Monument record IPS 228 - Buttermarket Shopping Centre Development, Buttermarket and St. Stephens Lane, Ipswich (IAS 3104).
Please read our guidance about the use of Suffolk Historic Environment Record data.
Grid reference | Centred TM 1633 4448 (111m by 61m) Centred on |
Map sheet | TM14SE |
Type and Period (31)
- POST HOLE (Later Prehistoric - 4000 BC? to 42 AD?)
- BURIAL (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- GRAVE (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- PIT CLUSTER (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 700 AD to 850 AD)
- POST HOLE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 700 AD to 850 AD)
- PIT CLUSTER (IPS: Early Late Saxon - 850 AD to 900 AD)
- POST HOLE (IPS: Early Late Saxon - 850 AD to 900 AD)
- PIT (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- POST HOLE (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FLOOR (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- POST HOLE (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FLOOR (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- PIT CLUSTER (12th century to 13th century - 1100 AD to 1200 AD)
- PIT (13th century - 1200 AD to 1278 AD)
- CARMELITE FRIARY (13th century to 16th century - 1278 AD to 1538 AD)
- GRAVE (IPS: Late Medieval Transitional - 1451 AD to 1600 AD)
- PIT CLUSTER (16th century to 17th century - 1538 AD to 1600 AD)
- PIT (16th century to 17th century - 1538 AD to 1600 AD)
- DRAIN (16th century to 17th century - 1538 AD to 1600 AD)
- WALL (17th century to 18th century - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)
- FLOOR (17th century to 18th century - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)
- GAOL (16th century to 18th century - 1538 AD? to 1700 AD?)
- MARKET (18th century to Early 20th century - 1700 AD? to 1912 AD)
- GARDEN (17th century to 18th century - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)
- SORTING OFFICE (Early 20th century to Late 20th century - 1920 AD? to 1987 AD)
- THEATRE (Early 20th century - 1912 AD? to 1920 AD)
- CHAPEL (20th century - 1900 AD? to 1999 AD)
- PRINTING WORKS (19th century to Late 20th century - 1898 AD? to 1987 AD)
- BREWERY (19th century - 1800 AD? to 1899 AD)
- PUBLIC HOUSE (20th century - 1900 AD? to 1999 AD)
- INHUMATION (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
Full Description
1987-1988: Buttermarket development excavations. Finds include 7th-9th century Saxon cemetery, probably extending further South and Ease, including c. 70 burials, small ring ditches, grave goods including swords, shield boss, two glass cups, bronze belt fittings, glass beads & coffin stains. Traces of numerous 8th and 9th buildings and features were found, two 8th century roads, and three 10th and 11th century buildings as well as rubbish pits with finds. An Ipswich ware (decorated) kiln was excavated. Also uncovered was most of Carmelite Friary Church & cloister ranges. Construction of which started in 1278. Demolished in 1538 after dissolution. Also site of 17th Century County Gaol and market, chapel, Falcon brewery and 19th Century public house (S1, S2) (S8-S14).
See also (S3-S6) and a study of mineralised leather remains from two excavated cemeteries of sixth- and seventh-century date (St Stephen's Lane/Buttermarket in 1987-88 and Boss Hall in 1990) (S7).
See imported pottery reports (S15, S16), C14 report, (S17), Slag report, (S18), architectural stone report, (S19), Charcoal report (S20), Human bone reports, (S21), (S25), Manufacturing waste reports (S22, S23), Carbonised bread report, (S24), Microfauna report, (S26).
Samples of Human bone from eighteen articulated skeletons were process for amino acid and isotope analysis. All skeletons had been radiocarbon dated previously at Queen's University, Belfast. The amino acid analyses and carbon-nitrogen ratios indiacted that the collagen in most samples was moderately well preserved. Stable isotope values for the groups as a whole ae consistent with a predominantly terrestrial diet (S27).
Sources/Archives (28)
- --- SSF57563 Index: IPSMG. 2009. Ipswich Museum renumbered Ipswich archive. R.2009.65.
- <S1> SSF55986 Unpublished document: Wade, K. 2014. Ipswich Archive Site Summaries: St. Stephen's Lane..
- <S2> SSF50444 Bibliographic reference: Scull, C.. 2009. Early Medieval Cemeteries (Late 5th-Early 8th Centuries AD) at Boss Hall and Buttermarket, Ipswich, Suffolk. The Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 27.
- <S3> SSF22685 (No record type): Wade K, `Ipswich' in CBA, RR, 68, 1988, 93-100.
- <S4> SSF45055 Article in serial: Zimmerman, B.. 1899. The White Friars at Ipswich.
- <S5> SSF50048 Bibliographic reference: Victoria County History of Suffolk (Vol I 1911; Vol II 1907). VCH, Suffolk, 2, 1907, 130-131..
- <S6> SSF9913 Article in serial: Redstone, Vincent B.. 1899. The Carmelites of Ipswich.
- <S7> SSF54521 Unpublished document: Cameron E and Edwards G. 2004. Evidence of Leather on finds from Anglo- Saxon Cemeteries at St Stephen's Lane/Butter Market Ipswich, Suffolk 1987-88 and Boss Hall, Ipswich 1990.
- <S8> SSF9914 Article in serial: Ipswich Archaeological Trust. 1987. Ipswich Archaeological Trust News 23. 23. 11 Dec 1987.
- <S9> SSF55988 Article in serial: Ipswich Archaeological Trust. 1988. Ipswich Archaeological Trust News 24. 24. 6 May 1988.
- <S10> SSF55989 Article in serial: Ipswich Archaeological Trust. 1988. Ipswich Archaeological Trust News 25. 25. 29 July 1988.
- <S11> SSF55990 Article in serial: Ipswich Archaeological Trust. 1988. Ipswich Archaeological Trust News 26. 26. 9 Sept 1988.
- <S12> SSF55991 Article in serial: Ipswich Archaeological Trust. 1989. Ipswich Archaeological Trust News 27. 27. 3 Feb 1989.
- <S13> SSF55351 Article in serial: Martin, E.A., Pendleton, C. & Plouviez, J.. 1989. Archaeology in Suffolk 1988. XXXVII (1). XXXVII.1, pp. 59–77..
- <S14> SSF55934 Index: Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service. 1974. Ipswich Archaeological Survey Card Index (digital version).. IAS 3104.
- <S15> SSF57020 Finds Report: Blinkhorn P. IAS 3104 Imported Pottery List.
- <S16> SSF57021 Finds Report: Catherine Coutts. 1991. Report on the imported pottery from St Stephens Lane (IAS 3104).
- <S17> SSF57022 Finds Report: Scottish Universities Research & Reactor Centre. 1992. C14 Report, IAS 3104.
- <S19> SSF57025 Finds Report: Mark Samuel. 1992. Blackfriars (site code IAS 48011): Appraisal report of the 'moulded stone'.
- <S20> SSF57026 Finds Report: Peter Murphy. 1990. BUTTERMARKET, IPSWICH, SUFFOLK (1AS 3104): (1) CHARCOAL..
- <S22> SSF57028 Finds Report: Catherine Mortimer. Non ferrous metalworking evidence from St Stephen's Lane (Buttermarket), Ipswich and other related sites.
- <S23> SSF57029 Finds Report: Catherine Mortimer. Non ferrous metalworking evidence from St Stephen's Lane (Buttermarket), Ipswich and other related sites TABLE.
- <S24> SSF57030 Finds Report: Peter Murphy. 1990. BUTTERMARKET, IPSWICH, SUFFOLK (1AS 3104): (2) CARBONISED LOAVES..
- <S25> SSF57035 Finds Report: Margaret Cox. The Human Bones from the Buttermarket Ipswich.
- <S26> SSF57036 Finds Report: Turner-Walker, G., Scull, C. J. Microfauna in Anglo-Saxon Graves: Entomological Evidence from Burials at Boss Hall and the Butter Market, Ipswich..
- <S27> SSF61313 Unpublished document: Beavan-Athfield, N.. 2000. Amino Acid and Stable Isotope Analysis of Skeletons from St Stephen's Lane and Buttermarket, Ipswich, Suffolk.
Finds (107)
- FSF10615: SHIELD BOSS (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF10616: BEAD (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF10617: DRINKING VESSEL (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF10619: CHATELAINE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF10622: SPEARHEAD (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF10623: BEAKER (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39595: POTTERY BEAKER (Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age - 2500 BC to 2100 BC?)
- FSF39596: FLAKE (Later Prehistoric - 4000 BC? to 42 AD?)
- FSF39597: POTTERY (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39598: KNIFE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39599: BUCKLE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39600: BUCKLE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39601: PURSE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39602: UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39603: COIN (CONTEMPORARY IMITATION) (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39604: PALM CUP (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39605: RING (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39606: STRAP FITTING (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39607: STRAP END (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39608: SEAX (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39609: SHEATH (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39610: PIN (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39611: VESSEL? (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39612: RING (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39613: RING (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39614: WIRE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39615: BEAD (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39616: UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39617: CLEAT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39618: CLIP (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39619: UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39620: ROD (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39621: EYELET (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39622: STAPLE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39623: KEY (LOCKING)? (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39624: STRAP END (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39625: PENDANT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39626: RIVET (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39627: SHEATH (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39628: FERRULE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39629: COUNTER (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39630: UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39631: COIN (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39632: BEAD (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39633: STYLUS (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39634: SHEET (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39635: COFFIN (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39636: POTTERY IPSWICH (Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 650 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF39637: COIN (IPS: Middle Saxon - 725 AD to 745 AD)
- FSF39638: COIN (IPS: Middle Saxon - 750 AD to 765 AD)
- FSF39639: COIN (IPS: Middle Saxon - 710 AD to 725 AD)
- FSF39640: COIN (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Middle Saxon - 700 AD to 715 AD?)
- FSF39641: POTTERY THETFORD (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 12th century - 850 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39642: POTTERY IPSWICH (Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 650 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF39643: POTTERY IPSWICH (Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 650 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF39644: POTTERY IPSWICH (Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 650 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF39645: SLAG (IPS: Early Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 700 AD to 850 AD)
- FSF39646: COIN (IPS: Early Late Saxon - 850 AD to 900 AD)
- FSF39647: SLAG (IPS: Early Late Saxon - 850 AD to 900 AD)
- FSF39648: BOAT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39649: ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (IPS: Early Late Saxon - 850 AD to 900 AD)
- FSF39650: CRUCIBLE (IPS: Early Late Saxon - 850 AD to 900 AD)
- FSF39651: POTTERY ST NEOTS (IPS: Early Late Saxon to 13th century - 900 AD to 1200 AD)
- FSF39652: ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39653: TEXTILE (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39654: BASKET (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39655: COIN (IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 930 AD to 940 AD)
- FSF39656: MOULD (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39657: SLAG (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39658: CRUCIBLE (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39659: UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39660: BALANCE (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39661: MOULD (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39662: COIN (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 895 AD to 920 AD)
- FSF39663: COIN (IPS: Early Late Saxon - 871 AD to 899 AD)
- FSF39664: COIN (IPS: Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 823 AD to 877 AD)
- FSF39665: COIN (IPS: Middle Saxon to IPS: Early Late Saxon - 823 AD to 877 AD)
- FSF39666: ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39667: POTTERY CONTINENTAL IMPORT (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39668: CEREAL GRAIN (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39669: BARREL (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39670: HURDLE? (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39671: BASKET (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39672: CEREAL GRAIN (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39673: POTTERY THETFORD (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39674: NAIL (IPS: Middle Late Saxon to 12th century - 1000 AD to 1100 AD)
- FSF39675: POTTERY (12th century to 13th century - 1100 AD to 1200 AD)
- FSF39676: POTTERY (13th century to 14th century - 1270 AD to 1325 AD)
- FSF39677: HUMAN REMAINS (IPS: Early Middle Saxon - 610 AD to 688 AD)
- FSF39678: HUMAN REMAINS (13th century to 14th century - 1278 AD to 1325 AD)
- FSF39679: HUMAN REMAINS (13th century to 14th century - 1278 AD to 1325 AD)
- FSF39680: COLUMN (13th century to 14th century - 1278 AD to 1325 AD)
- FSF39681: FLOOR TILE (13th century to 14th century - 1278 AD to 1325 AD)
- FSF39682: POTTERY (IPS: Late Medieval Transitional - 1451 AD to 1600 AD)
- FSF39683: COIN (15th century - 1440 AD to 1450 AD)
- FSF39684: ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (14th century to 15th century - 1390 AD to 1450 AD)
- FSF39685: STAINED GLASS (WINDOW) (13th century - 1200 AD to 1299 AD)
- FSF39686: STAINED GLASS (WINDOW) (13th century to 14th century - 1285 AD to 1350 AD)
- FSF39687: ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT (16th century to 17th century - 1538 AD to 1600 AD)
- FSF39688: TILE (16th century to 17th century - 1538 AD to 1600 AD)
- FSF39689: COIN (16th century - 1550 AD to 1561 AD)
- FSF39690: COIN (16th century - 1526 AD to 1544 AD)
- FSF39691: COIN (16th century - 1578 AD to 1580 AD)
- FSF39692: COIN (16th century - 1551 AD to 1561 AD)
- FSF39693: COIN (16th century - 1523 AD to 1526 AD)
- FSF39722: COMB (IPS: Early Late Saxon to IPS: Middle Late Saxon - 900 AD to 1000 AD)
- FSF39723: POTTERY CONTINENTAL IMPORT (14th century - 1300 AD to 1399 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (87)
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- Parent of: Boundary 5134 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1345)
- Parent of: Boundary 5135 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1349)
- Parent of: Boundary 5136 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1347)
- Parent of: Boundary 5137 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1346)
- Parent of: Boundary 5138 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1351)
- Parent of: Boundary 5139 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1352)
- Parent of: Boundary 5140 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1348)
- Parent of: Boundary 5141 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1350)
- Parent of: Boundary 5142 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1354)
- Parent of: Boundary 5143 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1353)
- Parent of: Boundary 5145 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1355)
- Parent of: Boundary 5145 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1356)
- Parent of: Building 0029 (Phase 2) (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1063)
- Parent of: Building 0029 (Phase1) (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1058)
- Parent of: Building 0429 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1064)
- Parent of: Building 0434 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1052)
- Parent of: Building 0498 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1052)
- Parent of: Building 0591 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1051)
- Parent of: Building 0643 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1056)
- Parent of: Building 0776 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1053)
- Parent of: Building 0883 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1054)
- Parent of: Building 2022 (Phase 1) (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1059)
- Parent of: Building 2022 (Phase 2) (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1065)
- Parent of: Building 2140 (Phase 1) (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1060)
- Parent of: Building 2140 (Phase 2) (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1066)
- Parent of: Building 2362 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1050)
- Parent of: Building 3524 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1062)
- Parent of: Building 4081 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1057)
- Parent of: Building 4165 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1061)
- Parent of: Building 5122 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1037)
- Parent of: Building 5124 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1038)
- Parent of: Building 5125 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1039)
- Parent of: Building 5126a (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1040)
- Parent of: Building 5126b (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1041)
- Parent of: Building 5127 phase 1 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1042)
- Parent of: Building 5127 phase 2 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1043)
- Parent of: Building 5128 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1048)
- Parent of: Building 5129 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1047)
- Parent of: Building 5130 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1044)
- Parent of: Building 5131 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1055)
- Parent of: Building 5132 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1045)
- Parent of: Building 5133 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1046)
- Parent of: Building 5144 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1049)
- Parent of: Hearth 0884 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1650)
- Parent of: Hearth 0924 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1651)
- Parent of: Hearth 0924 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1652)
- Parent of: Hearth 1131 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1648)
- Parent of: Hearth 1277 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1649)
- Parent of: Hearth 2934 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1654)
- Parent of: Hearth 3009 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1655)
- Parent of: Hearth 3021 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1653)
- Parent of: Hearth 3787 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1656)
- Parent of: Oven 0761 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1173)
- Parent of: Oven 2132 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1172)
- Parent of: Oven 3038 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1171)
- Parent of: Pottery Kiln 2062 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1167)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 1495 and Grave 0968 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1310)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 4236 and Grave 4250 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1309)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 4334/4514 and Grave 4149 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1308)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 4634 and Grave 3889 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1311)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 4902 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1307)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 4975 and Grave 5014 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1312)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 5113 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1313)
- Parent of: Ring Ditch 5114 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1314)
- Parent of: Road 1590 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1688)
- Parent of: Road 1825 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1687)
- Parent of: Well 0073 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1225)
- Parent of: Well 0073 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1226)
- Parent of: Well 1780 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1231)
- Parent of: Well 2117 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1224)
- Parent of: Well 2780 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1229)
- Parent of: Well 3454 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1230)
- Parent of: Well 3541 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1228)
- Parent of: Well 4903 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1227)
- Parent of: Well 5058 (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1232)
- Related to: 32 - 38 Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS3201), (Monument) (IPS 752)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary Chapter House (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1328)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary Church (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1327)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary Cloister (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1332)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary Great House (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1331)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary Reredorter (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1330)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary Sacristy (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1329)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary Walls (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 1326)
- Related to: Carmelite Friary, Buttermarket, St. Stephens Lane, Ipswich. SPECULATIVE (IAS 3104). (Monument) (IPS 807)
- Related to: Saxon Cemetary, Buttermarket, St. Stephens Lane, Ipswich. SPECULATIVE (IAS 3104). (Ipswich UAD child record) (IPS 808)
- Related to: Site of Cowell's Printers, Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS 3102). (Monument) (IPS 310)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Mar 22 2023 3:22PM