Monument record DUN 049 - Various features and enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks, also ridge and furrow earthworks.

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Cropmarks of various features visible in a field c1.5km NNW of Dunwich, also earthworks of ridge and furrow visible in the same field in 1945


Grid reference Centred TM 47575 72016 (286m by 600m)
Map sheet TM47SE


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

An area of ridge and furrow can be seen as earthworks in a field to the north of Dunwich on aerial photographs from 1945 (S1). The furrows are relatively regular and are c4m apart, thus suggesting possible post medieval or modern date. By the 1970s, the field which contained the ridge and furrow had been cleared of the scrub visible on the photographs, and was being cultivated again. Cropmarks can been seen in this field and the field adjacent on aerial photographs from June 1973 (S2). They seem to be showing a possible trackway, which seems to be crossing some kind of rectilinear enclosure, at least 35m wide. Other enclosures are visible in the field adjacent to the south, one seems to be large and curvilinear and another which is sub rectangular. The date and function of these features is unknown. The features in the more northerly field are also visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs from June 1981 (S3).

January 2015. Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Beauty National Mapping Programme.
The cropmarks described above are visible over a larger area than previously recorded, comprising the previously recorded trackway (SHER DUN 028) and a possible field system visible as cropmarks on oblique photography (S4). Further cropmarks, including a possible ring ditch, are visible on vertical aerial photography (S5) in the area but it is hard to be certain of their extent since they are only visible on one set of photographs. Faint and ephemeral cropmarks are also visible on another photograph (S6).
E. Ford (Norfolk Historic Environment Service), 29th January 2015.

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <S1> Photograph: RAF. Air Photograph. 106G/UK929 Frms3122-3123 16-Oct-1945.
  • <S2> Photograph: OS, AP. NMR OS/73333 Frms043-044 23-Jun-1973.
  • <S3> Photograph: OS, AP. NMR OS/81028 Frms028-029 22-Jun-1981.
  • <S4> Oblique Aerial Photograph: Oblique aerial photograph. SFU 11560/GD/2 15-JUL-1977 (EHA Original Print).
  • <S5> Vertical Aerial Photograph: Vertical aerial photograph. CUCAP RC8AQ 35-36 04-JUN-1974 (Print).
  • <S6> Oblique Aerial Photograph: Oblique aerial photograph. CUCAP CFB 19 20-JAN-1978 (Print).

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

Record last edited

Nov 21 2024 1:56PM

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