Source/Archive record SSF19595 -
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SAU, Newman J, finds ID record, 1989
Referenced Monuments (13)
- BRF 032 Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of coins and a mount. (Sax) (Monument)
- WCB 075 Cut half penny of Stephen, type I - +S(V)E, 0-465g (S1). (Med) (plus BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
- GRU 075 Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of Edward II (Find Spot)
- GRU 074 Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of William I, canopy type (Find Spot)
- DBN 019 Gull Farm (PMed) (Monument)
- DBN 017 Medieval artefact scatter of coins of Stephen, Henry, Edward and Elizabeth I, buckle plates and a seal ring. (Monument)
- DBN 020 Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, includin a coin and seal. (Monument)
- RMS 014 Metal detected socketed axe fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
- WCB 032 Metal detecting Med finds:- 2 strap ends; 7 long cross pennies (not seen) and a bronze seal matrix of small facetted cone shape with device of a ?sq… (Monument)
- KCC 011 Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
- KCC 010 Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
- KCC 012 Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
- RMS 014 Silver penny fragment of Eadwald, apparently new moneyer. (Sax) (Find Spot)
Referenced Events (0)
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