Site Event/Activity record ESF22912 - TM47SE. Mapping Block 1: Walberswick to Aldeburgh. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB
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Norfolk Historic Environment Service
Not recorded.
No mapped location recorded.
Sources/Archives (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (63)
- WLB 092 Possible Medieval to post-medieval doles related to peat cutting (Monument)
- WLB 054 A length of sea bank, c 1.8km in length, is visible as an earthwork between Westwood and Corporation Marshes (Monument)
- WLB 019 A possible subrectangular enclosure within a complex of faint cropmarks of trackways and possible field boundaries (Monument)
- WLN 086 Area of possible World War Two military activity (Monument)
- BLB 104 Area of Second World War practice trenches (Monument)
- BLB 101 At least three, possibly four World War Two bomb craters (Monument)
- WLN 056 Bregge; Breggestreet; Brincas DMV (Monument)
- BLB 106 Cropmark of ring ditch, probable windmill mound (possible henge?) (Monument)
- DUN 027 Cropmarks of earthworks of possible trackways (Monument)
- WLN 090 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- BLB 111 Cropmarks of field boundaries and a possible trackway (Monument)
- BLB 059 Cropmarks of field boundaries of unknown date. (Monument)
- BLB 110 Cropmarks of fragmentary undated linear ditches (Monument)
- BLB 096 Cropmarks of fragmentary undated linear ditches and possible ring ditches (Monument)
- DUN 114 Cropmarks of possible field boundaries (Monument)
- DUN 115 Cropmarks of possible field boundaries (Monument)
- WLN 084 Cropmarks of possible field system (Monument)
- WLN 087 Cropmarks of trackways (Monument)
- BLB 105 Cropmarks of undated possible trackway (Monument)
- BLB 015 Double-ditched sub-rectangular enclosure, shown as a cropmark. (Monument)
- WLN 088 Earthworks of ditches and banks (Monument)
- BLB 108 Earthworks of linear bank (Monument)
- BLB 109 Earthworks of linear banks (Monument)
- WLN 080 Earthworks of trackways of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- WLN 065 Earthworks of trackways of possible medieval to post medieval date (Monument)
- BLB 107 Earthworks of two mounds, possible round barrows (Monument)
- BLB 090 Fatal Aircraft Crash Site (Monument)
- BLB 100 Five World War Two bomb craters (Monument)
- WLN 055 Hethern; Ernethern; Alneton DMV (Monument)
- BLB 007 Linear cropmarks of a rectilinear field system. (Monument)
- WLN 068 Possible Bronze Age barrow cemetery (Monument)
- WLN 092 Possible field boundary ditches (Monument)
- WLB 093 Possible First World War or Second World War practice trench and possible rifle range (Monument)
- WLN 070 Possible medieval to post-medieval earthworks (Monument)
- BLB 028 Possible round barrow of unknown date. (Monument)
- WLN 085 Possible Second World War bomb crater (Monument)
- BLB 103 Possible World War Two practice trenches (Monument)
- BLB 097 Possible World War Two practice trenches (Monument)
- BLB 099 Possible World War Two practice trenches/field artillery site (Monument)
- WLN 003 Round barrow W of Fen Covert, 305m S of Fen Cottage (Monument)
- WLN 079 Second World War bomb crater (Monument)
- WLN 078 Second World War bomb craters (Monument)
- WLN 083 Second World War bomb craters (Monument)
- WLN 089 Second World War bomb craters (Monument)
- WLN 081 Second World War bomb craters, possible practice trench and gun emplacements (Monument)
- BLB 098 Three World War Two bomb craters (Monument)
- DUN 051 Trackway of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- WLN 069 Undated cropmarks (Monument)
- WLN 082 Undated earthwork ditch (Monument)
- BLB 066 Undated earthwork mound, possible round barrow (Monument)
- DUN 113 Undated linear and curvilinear cropmarks, some possible field boundaries (Monument)
- WLB 090 Undated linear cropmarks of field boundaries and possible trackways (Monument)
- WLB 091 Undated linear cropmarks of field boundaries and possible trackways (Monument)
- DUN 049 Various features and enclosures of unknown date, visible as cropmarks, also ridge and furrow earthworks. (Monument)
- WLN 091 Westleton Heath, (Including Military Training Site) (Monument)
- WLB 065 Westwood Marshes (Monument)
- DUN 057 World War II military camp and Diver Battery T1 (Monument)
- DUN 058 World War II practice trenches close to a military camp. (Monument)
- WLB 022 World War Two anti-glider ditches (Monument)
- WLB 030 World War Two anti-glider ditches (Monument)
- BLB 102 World War Two Anti-tank ditch (Monument)
- WLN 066 World War Two pillbox, anti-glider ditches and possible weapons pits or training trenches (Monument)
- WLN 067 World War Two training trenches (Monument)
Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)
- ESF22911 Mapping Block 1: Walberswick to Aldeburgh. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Ref: English Heritage Project No. 7085)
Record last edited
Feb 4 2025 4:34PM