Monument record IPS 150 - (Former) Electric Power Station, Constantine Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9604).

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Solutrean blade, flint knife. Middle Palaeolithic handaxe.


Grid reference Centred TM 1547 4425 (179m by 142m)
Map sheet TM14SE


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

1903: Flint knives found (leaf points).

1916: Handaxes found in the early part of 1916 the Ipswich Corporation were constructing a coal handling plant at the electric power station, Constantine road. A layer of loam 14ft below the surface (13ft OD c.1916) contained Mousterian implements. These were found in conjunction with Mammoth and reindeer remains Wymer as of broad Devensian age. Using the depth information a find height of -0.3m OD is known.

1918: Solutrean blade?

Pettitt and white (S7) argue convincingly, that all British examples claimed to be Solutrean are in fact earlier Leaf points.

See (S1-S7).

Sources/Archives (8)

  • --- Article in serial: Moir J R. 1924. A Series of Solutré Blades from Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.
  • <S2> Bibliographic reference: Wymer, J.J.. 1985. Palaeolithic Sites of East Anglia.
  • <S3> Index: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service. 1974. Ipswich Archaeological Survey Card Index (digital version).. IAS 9604.
  • <S4> Index: Suffolk Archaeology Unit. 1974. SAU index card and Archive. IAS 9604.
  • <S5> Unpublished document: Cutler, Hannah. 2013. Understanding Late Middle Palaeolithic Neandertal Landscape-use during Short-Term Occupations in Britain.
  • <S6> Digital archive: Wymer, J.J.. 1999. The Lower Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain (TERPs) The Lower Palaeolithic Occupation of Britain (TERPS). 22747.
  • <S7> Bibliographic reference: Pettitt, P.B. & White, M.J.. 2012. The British Palaeolithic: Human Societies at the Edge of the Pleistocene World.
  • <S8> Digital archive: Historic England. National Record Of the Historic Environment.

Finds (6)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (4)

Record last edited

May 21 2021 12:07PM

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