Source/Archive record SSF53995 - 20th Century Defences in Britain. Suffolk

Title 20th Century Defences in Britain. Suffolk
Date/Year 2008




Referenced Monuments (24)

  • Buyright store, Calais Street, Hadleigh (Monument)
  • Control tower at Lavenham Airfield (Building)
  • Extensive World War Two Anti-Tank Defensive System to the north of Lowestoft (Monument)
  • Lavenham Airfield (Monument)
  • Machine gun emplacement and ROC post, Benacre (Monument)
  • Machine gun emplacement, Corton (Monument)
  • Pillbox (Monument)
  • Squadron offices and technical site at Lavenham airfield (Building)
  • Suffolk square pillbox (Monument)
  • Suffolk square pillbox (Monument)
  • Suffolk square pillbox (Monument)
  • Tuddenham Airfield chapel and gymnasium (Monument)
  • Two World War II gun emplacements. (Monument)
  • World War II anti-tank cubes. (Monument)
  • World War II strongpoint. (Monument)
  • WWI pillbox, Rushmere (Monument)
  • WWI pillbox, Rushmere (Monument)
  • WWI pillbox, Rushmere (Monument)
  • WWI pillbox, Rushmere (Monument)
  • WWII date barbed wire obstruction partially enclosing a trench and 3 pillboxes near Walberswick (Monument)
  • WWII gun house, Dingle Hill (Building)
  • WWII pillbox, Middleton (Monument)
  • WWII pillbox, Rushmere (Monument)
  • WWII pillbox, Rushmere (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jul 4 2013 4:57PM

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