Source/Archive record SSF50024 - Air Photograph

Title Air Photograph


McMasters, AP


McMasters, AP


Referenced Monuments (8)

  • Bronze-Age ring ditch, not completely circular, with dark central area. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age ring ditch. (Monument)
  • Incomplete Prehistoric ring ditch, visible as a cropmark within a complex of field system. (Monument)
  • Partially visible Bronze-Age ring ditch within a complex field system. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Ring ditch, part of larger group (see SBC 001 - 016). (Monument)
  • Roman Villa South East of Lidgate (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Mar 4 2015 3:22PM

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