Source/Archive record SSF50082 - Personal communication
Title | Personal communication |
Author/Originator | |
Date/Year |
Referenced Monuments (302)
- SLY 155 11 Kirkton Close, Shotley Gate (Monument)
- HVH 048 1A Meeting Walk (Monument)
- HVH 048 1A Meeting Walk (Monument)
- BSE 185 31(?) St Andrews Street South (Monument)
- BSE 188 8 or 9 Victoria Street (Monument)
- BSE 010 Abbey Grounds, Bury St Edmunds; Abbot's Bridge; St Marys [1st] church (Med) (Monument)
- EBG 009 Ackworth House (Rom) (Monument)
- EBG 009 Ackworth House garden (Un) (Monument)
- ACT 030 Acton Place Hospital (Monument)
- LKD 046 Alder Carr (Monument)
- LKD 047 Alder Carr (Monument)
- WRE 061 Archaeological single trenched excavation (said to be by BM) across steep mound in middle of village. (Un) (Monument)
- WNG 035 Area of flint mines, Wangford Warren; compartment 4562 (Pmed) (Monument)
- MDM 107 Artefact scatter, late medieval pottery (Monument)
- HRF 012 Ashby Dell (Monument)
- HXN 039 Ashtree Cottage Garden, Wittons Lane, Heckfield Green (Monument)
- WSM 002 'At least 30 coins of Offa from same as bones' said to have been found metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
- SUY 005 Augustine Priory (site of), Friars Street (Dominican Friary) (Med) (Monument)
- WYV 010 'Bacton rally site, 2006' (IA) (Monument)
- BCC 041 Beccles Manor/Caxton Printing Works (Monument)
- BNC 078 Benacre beach (2006) (Monument)
- BNC 077 Benacre Broad (Monument)
- BNC 075 Benacre Broad (N decoy pipe); Benacre beach (2005) (Monument)
- FRS 043 Blackheath Estate (Monument)
- BLB 073 Blind Lane (Monument)
- TYY 032 Blofield Hall evaluation (Monument)
- BLB 025 Blythburgh (Med) (Monument)
- BLB 001 Blythburgh Priory (Med) (Monument)
- BRD 188 Brandon Hall Ice House (Monument)
- MNL 966 Bronze Age bone point/awl, Gravel Drove, West Row (Monument)
- MNL 966 Bronze Age bone point/awl, Gravel Drove, West Row (Monument)
- CSM 020 Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 8 broken socketed axes and ingot fragments. (PAS find)
- NBN 039 Bronze-Age artefact scatter of axes, ingots and casting sprue caps (Monument)
- BMF 013 Brook Hall (Find Spot)
- BLB 149 Bulcamp Bridge (Monument)
- BLB 072 Campys Bridge; Campisbregge; Kempisbregge (Monument)
- HWN 020 Carpenters Field, Thurston End (Find Spot)
- SNT 044 Catchpole Way (Monument)
- LKH 110 Caudle Farm, possible Saxon cemetery (Confidential Monument)
- HFD 017 Causeway (Monument)
- SFT 020 Chalk Pit (Monument)
- BSE 287 Chalk Road (South); Kings Road (Monument)
- BSE 184 Chalk Road; Car Park (Monument)
- RGH 011 Chevin's Wood (adjoining) (Monument)
- WSN 004 Church Farm (Monument)
- UFF 028 Church Lane (Monument)
- FSG 002 Church of St Genevieve (Monument)
- FSG 002 Church of St Genevieve (Monument)
- IPS 135 Church of St John the Baptist, Cauldwell, Ipswich, (IAS 8704). (Monument)
- OUL 004 Church of St Michael (Med) (Monument)
- KDG 003 Church of St Peter & St Paul (Med) (Monument)
- DNT 002 Circular mound of unknown date. (Monument)
- SEP 002 Cottage Meadow (Med) (Monument)
- CHD 072 Crash site of a P51 fighter after a mid air collision in 1945, also various metal detector finds. (Find Spot)
- SKT 012 Creeting Road; Thorney Hall (Monument)
- SUE 034 'Cropmark area' (Med) (Monument)
- SUE 034 'Cropmark area' (Sax) (Monument)
- SBC 011 Cropmarks of an unidentified medieval church (Monument)
- WNN 001 Cumberland's Mount, medieval earthwork in Staverton Park (Med) (Monument)
- OUS 014 Davids Mound, The Plantation (Monument)
- DEB 010 Debach Airfield (Monument)
- MCK 019 Debenham Road (Monument)
- WLG 018 Dense Roman metalwork scatter (Monument)
- HEP 001 Dunhill Lane; East end of Wood Lane; Grange Farm (Rom) (Monument)
- DUN 090 Dunwich Beach (Monument)
- PAL 023 Early and full Medieval pot scatter. (Monument)
- RGH 033 Egg shaped mound (Monument)
- ARG 020 Evidence of the medieval Green and a circular chalk line structure (Monument)
- LMD 115 Ex Gardners Garage site, Little St Marys (Monument)
- FEX 099 Felixstowe Marshes. (Monument)
- FNG 035 Findspot complete Roman Pot (Monument)
- BAY 065 Findspot Henry VI groat (Monument)
- DRK 026 Findspot Late Bronze Age hoard (PAS find)
- COM 031 Findspot of a Bronze Age sword fragment and socketed axe at Boyton Hall Farm (Find Spot)
- IKL 320 Findspot of a Bronze-Age bag-shaped socketed axe (Monument)
- EUN 029 Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
- COM 030 Findspot of a Early Bronze Age axehead and a Middle Bronze Age spearhead at Boyton Hall Farm (PAS find)
- CLA 119 Findspot of a Medieval bronze globular steelyard weight (Monument)
- BUG 038 Findspot of a medieval harness fitting (PAS find)
- BSE 060 Findspot of a Medieval sculpture fragment of a head carved in soft fine-grained limestone. (Monument)
- LVM 129 Findspot of a Neolithic chipped axe and two arrowheads (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- LMD 289 Findspot of a Roman sestertius coin of Domitian (Find Spot)
- FAS 026 Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon decorative bronze disc from a hanging bowl. (Find Spot)
- CHD 020 Findspot of half of a Roman bowl. (Monument)
- GFD 058 Findspot, 200 Cunobelin staters (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- ERL 106 Flint Chisel, Eriswell High Warren (Find Spot)
- WHR 090 Flint oval scrapper (Find Spot)
- FAS 004 Fornham Cursus. (Neo) (Monument)
- FRK 007 Freckenham Castle (remains of); The Beacon Mound (Med) (Monument)
- WGN 015 Freckenham Road (Monument)
- LWL 014 Frithy Wood (Monument)
- COK 034 Gallow Lane (IA) (Find Spot)
- DAR 020 'Garth' (Monument)
- SYL 012 Gate House Farm (Monument)
- RMB 011 Gavell Street (Monument)
- GAZ 019 Gazeley Mill Cottage (Monument)
- SUT 193 Girlings Hard (Monument)
- GLG 007 Glemham House - dovecote (Monument)
- DRK 032 Green End; Rattlesden Road (Monument)
- RGD 010 Grove Farm, Ringsfield Common (Monument)
- FRS 017 Hazlewood Aerodrome (Monument)
- HGW 020 Herringswell: Brooch (Find Spot)
- HGW 019 Herringswell: Transverse (oblique) Arrowhead (Find Spot)
- BRK 109 Hexagonal world war II pill box (Monument)
- HNY 029 Hinderclay Hall (Monument)
- ABK 016 Hint of earthworks, including possible platforms, in grass field adjoining road. (Monument)
- WTM 029 Hoard of 160 silver plated bronze contemporary forgeries of denarii of Claudius I struck between AD 46 - AD 51 including numerous die links. (Monument)
- HRK 081 Holbrook Bay (Find Spot)
- MNL 543 Holywell Drove (BA) (Monument)
- MNL 543 Holywell Drove (Rom) (Monument)
- BSE 163 Home Farm Lane (Monument)
- BSE 048 Hospital of St Peter's (Monument)
- SLY 173 Human Jaw found on beach, Shotley (Find Spot)
- FRK 008 Hundred Acres Hill, Red Lodge (Monument)
- FRK 008 Hundred Acres Hill, Red Lodge (Monument)
- HGW 026 Icehouse, Herringswell House; Icehouse Wood (Monument)
- IKL 143 Icklingham Plains (Neo) (Monument)
- IKL 143 Icklingham Plains (Neo) (Monument)
- IKL 143 Icklingham Plains (Rom) (Monument)
- IKL 143 Icklingham Plains (Rom) (Monument)
- BCC 072 Ingate Mill, Ellough Road (Monument)
- ARG 103 Ipswich ware, Thorpeness Cliffs (Poorly Located Monument)
- BSE 102 Jacqueline Close (Monument)
- MNL 358 Jeagor Farm; Derricks Field; Holywell Row (Monument)
- ASN 024 Kedge's wood; Warren Cottage, Tiger Hill (Monument)
- KTD 006 Kentford Railway Pit, Great Eastern Railway Pit, Kentford, (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic) (Monument)
- BSC 017 Kiln Field; Kiln Meadow (1843); Ash Plantation (1843) (Monument)
- LMD 202 Kim-Mia; New Road; Liston Lane (Monument)
- WSW 080 Kings Forest (formerly West Stow Heath) (Monument)
- BRK 122 Ladies Walk (Monument)
- BRK 122 Ladies Walk (Monument)
- HGW 013 Large and small timbers revealed in the sides of a drainiage ditch, possibly indicating a causeway or trackway of unknown date. (Monument)
- BNT 063 Late Bronze Age hoard, Spooners Field (PAS find)
- HXN 048 Late Saxon ditches at 1 Church Close, Hoxne (Monument)
- LVM 043 Lavenham Press (Monument)
- HXN 005 Leys Plantation (Monument)
- WNG 036 Linear earthwork bank, Wangford Warren (Monument)
- BRD 070 Little Ouse River (Monument)
- HBK 012 Lower Holbrook (Monument)
- HLY 097 Lower Hollesley Common (Monument)
- BLG 022 Mason's Cement Works (Monument)
- BLG 022 Mason's Cement Works (Monument)
- BLG 022 Mason's Cement Works (Monument)
- SUE 036 Med pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
- SUE 033 'Medieval midden' (Monument)
- CHD 068 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and coins. (Find Spot)
- BNT 038 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (PAS find)
- CHD 069 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and site of a Medieval property shown on 1880s OS map. (Find Spot)
- CHD 070 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery over an area of half an acre. (Find Spot)
- COR 010 Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, brick and tile from the Medieval village of Corton. (Med) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
- SUY 058 Medieval defensive town ditch and post medieval pit on land between Weavers Lane and Burkitts Lane (Monument)
- BUG 027 Medieval post marking the parish boundary. (Monument)
- SUT 320 Medieval pottery and tile sherds, Sutton Heath (Poorly Located Monument)
- SKT 121 Medieval pottery production site, Stowmarket (Monument)
- SKT 121 Medieval pottery production site, Stowmarket (Monument)
- LGH 009 Medieval Settlement features, Langham Hall estate. (Monument)
- FEX 413 Medieval steelyard weigh, 108 Maidstone Road (Monument)
- THD 032 Medieval wall paintings in Street Farmhouse, High Street (Building)
- TUG 017 Metal detected gold noble of Edward III of 1351-1361. (Find Spot)
- FSM 014 Metal detecting, no finds (Monument)
- FSM 014 Metal detecting, no finds (Monument)
- COK 083 Mill Croft; Lower Mill Field: Upper Mill Field ™ (Monument)
- BLB 074 Mill End, Blind Lane (Monument)
- BAR 034 Mill Farm (Confidential Monument)
- COK 016 Mill Farm (Monument)
- COK 082 Mill Field (Tithe Map) (Monument)
- BAC 015 Mill Hill (Monument)
- LCS 272 Mill Hill (tithe) (Monument)
- LCS 271 Mill Mound (tithe) (Monument)
- LCS 273 Mill Piece (tithe) (Monument)
- WYV 016 Mill Road (Monument)
- IKL 127 Mitchells Farm, Trench A (Monument)
- OKY 010 Mortared foundations of a building of unknown date. (Un) (Monument)
- MUN 033 Moulton Paddocks; Fidget Hall (Monument)
- ONW 026 Mound south-west of Dagworth Hall (Monument)
- FML 030 Mount Pleasant
- FML 031 Mount Pleasant (Monument)
- HVH 047 Mount Road, Haverhill (Monument)
- WKS 003 Multi-period finds scatter (PAS find)
- SUY 053 Near Ballingdon Bridge (Monument)
- OKY 026 Neolithic and Bronze-Age artefact scatter of worked flints. (Monument)
- OKY 026 Neolithic and Bronze-Age artefact scatter of worked flints. (Monument)
- GSE 065 Neolithic features at 61 Pinbush Road, Lowestoft (Monument)
- ONW 042 Newton Meadows, Church Rd, Old Newton with Dagworth (Monument)
- CSA 026 Oak Wood (Monument)
- CSA 022 Oak Wood (Monument)
- MNL 134 Old Keepers Lodge, W of High Lodge Farm, Mildenhall Warren. (Building)
- EXG 079 Old Sewage Works (PMed) (Monument)
- COK 040 Oldhall Green; Oldhall Green Farm (Monument)
- SEJ 035 One of a pair of ring ditch cropmarks near South Elmham/Metfield boundary. (Monument)
- GSE 062 Pakefield Holiday Camp; Pakefield Lighthouse (Monument)
- SYL 013 Park Farm (Monument)
- RMR 015 Pillbox type 22 or 24 (Monument)
- BCC 115 Pismere or Piswell Castle (Med) (Poorly Located Monument)
- COP 010 Playing Field (Monument)
- ABK 001 Poplar Farm; Church Meadow; Church Field (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
- SBC 038 Possible 15th century Icehouse, Stoke College (Monument)
- OTY 032 Possible former road (Monument)
- ADH 020 Possible mill site (Poorly Located Monument)
- IKN 079 Possible Post Medieval V1 crash site. (Monument)
- LKH 349 Possible Round Barrow, Lakenheath Warren (Monument)
- IKN 099 Possible World War II temporary camp, including slit trenches and craters. (Monument)
- ARG 099 Post medieval boat fragment, Thorpeness Point beach (Monument)
- ELV 036 Post medieval enclosure within Elveden Warren (Monument)
- SUY 060 Post medieval group of clay tobacco pipe stems and bowls and Kiln waste at 62 Friars Street, Sudbury (Monument)
- BSE 076 Post Medieval lime kiln and chalk pit extraction. (Monument)
- CRP 006 Post Medieval revetments and tracks that were part of a munitions store. (Monument)
- BSC 030 Post-medieval brickworks, Maynards Orchard (Monument)
- SNN 003 Pottery scatter, C12-C17. Also metal detected finds and pottery recovered in 2003. (Med) (Monument)
- FSG 023 POW camp (Monument)
- BSE 576 Prehistoric flints and medieval pottery, Land at Eldohouse Farm (Monument)
- BLB 024 Priors Mill (Monument)
- NRN 009 Probable Roman Villa (Monument)
- IPS 296 Quaker Burial Ground, Tower Ramparts, Ipswich (IAS, 0201). (Monument)
- ERL 112 RAF Lakenheath housing: Kennedy Street (Rom) (Monument)
- ELV 071 REDNECK FARM, Eleveden Estate (Monument)
- EBG 069 Reputed chapel site, Church Field (1731) (Monument)
- EBG 069 Reputed chapel site, Church Field (1731) (Monument)
- BRF 003 Ring ditch and corner of a rectangualr enclosure, visible as cropmarks. (Monument)
- WLV 011 Ring ditch or small circular enclosure, circa 40m diameter, ?with inner sub- circular feature, circa 20m diameter (S1)(S2)(S3)(R1). (Monument)
- SBC 035 Ring ditch, part of larger group (see SBC 001 - 016). (Monument)
- SBC 005 Ring Ditches & Ritual Structure S of Chapel Farm (Monument)
- SBC 016 Ring Ditches & Ritual Structure S of Chapel Farm (Monument)
- SBC 004 Ring Ditches & Ritual Structure S of Chapel Farm (Monument)
- SBC 006 Ring Ditches & Ritual Structure South of Chapel Farm (Monument)
- EYE 058 River Dove (Monument)
- BTM 039 Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
- IKN 004 Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds, including a storage jar rim. (Monument)
- MNL 499 Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
- CHD 066 Roman building (Monument)
- ELV 157 Roman coins, Centre Parcs (Monument)
- LMD 130 Roman ditches and rubbish pits at The Dairy, Hall St, Long Melford. (Monument)
- ERL 111 Roman features at RAF Lakenheath housing- Thunderbird Way (Monument)
- SUE 031 'Roman midden' (Monument)
- SUE 032 'Roman midden' (Monument)
- ORF 036 Roman Republican bronze uncia of first half of 2nd century BC. Rare British find. (Rom) (Monument)
- OKY 010 Roman road and artefact scatters of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
- LMD 225 Roman scatter (Monument)
- WYV 010 Roman Villa (Monument)
- BUC 113 Roman, medieval, and post-medieval aretfact scatter, East Coast Searchers rally site 2006 (Monument)
- WLV 045 Royal Harwich Yacht Club (Monument)
- CRM 045 Sally Woods Lane (Monument)
- SUE 035 'Saltern area' (Med) (Monument)
- FML 033 Saxmundham Road (Monument)
- STU 102 Saxon pottery, Sutton Hall (Poorly Located Find Spot)
- BSE 373 Saxon Burials, Tollgate Lane (Find Spot)
- FML 032 Saxtead Lodge Farm (Monument)
- CHD 071 Scatter of a few worked flints (Monument)
- THS 018 Scatter of Bronze Age lithic implements (Monument)
- SUE 036 Scatter of Late Prehistoric worked flint & pottery. (Preh) (Monument)
- FSM 020 School Lane (Monument)
- BRK 110 Searchlight emplacement (Monument)
- TYN 111 Site of a possible red hill reported by landowner. No longer remains, location uncertain. (Monument)
- COK 108 Site of a Post Medieval smock mill (Monument)
- KDG 033 Site of an excavation. (Monument)
- SUE 035 Site of possible Roman period saltern (Monument)
- WLB 120 Site of Walberswick Bridge (Monument)
- BCB 031 Small group of medieval potsherds, River Stour Dredgings; Brundon (Monument)
- WTH 003 Small rectangular moat measuring 50m by 40m (Monument)
- SEP 001 St Peter's Hall (Monument)
- COG 023 Stanard Way; 45 Bures Road (Monument)
- RDE 013 Stedmans Farm (PAS find)
- STU 039 Stutton Shore (Monument)
- ORF 030 Surviving earthwork about 50m long bounding old rectory - mapped since at least C16. (Monument)
- BML 018 Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Sax) (Monument)
- HWN 019 Taylor's Field; Thurston End (Monument)
- MKS 001 The Firs (Monument)
- MNL 518 The Gravel (Gravel Drove), West Row (PAS find)
- WHR 128 'The Killhouse' (Pmed) (Monument)
- KIR 041 The Maltings, Trimley Road (Monument)
- SNN 010 The Queech (Monument)
- SDG 029 The Spring (Monument)
- TYN 005 Trimley Shore; "Sleighton Hill" (PMed) (Monument)
- HWS 027 Two Roman greyware sherds, Hawstead Green (Monument)
- SPL 028 Two smallish fragments of (same?) quernstone found together on edge of field (beside public footpath). (Find Spot)
- STN 060 Undated and post medieval boundaries (Monument)
- STN 069 Undated bank (Monument)
- HRK 103 Undated dugout canoe, River Stour (Monument)
- LWT 385 Undated timber ship, Pakefield beach (Monument)
- COK 084 Upper Mill Field; Lower Mill Field ™ (Monument)
- FML 024 Victoria Mill (Monument)
- MNL 846 Vronze Age palstave, The Delph; World's End (Monument)
- FEX 037 Walton Old Hall (site of); Colneis Road (Monument)
- WNG 051 Wangford Woods; Wangford Warren (Monument)
- LVM 051 Water Street culvert (Monument)
- IKL 128 Weatherhall Farm (Monument)
- WSW 053 West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 057 West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 054 West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 055 West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 056 West Stow Heath, Kings Forest (Monument)
- WSW 044 West Stow Visitor Centre (Monument)
- MNL 506 Weston Ditch, West Row (Monument)
- TYN 106 Wood scatter seen on foreshore during Coast Survey 2004. (Monument)
- SUT 198 Woodbridge Airfield; Sutton Common (Monument)
- KIR 042 World War II anti-aircraft battery, visible as earthworks. (Monument)
- CAM 044 World War II barracks (Nissen Hits) on the airfield. (Monument)
- KIR 043 World War II military site, possibly a searchlight battery. (Monument)
- COV 058 World War II Royal Naval Patrol Service Gunnery school, set up in the summer of 1943 east of Covehithe. (Monument)
- HLY 099 World War Two Type 22 pillbox. (Monument)
- WRE 019 Wrentham Park (Monument)
- HLY 098 WWII decoy Airfield Hollesley Common (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Oct 30 2024 10:31AM