Source/Archive record SSF50084 - Palaeolithic Sites of East Anglia
Title | Palaeolithic Sites of East Anglia |
Author/Originator | Wymer, J.J. |
Date/Year | 1985 |
Referenced Monuments (206)
- IPS 150 (Former) Electric Power Station, Constantine Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9604). (Monument)
- BSE 346 4 Fornham Road, (Near St Saviour's Gatehouse), Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- HVH 013 8 Hudson Close, Haverhill, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- IPS 620 9 Henslow Road, Ipswich, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BTM 081 A11 Near Fiveways Roundaboud, Barton Mills, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BRK 119 Alderson Lake, Needham Market, (Barking?), (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- HVH 014 Allotments, Haverhill, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- WLG 042 Andrews Pit, Sicklesmere, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- ACT 003 ARC Gravel Pit, Acton (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- IKL 227 Avenue Farm, Icklingham Plains, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- BNH 002 Barnham Number 1 pit (Old pit) (and River Pit?); Barnham Heath (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BNH 012 Barnham Number 2 pit, (Palaeolithic, erroneous) (Monument)
- BTM 070 Barton Hill Pit, Barton Mills, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BAW 219 Bawdsey Cliffs, Bawdsey, (Early Prehistoric). (Find Spot)
- BAW 214 Bawdsey General? (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- WGN 063 Bay Farm, Worlington, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- MNL 978 Beck Row General, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- WSW 009 Beeches Pit, West Stow, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- BSE 577 Bell Site, CornHill Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BSD 034 Belstead General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- EXG 132 Between Exning & Burwell Fen, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- MNL 859 Between Wamil Hall and West Row, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- IPS 944 Bixley Heath, Ipswich. (Monument)
- WHR 038 Bobbitshole; Bobbitt's Hole, Wherstead (Monument)
- IPS 010 Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Monument)
- IPS 012 Bolton & Pipes Brickfield, Dales Road, (IAS 8005), (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BXF 040 Boxford General, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BRF 001 Bramford Pit (Coe's Pit); Pits 1 & 2, Bramford, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BRD 058 Brandon Fields; Brandon Down; Gravel Hill, Brandon, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BRD 396 Brandon General, Brandon, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Monument)
- BNT 004 Brantham Hall (Farm) Pit, Brantham, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- IPS 938 Broom Hill Road, Ipswich. (Find Spot)
- BRH 001 Broomfield Pit, Barham, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BCB 002 Brundon Pit; Jordans Pit, Sudbury, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BUN 124 Bungay General, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BSE 531 Bury St Edmunds General (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BSE 532 Bury St Edmunds, General (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IKL 046 Canada Farm, Pit in Canada Belt, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- LKH 035 Caudle Farm, (Or Caudle Common?), Lakenheath, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- CAM 103 Cavenham General? Implements in Luton Museum (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- CAM 109 Cavenham Heath General (Lower-Middle? Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- CAM 099 Cavenham Hill (Mill?), Cavenham, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- CAM 034 Cavenham, Various Pits (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- ELV 145 Chalk Hall Farm, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BIL 040 Church Farm, Bildeston, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- NKT 081 Coronation Hotel, Newmarket, (Pleistocene). (Monument)
- MNL 946 Cross Bank, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic) (Find Spot)
- WPT 023 Cross Ways, Woolpit, (Pleistocene) (Monument)
- CUL 055 Culford Brickearth Pits, Culford, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- SKT 096 Danecroft? Stowmarket, (Paleolithic) (Monument)
- IKL 043 Devereux's Pit, Icklingham Brick Pit, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- SPT 001 Devil's Wood Pit, Sproughton, (Palaeolithic-Mesolithic) (Monument)
- DUN 001 Dunwich Cliffs, Dunwich (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- EBG 081 East Bergholt, General (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BNH 013 East Farm Brick Pit, Barnham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- BAW 157 Eastfields, Bawdsey, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- HRK 006 Edge of River Stour, Harkstead, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- ELV 006 Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- ERL 292 Eriswell General, 4, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- FEX 360 Felixstowe General, (Pleistocene). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- NAC 131 Findspot of a chipped knife or spearhead (Find Spot)
- CHA 024 Findspot of a Leaf Point, Charsfield. (Find Spot)
- EBG 062 Flatford Lane, East Bergholt, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- FMP 036 Flempton General, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IPS 468 Former Railway Depot, Ipswich. (Monument)
- FXL 006 Foxhall Hall Pit, Foxhall, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- FML 109 Framlingham General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- MNL 1010 Frog Street, Mildenhall Fen, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- IPS 939 Gainsborough Road, Ipswich. (Find Spot)
- SEC 007 Gravels between Gipping and Lowestoft tills, South Elmham St Cross (Monument)
- COG 064 Great Cornard General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Monument)
- IPS 928 Greenwich Farm, Ipswich. (Monument)
- IPS 623 Hadleigh Road (Industrial Estate), Ipswich, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- EXG 004 Hamilton Stud Farm, Exning, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- NYW 011 Harpers Hill, Nayland with Wissington, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- BAT 003 Hascot Hill Valley, Riverbank by bridge, Battisford, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- IPS 941 Henley Road Allotments, Ipswich, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- FKM 001 Hercules Went, Fakenham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- HGW 035 Herringswell General, (Palaeolithic 2) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- HGW 031 Herringswell Warren, Herringswell, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Monument)
- MNL 002 High Lodge, Mildenhall (Monument)
- MNL 185 Hill Farm, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- IPS 060 Hog Highland, Ipswich, (IAS 9101). (Find Spot)
- MNL 1008 Holywell Row, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- LKD 091 Home Heath? Lackford (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- SEY 012 Homersfield Lake, Homersfield, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- HNN 029 Honnington General, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- NWN 028 Hopkins Pit, Nowton, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BSE 074 House of Correction, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- IKL 243 Icklingham General, (Palaeolithic Items in various museums listed by Derek Roe) (Poorly Located Monument)
- IKL 240 Icklingham Heath/Warren, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IPS 460 Ipswich Rail Tunnel, Ipswich. (Building)
- MNL 1005 Jude's Ferry, West Row, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- MNL 1009 Kenny Hill, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- KTD 006 Kentford Railway Pit, Great Eastern Railway Pit, Kentford, (Palaeolithc). (Monument)
- BSE 269 King's Brewery; Maynewater Lane, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- HXN 001 Lake Sediments at Hoxne Brickworks, Hoxne, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- LKH 530 Lakenheath Fen, Lakenheath, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LKH 535 Lakenheath General, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LKH 395 Lakenheath Warren, Lakenheath, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LVM 014 Lavenham Brickyard, Lavenham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- IPS 942 Levington Road, Ipswich, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- COL 088 Little Cornard General 2, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- STN 015 Little Lodge Farm Gravel Pits, Including White's pit, Santon Downham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- SXL 046 LNER, Little Saxham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- IKL 039 London Bottom, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic-Neolithic). (Monument)
- ERL 282 Low Warren, Eriswell, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- LKH 036 Maidscross Hill, (The Broom, The Old Churchyard), Lakenheath, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- LKH 528 Main Street, Lakenheath, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- MNL 1006 Main Street, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- SNF 003 Marsh Farm, Sternfield, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- CLY 002 Mason's Pit (Cement Works), Claydon, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BSE 347 Maynewater Lane, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- MTN 080 Melton General (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Monument)
- MNL 238 Mildenhall Brickyard, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- MNL 1011 Mildenhall Fields, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- WPT 006 Mill Farm, Woolpit, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- WYB 011 Mill Lane, Weybread, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- IKL 026 Mitchell's Hill, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- BAW 217 Mouth of the River Deben? Bawdsey, (Non Archaeological). (Find Spot)
- NHC 002 Near Ball's Green, North Cove, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BRD 059 Near Brick kiln Farm, Brandon, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BRD 061 Near Brick kiln Farm, Brandon, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BRD 062 Near Brick kiln Farm, Brandon, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- PKM 021 Near? Garden of Vine Cottage, Pakenham, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- KTD 037 Newport's Pit Gravel Pit, Kentford, (Paleolithic) (Monument)
- LWT 379 Normanston, Lowestoft, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- WSW 011 North Stow Farm Pit, West Stow, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- MRM 230 Nottcutts Nursery, Martlesham, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- NWN 027 Nowton General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- WLL 008 Oaks Kiln, Sicklesmere, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- EYE 001 Old Bank House (garden), Broad Street, Eye. (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- BSE 049 Old Sword in Hand, Southgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- IPS 056 Old Valley Brick Pit, Foxhall Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8903). (Monument)
- BUN 168 Outney Common, Bungay, (Pleistocene) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- MNL 241 Partridge Pit, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- PTR 046 Pettistree Hall Farm, Pettistree, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- FAS 061 Pigeon Lane, Fornham All Saints, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- IKL 045 Pit Behind Church, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- MNL 242 Pit C, Boulder Clay Pit, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- OUS 024 Pit East of Ousden, Ousden, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- LWT 340 Pit North of Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- PLS 064 Polstead General, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IPS 2115 Portman Road, Ipswich (Find Spot)
- ERL 289 Portway Hill, Mareway, Foxhole Heath, Eriswell, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- BSE 695 Priggs Number 1 Pit, (Shepherds's Cottage Pit), Bury St Edmunds (Monument)
- HRF 016 Railway Cutting, Herringfleet, (Palaeolithic). (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- WGN 064 Railway Cutting, Worlington, (Pleistocene) (Monument)
- ERL 283 Rake Heath, Eriswell, (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic) (Monument)
- LKH 037 REVOKED, Botany Bay, Lakenheath (Revoked Record)
- BSE 579 REVOKED, Duplicate of BSE 346 (Revoked Record)
- BAW 229 REVOKED, Now recorded under BAW 214. (Revoked Record)
- WSW 182 Rickwood, West Stow, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Monument)
- RGD 019 Ringsfield General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IPS 943 Rookwood, Ipswich, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- RGH 103 Rougham General (Palaeolithic items in the British Museum) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IPS 945 Rushmere Road, Ipswich, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- IPS 163 School, Maidenhall Approach, Stoke Tunnel, Ipswich. (Monument)
- IPS 106 Seven Arches Bridge, London Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9608). (Find Spot)
- IPS 940 Shore of River Orwell, Halifax, Ipswich. (Find Spot)
- WYB 014 Shotford Heath, Weybread, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- WLG 024 Sicklesmere Gravel Pit, Sicklesmere, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- IPS 444 Site of Former Ipswich Railway Station, Ipswich. (Monument)
- ELV 146 Sketchfar, Elveden, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- HMG 005 South East of Brewery Farm, Hemingston, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- BSE 061 Southgate Gravel Pit, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- BSE 578 St. Andrews Street, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BSE 575 St. Botolphs Lane, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- IPS 072 Stoke Hill Rail Tunnel, Ipswich, (IAS 9301, IAS 9501). (Monument)
- IKL 025 Stone Pit Hill, Town Pit, Rampart Field, Rampart Hill, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- SRL 028 Stonham Earl General (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- SKT 098 Stowmarket General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- STU 001 Stutton Shore, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- IPS 976 Telephone Exchange, Portman Road, Ipswich. (Find Spot)
- BAR 019 Thatchers End, Bardwell, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- WBG 138 'The Abbey', Woodbridge, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- BSE 065 The Grindle; Grindle Pit, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- MNL 004 Thetford Road, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- MNL 004 Thetford Road, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BSE 574 Thingoe Hill, Bury St Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- MNL 202 Thistley Green, West Row, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- TNG 001 Thorington Hall, Thorington, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- SBN 021 Thorington Street, Stoke by Nayland (Monument)
- THD 046 Thorndon General, (Pleistocene) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- TMM 016 Thornham Hall, Thornham Magna, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- MNL 001 Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- TDD 042 Tuddenham General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LKH 529 Undley Road, Lakenheath, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- LKH 593 Undley, Lakenheath, General, (Palaeolithic Items in Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BOY 092 Valley Farm, Boyton, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- WNG 072 Wangford General, Wangford, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- IPS 018 Warren Livingstone Pit, Bramford Road, (Sproughton Road), Ipswich, (IAS 7905). (Monument)
- WAM 028 Wattisham, General, (Paleolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IKL 012 Weatherhill Farm Gravel Pit, Gravel Pit 550, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- IKL 385 Weatherhill Farm, Icklingham, Ditch Between Road and River, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- IKL 384 Weatherhill Farm, Icklingham, Field 442, (Palaeolithic) (Find Spot)
- MNL 1012 West Row, West Row Fen, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- KDG 005 Westend Lane, Kedington, (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
- BSE 050 Westley Road, Bury St. Edmunds, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
- WYB 079 Weybread House, Weybread, (Palaeolithic) (Monument)
- WKM 056 Wickham Market General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- MNL 1007 Wilde Street, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LMD 059 Withindale Pit, Formerly Great Eastern Railway Ballast Pit, Long Melford. (Monument)
- WBG 139 Woodbridge General, (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- IPS 075 Woodbridge Road East, Ipswich, (IAS 8701). (Find Spot)
- WLV 058 Woolverstone, General (Palaeolithic) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
Referenced Events (132)
- ESF27873 Borehole Survey, Gravels between Gipping and Lowestoft tills, South Elmham St Cross
- ESF27025 Casual Observation, Dunwich Cliffs, Dunwich
- ESF27028 Casual Observation, Garden of St Anne's, Flatford Lane, East Bergholt
- ESF26968 Casual Observation, Hascot Hill Valley, Riverbank by bridge, Battisford,
- ESF27956 Casual Observation, LNER, Little Saxham
- ESF24439 Casual Observation, Pipe Trench, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich.
- ESF27990 Casual Observation, Railway Cutting, Worlington Worlington
- ESF24516 Casual Observation, Seven Arches Bridge, London Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9608).
- ESF27148 Casual Observation, Southgate Gravel Pit, Bury St Edmunds,
- ESF24437 Casual Observation, Stoke Hill Rail Tunnel, Ipswich, (IAS 9301, IAS 9501).
- ESF26964 Casual Observation, Thatchers End, Bardwell, (Palaeolithic).
- ESF27696 Casual Observation, Thetford Road, Mildenhall
- ESF27869 Casual Observation, Thorington Street, Stoke by Nayland
- ESF27870 Casual Observation, Thorington Street, Stoke by Nayland
- ESF27522 Casual Observation, Weatherhill Farm, Icklingham, Ditch Between Road and River,
- ESF24508 Casual Observation? (Former) Electric Power Station, Constantine Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9604).
- ESF24509 Casual Observation? (Former) Electric Power Station, Constantine Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9604).
- ESF24510 Casual Observation? (Former) Electric Power Station, Constantine Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9604).
- ESF27184 Casual Observation? A11 Near Fiveways Roundaboud, Barton Mills
- ESF27182 Casual Observation? Barton Hill Pit, Barton Mills,
- ESF27146 Casual Observation? Bell Site, CornHill Bury St Edmunds,
- ESF27086 Casual Observation? Broomfield Pit, Barham, (Palaeolithic).
- ESF27529 Casual Observation? Canada Farm, Icklingham
- ESF27528 Casual Observation? Canada Farm, Pit in Canada Belt, Icklingham
- ESF26930 Casual Observation? Cavenham Heath, Cavenham
- ESF27725 Casual Observation? Dereks Field, Holywell Row, Mildenhall
- ESF27316 Casual Observation? Eriswell, (Palaeolithic).
- ESF27410 Casual Observation? Felixstowe
- ESF27411 Casual Observation? Felixstowe
- ESF27872 Casual Observation? Gravels between Gipping and Lowestoft tills, South Elmham St Cross
- ESF27276 Casual Observation? Hamilton Stud Farm, Exning,
- ESF27432 Casual Observation? Hemingstone
- ESF27721 Casual Observation? Hill Farm, Mildenhall,
- ESF26919 Casual Observation? Home Heath? Lackford
- ESF27638 Casual Observation? Lavenham Brickyard, Lavenham,
- ESF27330 Casual Observation? Little Cornard
- ESF27314 Casual Observation? Low Warren, Eriswell, (Palaeolithic).
- ESF27524 Casual Observation? Mitchell's Hill, Icklingham,
- ESF27536 Casual Observation? Near Ball's Green, North Cove
- ESF27649 Casual Observation? Normanston, Lowestoft,
- ESF27527 Casual Observation? Pit Behind Church, Icklingham
- ESF27645 Casual Observation? Pit North of Oulton Broad, Lowestoft
- ESF27317 Casual Observation? Portway Hill, Mareway, Foxhole Heath, Eriswell, (Palaeolithic).
- ESF27467 Casual Observation? Railway Cutting, Herringfleet,
- ESF27315 Casual Observation? Rake Heath, Eriswell, (Palaeolithic).
- ESF25270 Casual Observation? Shore of River Orwell, Halifax, Ipswich.
- ESF27147 Casual Observation? St. Andrews Street, Bury St Edmunds.
- ESF27141 Casual Observation? St. Botolphs Lane, Bury St Edmunds
- ESF27880 Casual Observation? Stowmarket
- ESF27145 Casual Observation? Thingoe Hill, Bury St Edmunds,
- ESF27724 Casual Observation? Thistley Green, West Row, Mildenhall
- ESF27681 Casual Observation? Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall (Ref: J Wymer)
- ESF27521 Casual Observation? Weatherhill Farm, Icklingham, Field 442
- ESF26944 Deposit, ARC Gravel Pit, Acton.
- ESF27244 Deposit, Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Ref: Patterson T T & Fagg B E B)
- ESF24692 Deposit, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich, (IAS 9303).
- ESF27642 Deposit, Lavenham Brickyard, Lavenham, (Ref: Wymer J)
- ESF24691 Deposit, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich.
- ESF28340 Deposit, Pit C, Boulder Clay Pit, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic)
- ESF28341 Deposit, Sicklesmere, Various Pits
- ESF27150 Deposit, The Grindle; Grindle Pit, Bury St Edmunds.
- ESF27152 Deposit? Broomfield Pit, Barham, (Palaeolithic).
- ESF28336 Deposit? Woolpit
- ESF16168 Excavation, Corner of Bloomfield Street and Freehold Road, Ipswich.
- ESF27243 Excavation, Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic)
- ESF16126 Excavation, Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Ref: BM (Sieveking G de G))
- ESF15972 Excavation, Elveden Brickyard, Elveden, (Palaeolithic) (Ref: Patterson T T & Fagg B E B)
- ESF16134 Excavation, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich, (IAS 9303).
- ESF24441 Excavation, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich.
- ESF16060 Excavation, Former Railway Depot, Ipswich. (Ref: Layard N)
- ESF15463 Excavation, Lavenham Brickyard, Lavenham, (Ref: Wymer J)
- ESF14959 Excavation, London Bottom, Icklingham (Ref: Wymer J)
- ESF24440 Excavation, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich.
- ESF15459 Excavation, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich. (Ref: Layard N)
- ESF27728 Excavation, Mildenhall Brickyard, Mildenhall, (Ref: Skertchly)
- ESF15234 Excavation, Partridge Pit, Mildenhall (Ref: Sturge W A)
- ESF16044 Excavation, Pit C, Boulder Clay Pit, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Ref: Moir J R)
- ESF14712 Excavation, Rookery Mound, Great Bealings, (Ref: Moor Major E C)
- ESF15819 Excavation, Stoke Hill Rail Tunnel, Ipswich. (Ref: Spencer H E P (IPSMG))
- ESF14866 Excavation? Danecroft, Stowmarket (Ref: Fancourt Col St J. F M)
- ESF26900 Field Observation (monitoring), Coronation Hotel, Newmarket
- ESF28058 Field Visit, Beeches Pit, West Stow (Ref: Wymer, J.)
- ESF12021 Field Visit, Edge of River Stour, Harkstead (Ref: Wymer J J)
- ESF27682 Field Visit, Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall (Ref: J Wymer)
- ESF27683 Field Visit, Three Hills, Warren Hill, Mildenhall (Ref: J Wymer)
- ESF27448 Field Visit? Edge of River Stour, Harkstead (Ref: Hazelton)
- ESF27446 Field Visit? Edge of River Stour, Harkstead (Ref: Todd)
- ESF27447 Field Visit? Edge of River Stour, Harkstead (Ref: Todd)
- ESF27519 Field Visit? Weatherhill Farm Gravel Pit, Gravel Pit 550, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic) (Ref: Wymer)
- ESF28006 Field Visits?, Sicklesmere, Various Pits
- ESF28045 Geomorphological Survey, Cross Ways, Woolpit (Ref: Geological Survey)
- ESF28046 Geomorphological Survey, Cross Ways, Woolpit (Ref: Institute of Geological Science)
- ESF26943 Monitoring, ARC Gravel Pit, Acton.
- ESF27526 Monitoring, Devereux's Pit, Icklingham Brick Pit, Icklingham (Ref: Skertchly)
- ESF27803 Monitoring, Harpers Hill, Nayland with Wissington
- ESF16161 Monitoring, Pipe Trench, Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich.
- ESF26929 Monitoring? Cavenham, Various Pits (Palaeolithic).
- ESF26928 Monitoring? Pit Near Cavenham Mill, Cavenham
- ESF27149 Monitoring? The Grindle; Grindle Pit, Bury St Edmunds.
- ESF27517 Monitoring? Weatherhill Farm Gravel Pit, Gravel Pit 550, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic) (Ref: Sturge)
- ESF27449 Monitoring?, Edge of River Stour, Harkstead (Ref: Spencer)
- ESF27660 Unknown Event(s), Frog Street, Mildenhall Fen
- ESF27658 Unknown Event(s), Holywell Row, Mildenhall
- ESF27659 Unknown Event(s), Kenny Hill, Mildenhall
- ESF27922 Unknown Event(s), Santon Downham
- ESF27662 Unknown Event(s), West Row, West Row Fen, Mildenhall,
- ESF27606 Unknown Event(s)? Lakenheath
- ESF27938 Unknown Event(s)? Stutton Shore (Ref: 18th/19th Centuries)
- ESF27939 Unknown Event(s)? Stutton Shore (Ref: Evans)
- ESF27940 Unknown Event(s)? Stutton Shore (Ref: HEP Spener)
- ESF27963 Unknown Event(s)? Tuddenham
- ESF27617 Unknown Event(s)? Undley, Lakenheath
- ESF27989 Unknown Event, Bay Farm, Worlington
- ESF27435 Unknown Event, Honington
- ESF27655 Unknown Event, Jude's Ferry, West Row, Mildenhall
- ESF27656 Unknown Event, Main Street, Mildenhall
- ESF27661 Unknown Event, Mildenhall Fields, Mildenhall
- ESF27816 Unknown Event, Ousden
- ESF27970 Unknown Event, Thornham Magna?
- ESF28000 Unknown Event, Wickham Market
- ESF27657 Unknown Event, Wilde Street, Mildenhall
- ESF28153 Unknown Event, Wilde Street, Mildenhall
- ESF27185 Unknown Event? Barton Mills, General,
- ESF27142 Unknown Event? Bury St Edmunds General (Palaeolithic).
- ESF27422 Unknown Event? Herringswell Warren, Herringswell,
- ESF27514 Unknown Event? Icklingham Heath/Warren,
- ESF27515 Unknown Event? Icklingham Heath/Warren, (Ref: No Date)
- ESF27605 Unknown Event? Lakenheath Fen, Lakenheath
- ESF27604 Unknown Event? Lakenheath,
- ESF27352 Unknown Event? Pigeon Lane, Fornham All Saints,
- ESF28047 Unknown Event? Woolpit
- ESF27523 Various Events, Stone Pit Hill, Town Pit, Rampart Field, Rampart Hill, Icklingham, (Palaeolithic)
Record last edited
Dec 4 2020 1:58PM