Source/Archive record SSF7247 -




Hardy M J, 1986


Referenced Monuments (13)

  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze hooked tag. (Monument)
  • Medieval spread of pottery (Monument)
  • Neolithic flint scraper and small group of abraded and undatable sherds (Find Spot)
  • Nine sherds of IA pottery, including one flint gritted sherd (Monument)
  • One sherd of flint-gritted IA pottery (Monument)
  • Patch of white heat-crackled flint, also 2 med silver coins. (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly grey wares but also a samian base found whilst fieldwalking. Various other Rom finds recovered at later stages. (Monument)
  • Sherd of flint-gritted IA pottery (Find Spot)
  • Spread of C13-C14 pottery, with possibly some C15 material (Monument)
  • Spread of C14-C15 pottery and possibly some C13. Found whilst fieldwalking. (Monument)
  • Spread of C14-C15 pottery, with some possibly C13 (Monument)
  • Spreads of Med pottery in two fields - ? C12-C14. (Med) (Monument)
  • Two flint scrapers and some waste flakes (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

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