Thesaurus Term/Concept: BOUNDARY

Identifier 70323
Status Preferred
Index? Yes
Scope Note The limit to an area as defined on a map or by a marker of some form, eg. BOUNDARY WALL. Use specific type where known.

Broader Terms/Concepts (1)

Related Terms/Concepts (13)

Narrower Terms/Concepts (13)

Instances/Examples (175)

Context Record
Monument Type MSF39346 A group of undated banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38399 A large area of medieval to post medieval banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38383 A series of banks, ditches and enclosures relating to medieval settlement remains (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41013 An area of probable post medieval boundary banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38379 An area of undated banks possibly relating to a boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41025 An area of undated ditches, banks and a mound. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38412 An undated probable boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF159 Area of Medieval banks and ditches probably relating to medieval settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MSF20247 Boundaries and house foundations of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF36200 Boundary 0057 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36201 Boundary 0070 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36202 Boundary 0071 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36203 Boundary 0214 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36205 Boundary 0227/0377 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36180 Boundary 0253 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36204 Boundary 0380/0858 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36181 Boundary 0659 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36182 Boundary 0858 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36183 Boundary 0859 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36184 Boundary 0860 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36187 Boundary 5134 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36192 Boundary 5135 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36190 Boundary 5136 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36189 Boundary 5137 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36194 Boundary 5138 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36195 Boundary 5139 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36191 Boundary 5140 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36193 Boundary 5141 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36197 Boundary 5142 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36196 Boundary 5143 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36198 Boundary 5145 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36199 Boundary 5145 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF16252 Boundary Bank, Chequers Belt; The Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23324 Boundary bank, Gorse Covert (1880s); Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14289 Boundary banks for the medieval to post medieval Downham High Warren (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23323 Boundary banks, Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF14605 Boundary of unknown date, consisting of a series of hedges (Poorly Located Monument)
Monument Type MSF37654 Bronze Age cremations and later prehistoric and Saxon-Medieval activity at Fitzgerald Rd, Bramford (Monument)
Monument Type MSF8841 Calke Wood (Un) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF13063 Chapmans (1601); Sudburn Howse (1601); Sudbourne Hall & Park (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23772 Compartment 123420, Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF22781 Compartment 4200, Boundary Banks; The Kings Forest, (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27326 Cropmark complex with enclosures, trackway, field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27222 Cropmark of a possible enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27329 Cropmark of a possible former trackway/avenue (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27194 Cropmark of a small ring ditch and linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27328 Cropmark of field boundaries and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27164 Cropmark of series of ditches, boundaries., and the location of Airing House (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27298 Cropmark several ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27209 Cropmarks of a Bronze Age barrow cemetery (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27200 Cropmarks of a field system (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27224 Cropmarks of a large area of extraction pit and some linear ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27208 Cropmarks of a linear boundary and extraction pit (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27300 Cropmarks of a possible partial enclosure and ditch (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27205 Cropmarks of a possible trackway and boundary (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27274 Cropmarks of a series of ditches and boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27212 Cropmarks of a series of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27218 Cropmarks of field boundaries (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27383 Cropmarks of field boundaries and a possible enclosure (Monument)
Monument Type MSZ27286 Cropmarks of field boundaries and ditches, North of Bromswell Road, Ipswich. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF20340 Dennington Wood (Med) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF36507 Ditch (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36334 Ditch 0002 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36255 Ditch 0048 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36257 Ditch 0346 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36258 Ditch 0383 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36259 Ditch 0460 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36256 Ditch 0777 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36329 Ditch 106 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36330 Ditch 108 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36331 Ditch 130 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36333 Ditch 136 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36332 Ditch 141 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36398 Ditch 205 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36399 Ditch 402 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36400 Ditch 803 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36401 Ditch 806 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF14580 Earthwork banks, northern boundary, Elveden Warren (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23688 Earthwork boundary bank, Brandonroad Heath, North Stow; Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17054 Earthwork boundary banks, Elvedon Road (1836) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39347 Earthwork undated braided trackways, banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38664 Earthworks most likely relating to a post medieval plantation. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF44092 Earthworks of a sunken Lane, quarries, enclosures and boundaries, Abbey Wood, Sibton (Monument)
Monument Type MSF36593 Fence 3159 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36590 Fence 3162 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36592 Fence 3163 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF36591 Fence 3164 (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MSF37612 Geophysical anomalies, Land north of Green Lane (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23429 Icklingham Roman settlement (Monument)
Monument Type MSF27536 Lakenheath cropmarks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF18766 Large probable post medieval boundary bank, King's Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38273 Large probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS18774 Linear banks, of unknown date, visible on the golf course at South Warren. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS18802 Linear features, of unknown date, visible as earthworks on Snape Warren, probably land divisions. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF36500 Medieval Ditches (Ipswich UAD child record)
Monument Type MXS19599 Medieval or Post Medieval boundary and earthwork platform, Cliff Farm, Sutton (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20130 Medieval or Post Medieval plot boundaries, visible on aerial photographs. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39341 Multi period banks, ditches and field systems most likely relating to settlement activity. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39338 Multiple probable Medieval-post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38674 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39344 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39345 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41110 Multiple probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23322 Oldtoys Belt (1880s); Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23497 Pond House, Exning (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38659 Possible Boundary Banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41039 Possible cropmark bank of an unknow date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31484 Possible evidence of medieval occupation, The Green, Capel St Andrew (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41664 Possible Medieval - post medieval banks and ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39349 Possible medieval-post medieval banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38405 Possible multi period earthwork banks and ditches on multiple alignments. (Monument)
Monument Type MXS20447 Possible plot boundaries and pits of unknown date, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38279 Possible post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38272 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38278 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38384 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39350 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41022 Possible post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38420 Possible undated boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38431 Possible undated mound. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23383 Post Medieval boundary bank Compartment 5140, Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16963 Post medieval boundary bank defining eastern side of Mount Plantation (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23325 Post Medieval boundary bank, Jennetshill Belt (1880s); Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF17056 Probable bank and ditches possibly relating to Icklingham Belt (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23746 Probable boundary banks, Kings Forest, compartment 5311/2 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38376 Probable Medieval ridge and furrow and medieval-post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38409 Probable post medieval – modern boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38395 Probable post medieval boundary bank (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23753 Probable post medieval boundary bank, compartment 4140, Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23332 Probable post medieval boundary bank, Compartment 5148 (coupe 13964). (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38389 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38391 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38392 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38396 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38410 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38419 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38661 Probable post medieval boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF27514 Probable post medieval boundary bank. Kings Forest, Wordwell (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38673 Probable post medieval boundary banks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38667 Probable post medieval boundary banks and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF22778 Probable post medieval boundary banks, The Kings Forest (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38388 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38393 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38394 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38660 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41015 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41016 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41019 Probable post medieval boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF16004 Revoked Record: Hedgerow dating: for methodology see (S1)(S8)(S9). (Un) (Revoked Record)
Monument Type MSF5083 Ring ditch, circa 25m diameter, one of 4 in same field. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF18196 Sawyers Road (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41021 Section of undated ditch. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF32039 Site of undated boundary on Church Walks (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19172 The Maltings, Bridge Street (Med) (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38670 Three undated possible mounds. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF11601 Turf covered bank of unknown date. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38414 Two areas of undated possible low ridges. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23747 Two low banks, Kings Forest, compartment 4005 (Monument)
Monument Type MSF22780 Two parallel earthwork banks, The Kings Forest, Wordwell (Monument)
Monument Type MSF31167 Two phases of Saxon and medival occupation, Land Adjacent to Ash End (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38408 Two possible post medieval earthwork banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38400 Undated banks and ditch. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38411 Undated earthwork bank and ditch. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38663 Undated earthwork bank and ditches. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38415 Undated earthwork bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38662 Undated earthwork bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38666 Undated earthwork bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF41018 Undated earthwork banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF27616 Undated pits , pit clusters and faint ditches (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38276 Undated possible banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF38275 Undated possible boundary bank. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF39333 Undated probable boundary banks. (Monument)
Monument Type MSF19480 Watling / Oakyard Woods (Monument)
Monument Type MSF7078 Wordwell medieval settlement remains (Monument)
Monument Type MSF23754 Wordwell Warren; Kings Forest (Monument)