Source/Archive record SSF59832 - Greens Survey Shape File and Text
Title | Greens Survey Shape File and Text |
Author/Originator | Fletcher, W, Martin, E. |
Date/Year |
Assume to be based on maps held by SCCAS
Referenced Monuments (264)
- GSG 049 Allwood Green, (Various Parishes) (Monument)
- AMP 012 Ampton Green (Monument)
- LMG 026 Ash Covert, Fox Spinney, Great Livermere (Monument)
- ABK 028 Ash Green (Monument)
- WFG 065 Babergh Heath, Great Waldingfield (Monument)
- BAC 078 Bacton Green, Alice's Green, Bacton (Monument)
- BAD 041 Badley Green (Monument)
- WSF 077 Bandells Green, Wattisfield (Monument)
- BAR 143 Barningham and Bardwell Heaths, Stanton Dale (Monument)
- BRG 126 Barton Mere (Monument)
- BRG 124 Barton Park (Monument)
- WDN 027 Base Green, Wetherden (Monument)
- BCC 146 Beccles Common (Monument)
- BDF 034 Bedingfield Wood (Monument)
- LWT 413 Blacksmith's Common (Monument)
- ISA 038 Blacksmiths's Common, Ilketshall St Andrew (Monument)
- BLX 048 Blaxhall Common (Monument)
- IKN 154 Blaxhall, Tunstall and Iken Heaths (Monument)
- RGH 148 Blowthorpe Heath, Rougham (Monument)
- SLD 010 Boreley, Shelland and Harlseton Greens (Monument)
- PLS 076 Bower House Tye, Polstead (Monument)
- BOY 101 Boyton Common (Monument)
- BRF 178 Bramford Tye (Monument)
- COM 088 Brastead Green, Combs (Monument)
- BCG 036 Bricett Green, Great Bricett (Monument)
- WCB 111 Broad Green, Blacksmith's Green, Pages Green, Wetheringsett (Monument)
- WPT 080 Broadgrass Green, Woolpit (Monument)
- TDE 016 Broome Common, Thrandeston (Monument)
- BRF 179 Bullen Green, Bramford (Monument)
- TMW 020 Cage Grove, Timorth (Monument)
- TMW 021 Cage Grove, Timorth (Monument)
- SSH 031 Caley Green, Somersham (Monument)
- CAC 118 Carlton Guzzles (Monument)
- ERL 322 Caudle Common. Eriswell (Monument)
- CHB 018 Chedburgh Green (Monument)
- SNP 142 Church Green and Wet Common, Snape (Monument)
- GSE 173 Church Green, Gisleham (Monument)
- CLY 082 Claydon Common (Monument)
- RAT 109 Clopton Hall Park (Monument)
- LCS 313 Coastal Heath, Leiston (Monument)
- LCS 310 Common Fen, Leiston (Monument)
- BLB 173 Common, Blythburgh (Monument)
- PAL 063 Common, Palgrave (Monument)
- BRG 122 Conyers/Conyard Green, Great Barton, Timworth (Monument)
- HTC 108 Cook's Green, Hitcham (Monument)
- NEN 028 Cornard Heath (Monument)
- NRN 063 Crawley Grove, Norton (Monument)
- COK 054 Cross Green, Cockfield (Monument)
- ONW 064 Cross Green, Old Newton (Monument)
- WAM 031 Deer Wood, Wattisham (Monument)
- DNN 109 Dennington Park (Monument)
- DNN 110 Dennington Park (Monument)
- SMR 044 Drakestone Green, Semer (Monument)
- DRK 075 Drinkstone Green (Monument)
- LCS 311 Dry Common, Leiston (Monument)
- BDF 033 Duck or Bucks Green (north) and Bedingfield Green (south) (Monument)
- EBG 111 East Bergholt Heath (Monument)
- HTC 109 East Wood, Hitcham (Monument)
- KBU 044 Easton Green, Kettleburgh (Monument)
- KBU 045 Easton Green, Kettleburgh (Monument)
- ELO 030 Ellough Moor (Monument)
- ERL 102 Eriswell Warren (Monument)
- PLS 079 Evans Heath, Hadleigh Heath (Monument)
- EYE 237 Eye Park (Monument)
- FRS 087 Friston Green/Blackheath (Monument)
- WGW 049 Frithe Hegg, Worlingworth (Monument)
- FOS 019 Frostenden Common (1783); Frostenden Corner (Monument)
- BRS 071 Furze Common, Barsham (Monument)
- LCS 307 Goose Hill, Leiston (Monument)
- GOS 047 Gosbeck Green (Monument)
- BAD 040 Great Park, Badley (Monument)
- RLG 013 Great Wood, Redlingfield (Monument)
- OFF 055 Green Steet Green, Offton (Monument)
- BTT 056 Green, Buggs Lane, Brettenham (Monument)
- COM 087 Green, Combs (Monument)
- COM 089 Green, Combs (Monument)
- COT 055 Green, Cotton (Monument)
- GPP 016 Green, Gipping (Monument)
- HWN 049 Green, Hawkedon (Monument)
- ISM 061 Green, Ilketshall St Margaret (Monument)
- KSY 056 Green, Kersey (Monument)
- KSY 057 Green, Kersey (Monument)
- LVM 161 Green, Lavenham (Monument)
- RDE 028 Green, Near Rede Hall (Monument)
- NTT 029 Green, Nettlestead (Monument)
- PLS 077 Green, Polstead (Monument)
- RGL 039 Green, Ring (Monument)
- SMR 043 Green, Semer (Monument)
- BRC 028 Green, Stanningfield (Monument)
- SNT 113 Green, Stanton (Monument)
- SNT 114 Green, Stanton (Monument)
- SBC 079 Green, Stoke by Clare (Monument)
- WAM 032 Green, Wattisham (Monument)
- WBY 035 Green, Wilby (Monument)
- WGW 047 Green, Worlingworth (Monument)
- FSF 144 Gules Green, Fressingfield (Monument)
- HGH 095 Haughley Green, Haughley (Monument)
- HWS 015 Hawstead Green, Hawstead (Monument)
- SAL 059 Hazel Green, Stonham Aspal (Monument)
- BGL 062 Heath, Brightwell (Monument)
- BGL 063 Heath, Brightwell (Monument)
- CHL 116 Heath, Chelmondiston (Monument)
- BEG 094 Heath, Great Bealings (Monument)
- MRM 251 Heath, Martlesham (Monument)
- WHR 136 Heath, Wherstead (Monument)
- SUE 195 Heath/Sheep Walke, Sudbourne (Monument)
- NAC 150 Heaths East of Ipswich (Monument)
- HEN 033 Henley Broad Green (Monument)
- HEN 032 Henley Green (Monument)
- HEP 063 Hepworth Common (Monument)
- HEP 062 Hepworth North Common (Monument)
- HRF 029 Herringfleet Hall Park (Monument)
- THD 053 Hestley Green, Thorndon (Monument)
- HTT 056 Hicket Heath, Hessett (Monument)
- BRS 070 High Common, Barsham (Monument)
- WBY 036 Hillton Wood, Wilby (Monument)
- BLB 175 Hinton Green, Blythgburgh (Monument)
- BLB 174 Hoards Green, Blythburgh (Monument)
- HBK 070 Holbrook House and Park (Monument)
- ISA 041 Holden's/Godfrey's Common, Ilketshall St Andrew (Monument)
- BRG 123 HolyHouse Belt, Great Barton (Monument)
- HOO 026 Hoo Green (Monument)
- HOO 027 Hoo Green, Hoo (Monument)
- HPN 047 Hopton Common (Monument)
- HPN 048 Hopton Fen (Monument)
- IKL 115 Horn Heath, Icklingham (Monument)
- IKL 390 Icklingham Plains (Monument)
- IKN 152 Iken Common, Iken (Monument)
- KTD 040 Kentford Heath (Monument)
- KSY 059 Kersey Tye (Monument)
- KBU 043 Kettleburgh Common (Monument)
- RGH 147 Kingshall Green, Rougham (Monument)
- RGH 149 Kingshall Green, Rougham (Monument)
- KNE 047 Knettishall Heath (Monument)
- LGH 022 Langham Common (Monument)
- ELV 033 Larling Heath (Monument)
- LVH 010 Levenheath (Monument)
- LSY 022 Lindsey Tye, Lindsey (Monument)
- HRG 031 Little and Great Knowles Green, Hargrave (Monument)
- BLL 024 Little Blakenham Common (Monument)
- BRS 072 Little Common, Barsham (Monument)
- ISA 039 Little Common, Ilketshall St Andrew (Monument)
- TUL 034 Little Thurlow Green, Little Thurlow (Monument)
- LUD 098 Lound or Cuckoo Green (Monument)
- DRK 074 Marsh Green, Drinkstone (Monument)
- MDD 046 Middleton Moor (Monument)
- SRL 037 Middlewood Green, Stonham Earl (Monument)
- MDN 034 Mildin Green (Monument)
- LWT 412 Mill Common (Monument)
- ISA 037 Mill Common, Ilketshall St Andrew (Monument)
- SBC 080 Mill Green, Stoke by Clare (Monument)
- SAL 058 Mill Green, Stonham Aspal (Monument)
- MWN 035 Monewden Green, Monewden (Monument)
- MKE 052 Monks Eleigh Tye (Monument)
- GSE 174 Mootway Common, Gisleham (Monument)
- NDG 020 Nedging Tye (Monument)
- NEN 029 Newton Green (Monument)
- BRG 127 Nix Green, Great Barton (Monument)
- ADB 269 North Warren, Aldeburgh (Monument)
- WLW 125 Northaughwode (Monument)
- NRN 064 Norton Heath, Norton (Monument)
- KSY 058 Oaks Tye (Monument)
- WCB 112 Old Mill Green, Park Street Green, Park Green, Wetheringsett (Monument)
- HXN 128 Old Park, Hoxne (Monument)
- OTY 074 Otley Green (Monument)
- ONW 066 Ottertons Green, Old Newton (Monument)
- BTT 057 Oxes Green, Brettenham (Monument)
- CHL 115 Page's Common, Chelmondiston (Monument)
- PKM 148 Pakenham Heath (Monument)
- PAL 064 Palgrave Green (Monument)
- BRF 180 Park, Bramford (Monument)
- BNT 103 Park, Brantham (Monument)
- CRO 037 Park, Crowfield (Monument)
- EBG 110 Park, East Bergholt (Monument)
- FLN 113 Park, Flixton (Monument)
- FRT 067 Park, Freston (Monument)
- STU 113 Park, Stutton (Monument)
- ACT 059 Peak Hall Wood, Acton (Monument)
- ISA 040 Peardyke Common, Ilketshall St Andrew (Monument)
- SBK 064 Pixey Green, Stadbroke (Monument)
- PLS 078 Polstead Heath (Monument)
- BRK 183 Pond, Darmsden (Monument)
- TUL 033 Pound Green, Little Thurlow (Monument)
- WFG 066 Randish Wood, Great Waldingfield (Monument)
- RBY 066 Risby, Poors Heath (Monument)
- RLS 010 Rishangles Green (Monument)
- SMR 045 Ropers Green, Semer (Monument)
- LSY 024 Rose Green, Lindsey (Monument)
- SCV 042 Rough Walks, Easton Marsh (Monument)
- DBN 239 Rumble or Romewood Green, Debenham (Monument)
- KSS 142 Runhill Heath, Kessingland (Monument)
- EUN 074 Rushford Heath (Monument)
- NEN 030 Sackers Green, Newton (Monument)
- EDN 111 School Green, Edwardstone (Monument)
- SMW 022 Shipmeadow Common, Shipmeadow (Monument)
- SLY 233 Shotley and Cowton Common (Monument)
- ARG 120 Sizewell Common (Monument)
- RKN 034 Snape Green, Rickinghall (Monument)
- SOL 079 Somerlayton and Herringfleet Commons (Monument)
- TNG 037 Sowters Manor Moat, Thorington (Monument)
- ISL 037 St Lawrence Green, Ilketshall (Monument)
- SEN 053 St Nicholas Green, All Saints South Elmham (Monument)
- WGW 046 Stanway or Stanhaugh Green, Worlingworth (Monument)
- THS 048 Stockhold Green, Thurston (Monument)
- SBN 121 Stoke Hough, Stoke-by-Nayland (Monument)
- BUN 195 Stow Park, Bungay (Monument)
- LSY 023 Strangers Green, Lindsey (Monument)
- SUS 045 Stuston Common (Monument)
- SUE 196 Sudbourne Common and nearby Heaths (Monument)
- SUE 197 Sudbourne Great Wood (Monument)
- MKE 053 Swingleton Green (Monument)
- SYL 019 Syleham Little Green (Monument)
- BAC 079 Taylors Green, Bacton (Monument)
- LCS 309 The Broad, Leiston (Monument)
- ONW 065 The Green, Old Newton (Monument)
- BRG 125 The Heath, Great Barton (Monument)
- LCS 314 The Warren (Monument)
- WLN 136 The Warren, Westleton (Monument)
- WGW 048 The Woode, Worlingworth (Monument)
- THB 060 Theberton Common (Monument)
- ARG 119 Thorpe and Aldringham Commons (Monument)
- THS 047 Thurston Green (Monument)
- THS 049 Thurston/Mill Heaths (Monument)
- TYN 184 Trimley Heath (Monument)
- TRS 039 Troston Common and Ixworth Heath (Monument)
- CAM 111 Tuddenham and Cavendish Heaths (Monument)
- OKY 050 Unnamed Green, Oakley (Monument)
- SNT 115 Upthorp Common, Stanton (Monument)
- LVM 160 Washmore Green (Monument)
- LUD 097 West Heath, Lound (Monument)
- WLN 091 Westleton Heath, (Including Military Training Site) (Monument)
- DUN 182 Westleton/Dunwich Commons (Monument)
- LCS 312 Wet Common, Leiston (Monument)
- IKN 154 Wherstead Heath (Monument)
- PLS 080 White Street Green, Polstead (Monument)
- KSY 013 Wicker Street Green, Kersey (Monument)
- HXN 129 Windmill Green, Hoxne (Monument)
- HEN 005 Witnesham Thicks (Monument)
- WLS 019 Wllisham Tye (Monument)
- ACT 060 Wood, Acton (Monument)
- AKE 088 Wood, Akenham (Monument)
- CRE 038 Wood, Cretingham (Monument)
- DNN 108 Wood, Dennington (Monument)
- FRD 053 Wood, Framsden (Monument)
- FRD 054 Wood, Framsden (Monument)
- GOS 046 Wood, Gosbeck (Monument)
- WFG 067 Wood, Great Waldingfield (Monument)
- WFG 068 Wood, Great Waldingfield (Monument)
- WFG 069 Wood, Great Waldingfield (Monument)
- HSK 114 Wood, Hasketon (Monument)
- HSK 115 Wood, Hasketon (Monument)
- HSK 116 Wood, Hasketon (Monument)
- HLM 051 Wood, Helmingham (Monument)
- MTN 107 Wood, Melton (Monument)
- OTY 075 Wood, Otley (Monument)
- SWL 020 Wood, Swilland (Monument)
- WTN 063 Wood, Witnesham (Monument)
- WGW 050 Wood, Worlingworth (Monument)
- WGW 051 Wood, Worlingworth (Monument)
- WPT 079 Woolpit Green (Monument)
- WPT 078 Woolpit Heath (Monument)
- WLV 024 Woolverstone Park; Woolverstone Hall (PMed) (Monument)
- COL 102 Workhouse Green, Little Cornard (Monument)
- IKN 153 Yarn Hill Heath, Iken (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Jan 27 2023 3:04PM