Source/Archive record SSF57705 - A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvements, A Post-Excavation Assessment of Archaeological Excavations 2012-2013
Title | A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvements, A Post-Excavation Assessment of Archaeological Excavations 2012-2013 |
Author/Originator | Lees, M., and Hinman, M., and Stump, D. |
Date/Year | 2013 |
Pre-Construct Archaeology | 11454 |
Referenced Monuments (12)
- ELV 085 Early and Late Iron Age settlement and agricultural activity, A11 - EXC AREA 10 (Monument)
- IKL 192 Four undated pits WB AREA 3 (Monument)
- ELV 086 OUTLINE RECORD: A11 - EXC (PRE-CONSTRUCT) AREA 11 (Allocated Number)
- IKL 189 REVOKED RECORD: Negative SMS excavation A11 (PCA) AREA 4 (Revoked Record)
- IKL 190 Revoked Record: Negative strip, map and sample A11 (PCA) AREA 6 (Revoked Record)
- IKL 193 REVOKED RECORD: Negative watching brief A11 - (PCA) AREA 5 (Revoked Record)
- IKL 191 REVOKED RECORD: Negative watching brief A11 (PCA) AREA 1 (Revoked Record)
- ELV 087 Site of Second World War searchlight battery and pillbox (Monument)
- ELV 088 Two Middle Bronze Age cremation burials: A11 - WB (PCA)- AREA 8 (Monument)
- IKL 194 Two pits and Mesolithic/Neoltihic flint scatters: A11 - WB (PCA) AREA 7 (Monument)
- ELV 084 Undated pit and three ditches - Area 9 EXC (Monument)
- IKL 188 Undated pits, SMS Area 2 (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- ESF25624 Excavation - A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvement (Ref: OASIS-preconst1-153765)
Record last edited
Oct 16 2019 6:23PM