Site Event/Activity record ESX22033 - TM47NE. AONB Study Area. NMP National Mapping Programme Project for Lothingland, Greater Lowestoft and North Suffolk Coast and Heaths
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Norfolk Historic Environment Service
Not recorded.
No mapped location recorded.
Air photo interpretation survey of Lothingland, Greater Lowestoft and North Suffolk Coast and Heaths, undertaken by Norfolk Historic Environment Service using English Heritage's National Mapping Programme methodology. This event record relates to the results from Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 quarter sheet TM 47NE, with the small adjoining parts of TM 47NW and TM 57NW. This forms the southernmost section the project's AONB Study Area.
Sources/Archives (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (88)
- REY 034 Anti tank ditch north of Reydon Marshes (Monument)
- REY 014 Centre of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch record ma... (Monument)
- REY 024 Circular grassmark (Monument)
- WNF 049 Cropmark of undated ring ditch (Monument)
- STH 001 Cropmarks of enclosures, possible trackway and linear features (Monument)
- HAM 024 Cropmarks of field boundaries and possible enclosure (Monument)
- WNF 062 Cropmarks of undated ditches (Monument)
- REY 090 Cropmarks of undated ditches, possible post medieval parish boundary (Monument)
- REY 083 Cropmarks of undated linear and curvilinear ditches (Monument)
- REY 084 Cropmarks of undated linear and curvilinear ditches (Monument)
- STH 012 Cropmarks of undated linear ditch features and three possible enclosures (Monument)
- BRP 018 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument)
- STH 013 Cropmarks of undated linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 038 Earthworks of undated linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 037 Earthworks of undated linear ditches and a bank (Monument)
- REY 015 Easternmost of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch reco... (Monument)
- WNF 051 Field boundary ditches, two possible ring ditches, enclosure and linear trackway (Monument)
- WNF 056 Field boundary ditches, two possible ring ditches, enclosure and linear trackway (Monument)
- UGG 015 Four World war Two bomb craters (Monument)
- HAM 002 Henham Park (Monument)
- HAM 018 Henham Park (Monument)
- WNF 022 Linear and curvilinear cropmarks in a field south-east of Wangford Common Covert (Monument)
- HAM 005 Medieval moat and earthworks of Henham village (Monument)
- HAM 001 Moated site in Moatyard Covert (Monument)
- REY 099 Overall record for World War Two Anti-Tank ditch north of Reydon Marshes to Kessingland (Monument)
- HAM 031 Pillbox, Henham Park (Monument)
- HAM 030 Pillbox, Henham Park (Monument)
- WNF 002 Possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- SCV 021 Possible Bronze Age round barrow (Monument)
- WNF 063 Probable World War Two field artillery position, Henham Park (Monument)
- REY 006 Ring ditch (Monument)
- BLB 014 Ring ditch or circular ditched enclosure of unknown date. (Monument)
- REY 056 Series of linear cropmarks of ring ditch, field boundaries, trackways and possible enclosure. (Monument)
- WNF 061 Undated bank and ditches (Monument)
- WNF 043 Undated circular earthwork mound (Monument)
- REY 082 Undated cropmarks of a possible trackway (Monument)
- WNF 041 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 042 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 044 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 046 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 047 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 055 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 053 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 054 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 057 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 075 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 076 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 077 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 078 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 048 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 087 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 088 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 089 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 058 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 092 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 094 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 095 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- SCV 019 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- SCV 020 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- SCV 022 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- SCV 023 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 097 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches (Monument)
- REY 080 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches and anomalies of field boundary, enclosures, trackways and ditches (Monument)
- REY 081 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches and possible Bronze Age ring ditch (Monument)
- REY 079 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches and possible enclosure (Monument)
- REY 093 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches, possible trackway and enclosure (Monument)
- REY 091 Undated cropmarks of linear ditches, possible trackway and possible ring ditch (Monument)
- REY 098 Undated cropmarks of linear ditchesat least one possible trackway (Monument)
- REY 096 Undated earthworks of ditches (Monument)
- WNF 050 Undated earthworks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 052 Undated earthworks of linear ditches (Monument)
- WNF 059 Undated earthworks of linear ditches (Monument)
- UGG 016 Undated linear and curvilinear ditches and a possible enclosure (Monument)
- STH 010 Undated linear ditch earthwork (Monument)
- WNF 039 Undated linear ditches (Monument)
- UGG 017 Undated linear ditches and a possible trackway (Monument)
- STH 011 Undated linear ditches, possible trackway and enclosure (Monument)
- WNF 040 Undated linear earthwork features within Henham Park (Monument)
- UGG 021 Undated linear field boundaries (Monument)
- UGG 020 Undated linear field boundaries, possible enclosures and trackway (Monument)
- UGG 019 Undated linear field boundaries, trackway and possible enclosure (Monument)
- REY 013 Westernmost of `3 BA mounds' marked on 6 inch reco... (Monument)
- REY 085 World War Two earth-covered underground air raid shelters (Monument)
- REY 086 World War Two earth-covered underground air raid shelters (Monument)
- REY 036 World War Two earthworks (Monument)
- REY 038 World War Two military strongpoint, east of Reydon (Monument)
- WNF 060 World War Two pillbox (Monument)
- WNF 045 World War Two searchlight battery, Henham Park (Monument)
Parent/preceding Site Events/Activities (1)
- ESX22030 NMP AONB Study Area. National Mapping Programme Project for Lothingland, Greater Lowestoft and North Suffolk Coast and Heaths (Ref: English Heritage Project No. 6642)
Record last edited
Jan 30 2025 3:31PM