019 Sub-rectangular enclosure possibly relating to post medieval Osier Beds (Monument)
- IKL 367 Three undated possible mounds. (Monument)
- ELV 015 Turf covered bank of unknown date. (Monument)
- WSW 158 Two areas of undated possible low ridges. (Monument)
- IKL 136 Two low banks, Kings Forest, compartment 4005 (Monument)
- WRW 030 Two parallel earthwork banks, The Kings Forest, Wordwell (Monument)
- WSW 152 Two possible post medieval earthwork banks. (Monument)
- WSW 214 Two possible Second World War pits. (Monument)
- WRW 074 Two rectangular pits, Compartment 4194, Wordwell (Monument)
- WRW 045 Two sets of probable post medieval boundary banks identified, Kings Forest (Monument)
- LKD 100 Undated banks and ditch. (Monument)
- ELV 182 Undated cropmark liner ditch features. (Monument)
- WSW 155 Undated earthwork bank and ditch. (Monument)
- IKL 360 Undated earthwork bank and ditches. (Monument)
- WSW 159 Undated earthwork bank. (Monument)
- IKL 359 Undated earthwork bank. (Monument)
- IKL 363 Undated earthwork bank. (Monument)
- CUL 085 Undated earthwork banks. (Monument)
- WRW 096 Undated earthwork ditch. (Monument)
- WSW 205 Undated mound with a possible associated ditch. (Monument)
- WRW 035 Undated Mounds, The Kings Forest (Monument)
- CUL 052 Undated oval enclosure (Monument)
- LKD 066 Undated pits , pit clusters and faint ditches (Monument)
- ELV 184 Undated possible banks. (Monument)
- ELV 183 Undated possible boundary bank. (Monument)
- WSW 199 Undated probable boundary banks. (Monument)
- WSW 206 Undated ring ditch and a possible mound. (Monument)
- WSW 047 West Stow Hall (Monument)
- WSW 160 West Stow Water Pit. (Monument)
- ELV 034 Westgarth Plantation (Monument)
- WRW 003 Wordwell medieval settlement remains (Monument)
- WRW 043 Wordwell Warren; Kings Forest (Monument)
- FMP 016 World War II hexagonal pillbox. (Monument)
- FMP 025 World War II type 22 pillbox with brick anti-ricochet wall. (Monument)
- FMP 026 World War II type 22 pillbox with thick walls and a brick anti-ricochet wall. (Monument)
- LKD 060 World War II type 27 pillbox. (Monument)
- WSW 101 WW1 Tank Training Area - the 'Elveden Explosives Area' (Monument)
Record last edited
Jan 28 2025 2:21PM