Source/Archive record SSF50010 - Finds Report
Title | Finds Report |
Author/Originator | NWHCM |
Date/Year |
Referenced Monuments (85)
- SEN 059 1st century BC/AD bronze terret fragment (Find Spot)
- WYB 088 2 med coins found metal detecting. Edward III penny and C14-15th half penny. (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- PAL 046 A single post-medieval coin (Find Spot)
- MDM 122 AHS rally site, 2006 (Med) (Monument)
- MDM 122 AHS Rally Site, 2006 (Rom) (Monument)
- MDM 122 AHS rally site, 2006 (Sax) (Monument)
- FLN 071 Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a brooch fragment, hooked tag and bridle link. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
- EUN 047 Artefact scatter, Euston (Monument)
- SEN 059 Bronze Age fragment of bronze socketed spearhead (or arrowhead?) tip (Find Spot)
- COR 044 Bronze-Age artefact scatter including a flint plano-convex knife. (BA) (Monument)
- CAC 044 Carlton Park Playground (Monument)
- COV 005 Covehithe Cliffs (Sax) (Monument)
- BUN 145 Cowslip House, 15 Scales Street, Bungay (Find Spot)
- SEN 059 Extremely unusual & large metal detected strap-end - probably C11th. (Find Spot)
- BCC 122 Findspot of a bronze Roman brooch. (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- SEN 060 Findspot of a Late Saxon penannular armlet (Find Spot)
- MDM 146 Findspot of a Medieval bronze pendant (Find Spot)
- MDM 151 Findspot of a Medieval horse harness pendant and loop (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- MTT 022 Findspot of a Medieval seal matrix. (Monument)
- BCC 121 Findspot of a Medieval silver coin of Henry III. (Find Spot)
- MDM 150 Findspot of a Post Medieval heart shaped vessel handle attachment (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BRS 056 Findspot of a Post Medieval sixpence of Elizabeth I (Find Spot)
- MDM 149 Findspot of a Roman denarius coin (Find Spot)
- COR 044 Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon sherd of Ipswich ware. (Sax) (Find Spot)
- BAR 001 Findspot of an Iron-Age bow brooch (Find Spot)
- BCC 068 Findspot of Anglo-Saxon metalworks. (Find Spot)
- MDM 105 Findspot of the foot of an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch. (Find Spot)
- CHD 013 Findspot Roman cast handle of patera or skillet. (Rom) (PAS find)
- LWT 159 Gunton (Monument)
- IKL 170 Kings Forest (Monument)
- SEN 059 Lead Seal matrix (seal of Mabel Marion), late C13th (Find Spot)
- FRK 067 Lee Farm (Rom) (Monument)
- PAL 031 Linch Pin (IA) (PAS find)
- TDE 017 Mainly Roman surface & metal detected scatter of pottery and metalwork - details in (S1). Findspot accurate to field only - probably extension of Rom… (Monument)
- PAL 044 Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
- MTT 009 Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including buckles and a harness pendant. (PMed) (PAS find)
- SEN 060 Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
- PAL 031 Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
- COR 050 Medieval artefact scatter including pottery and thimbles. (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- BUN 050 Medieval artefact scatter of a horse harness mount, coin and key. (Med) )and (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
- MTT 020 Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a belt mound and pot mend. (Med) (Monument)
- BRS 013 Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, a finger ring and a saddle pommel. (Med) (Monument)
- BRS 013 Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, a finger ring and a saddle pommel. (Med) (Monument)
- FLN 071 Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
- FLN 071 Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
- FLN 070 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a lead seal matrix, buckle frame. (Med) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
- MTT 021 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including buckles. (Monument)
- COR 023 Medieval artefact scatter, including a seal, buckle and coin weight. (Med) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
- WGM 016 Medieval Coins, Worlingham (Monument)
- SEC 065 Medieval copper alloy triangular-sectioned bar from ?horse harness (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- FML 131 Medieval iron object, Old Tithe Barn(?) (Monument)
- MDM 148 Medieval lead seal matrix, "Off Foxes Lane" (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BDG 044 Medieval pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
- OUL 013 Mislocated Record: For Neolithic polished axe see LWT 333 (Revoked Record)
- ISA 010 Moat Farm (BA) (Monument)
- ISA 010 Moat Farm (IA) (Monument)
- ISA 010 Moat Farm (Med) (Monument)
- STN 202 Multi-period artefact scatter (Monument)
- WGM 023 Neo scraper found Jan 2004. Circumstances of find unknown. (Neo) (Find Spot)
- MTT 016 Nr Red Barn (Monument)
- PAL 041 One Roman coin and one medieval coin and strap end (Find Spot)
- MTT 020 Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including an escutcheon plate and various coins and tokens. (Pmed) (Monument)
- COR 044 Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including weights, finger ring and jettons. (PMed) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
- BCC 123 Post-medieval bronze jetton and lead token, 'Underhill', Puddingmoor (Find Spot)
- FLN 071 Prehistoric artefact scatter of flints and metalwork, including 2 Iceni quarter stater coins and a large flaked axe. (Preh)(BACKLOG) (Monument)
- COR 023 Roman artefact satter of 5 coins. (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- FLN 071 Roman artefact scatetr of metalwork. (PAS find)
- WSW 079 Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
- BAR 001 Roman artefact scatter including pottery and metalworks (Monument)
- BRS 013 Roman artefact scatter of a key handle, Hod Hill brooch and broken nail. (Rom) (Monument)
- IKL 142 Roman artefact scatter of coins, pottery and box flue tile. (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- IXW 141 Romna bone figurine, Mill Road, Ixworth (Monument)
- LWT 369 Rubbings of Saxon coin, Whitton Estate, Lowestoft (Monument)
- WSN 013 Saxon findspot, Walpole Hall, Weston (Sax) (PAS find)
- BUN 146 Small Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a spur and horse harness pendant loop (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BRS 055 Small Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooch, cloth seal and token (Poorly Located Monument)
- SEY 054 Small polished Neo axe recorded by Norwich Castle Museums Service (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LUD 035 Snakes Lane (Find Spot)
- COR 056 St. Bartholomews' Church, Corton (Monument)
- BUN 088 Stow Park (Find Spot)
- SUF 041 Suffolk; Norfolk (BA) (Monument)
- PAL 043 Three Roman coins and a dolphin brooch and a single Post Medieval coin (Monument)
- PAL 031 Three sherds of Ipswich Ware and one sherd of Thetford Ware (PAS find)
- WYB 060 Various med/pmed finds reported to Norwich Castle Museum including late med and transitional ware pottery. (Monument)
- BRF 140 Woodys sandpit, Blood Hill, Bramford, (Roman). (Find Spot)
Referenced Events (2)
Record last edited
Sep 17 2020 11:32AM