Site Event/Activity record ESZ22000 - Ipswich NMP - Block 2
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Essex County Council
Not recorded.
No mapped location recorded.
An area covering 54 square km was mapped for the second block of this project, covering an area around the south west of Ipswich and the Shotley Peninsula
Sources/Archives (0)
Related Monuments/Buildings (184)
- SPT 045 WWII pillbox (Monument)
- BRF 099 Bramford Hall Park (Monument)
- WLV 027 Bylam Wood (Monument)
- WHR 024 Cropmark complex with enclosures, trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- WHR 023 Cropmark of a Bronze Age ring ditch (Monument)
- WHR 022 Cropmark of a circular enclosure (Monument)
- TAT 007 Cropmark of a d-shaped enclosure with two internal round houses (Monument)
- CHL 051 Cropmark of a Later Prehistoric/Roman trackway (Monument)
- WHR 079 Cropmark of a possible former trackway/avenue (Monument)
- WHR 034 Cropmark of a possible oval enclosure (Monument)
- SLY 006 Cropmark of a possible settlment site and rectilinear field system (Monument)
- WHR 007 Cropmark of a ring ditch (Monument)
- WHR 027 Cropmark of a ring ditch (Monument)
- TAT 010 Cropmark of a ring ditch (Monument)
- TAT 008 Cropmark of a ring ditch (Monument)
- STU 016 Cropmark of a ring ditch (Monument)
- STU 017 Cropmark of a ring ditch (Monument)
- WHR 006 Cropmark of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- WHR 028 Cropmark of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- BSD 021 Cropmark of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- CHL 022 Cropmark of an irregular ditched enclosure (Monument)
- WHR 078 Cropmark of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- WHR 051 Cropmark of various field boundaries, enclosures and a trackway. (Monument)
- BRF 101 Cropmark several ditches (Monument)
- BRF 046 Cropmarks including an enclosure, trackway, linears and a pit (Monument)
- STU 015 Cropmarks of a concentric ring ditch (Monument)
- WLV 011 Cropmarks of a concentric ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 028 Cropmarks of a curvilinear enclosure (Monument)
- BTY 039 Cropmarks of a field boundary (Monument)
- ARW 011 Cropmarks of a field system and a possible curvilinear enclosure (Monument)
- WHR 020 Cropmarks of a field system and a rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- HRK 011 Cropmarks of a field system and field boundaries (Monument)
- ARW 067 Cropmarks of a field system and field boundaries (Monument)
- FRT 048 Cropmarks of a field system and series of ditches (Monument)
- TAT 012 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway (Monument)
- SLY 011 Cropmarks of a field system and trackway (Monument)
- STU 008 Cropmarks of a fragmentary field system (Monument)
- HRK 020 Cropmarks of a fragmented field system (Monument)
- TAT 004 Cropmarks of a fragmented field system, ditches and trackways (Monument)
- STU 028 Cropmarks of a group of sub-square enclosure or fields (Monument)
- WHR 008 Cropmarks of a large circular enclosure (Monument)
- HRK 038 Cropmarks of a large rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- BSD 005 Cropmarks of a large rectilinear enclosure, field system, trackway and ditches (Monument)
- HRK 089 Cropmarks of a large ring ditch (Monument)
- WLV 002 Cropmarks of a partial ring ditch (Monument)
- HRK 022 Cropmarks of a partial ring ditch (Monument)
- CHL 014 Cropmarks of a possible enclosure with field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- TAT 023 Cropmarks of a possible enclosure, field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- BSD 008 Cropmarks of a possible enclosure, trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
- WHR 087 Cropmarks of a possible incomplete enclosure, field boundaries, pits and ditches (Monument)
- BRF 103 Cropmarks of a possible partial enclosure and ditch (Monument)
- CHL 014 Cropmarks of a possible ring ditch (Monument)
- CHL 060 Cropmarks of a possible ring-ditch (Monument)
- HRK 036 Cropmarks of a possible trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
- HRK 090 Cropmarks of a possible trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
- BRF 104 Cropmarks of a possible trackway, field boundaries and extraction pit (Monument)
- ARW 004 Cropmarks of a recilinear enclosure (Monument)
- FRT 011 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure or field system, several field boundaries, trackways and enclosure (Monument)
- COP 017 Cropmarks of a rectilinear enclosure, an irregular enclosure, and a series of ditches and field boundaries (Monument)
- SPT 023 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 016 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 017 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 046 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- HBK 049 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- HBK 050 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 010 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- CHL 002 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- HRK 039 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- HRK 023 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- HRK 083 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 012 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 013 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- HBK 052 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- CHL 018 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- WHR 025 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- WHR 088 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument)
- HBK 008 Cropmarks of a ring ditch which may represent a pl... (Monument)
- SPT 049 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- SPT 021 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- HRK 087 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- HRK 025 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- HRK 026 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- HRK 027 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- ARW 010 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- SLY 040 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- SLY 041 Cropmarks of a ring-ditch (Monument)
- SPT 050 Cropmarks of a series of boundaries, and a ring ditch (Monument)
- WHR 019 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries (Monument)
- BTY 038 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- WHR 082 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- FRT 019 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- WHR 085 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- WLV 014 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and a possible enclosure (Monument)
- BTY 037 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries, ditches and a possible incomplete enclosure (Monument)
- HBK 029 Cropmarks of a series of small ring ditches (Monument)
- FRT 043 Cropmarks of a series of strip fields (Monument)
- HRK 031 Cropmarks of a small circular enclosure (Monument)
- HRK 021 Cropmarks of a small ring ditch (Monument)
- ARW 069 Cropmarks of a small ring ditch (Monument)
- FRT 003 Cropmarks of a square enclosure (Monument)
- FRT 029 Cropmarks of a square enclosure (Monument)
- HBK 010 Cropmarks of a square enclosure (Monument)
- WLV 053 Cropmarks of a trackway (Monument)
- WHR 083 Cropmarks of a trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
- STU 003 Cropmarks of a trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- STU 010 Cropmarks of a trackway, field boundaries, and ditches (Monument)
- WHR 052 Cropmarks of an enclosure (Monument)
- ARW 068 Cropmarks of an enclosure and adjacent trackway (Monument)
- STU 026 Cropmarks of an extensive complex system of fields... (Monument)
- FRT 044 Cropmarks of an extensive trackway (Monument)
- HRK 037 Cropmarks of an incomplete curvilinear enclosure (Monument)
- HBK 058 Cropmarks of an incomplete curvilinear enclosure, field boundaries, and ditches (Monument)
- BTY 040 Cropmarks of an incomplete rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- HRK 088 Cropmarks of an incomplete rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- SLY 171 Cropmarks of an incomplete rectilinear enclosure (Monument)
- HBK 005 Cropmarks of an incomplete sub-rectangular enclosure (Monument)
- HRK 010 Cropmarks of an irregular round barrow (Monument)
- STU 036 Cropmarks of an irregular trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
- FRT 045 Cropmarks of an oval enclosure (Monument)
- ARW 003 Cropmarks of an oval enclosure (Monument)
- WHR 084 Cropmarks of extensive field boundaries (Monument)
- TAT 024 Cropmarks of extensive field boundaries (Monument)
- WHR 078 Cropmarks of extensive field boundaries, trackway and ditches (Monument)
- FRT 006 Cropmarks of extensive field systems (Monument)
- TAT 011 Cropmarks of extensive field systems, trackway and ditches (Monument)
- HRK 014 Cropmarks of field boundaries (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
- SPT 022 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- SPT 043 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- SPT 044 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- BSD 020 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- FRT 017 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- COP 019 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- TAT 019 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- HBK 054 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- HBK 055 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- HBK 056 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- HBK 057 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
- TAT 001 Cropmarks of field boundaries and a possible enclosure (Monument)
- HRK 086 Cropmarks of field boundaries and a possible trackway (Monument)
- WHR 080 Cropmarks of field boundaries and a trackway (Monument)
- BTY 003 Cropmarks of field boundaries and an extractive pit (Monument)
- BRF 105 Cropmarks of field boundaries and extraction pit (Monument)
- STU 085 Cropmarks of field boundaries or a possible incomplete enclosure (Monument)
- ARW 005 Cropmarks of field boundaries, a trackway, and an enclosure (Monument)
- BSD 016 Cropmarks of field boundaries, an enclosure, extractive pits and ditches (Monument)
- HRK 085 Cropmarks of field boundaries, ditches and possible trackway (Monument)
- SPT 042 Cropmarks of field system (Monument)
- SPT 020 Cropmarks of field system with a series of pits (Monument)
- TAT 003 Cropmarks of field systems and a trackway (Monument)
- TAT 006 Cropmarks of former field boundaries and a possible wood boundary (Monument)
- FRT 047 Cropmarks of four ring ditches (Monument)
- STU 011 Cropmarks of fragmented field boundaries, short ditches and possible trackways (Monument)
- CHL 061 Cropmarks of possible extraction pits (Monument)
- CHL 043 Cropmarks of probable field boundaries (Monument)
- BTY 041 Cropmarks of ring ditch (Monument)
- HBK 053 Cropmarks of several field boundaries, trackways and ditches (Monument)
- HBK 051 Cropmarks of six ring ditches (Monument)
- WHR 086 Cropmarks of the former parish boundary and other field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
- WHR 021 Cropmarks of trackway and field boundaries (Monument)
- CHL 059 Cropmarks of two distinct field systems (Monument)
- BSD 022 Cropmarks of two large extraction pits (Monument)
- HRK 009 Cropmarks of two ring ditches (Monument)
- SPT 019 Cropmarks of two ring-ditches (Monument)
- SLY 170 Cropmarks of two ring-ditches (Monument)
- HRK 082 Cropmarks of two small ring ditches (Monument)
- WHR 081 Earthworks of a possible platform and surrounding ditches (Monument)
- WSH 017 Earthworks of an extractive pit and a bank (Monument)
- COP 020 Earthworks of field boundaries and a series of short sections of bank (Monument)
- HRK 084 Earthworks of series of shallow ditches (Monument)
- SPT 044 Earthworks of three parallel ditches (Monument)
- WHR 077 Extensive cropmarks of a trackway, round barrows, field boundaries and enclosure (Monument)
- CHL 004 Pages Common Field (Monument)
- SLY 134 Probable Post Medieval field boundaries in a field... (Monument)
- ARW 002 Rectilinear field boundaries amd trackways visible on aerial photographs (Monument)
- TAT 002 Tattingstone Hall (Monument)
- SPT 041 The Firs (Monument)
- WHR 076 WWII anti-aircraft battery site (Monument)
- BRF 102 WWII pillbox (Monument)
- SPT 048 WWII pillbox (Monument)
- SPT 047 WWII pillbox (Monument)
- IPS 759 WWII Pillbox, Bourne Park, Ipswich. (Monument)
- IPS 760 WWII Pillbox, Bourne Park, Ipswich. (Monument)
- IPS 761 WWII Pillbox, Bourne Park, Ipswich. (Monument)
- PIN 005 WWII searchlight emplacement (Monument)
Record last edited
Jan 30 2025 3:50PM