Source/Archive record SSF50018 - SCCAS Finds Record:

Title SCCAS Finds Record:
Date/Year 1995
Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service Report 1995




Associated Files

Referenced Monuments (1742)

  • "Field 679" Waldringfield (Monument)
  • "Field F529" Waldringfield (Monument)
  • ?C2 bronze coin found June 1998 (Find Spot)
  • `Field 1' (Monument)
  • `Field 2' (Monument)
  • 1 sherd Ipswich ware and 1 sherd Thetford ware found fieldwalking (1995-1997). (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • 11 Derwent Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9010). (Find Spot)
  • 1-3 Fordham Road & 2-20 Chippenham Road; Allotments (Rom) (Monument)
  • 134 The Street (Monument)
  • 16 Eustace Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8024). (Find Spot)
  • 1974 & 1980/81: Rom pottery scatter, including Samian. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1978: Fieldwalking Med scatters, 1994 and 1997 Metal detected. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1978: Fieldwalking located PMed scatters, 1994 and 1997 metal detecting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1978: Fieldwalking located PMed scatters, 1994 and 1997 metal detecting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • 1985: Abraded sherd, probably Ipswich ware, also foot of an ESax brooch, probably small-long type, found metal detecting. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1986: Metal detecting finds include strap end with animal head end and two inlaid panels, with traces of white ?cement present, above. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1986: Metal detecting finds include: gilded bronze, chip- carved decorated piece (from ?box or book mount) with two side projections … (Med) (Monument)
  • 1987-1997: Scatter of pottery and metalwork, C1-C4. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1988: Lead ampulla with W on one side, shell on the other. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1989: Bronze cruciform brooch fragment, missing foot and side wings. Found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • 1989: Bronze T-shaped brooch, Colchester derivative, ?hinged type. Found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • 1989: Brooch, probably Colchester derivative rear hook type, missing spring, hook & pin. (Find Spot)
  • 1989: Leaf shaped arrowhead, brown-grey flint, circa 29mm x 15mm x 4mm. (Monument)
  • 1989: Long cross penny, probably of John. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • 1989: Metal detecting located:- short cross cut half penny - IOHAN ON. (Monument)
  • 1989: Scatter of metalwork found metal detecting. (Monument)
  • 1990/1991: Occasional LMed/Early PMed items found metal detecting. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1992-1993: Area of relatively dense (& widespread) Med pottery scatter found during fieldwalking survey by John Newman (S1). (Med) (Monument)
  • 1993: Metal detector finds: bronze brooch square-headed type, C6, drawn; bronze brooch fragment, arched bow of cruciform or small-lon… (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • 1993: metal detector find of silver seal, variant of 'chess piece' type (S1). (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • 1996: Metal detector finds of lead seal matrix, cut silver half penny and farthing, all C13. (Med) (Monument)
  • 1998: Metal detector finds of cylindrical lead weight and 'caterpillar' type brooch. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1999 Rally Site (Rom) (Monument)
  • 1999 Rally Site (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1999 Rally Site (Sax) (Monument)
  • 1999: scatter of medieval pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • 2 bronze brooches and 2 bronze coins found whilst metal detecting in Nov 1995. (Monument)
  • 2 bronze coins found whilst metal detecting. Probably roman although illegible (Monument)
  • 2004: Metal detected blade end of bronze flat or low flanged axe - possibly of Arreton Form. (BA) (PAS find)
  • 2004: Two metal detected fragments (found about 60m apart) from possible 'founder's hoard' - double edged socketed knife and tanged leather-working … (Monument)
  • 2004: Two metal detected fragments (found about 60m apart) from possible 'founder's hoard' - double edged socketed knife and tanged leather-working … (Monument)
  • 25 'Camel' (Winston Road) (Monument)
  • 3 bronze coins, sestertius, Victorinus (268-270) and Valens (364-378), found metal detecting (S1). (Monument)
  • 3 med silver pennies found metal detecting in Nov 1995 (Monument)
  • 3 sherds of Thetford type ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • 6 Sioux Close, behind Post Office (Monument)
  • 7 worked flints including arrowhead, scraper and flakes found on surface in 2001. Also Rom coin. (Neo) (Monument)
  • 705gms of C13/C14 pottery, including 6 rims and 3 glazed sherds including 1 possible Ipswich Fore Street sherd (Monument)
  • 79 late med & transitional waster sherds found 1997. Indicates possible kiln site in vicinity. (Pmed) (Monument)
  • 8 sherds med pottery. 2 sherds Roman and a circular filnt scraper found on the surface in 2002. (Monument)
  • 8 sherds med pottery. 2 sherds Roman and a circular filnt scraper found on the surface in 2002. (Monument)
  • A bronze stirrup mount and harness fitting found metal detecting in Oct 1997. Also tip of bronze socketed axehead. (Sax) (Monument)
  • A bronze stirrup mount and harness fitting found metal detecting in Oct 1997. Also tip of bronze socketed axehead. (Sax) (Monument)
  • A possible sub-rectangular enclosure of unknown date surrounding Wherstead Church, artefacts found fieldwalking including Thetford ware (S3). (Monument)
  • A Post Medieval field system is visible on aerial photographs in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes (PMed) (Monument)
  • A probable Later Prehistoric or Roman rectilinear field system and associated trackways in Stratton Hall and Levington parishes. (Monument)
  • A Roman salt production site visible as a Red Hill south of Painter's Wood, Trimley St Mary (Monument)
  • Abbey Farm Cottage, Woolpit Green. (Monument)
  • Adjacent to Stratton Hall Drift (Med) (Monument)
  • Ae3 coin found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Allotments, Cotton Lane (Monument)
  • Allotments; Freckenham Village Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Alpheton' (Find Spot)
  • Anchor Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Anchor Lane (Preh) (Monument)
  • Anchor Lane (Preh) (Monument)
  • Anchor Lane (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglian Water pipeline (Monument)
  • Anglian Water pipeline (Monument)
  • Anglian Water Pipeline (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of a cast gilt disc brooch and two stirrup mounts. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of a cast gilt disc brooch and two stirrup mounts. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of brooches, including a fragment of a cruciform brooch foot (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of coins and a mount. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of coins, including a silver penny of Eadred. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of coins, including a silver penny of Eadred. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including 2 coins and hooked tag. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including 6 brooch fragments and pottery. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze strap end. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including two brooches, a bell and a strap end (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a brooch, pins and buckle. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo- Saxon artefact scatter of three sceattas, possible hoard. (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter, including a buckle, shield and harness (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon artefact scatter, including pottery, sleeve clasp and implements (Monument)
  • Anglo Saxon artefacte scatter, including a strap end, harness fitting, coin and brooch. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo Saxon lead cast disc brooch. (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon and occasional Roman artefact scatter, including coins, pottery and a bridle piece. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of 2 dress hooks. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of a bronze key and bronze pins (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of brooches. (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of handmade pottery sherds. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including bow brooch and strap end. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches and harness fittings. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, including brooches, buckle and furniture fitting, probably found within a cemetry. (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork, probably from a cemetry. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of metalwork. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of pottery, including Ipswich and Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter of two sceatta coins. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter, including a headplate fragment from a small long brooch. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter, including tweezers. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Anglo-Saxon artefact scatter, including tweezers. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Anglo-Saxon objects, including a coin fragment and a cruciform type brooch. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Area of metal detecting survey (Monument)
  • Area of possible enclosures and linear cropmarks of unknown date, aslo the findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed axehead. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter consisting of Prehistoric pottery and a Bronze Age socketed axehead (Preh) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of 3 Roman coins, 2 Medieval silver coins and 2 Post Medieval coins. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of bones and teeth from various large mammals, of unknown date (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of burnt flint, together with a scraper and flakes of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of mainly metalwork of unknown date, including buckle, key and knife. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Medieval metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter of Medieval, Post Medieval and Roman metalwork, including coins, spoon and belt. (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of metal detected finds, date unknown (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Artefact scatter of metal finds including Saxon and Medieval finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter of metalwork of unknown date, including an iron chisel. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of one Roman enamelled disc brooch and one Roman enamelled plate brooch (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Post-Medieval metal detected objects including a spoon (PMed) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of Post-Medieval metal finds (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter of Roman finds including 8 coins and pottery (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatter of Saxon and medieval metalwork (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including a bronze annular brooch fragment and a pin head or terminal. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including a bronze spoon fragment with oval bowl. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter of unknown date, including bronze working debris. (Un) (Monument)
  • Artefact scatter various periods, Cowfen Lane, Wash Lane (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatterof various Post-Medieval and undated metal finds (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatterof various Post-Medieval and undated metal finds (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatterof various Post-Medieval and undated metal finds (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Artefact scatterof various Post-Medieval and undated metal finds (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Assorted bag of LMed-PMed peg tile and pottery , 1 St Martins Lane (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Asymmetric arrowhead and scatter including leaf shaped arrowhead on surface of same field. (Monument)
  • BA artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • BA artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • BA artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • BA artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • BA hoard, 'Tunstall', Wantisden (PAS find)
  • BA palstave, Church Farm (PAS find)
  • BA rapier, Gravel Drove, West Row (PAS find)
  • Badingham Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Badingham Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Badly distorted and damaged gold ornament of a type variously described as hair-rings, lock-rings, or ear-rings (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Barrow Field, medieval pottery scatter (Med) (Monument)
  • Bath Meadow 'Field 6'. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Battisford Tye (Monument)
  • Bawdsey Beach (Monument)
  • Beach (Monument)
  • Beach Surface North of Benacre Broad, Benacre, (Palaeolithic). (PAS find)
  • Beck Common (1824) (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Beck Common (Med) (Monument)
  • Beckets, The Street (Monument)
  • Bell Meadow (BA) (Monument)
  • Bennet's Pit (1938) (BA) (Monument)
  • Bennett's Farm (Monument)
  • Berghersh Lane (Find Spot)
  • Birds Hill (Rom) (Monument)
  • Birds Hill (Sax) (Monument)
  • Blade end of socketed axe and silver penny. (Find Spot)
  • Bloodmoor Hill (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • 'Blythburgh 1'; 'Saxon Field' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Blythburgh 1'; 'Saxon Field' (Sax) (Monument)
  • Blythburgh Church [near] (Monument)
  • Blythburgh Priory (Med) (Monument)
  • Bone dagger fragment, Gravel Drove, West Row (PAS find)
  • Bosmere Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Bosmere Hall (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Bosmere Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Boundary Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Boundary Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bourne Hill (Monument)
  • Bourne Hill, Ski Centre (IA) (Monument)
  • Boxford Lane (PAS find)
  • Braconbury Fort Area (Rom) (Monument)
  • Bramford Park (Monument)
  • Brandon Park (Med) (Monument)
  • Brandon Park (Preh) (Monument)
  • Brandon Park (Rom) (Monument)
  • Breach Drove (Find Spot)
  • Bridge Farm (Monument)
  • Bridge Street (Chadbrook) (Monument)
  • Bridge Wood (Find Spot)
  • Bronze ?brooch, metal detector find, extremely corroded, triangular plate with traces of enamelled triangles. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze ?buckle fragment. (Med) also (BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age artefact scatter (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age artefact scatter Culford 'Field 1' (Monument)
  • Bronze Age artefact scatter Culford 'Field 1' (Monument)
  • Bronze Age awl, Norwich Road (Confidential Monument)
  • Bronze Age bronze axehead found whilst metal detecting in 2003. Also med pottery. (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age fragment of bronze knife or rapier blade (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age Hoard (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age hoard site, Church Farm ('near Halesworth') (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age lithic scatter (Monument)
  • Bronze Age metalwork scatter (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age socketed axe, Banstead Farm (Kirtling) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age sword blade fragment, High Fen (Find Spot)
  • Bronze Age/Undated artefact scatter of Metal detected fragments and other finds (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age/Undated artefact scatter of Metal detected fragments and other finds (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze Age/Undated artefact scatter of Metal detected fragments and other finds (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze awl, possibly Bronze Age, from mainly Roman scatter. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze brooch head-stud type. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze coin, very corroded. Rom, found April 1995 (Find Spot)
  • Bronze coin. Very corroded, found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Bronze disc brooch, decorated but badly corroded and broken into two pieces, long cross penny of Harold I (1035-1040), Ipswich mint, m… (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bronze fitting fragment found 1996. Unknown function or date (Find Spot)
  • Bronze fitting in two pieces, ?PMed. (PMed) plus (BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Bronze hooked tag type dress fastener, M-LSax. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Bronze purse bar fragment and trade token (Monument)
  • Bronze Roman coin (not seen by SAU), found metal detecting in 1985 (Find Spot)
  • Bronze saxon strap end and med bronze sword pommel found metal detecting. Also 2 silver coins and bronze jetton. (PAS find)
  • Bronze seal matrix with circular die reading (translation) 'the seal of the new custom [of/at] Orford' (Monument)
  • Bronze seal matrix, circular die with a large letter 'R' flanked with sprays of foliage (Monument)
  • Bronze signet ring and small bronze casting of two child like figures (Monument)
  • Bronze small-long brooch, cruciform fragment and pair of tweezers (? Rom or Sax) found metal detecting - and a worn Rom coin (AD 330-33… (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Bronze strap end and stirrup mount found whilst metal detecting in June 1998. (Find Spot)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter including a flint plano-convex knife. (BA) (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of 8 broken socketed axes and ingot fragments. (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of finds. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter of six bronze objects, probably a dispersed hoard. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a blade end and a flint scraper. (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a fragment of a socketed axe and a fragment of chisel. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including a sword blade fragment and 5 ingot fragments. (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter, including an incomplete palstave and 2 socketed axe fragments. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age artefact scatter. (PAS find)
  • Bronze-Age Concentric Ring Ditch, Ipswich, (IAS 9108, IAS 9118). (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age Concentric Ring Ditch, Ipswich, (IAS 9108, IAS 9118). (Monument)
  • Bronze-Age hollow based flint arrowhead (PAS find)
  • Brooch fragment - finial from a radiate brooch with inlaid garnet - found metal detecting (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Brooch, 7 coins (Rom) and 1 pmed coin and token found whilst metal detecting in Jan/Feb 2003 (Monument)
  • Brook Farm (BA) (PAS find)
  • Broom Hills (Find Spot)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch of unknown date with some worked flint in the vicinity. (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch with a scraper and struck flakes in the vicinity. Also a small number of unglazed medieval sherds (13-14th century). (Monument)
  • Burnt flint patch. (Monument)
  • Bury Hill (Monument)
  • Bury Hill (Monument)
  • Bush Green (Find Spot)
  • Butt of a polished flint axehead found on surface. (Find Spot)
  • Byfords; Church Farm `Top'; Church Farm `Bottom' (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • c. 12 sherds med pottery seen - c13th - c14th and a few late med/early pmed sherds found whilst metal detecting in 2002. (Monument)
  • Camping Ground (1840 tithe) (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Canada Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Caudle Farm, possible Saxon cemetery (Confidential Monument)
  • Cavenham Brook (Monument)
  • Cavenham Heath, Cavenham (Early Prehistoric). (PAS find)
  • Cavenham Heath, Cavenham (Later Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Cavenham Heath, Cavenham (Prehistoric) (Monument)
  • Centre Parcs (Monument)
  • Chatelaine type plate brooch (Find Spot)
  • Chilton Street (Monument)
  • Chippenham Road (BA) (Monument)
  • Church Farm 'Bottom' (Med) (Monument)
  • Church Farm 'Bottom' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Farm, Ipswich. (Find Spot)
  • Church Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Church Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Church field (Monument)
  • Church Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • 'Church Field'; 'site 16' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Church Field'; 'site 16' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Church Lane (Monument)
  • Church Lane; 'Field 4' (Med) (Monument)
  • Church Lane; 'Field 4' (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Church of All Saints (Med) (Monument)
  • Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Church of St Peter (Monument)
  • Church of St Peters churchyard (Neo) (Monument)
  • Circa 1992: Seven Rom coins (late C3 & C4) found digging hole in garden. (Monument)
  • Circular bronze seal matrix probably C14 (Monument)
  • Circular bronze seal matrix, probably late C13 (Monument)
  • Clayhill Farm (Monument)
  • Clonea Cottage (Monument)
  • Cob Island (Monument)
  • Coin hoard, scattered, 117 coins, range Gallienus - Tetricus, further metal detector finds, see details. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coin hoard, scattered, 117 coins, range Gallienus - Tetricus, further metal detector finds, see details. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Coins and metalwork found by IMDC from various fields (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Coins and metalwork from various fields, found by IMDC (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Coins found metal detecting: 2 silver pennies of Edward I, London & Newcastle mints; 1 cut half penny of Henry II, cross and crosslets type (S1)(S2… (Monument)
  • Colchester derivative brooch found whilst metal detecting in 1992. (Find Spot)
  • Colston Hall (Monument)
  • Complete, though corroded, metal detected bronze tracer/awl, details (S1) (S2). (BA) (PAS find)
  • Copper alloy metalworking debris (Monument)
  • Covehithe Cliff (Med) (Monument)
  • Creek Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Creek Farm (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Crootal Field, Rougham, (Mesolithic-Bronze Age) (PAS find)
  • Cropmarks: double ditched irregular enclosure, behind Manor House (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument)
  • Crutch Hall (Find Spot)
  • Culford 'Field 3' (Monument)
  • Culford 'Field 3' (Monument)
  • Culford 'Field 5' (Monument)
  • Culford 'Field 5' (Monument)
  • Curvilinear enclosure with sub-cell of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Curvilinear feature, possibly a trackway, with one or two field boundaries nearby (S1), also fieldwalking located flint scatter (S2). (Monument)
  • Cut half penny of Henry III (1216-1272), London 3c. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Dagworth Farm (Monument)
  • Dale's Wood (Monument)
  • Dalgety Development site (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Dam Lane (Monument)
  • Deadman's Corner (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Course (Med) (Monument)
  • Deben Valley Golf Course (Rom) (Monument)
  • Decorated bronze fragment, probably foot of an ornate cruciform brooch, found metal detecting in Dec 1996. (Find Spot)
  • Denmark Hill (Med) (Monument)
  • Denmark Hill (Rom) (Monument)
  • Detector finds of four C3/C4 bronze coins, one C1 denarius and one silver finger ring with lost setting. 14 further coins found 1997/1998. (Monument)
  • Ditch containing Roman pottery, 14-16 St. Catherine's Street (Monument)
  • Dorley's corner (Find Spot)
  • Drift Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Dunwich Heath (PMed) (Poorly Located Monument)
  • East Coast Searchers Hitcham rally 2004 (Monument)
  • 'East Green Area' (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'East Green Area' (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'East Green Area' (Un) (Monument)
  • East of "The Severals", Ingham, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Easter Green (Med) (Monument)
  • Easter Green (Monument)
  • Easter Green (Monument)
  • Eight Elms Farm (Monument)
  • Ellingham/Benstead Marshes (Monument)
  • Elm Farm (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Erwarton Bay, Erwarton, (Palaeolithic). (PAS find)
  • Eslincote, Stows Hill (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Extremely worn and twisted tracer/awl in good condition, found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • 'F 557' 'F 358' (Preh) (Monument)
  • 'F 568' (Monument)
  • Field 0004 (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Field 0004 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field 0004 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Field 0004 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Field 0030 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Field 0040 (IA) (Monument)
  • Field 0065 (BA) (Find Spot)
  • 'Field 1' (BA) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 10', Great Barton, (Mesolithic). (PAS find)
  • 'Field 10', Great Barton, (Neolithic-Bronze Age). (PAS find)
  • 'Field 10', Great Barton, (Neolithic-Bronze Age). (PAS find)
  • Field 1400 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field 1400 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • 'Field 2' (PAS find)
  • 'Field 2' (PAS find)
  • 'Field 2' (Pmed) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 2' (Rom) (PAS find)
  • field 3 (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Field 3' (PAS find)
  • 'Field 3' (Pmed) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 3' (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Field 3037 (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Field 4' (BA) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 4' (Sax) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 5' (Monument)
  • Field 5182, Kiln Farm (Monument)
  • 'Field 6' (Monument)
  • Field 6368 (OS Number, 1979) (Find Spot)
  • 'Field 7' (BA) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 7' (BA) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 7' (Med) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 7' (Med) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 7' (Rom) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 7' (Rom) (PAS find)
  • 'Field 8' (Monument)
  • 'Field 8' (Monument)
  • 'Field 9' (Monument)
  • 'Field 9' (Monument)
  • Field F777, Playford, (Prehistoric-Middle Saxon) (Monument)
  • Field next to Lane End (Monument)
  • Field next to Lane End, North Street (PMed) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (Med) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (PMed) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (Preh) (Monument)
  • Field No 59 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Field North of Blythburgh Priory, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Field north of Lodge Farm Cottages (Monument)
  • Field North of Ringshall Church, Battisford, (Palaeolithic). (Monument)
  • Field North of The Bungalow, Brandon, (Mesolithic-Early Bronze Age). (PAS find)
  • Field off Church Road (Monument)
  • Field South of Kettlebaston, (Mesolithic). (PAS find)
  • Field system with evidence of rectilinear field boundaries and a SW-NE trackway, enclosing ring ditch SBN 039 (S1-S3). (Monument)
  • Field system with evidence of rectilinear field boundaries and a SW-NE trackway, enclosing ring ditch SBN 039 (S1-S3). (Monument)
  • Fields 0021 0040 (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Fields 44 & 45' (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Fields 44 & 45' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age arrowhead (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age bronze socketed gouge (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age chisel (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Bronze Age tanged knife fragment (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a bronze conical object, date and function unknown (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a bronze object, date unknown (Un) (PAS find)
  • Find spot of a fragment of clay mould, unknown date (Un) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval lead ampulla (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Medieval lead ampulla (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Medieval penny of Henry VIII (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Medieval silver Edward I penny (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Medieval silver Edward I penny (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Neolithic partially polished flint axehead (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Post-medieval knife pommel in the shape of a double-sided human head (PMed) (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Post-medieval oval bronze spoon bowl (PMed) (Monument)
  • Find spot of a reported Roman metal detected denarius fragment (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman bronze brooch fragment (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman bronze brooch, headstud type (Monument)
  • Find spot of a Roman bronze Nauhiem brooch (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Find spot of a Roman silver coin (Monument)
  • Find spot of a silver Henry VIII groat (Monument)
  • Find spot of Roman denarius (Monument)
  • Find spot of Saxon brooch, pin and pottery, as well as possible Saxwon sunken featured building (Sax) (Monument)
  • Find spot of Saxon coin and pin (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findpot of a Medieval silver long cross penny (Find Spot)
  • Finds of Roman coins, brick and tile (Monument)
  • Finds scatter: stirrup, coin and Ansate brooch (also prehistoric flint & Roman face stud). (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA socketed axe, East Coast Searchers Rally Site (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA spearhead (PAS find)
  • Findspot BA spearhead (PAS find)
  • Findspot Bronze Age axehead (PAS find)
  • Findspot Bronze Age Palstave (PAS find)
  • Findspot Bronze Age Palstave (PAS find)
  • Findspot fragment of a flint chise (Monument)
  • Findspot Neolithic flaked axe, Easton Bavents Beach (PAS find)
  • Findspot Neolithic leaf shaped arrowhead, Jack's Lane (PAS find)
  • Findspot of 2 Anglo-Saxon wrist clasps. (Sax) (and BACKLOG) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Anglo-Saxon wrist clasps. (Sax) (and BACKLOG) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Medieval coins (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 Medieval cut pennies, both of Henry I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 Medieval long cross pennies of Edward I and Edward I or III (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Medieval silver coins of Charles I. (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 Medieval silver groats (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of 2 pieces of Post Medieval bronze openwork, probably a buckle (Monument)
  • Findspot of 2 silver coins Henry II (Monument)
  • Findspot of 5 Anglo-Saxon brooches and part of a girdle hanger. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze- Age flint knife. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze Age sword fragment and socketed axe at Boyton Hall Farm (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze annular brooch (Monument)
  • Findspot of a bronze annular mount of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze finger ring of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a bronze leg from a Roman incense burner. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a bronze sheet vessel of unknown date. (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age barbed and tanged flint arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age blade end from a bronze socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age blade end from a socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age blade end of palstave and an Iron-Age pottery sherd. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze flanged axe decorated with chevron design. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze hammer. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze knife blade (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze knife blade (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead blade fragment. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead tip. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze sword hilt fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze tanged knife. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age bronze tracer or awl. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age complete socketed axe. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age decorated socketed axe fragment. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age flanged axehead (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age incomplete barbed and tanged flint arrowhead, and a Iron Age-Roman bronze brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age palstave. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age pennanular composite gold ring. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age plate scrap ingot fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socket and part blade of a small side looped spearhead or arrowhead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe blade fragment. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe fragment from a sand or gravel ridge in a field. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe fragment with hammer marks. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age socketed axe fragment. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead tip. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead tip. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age spearhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age sword and socketed axe or chisel fragments. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age sword fragment. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age tracer or awl. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Bronze-Age unfinished sword fragment, re-utilised into a blunt round-ended tool. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a butt of a Bronze-Age bronze axehead, probably a palstave. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a complete Bronze-Age trident or shield pattern palstave. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a detached bronze side knob from an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Early Bronze Age axehead and a Middle Bronze Age spearhead at Boyton Hall Farm (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age axe blade. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age bronze blade, probably from a sword. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Bronze-Age bronze sword hilt. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a Post Medieval socketed lead/ pewter fitting. (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a fragment of a small Neolithic part-polished axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a gold finger ring of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a large bronze Roman coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a large Medieval lead seal. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a large Neolithic polished flint axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze aquamanile spout in the form of a dog's head (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze buckle tongue. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze double oval buckle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze guilded belt decoration (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze limoges plate showing Christ raising a hand in blessing and holding a book. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze openwork mount (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze seal matrix. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze shield shaped horse harness pendant (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze strap end. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval bronze strap end. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval circular bronze seal matrix (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval circular lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval cut halfpenny of Henry I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval cylindrical bronze terminal fitting (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval decorated spur fragment. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gilded bronze buckle plate with winged beast design (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gilded bronze horse harness pendant of the Bures family of Acton. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval gold noble coin of Edward III. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval groat of Edward III, Boy Bishop token and other coins (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead ampulla in scallop shell form (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead church token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead papal seal of Pope Gregory IX. (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix in a pointed oval shape (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix with inscriptions on both sides (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval lead seal matrix, pointed oval form and inscribed (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval Nuremberg token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval seal matrix and a coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval short cross cut halfpenny. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval short cross penny and a bronze token (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver coin of King John. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver half groat of Elizabeth I. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver half penny of Edward III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross cut half penny (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a medieval silver long cross penny (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward III (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver long-cross penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of Henry III, silver penny of Stephen and a Nuremberg token (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of John and other small hammered coins (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny of William I (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval silver penny, possibly of Edward III (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Medieval weight (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flint axehead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic flint leaf shaped biface (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint axehead with distinctive colouring. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic polished flint chisel and small axe (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic single platform flake core. Formerly recorded as LUD Misc (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Neolithic stone axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a partially polished Neolithic flint axehead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a pointed oval shape lead seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze fitting and a Roman coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze fitting and a Roman coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze livery button (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval bronze oval setting from a seal ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval coin of James II (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval Danish coin of Christian IV (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval gold signet ring (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval half penny token (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval oval bronze seal matrix and a Post Medieval weight (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval pewter hollow cast of a head wearing a cap and a small ruff (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver coins (Pmed) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Post Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward III. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a post-medieval seal ring, Groton Park (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Prehistoric unpatinated flint flake (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Aesica derived type brooch fragment. (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin and a Medieval silver cut quarter (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin and Copper alloy dolphin shaped fitting (bucket) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin of Constantine. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze enamelled plate brooch, chatelaine type (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze finger ring with protruding key (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze miniature axe (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze Nauheim derivative type brooch (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze oval plate brooch (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze sestertius coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman bronze skeuomorphic brooch of plate-shoe type (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman coin of Caius Caligula (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman Colchester derivative brooch fragment (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman copper alloy Colchester derivative fibula brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman denarius coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman illegible radiate, pierced for suspension (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman incomplete dragonesque brooch fragment. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman miniature bronze object, probably an anvil. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman pottery sherd, Essex grey and also a shallow wall foundation of flint and brick rubble construction. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman samian potsherd, biconical headed bronze pin and other Medieval and Post Medieval objects. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver denarius coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman silver plated denarius coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman solid cast bronze figurine. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a Roman turquoise frit melon bead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a silver spoon with circular bowl and angled handle, of unknown date. (Un) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a simple Bronze-Age black barbed and tanged arrowhead. (BA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a single sherd of Medieval pottery (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small bronze cross, with arms of equal length, of unknwon date. (Un) (Monument)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age bronze socketed hammer. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a small Bronze-Age bronze spearhead (PAS find)
  • Findspot of a small cast bronze 'classical' figurine of unknown date (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of a small, complete Neolithic polished flint axehead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of a undated bronze pin-shaped object. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze boss fitting. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze brooch (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze die stamp. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze disc brooch decorated with sunken cross. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze key with elongated looped handle (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze pin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze saucer type brooch. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze small-long type brooch. (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bronze strap end fragment with animal interlace design on both faces. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon bun-shaped fired clay spindle whorl decorated with lathe turned concentric groves. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon circular decorated fitting. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon copper alloy stirrup mount. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon cruciform brooch. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon cut half-penny of Aethelred II. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon gilt disc brooch. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon oval bronze buckle. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon silver sceat with inscription. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo Saxon tongue-shaped strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze brooch fragment. (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze buckle with curvilinear openwork interlace design with animal heads flanking the bar. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze wrist clasp. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon bronze zoomorphic stirrup terminal. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon brooch fragment. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon brooch. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cast bronze mount and a stirrup. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cast stirrup terminal and a handmade rim sherd. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cruciform brooch fragment. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon cut half-penny of Aethelred II. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon decorative bronze disc from a hanging bowl. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon penny of Aethelstan I. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon pottery scatter, including one sherd of Thetford ware. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon quarter penny of Aethelred II. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon rim sherd of Ipswich ware. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon sceatta. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon series E sceatta coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon series E sceatta coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver decorated pin head. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver obol (or half denier) of Charles the Bald. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon silver penny of Aethelheard, (IAS 8110). (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon small long brooch fragment. (Confidential Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon stirrup- strap mount (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon stone spindle whorl with ring and dots motifs. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap end. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Saxon strap separator with 3 arms. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Anglo-Scandinavian bronze cheek piece. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an incomplete Medieval bronze object (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age artefact scatter, including a silver coin of "Bury Tribe". (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin of Cunobelin. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin of Cunobelin. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin of Trinovantian Apollo Head variety. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze potin coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze vessel rim fitting in the form of a stylised bull's head. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age bronze vessel rim fitting in the form of a stylised bull's head. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age cast linch pin terminal, highly decorated. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age cast linch pin terminal, highly decorated. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold Gallo-Belgic type coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater, Iceni type. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold quarter stater. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin and Medieval Copper alloy pendant. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin of 'Late Clacton' type. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age gold stater coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age harness. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age Iceni pattern horse type coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age miniature terret ring. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin and also a Roman coin. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver coin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver Iceni coin. (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age silver stater coin of Cunobelin. (Monument)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age terret fragment (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of an Iron-Age terret-comb with curvilinear and enamelled decoration. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Anglo-Saxon hooked tag/ dress hook. (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Bronze Age hammer (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age damaged barbed and tanged arrowhead and bronze axe fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age damaged barbed and tanged arrowhead and bronze axe fragment. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of Bronze-Age metalwork finds, including a spearhead tip. (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of equid metatarsal (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of five Roman coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot of half of a Neolithic polished flint axehead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of Iron-Age coins and pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Iron-Age coins and pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Medieval pottery (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Nauheim derivative brooch (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of Neolithic flints. (Neo) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Findspot of Post Medieval bronze and lead animal and cherub heads and fitting and a coin (Monument)
  • Findspot of post medieval copper alloy hammer (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Findspot of post medieval unidentified object (Monument)
  • Findspot of Roman silver coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a Bronze-Age bronze socketed axehead. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a Bronze-Age socketed axe. (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a Bronze-Age socketed axe. (Monument)
  • Findspot of the blade end of a large Bronze-Age flat axe. (PAS find)
  • Findspot of the butt of a Neolithic partly polished flint axe. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Findspot of the tip of a Bronze-Age bronze spearhead. (Monument)
  • Findspot of the tip of a Bronze-Age spearhead. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Findspot of three sherds of Medieval pottery, two coarseware sherds and one Roman body sherd (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of three sherds of Roman grey ware and a bronze coin (Find Spot)
  • Findspot of two Medieval and one Post Medieval pottery sherds (Monument)
  • Findspot of two Post Medieval coins and a hooked bronze mount (Monument)
  • Findspot of two Post Medieval half groats. Formerly recorded as BNB Misc (Monument)
  • Findspot of two prehistoric flint implements (Monument)
  • Findspot of unidentifiable bronze object (Find Spot)
  • Findspot ofColchester derivative brooch (Find Spot)
  • Findspot Roman coins. (PAS find)
  • Findspot small bronze side looped socketed spearhead (Find Spot)
  • Findspot terret ring (PAS find)
  • Findspot three silver medieval coins (Monument)
  • Findspot two bronze Roman coins (Monument)
  • Findspot two hammered silver farthings (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot, polished flint axehead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot, Bronze Age hammer and rivet (PAS find)
  • Findspot, Bronze casket key and Elizabeth I threepenc (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Findspot, Bronze Roman coin (Rom) (Monument)
  • Findspot, crude unpatinated laurel leaf (Monument)
  • Findspot, four armed seal matrix (Med) (Monument)
  • Findspot, incomplete partly polished flint axehead. (PAS find)
  • Findspot, post-medieval bronze pin and 2 silver coins (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Findspot, Saxon pin (Sax) (Monument)
  • Findspot, silver IA coin (IA) (Find Spot)
  • FindspotBronze Age spear tip (PAS find)
  • Finspot of Bronze Age knife-dagger (PAS find)
  • Five St Nicholas 'Boy Bishop' tokens from two fields and possible cropmarks of ditches (Monument)
  • Fiveways (IA) (Monument)
  • Fiveways; Bridge Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Flint polished axe recovered. Broken, blade end missing. (Find Spot)
  • Flint scatter including 3 scrapers and a leaf type arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Forest Compartment 3064 (Monument)
  • Fornham by-pass (Med) (Monument)
  • Fornham by-pass (Rom) (Monument)
  • Fornham By-Pass (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Four medieval coins, Blythburgh/Dunwich (Monument)
  • Foxburrow's Field (Monument)
  • Foxs Heath, Ransomes Europark, (IAS 9120). (Monument)
  • Fragment of Colchester derivative (hinged pin) brooch, terminal and three silver Republican denarii (Monument)
  • Fragments of Roman floor tile, Hawstead Place (Monument)
  • Freckenham Hall (Un) (Confidential Monument)
  • Frogs Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Fuind spot of Iron Age bronze coin of Cunobeline type (Monument)
  • Further Barn Field (Monument)
  • Garden of St Anne's, Flatford Lane, East Bergholt, (Mesolithic). (PAS find)
  • Gate Farm (Monument)
  • Glenside, Anglo-Saxon coin (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Glenside, Roman finds (Rom) (Monument)
  • Gold quarter stater and Greek coin found after cliff-fall (Find Spot)
  • Grange Farm (Monument)
  • Gravel Drove (Find Spot)
  • Graveyard (extension) (Monument)
  • Groat of Robert III of Scotland (1390-1406), Seaby 5164. Found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Group of medieval finds, Cliff (Monument)
  • Grove Farm, Ringsfield Common (Monument)
  • Gt Saxes (Monument)
  • Guilded bronze buckle plate and 'boy bishop' token (not seen) found metal detecting in July 1998 (Find Spot)
  • Half Moon Public House (Find Spot)
  • Hall Barn (Monument)
  • Hall Barn (Monument)
  • Hall Farm, Swilland Hall (Monument)
  • Hall Field (IA) (Monument)
  • Hall Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Hall Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Hall Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hall Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hanchet End (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hanchett End (Med) (Monument)
  • Hawks Lane (Monument)
  • Hazlewood Church; Church of St Mary (Monument)
  • Heveningham Hall Lake (Monument)
  • High Fen (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • High Fen (Rom) (Monument)
  • High Fen (Sax) (Monument)
  • Hill Farm, Somersham. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hill/Hall Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Hill/Hall Field (Preh) (Monument)
  • Hill/Hall Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Preh) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hillside Farm (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Hillside Farm (Un) (Monument)
  • Hillside/Sunnydale(?), Knox Lane (Monument)
  • Hiss Farm; Chicory Factory (Roman) (Monument)
  • Hisses Farm (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • 'HL'; North Street (IA) (PAS find)
  • 'HL'; North Street (IA) (PAS find)
  • Hoard of 160 silver plated bronze contemporary forgeries of denarii of Claudius I struck between AD 46 - AD 51 including numerous die links. (Monument)
  • Holly Lane (rally site, 1998). 'F 261a' 'F264' (SE suffolk survey) (Un) (Monument)
  • Holly Lane (rally site, 1998). 'F 261a' 'F264' (SE suffolk survey) (Un) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Beck Row (BA) (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Mildenhall (Monument)
  • Holywell Drove, Mildenhall (Monument)
  • Home Farm (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Home Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Horsecroft; Gipsy Lane; Horsecroft Road (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Horselands Field; Roman Villa SW of Weatherhill Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Hunstonhall Farm, Hunston, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Hurst Fen (IA) (Monument)
  • Hurst Fen Neolithic site (BA) (Monument)
  • Hurst Fen Neolithic Site, Mildenhall (Neolithic) (Monument)
  • IA artefact scatter Chippenham Road (IA) (PAS find)
  • Icklingham Plains (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Preh) (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Rom) (Monument)
  • Icklingham Plains (Sax) (Monument)
  • Iron Age and Middle Saxon activity, Kesgrave Quarry (N Face) (Monument)
  • Iron Age annular bronze mount, Chilton Hall (Find Spot)
  • Iron Age or Roman coin, Pakefield cliffs (Monument)
  • Iron Age silver coin (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of 2 hand made sherds, also of Roman greyware. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a bronze coin of Cunobeline and a La Tene 1 type brooch. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a flint gritted pottery sherd and a coin of Tasciovanus. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of a large group of coins, including various Iceni type. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of burnt flints, worked flints and pottery. (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of Gold Gallo-Belgic quarter stater, seven Iceni silver coins and a toggle (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of hand-made flint-gritted pottery. (IA) (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of pottery, silver coins and a gold coin (Monument)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter of two silver Iceni coins and two brooches (PAS find)
  • Iron-Age artefact scatter. (IA) (PAS find)
  • Items found metal detecting (on cropmark site) include 35 Rom coins, brooches, cosmetic grinders and stylus fragment. (Rom) (Confidential Monument)
  • John Wilde School, Lowestoft (Med) (Find Spot)
  • John Wilde School, Lowestoft (Med) (Find Spot)
  • John Wilde School, Lowestoft (PMed) (Monument)
  • John Wilde School, Lowestoft (PMed) (Monument)
  • Joist Fen (Monument)
  • July 1999: Finds scatter of Rom & Med pottery noted by John Newman during watching brief (S1). Details to follow. (Med) (Monument)
  • July 1999: finds scatter of Roman and mainly Medieval pottery seen during watching brief. (Rom) (Monument)
  • July(?) 1999: Scatter of Medieval pottery located on pasture field surface (mole action?) by Trevor Preston. (Monument)
  • July(?) 1999: Scatter of Medieval pottery located on pasture field surface (mole action?) by Trevor Preston. (Monument)
  • Kedington Hill (IA) (PAS find)
  • Kedington Hill (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Kedington Hill (Sax) (PAS find)
  • 'Keepers Cottage' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Keepers Cottage' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Keepers Cottage' (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Keepers Cottage' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Keepers Field (Neo) (Monument)
  • Kenton Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Kentwell Park (Monument)
  • Kiln site. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Kings Forest (Find Spot)
  • Kings Forest (Monument)
  • Kings Forest (Neo) (Monument)
  • Kings Forest (Rom) (Monument)
  • Kings Forest Compartment 4180 (b) (Monument)
  • Kings Forest, compartment 4145 (BA) (Monument)
  • Kings Forest, Compartment 4145 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Knox Lane, Bardwell (Bronze Age). (Monument)
  • Knox Lane, Bardwell (Palaeolithic). (Find Spot)
  • Lackford Quarry (Preh) (Monument)
  • Lackford Quarry (Sax) (Monument)
  • Lackford Quarry (Un) (Monument)
  • Ladies Meadow (1840 Tithe Map) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Lakenheath Airfield; Skills Centre (Monument)
  • Large Anglo-Saxon hand-made pottery sherd. (Monument)
  • Large Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery. (Med) + (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Large Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery. (Med) + (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery (PAS find)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery (PAS find)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Large Roman artefact scatter, including flue tile and oyster shells. (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Late Bronze Age pegged spearhead, Bagsham, West Row (Find Spot)
  • Late Iron Age to Roman features at Barham Quarry (Monument)
  • Late medieval bronze token (Find Spot)
  • Late medieval finger ring, Saddlers Cottage (Monument)
  • Late Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flints (Monument)
  • Later Prehistoric artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Later Prehistoric artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Later Prehistoric artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Laurel-leaf(?) fragment and leaf arrowhead found while metal detecting. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Laurel-leaf(?) fragment and leaf arrowhead found while metal detecting. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Lead ampulla, bronze vessel handle fragment and scatter oyster shell found between 1998 and 2003. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Lead sax brooch found whilst metal detecting. Also Rom pottery, pmed bell and flint flake. (PAS find)
  • Lead sax brooch found whilst metal detecting. Also Rom pottery, pmed bell and flint flake. (PAS find)
  • Leaf-shaped flint bifacial point (PAS find)
  • Leaseland Farm (PAS find)
  • Lee Farm (IA) (Find Spot)
  • Lee Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Lee Farm (PMed) (Monument)
  • Lee Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Lee Farm, Freckenham, (Roman) (PAS find)
  • Lee Farm, Freckenham, (Roman) (PAS find)
  • Lee Farm, Freckenham, (Roman) (PAS find)
  • Leiston Abbey, Abbey Farm. (Monument)
  • LIA coins found metal detecting. (IA) (Monument)
  • Linear ditches, enclosures and pits of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Long Melford Rally site 2005 (BA) (PAS find)
  • Longs Farm (Monument)
  • Low Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Low Road (Sax) (and BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Maids Cross Hill (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Maids Cross Hill (Med) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Maids Cross Hill (Med) (AND BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Mainly medieval metal detected finds (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Monument)
  • Manor Farm (Monument)
  • May 1993: Metal detector finds including bronze double oval buckle, could be PMed. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med metal detected finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med metalwork finds recovered whilst metal detecting in 1999. Also 3 bronze Rom coins and probable lead weight. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med metalwork finds recovered whilst metal detecting in 1999. Also 3 bronze Rom coins and probable lead weight. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med metalwork finds recovered whilst metal detecting in 1999. Also 3 bronze Rom coins and probable lead weight. (Med) (Monument)
  • Med pottery and metal detected finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieavl bronze seal matrix (Find Spot)
  • Medieval & Post Medieval pottery found fieldwalking 1995-1997. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact satter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact satter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact satter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a buckle and a key. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval and Post Medieval metal detector finds (Monument)
  • Medieval aretefact scatter (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval aretefact scatter (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter consisting of three buckles (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including 5 coins, 2 buckles and 2 strap fittings. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including a hammered silver coin, further coins and pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including a hammered silver coin, further coins and pottery sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including a small oval buckle, bronze dagger chape and a casting of a human bust in pewter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter including a square bronze weight and bronze rowel spur fragment. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of 2 silver half groats of Henry VII. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a buckle, two silver coins and pottery (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a coin, jetton, seal matrix, harness pendant and mount. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a few sherds pf coarseware and a strap end and a jetton. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of a short cross penny of Henry II and a long cross half penny of Edward III and twelve cut half and quarter pennies. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware sherds (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including 11 silver coins, a penny,a half-penny and farthing denominations. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a gold noble of Edward III. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a gold noble of Edward III. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a gold noble of Edward III. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a gold noble of Edward III. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of four pieces of pottery. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and findspot of a Medieval silver long cross penny of Edward I (Find Spot)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including a pendant, buckles and sleeve clasp (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including a pendant, buckles and sleeve clasp (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including 7 silver coins and an undated bronze finger ring. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a gilded harness pendant (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a gilded harness pendant (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a pin, purse and ampulla. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including an ear ring and mount strap end (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including an enamelled heraldic pendant and dagger chape (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including buckle fragments and a thimble. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, a finger ring and a saddle pommel. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, buckle and pendant (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, buckle and pendant (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins, buckle and pendant (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including some Roman and some Post Medieval as well (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including some Roman and some Post Medieval as well (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including some Roman and some Post Medieval as well (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of mixed metalwork (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of numerous metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of numerous metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of numerous metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of numerous metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of numerous metal finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of of metalwork from the town ditch area (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and a pilgrim badge. (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and fragments of peg tile. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork including the bull of Pope Matin IV (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a bronze barb spring padlock, thimble and buckle. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a padlock (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a scabbard (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a scabbard (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including book fitting, buckle and strap fitting. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooch, pilgrim badge and seal. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including several lead ampullas. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including several lead ampullas. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery consisting of over 150 sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery including Rghetford ware and coarse ware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including 1 Thetford sherd. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including Thetford ware and coarseware. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed sherds and a few part-glazed sherds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, mainly unglazed. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter of three lead 'Boy Bishop' tokens. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Bullock Lodge (field name) (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Glenside, medieval finds (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a circular lead seal matrix. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a lead oval seal matrix. (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a limestone spindle whorl. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including a silver cut halfpenny of Henry III and a silver groat of Henry VII. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including pottery, coins and a lead seal. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including pottery, coins and a lead seal. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, including two silver half-pennies of Edward III. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval bronze chape (sword or dagger) found metal detecting in April 1994 (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze harness pendant, Station Road (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze harness, Kelsale Place (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze heraldic pendant (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze mirror case halves, Fire Station (Monument)
  • Medieval bronze object, Sledging Hill at Church Meadow behind graveyard (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix, 'Claydon Hall' (Monument)
  • Medieval bronze seal matrix, Mundays Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval bronze weight, Nacton rally site (Monument)
  • Medieval brooch/buckle, Undley Meadows (PAS find)
  • Medieval coin brooch, Drift Road (Monument)
  • Medieval cut half silver penny, shortcross type, Henry III, AD 1217/8-1242 (Find Spot)
  • Medieval finds, Deben Valley Golf Course (Find Spot)
  • Medieval jetton (not seen by SAU) found metal detecting in 1985 (Find Spot)
  • Medieval jetton, 5 Watson Close (back garden) (Find Spot)
  • Medieval jug handle, 18 Blomfield Street (Monument)
  • Medieval lead pilgrim badge, Pinmill (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal matrix, circular, unpierced lug on the side (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal matrix, found metal detecting in Nov 1994 (Find Spot)
  • Medieval lead seal matrix, pointed oval, broken suspension loop at top end of oval (Find Spot)
  • Medieval metal detected scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval metal detector finds (Find Spot)
  • Medieval metalwork and pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval metalwork and pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Medieval metalwork and pottery scatter (PAS find)
  • Medieval metalwork scatter (Med) (Monument)
  • Medieval moat. (Monument)
  • Medieval potsherds recorded on Ipswich Museum Card. Also further pot sherds and metal detected finds found. (PAS find)
  • Medieval pottery scatter in field to west of Mill House. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter of over sixty sherds. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery scatter. (Monument)
  • Medieval pottery, 17 Holly Lane (Monument)
  • Medieval seal impressions, Blacksmith Green (Find Spot)
  • Medieval short cross penny, Tuffin Lane (Find Spot)
  • Medieval silver half groat, NW of Fourcross Bridge (Monument)
  • Medieval, artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (Med) (PAS find)
  • Medieval/post-medieval bronze strap mount (Find Spot)
  • Med-PMed pottery scatter amongst wooden breakwaters. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Mellis Road (Find Spot)
  • Mellis Road (Monument)
  • Mendham Lane (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected blade end of bronze axehead, probably flanged type. Details & drawing/photo in site file (S1). (PAS find)
  • Metal detected bronze coin, Ae 3, AD 330-7 (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected bronze, dogs head form, ewer spout (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected complete socketed axehead of final LBA/EIA (LBA4) type, 110mm long. (PAS find)
  • Metal detected copper alloy stirrup mount. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected find (said to be from cited NGR) of decorated bronze terminal from a linch pin. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected find of an Anglo-Saxon silver pin head (Monument)
  • Metal detected finds of silver coins, prick spur, possible sword fitting. Also Med roof tile & Roman storage jar (Monument)
  • Metal detected finds of silver coins, prick spur, possible sword fitting. Also Med roof tile & Roman storage jar (Monument)
  • Metal detected gold noble of Edward III of 1351-1361. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected Middle Saxon bronze pin, bent, spherical head (slightly facetted), diameter 7mm, with small collar rib. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected Roman bronze coin, AS, corroded (Find Spot)
  • Metal detected scatter of 22 bronze coins and bracelet fragment - details in site file. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detected scatter of Roman, Medieval and Post Medieval metalwork. (Med) (Monument)
  • Metal detecting finds of mainly PMed metal work (Monument)
  • Metal detecting in July 2001 revealed bronze arrowhead. (BA) (PAS find)
  • Metal detecting located bronze pendant, oval shaped with large centrally set piece of crystal, badly corroded & suspension loop broken. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector and surface finds of coins & pottery sherds. (Monument)
  • Metal detector find of an Anglo-Saxon penny. (Monument)
  • Metal detector find of bronze barbed and tanged arrowhead with slight central rib and chamfered edges (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of bronze coin, probably a sestertius (very corroded), pierced for suspension. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of bronze pin/stylus. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of copper alloy dagger chape found within undated enclosure & field (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of copper alloy pin fragment of mid/late Saxon date. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of Late Medieval silver finger ring with inscription 'Jesus & Mary'. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of medieval gilded(?) bronze shield shaped heraldic stud (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of MSax strap end fragment. (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find of Roman siliqua of Julian II (AD 360-363) (Monument)
  • Metal detector find, corroded bronze coin probably an As, pierced with two holes for suspension. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detector find, corroded bronze coin, C3? (S1). (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find, lozenge-shaped bronze belt mount, fairly corroded (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector find: bronze solid cast animal head on neck (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector finds of backward looking animal brooch & strap end. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds of ewer spout in form of dog's head and sword pommel (Find Spot)
  • Metal detector finds of possible bronze hoard. (BA) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds of stepped blade spearhead tip and socket fragment (artefact type unknown). (PAS find)
  • Metal detector finds, bronze coins, various; lead wool seal fragment; also three bronze trade tokens (S1). (PMed) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds, including over 60 Rom coins, also pottery, mainly C3 & C4 and storage vessel ?C1-C2 and brooches (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds, including over 60 Rom coins, also pottery, mainly C3 & C4 and storage vessel ?C1-C2 and brooches (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds, including over 60 Rom coins, also pottery, mainly C3 & C4 and storage vessel ?C1-C2 and brooches (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds, including over 60 Rom coins, also pottery, mainly C3 & C4 and storage vessel ?C1-C2 and brooches (S1). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Metal detector finds, silver long cross penny of Edward I, 1280. (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Micky's Tea Bar site (Sax) (Monument)
  • Mill Farm (Monument)
  • Mill Green Farm (Monument)
  • Mill Heath; Gough's' (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mill House (Find Spot)
  • Mill House (Find Spot)
  • Mill Lane (Monument)
  • Mill Road (PAS find)
  • Mill Stream, Parker's Mill (Monument)
  • Millhouse Farm, Rectory Road (Monument)
  • Moat Farm (Monument)
  • Modern artefact scatter of objects and flint scraper (Monument)
  • 'Molly's Field' Denmark Hill (Monument)
  • Moores Green Farm (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Moores Green Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Mortimer Lane (Med) (Find Spot)
  • Mortimer's Lane (Find Spot)
  • Mortimers Lane (IA) (PAS find)
  • Mortimers Lane (IA) (PAS find)
  • Mortimers Lane (IA) (PAS find)
  • Mortimers Lane (IA) (PAS find)
  • Mortimers Lane (Un) (Monument)
  • Mostly Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a token and lead weights. (Monument)
  • Mount Field, Neutral Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Mount Field, Neutral Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Mount Road, Haverhill (Monument)
  • Multeperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Multi period metalwork scatter (PAS find)
  • Multi period metalwork scatter (PAS find)
  • Multi period pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Multiperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Med) (Monument)
  • Multiperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Multiperiod artefact scatter of pottery. (Sax) (Monument)
  • Multi-period artefact scatter, Near Kiln Grove/Roman way (Monument)
  • Near Broom Covert, Gedgrave, (Prehistoric) (PAS find)
  • Near Fishers Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Near Saxmundham' (Monument)
  • Near Willow Farm (Find Spot)
  • Needle Corner (Monument)
  • Neo/Med Ditch, Neo/med pit and find spot of Neo/med worked object (Un) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of 72 worked flints, including a triangular arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of 72 worked flints, including a triangular arrowhead. (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints and burnt flints. (Neo) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints, (Neolithic) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter of worked flints, (Neolithic) (Monument)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter, Chippenham Road (Neo) (PAS find)
  • Neolithic artefact scatter, Chippenham Road (Neo) (PAS find)
  • Neolithic flint arrowhead found 2004. Circumstances of find unknown (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic flint blade with hinge fracture found on surface (Find Spot)
  • Neolithic flint tools, Brome Airfield (Find Spot)
  • 'New site Deners No 13' (Monument)
  • 'New site Deniers'; 'site 13' (Med) (PAS find)
  • 'New site Deniers'; 'site 13' (Rom) (PAS find)
  • North of Ashburnham Farm, Barking, (Prehistoric). (PAS find)
  • North of John O'Groats Cottages, Kings Forest (Monument)
  • North of The Homestead Farm, Letheringham, (Mesolithic). (PAS find)
  • North Street (Rom) (Monument)
  • North Street (Sax) (PAS find)
  • North Street, Freckenham Communtiy Woodland Planting (Med) (Monument)
  • Notcutts Nursery (Neo) (Monument)
  • Nowton Park (Find Spot)
  • Oct 1987 fieldwalking for SE Suffolk survey by John Newman located dense pottery scatter, in area 180 x 120m, in "field 594". (Rom) (Monument)
  • October 1993: Metal detector finds including bronze hexagonal key plate, bronze letter `O' and Misc PMed fragments (S1). (PMed) (Monument)
  • off North Street (Med) (Monument)
  • off North Street (PMed) (Monument)
  • Old Dalgety Granary Site (Rom) (Monument)
  • One late Iron-Age bronze coin, one ditch and two areas of black sand representing pits/features (not excavated) revealed (Un) (Monument)
  • One of three shipwrecks of unknown date found near to Sizewell nuclear power station. (Monument)
  • One of three shipwrecks of unknown date found near to Sizewell nuclear power station. (Monument)
  • Opposite of Easton Road Junction, Hacheston, (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Orwell foreshore (Monument)
  • OS 180 (field number); Priory Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field 0004 (IA) (Find Spot)
  • OS Field 0065 (Med) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • OS Field 0065 (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • OS Field 0065 (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • OS Field 7570 (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Field 7570 (Rom) (Monument)
  • OS Field 7570(?) (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 5835; Manor of Sutton (site of) (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Field Number 5835; Manor of Sutton (site of) (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Med) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (PMed) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Rom) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Sax) (Monument)
  • OS Fields 1700 & 2363 (Un) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (PMed) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Sax) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Un) (Monument)
  • Pages Common Field (Un) (Monument)
  • Papal bull of Gregorius VIIII (1227-1241) found metal detecting. (Find Spot)
  • Park Cottages; Park Cottage Field (Find Spot)
  • Park Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Park Farm (Preh) (Monument)
  • Park Farm Quarry; Dovehouse Park (Tithe map); Thorington Park (IA) (Monument)
  • Park Farm Quarry; Dovehouse Park (Tithe) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Park Farm 'site 2' (Monument)
  • Park Road (Monument)
  • Part of rectangular enclosure and rectilinear cropmark system noted on SAU APs 14-15 July, 1977 (S1)(S2). (Un) (Monument)
  • Pashford Poors Fen (Monument)
  • Patch of white heat-crackled flint, also 2 med silver coins. (Monument)
  • Penny of Edward I (1272-1307), London 6B. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Peterhouse Farm (Rom) (Monument)
  • Playford Corner (BA) (Monument)
  • Playing Field, Old High Road (PMed) (Monument)
  • Playing Field, Old High Road (PMed) (Monument)
  • Pool Field No 11, Brooke Hall (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm (Sax) (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm, Church Meadow. (Med) (Monument)
  • Poplar Farm, Church Meadow; Roman Camp (Rom) (Monument)
  • Poplar Hall (Med) (Monument)
  • Poplar Hall (Preh) (Monument)
  • Poplar Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (Med) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (PMed) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Poppies' (Sax) (Monument)
  • Possible Cemetery, Early Anglo- Saxon (Confidential Monument)
  • Possible post-medieval feature, The Old Parsonage (Monument)
  • Post Medieval Artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including a bronze conical mount, possibly a furniture mount. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including a bronze conical mount, possibly a furniture mount. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including a toy, buckle, pin and thimble. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter including two bronze farthings, bronze lace tag and bronze terminal. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of coins, including a silver sixpence of Charles I. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze button and a bronze crotal bell. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze candle snuffer. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze candle snuffer. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze ring and bronze trade token. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze token, pendant and gilded finger ring. (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a buckle fragment and bronze object. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a button, coin and token. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a lead cloth seal, bronze farthings and a Nuremberg jetton (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a silver seal, bronze knife fitting and 3 ornate buckle fragments (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a spur fragment and lead weight (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including a spur fragment and lead weight (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and disc weights. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork, including weights, finger ring and jettons. (PMed) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (PMed) (and BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalwork. (PMed) (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of metalworks (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins, spoon and thimble. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including coins, spoon and thimble. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, including glazed red earthenware and Cologne stoneware. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter of pottery, tile and building material. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter ofpottery and metalwork, including buckle, button, coins and finger rings. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post medieval artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including 2 bronze tokens and a bronze farthing. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze farthing, bronze token and belt fitting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze farthing, bronze token and belt fitting. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze spoon bowl, bronze weight and bronze dress hook. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including a bronze terminal. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter, including fragments of 2 bronze spoons, belt mounts and furniture mounts. (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post medieval artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter. (Monument)
  • Post Medieval artefact scatter. (PMed) (PAS find)
  • Post medieval bronze purse frame (Find Spot)
  • Post medieval cast brass thimble (Find Spot)
  • Post medieval lead seal, Morley Field 4 (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Post Medieval metalwork scatter (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Post medieval pottery, John Wilde School (Monument)
  • Post medieval, strap mount (PMed) (Find Spot)
  • Post-Medieval artefact scatter including a lithic implement to suggect a platform gunflint production site (PMed) (Monument)
  • Post-medieval artefact scatter of metalwork and coins, including buttons, finger ring and jetton. (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Post-medieval bronze mount, Field 9878 (Monument)
  • Post-medieval gold finger ring with freemasons insignia (Find Spot)
  • Post-medieval jug, 2-4 Station Road (Monument)
  • Post-medieval sixpence of James I (Find Spot)
  • Posy-Medieval artefact scatter of sundry metal finds (PMed) (Monument)
  • Pottery and metalwork scatter - see Arttype for full list of artefacts. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter amongst wooden breakwaters. (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter found during fieldwalking and detecting in May 2001. (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter, C12-C17. Also metal detected finds and pottery recovered in 2003. (Med) (Monument)
  • Pottery scatter. (Med) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter (Preh) (and BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of 20 sherds of flint gritted pottery and 2 worked flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of 4 struck flints (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of 6 flints (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of flints and a sherd of flint-gritted pottery. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of pottery and flint flakes. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked and burnt flints. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter of worked flint. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter scatter (BA) (PAS find)
  • Prehistoric artefact scatter, Sudbourne Park (Plus BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Prehistoric burnt flint patch with some worked flints. (Monument)
  • Prehistoric flints and burnt flint, Kenton Hall (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric lithic implements, 26 Church Crescent (Preh) (Monument)
  • Prehistoric scatter, SE Suffolk Survey - Waldringfield (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Prehistoric worked flints, Lower Barnfield (Monument)
  • Priory Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Probable Iron Age or Roman settlement, north-east of Sutton Hall, Sutton parish. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Probable Medieval settlement site with pottery and metalwork scatters. (Med) (Monument)
  • Probable Roman Villa (Monument)
  • Rabbit Hill, 'East Plot' (BA) (Find Spot)
  • 'Rally site' (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Rape Field' (Monument)
  • 'Rape Field' (Monument)
  • Rattlesden Field (Find Spot)
  • Rear of Lark Rise (Monument)
  • Recreation Ground (Monument)
  • Rectangular enclosure? Coin findspot, Westerfield, Ipswich, (IAS 8311). (Monument)
  • Red House Farm, (OS Field 174) (Sax) (Monument)
  • Remnants of field systems of unknown date. (Monument)
  • Reputed chapel site, Church Field (1731) (Monument)
  • 'Ringshall Church Field' (BA) (Monument)
  • River Fromus (Monument)
  • River Fynn, Fynn Lane (Find Spot)
  • River Lark (Monument)
  • River Stour beach (BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Rom bronze brooch, head-stud type, missing pin & head loop. (Find Spot)
  • Rom finds found whilst metal detecting and walking. Include pottery and roof tile. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Rom pottery and occasional metalwork finds found metal detecting in 2003. (PAS find)
  • Rom road on field S of Scole Bridge, running E-W and composed of stones. Also fieldwalked & metal detected finds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman and Medieval artefact scatter. (Find Spot)
  • Roman and medieval pottery sherds, Bridge Street (Monument)
  • Roman aretfact scatter of coins, including one of Theodora (Monument)
  • Roman artefact sactter of 5 bronze minims. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Fields 15 & 16) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter in the soil around a skeleton. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter including brooches and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including brooches and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including brooches and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including brooches and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including brooches and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter including pottery and a fragment of a bronze bracelet (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 11 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 13 coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 2 bronze brooch fragments and a Medieval bronze buckle. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 2 bronze brooch fragments and a Medieval bronze buckle. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 2 bronze brooch fragments and a Medieval bronze buckle. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 28 pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 4 brooches and a coin. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 5 bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 5 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 6 bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 6 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 7 bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of 9 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a bronze pin and 4 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of a bronze pin and 4 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins and a mount. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins over the surface of a mound. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins, including a silver denarius. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins, pottery and box flue tile. (Rom) (and BACKLOG) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of eleven coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of eleven coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of five coins and a spoon fragment. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of four coins, a bracelet and a brooch (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery sherds, including 16 rims and 51 body sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds and a coin of Trajan. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of greyware sherds and a coin. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and a few pottery sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including 247 coins, 22 brooches, 3 rings, 2 bracelets and tweezers (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery, including brooch and coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork and pottery. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, detected from a mainly Medieval site (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including 13 coins and brooches. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including 40 coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including a bronze harness fitting. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and brooches (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and brooches (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins and brooches (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins of Severus Alexander and Constantius. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins of Severus Alexander and Constantius. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including coins of Severus Alexander and Constantius. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork, including two coins and a large nail. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalwork. Saxon brooch. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalworks. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of metalworks. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including a lead model of a votive axe, brooch and coins. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including bracelet, brooches and coin. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and a bracelet (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and a bracelet (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and coins. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and coins. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including brooches and coins. (Rom, also IA, Neo) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including samian sherd and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including samian sherd and coins. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork, including tweezers and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery and tile. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery in an area of dark soil with burnt flints (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds and pottery kiln remains. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, coins and brooches. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, including 6 rims, 7 base and 18 body sherds. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile and metalwork. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile, coins and brooches (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile, coins and brooches (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile, coins and brooches (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery, tile, coins and brooches (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of pottery. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of silver denarii coins, including 3 Republican coins and 1 of Tiberius. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of three bronze coins and a Colchester derivative brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of three bronze coins and a Colchester derivative brooch. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tile fragments and possible kiln furniture. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tile fragments and possible kiln furniture. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of tile, possibly a manufacturing site. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of two bronze coins (Find Spot)
  • Roman artefact scatter of two coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter of worn and corroded coins (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Borough Lane (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Borough Lane (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Dingle Nook Farm, Beck Row (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Field adjacent to Keepers Lane (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Freckenham Hall (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including 4 coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a bronze coin (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a brooch, pin and tweezers. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a lead miniature axehead. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a lead miniature axehead. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including a terret ring fragment and brooch fragment. (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including coins and a lead seal matrix (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including coins, bird brooch and a bronze ring. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter, including pottery and brooches (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Low Road (Rom) (BACKLOG) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Mortimers Lane (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Mortimers Lane (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Mortimers Lane (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Mortimers Lane (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, North Street; Field next to Lane End (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Powers Farm (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter, Water Lane (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefact scatter. (Rom) (PAS find)
  • Roman artefat scatter of pottery. (Monument)
  • Roman bronze brooch fragment. Found whilst metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze coin found whilst metal detecting in Aug 1994 (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze coin scatter (Monument)
  • Roman bronze coin, 174-180, silver half groat and brass jetton or token found 'in back garden'. (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze enamelled disc brooch (Find Spot)
  • Roman bronze sestertius, late C2, corroded (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Combs Lane (Monument)
  • Roman coin, Field 0001 (Find Spot)
  • Roman coin, Opposite Beck Common, east of Lee Brook (Monument)
  • Roman coin, Southfield Drive (Find Spot)
  • Roman coins and a brooch (PAS find)
  • Roman copper alloy brooch, Near Kiln Grove (Find Spot)
  • Roman corroded bronze coin, 330-337. (Find Spot)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman Field (Monument)
  • Roman finds, Deben Valley Golf Course (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Roman metalwork scatter (Monument)
  • Roman metalwork scatter, (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman plate brooch, Memorial Meadows (Find Spot)
  • Roman pottery scatter (Monument)
  • Roman pottery scatter found fieldwalking (1995-7). (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman pottery scatter, 'Blacklands' (Monument)
  • Roman pottery sherds, Whalebone Cottage (Monument)
  • Roman pottery, Kenton Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman pottery, West Stow Lake Country Park (Find Spot)
  • Roman radiate coin, High Fen (Monument)
  • Roman Republican bronze uncia of first half of 2nd century BC. Rare British find. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Roman, medieval, and post-medieval finds, Sports ground (Monument)
  • Roman-medieval metal detected finds, Sugarbeet Factory Lagoon (Monument)
  • Rosemary Lane (Monument)
  • Rotten Row Field (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Rotten Row Field (Med) (Monument)
  • Rougham Lupin Field, Great Barton, (Prehistoric). (PAS find)
  • Rumburghplace Farm (Monument)
  • Rumoured Saxon artefact scatter including a coin of Edward the Confessor and Burgred (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Rumoured Saxon artefact scatter including a coin of Edward the Confessor and Burgred (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Rumoured Saxon artefact scatter including a coin of Edward the Confessor and Burgred (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Rumoured Saxon artefact scatter including a coin of Edward the Confessor and Burgred (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Sand Pit Field, Hall Farm (PAS find)
  • 'Sand Track Field', Brandon (Prehistoric). (Monument)
  • Sax metalwork and pottery finds found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Sax metalwork and pottery finds found whilst metal detecting. (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Saxmundham by-pass (Monument)
  • Saxmundham Bypass; OS 5269 (Rom) (Monument)
  • Saxon and medieval artefact metalwork scatter (PAS find)
  • Saxon artefact scatter (Sax) (Monument)
  • Saxon artefact scatter consisting of 83 pottery pieces (Sax) (Monument)
  • Saxon artefact scatter, Telegraph Exchange Field (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon bronze mount (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Saxon finds and features, Vicarage Farm (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Saxon finds, Church Farm (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon findspot, Walpole Hall, Weston (Sax) (PAS find)
  • Saxon metal artefact scatter (PAS find)
  • Saxon metalwork scatter, Tuddenham - Westerfield Pipeline (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Scatter (nature not determined) of pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery found wihlst metal detecting in Oct 2001. (IA) (Monument)
  • Scatter of 4 Medieval coins (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of C13-C14 unglazed pottery, also one ?C12 rim and two abraded post- medieval glazed sherds (Monument)
  • Scatter of LMed/transitional pottery and metalwork. Details in parish file. Also Ipswich ware. (Monument)
  • Scatter of LMed/transitional pottery and metalwork. Details in parish file. Also Ipswich ware. (Monument)
  • Scatter of mainly Med and PMed metalwork from SE corner of field. Metalwork also found in 2002. (Med) (PAS find)
  • Scatter of medieval metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of Medieval metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of Medieval metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of medieval pottery on arable land . (Monument)
  • Scatter of medieval pottery on arable land. (Monument)
  • Scatter of medieval pottery, found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Scatter of medieval pottery, mainly unglazed wares. (Monument)
  • Scatter of medieval silver coins (Med) (Monument)
  • Scatter of metalwork, mostly pmed, found whilst metal detecting in 2003. Also occasional pot sherds. (Pmed) (PAS find)
  • Scatter of Post Medieval and undated metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of post medieval metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of post-medieval metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of post-medieval metalwork (PAS find)
  • Scatter of post-medieval metalwork (PAS find)
  • Scatter of post-medieval worked flints, Cavenham Heath (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery found whilst metal detecting in Oct 2001. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery found whilst metal detecting in Sept 2001. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Scatter of pottery, mainly grey wares but also a samian base found whilst fieldwalking. Various other Rom finds recovered at later stages. (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman coins and a post medieval gilded bronze fragment (Find Spot)
  • Scatter of Roman coins and other metalwork, mainly Sax (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of Roman pottery (Monument)
  • Scatter of Saxon metalwork (Monument)
  • Scatter of Saxon metalwork (Monument)
  • Scottish two-penny piece of Charles I (1625-1649), Seaby 5602. Found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • SE Suffolk Survey - Waldringfield (Monument)
  • SE Suffolk Survey - Waldringfield (Monument)
  • SE Suffolk Survey - Waldringfield (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall (Med) 'Field 402' (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall (Med) 'Field 402' (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall (Rom) (Monument)
  • Seckford Hall rally (Monument)
  • Settlement: pit, pottery, coins and brooches. Seen in gravel pit face. (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Seven-Hills Field' (Monument)
  • 'Seven-Hills Field' (Monument)
  • Sewage Farm, Mildenhall, (Roman) (Monument)
  • Sewage Works (Monument)
  • Shepherd's Farm (Monument)
  • Sherds of samian, grey ware, large storage jar and base of colour coated beaker (Monument)
  • Shield shaped harness mount with 3 lions passant on red enamelled background and LMed purse bar fragment (Monument)
  • Short cross penny of Edward the Confessor, struck on small flans, Norwich mint, moneyer LEOFWINE, struck 1048-1050, weight 1. (Monument)
  • Shrubland Quarry, phase 6 (Monument)
  • Sicklesmere (Monument)
  • Silver coin of Elizabeth I (Find Spot)
  • Silver coin, Antoninianus, 244-249 (Monument)
  • Silver coin, farthing Edward I C13-C14 (S1). (Find Spot)
  • Silver coin. Penny, 1210-17, Henry III. Found metal detecting in Dec 1998 (Find Spot)
  • Silver denarius of ?Augustus (not seen by SAU) found metal detecting. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Silver denarius of Antoninus Pius (AD 138-161), found metal detecting. (Rom) (Find Spot)
  • Silver gilt finger ring of C17 or C18 found metal detecting (Find Spot)
  • Silver half groat of Edward III - London mint (Find Spot)
  • Silver long cross penny found April 1995. Edward I-III (Find Spot)
  • Silver long cross penny of Henry III (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny and half groat and 2 lead weights found metal detecting in 1998 (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny fragment - St Edmund memorial type (?post Cuerdale). Found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Silver penny fragment - St Edmund memorial type (?post Cuerdale). Found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Silver penny fragment - St Edmund memorial type (?post Cuerdale). Found whilst metal detecting. (Monument)
  • Silver penny of Beornwulf of Mercia, AD 823-825. Also bronze spearhead tip fragment - BA found in 2003. (Find Spot)
  • Silver penny, long-cross type Henry V (1413-22) (Find Spot)
  • Silver sax sceat found in 1998. (Find Spot)
  • Silver Street Farm (Find Spot)
  • Six medieval pennies (Monument)
  • Skeltons Drove (Neo) (Monument)
  • Sleighton Hill (Med-Pmed) (Monument)
  • Slough Road (Monument)
  • Small Bronze Age Hoard (PAS find)
  • Small bronze seal matrix, with shield-shaped die and central wolf's head, traces only of inscription (Find Spot)
  • Small bronze tanged and collared chisel/leather working knife (Find Spot)
  • Small copper-alloy (copper) flat axehead. (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Small Field'; 'Lower Field' (BA) (Monument)
  • 'Small field'; 'Lower Field' (Terminal Upper Palaeolithic?-Bronze Age) (Monument)
  • Small group of flint tools - knife and scraper and two flakes within a much larger assemblage of medieval finds. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Small group of probable Bronze Age flintwork including a scraper and flakes found on surface in 2004. (Monument)
  • Small long brooch, strap end, silver coin, 1 sherd ips ware and small scatter med pottery found 2003. (PAS find)
  • Small Medieval artefact scatter of two shield shaped harness pendants (Monument)
  • Small Medieval pottery scatter within the boundaries of an undated cropmark field system. (Monument)
  • Small metalwork scatter found whilst metal detecting in Oct 1997. Includes 2 bronze coins and brooch fragment. Also silver coin found Nov 1997. (Monument)
  • Small metalwork scatter found whilst metal detecting in Oct 1997. Includes 2 bronze coins and brooch fragment. Also silver coin found Nov 1997. (Monument)
  • Small platform gunflint (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of grey ware pottery amongst a lareger Medieval scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of grey ware sherds and storage jar sherds among a larger Medieval scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small Roman artefact scatter of pottery sherds among a larger Medieval scatter. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Small scatter - 2 bronze strap ends (1 sax, 1 unknown) and 2 sherds Rom pottery found metal detecting. (PAS find)
  • Small scatter of burnt flint, with some worked flints (flakes and blades) in the vicinity (S1). (Monument)
  • Small scatter of Roman coins (and BACKLOG) (Find Spot)
  • Small scatter of worked flint found fieldwalking 1995-1997. (Preh) (Monument)
  • Small, complete, bronze shouldered socketed axehead (Find Spot)
  • Small-long and cruciform brooches found metal detecting. (Confidential Monument)
  • Socketed bronze chisel fragment (PAS find)
  • South Elmham Hall (Monument)
  • Spread of C14-C15 pottery, with some possibly C13 (Monument)
  • Spreads of Med pottery in two fields - ? C12-C14. (Med) (Monument)
  • Spreads of Rom grey ware sherds in two fields, weighted towards the two westerly concentrations as shown on the map. (Rom) (Monument)
  • St Edmund Memorial penny, post Cuerdale group, circa AD 905-910, found 1987 with metal detector. (Monument)
  • St Edmund Memorial penny, post Cuerdale group, circa AD 905-910, found 1987 with metal detector. (Monument)
  • Stoneylands; Nursery (IA) (Monument)
  • Stoneylands; Nursery (Rom) (Monument)
  • Stowmarket Road (Find Spot)
  • Strand (Pmed) (Monument)
  • Stray find: horse harness fitting (Med) (Monument)
  • Stray find: silver hooked fastener, metal detected 1999. (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • Stuston General, (Prehistoric) (Poorly Located Find Spot)
  • Stuston lane (PAS find)
  • Subrectangular enclosure & field boundaries (moat?), & a metal detected bronze animal head. (Monument)
  • Surface find, while metal detecting, of complete flaked flint axe. (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Preh) (Monument)
  • Sutton Hoo Visitor Centre (Sax) (Monument)
  • Tanged arrowhead, garden of 21 Church Street (Monument)
  • Taylor's Field; Thurston End (Monument)
  • Tea Cosy Cottage (Monument)
  • The Croft (Med) (Monument)
  • The Fifty (PAS find)
  • The Firs (Monument)
  • The Folly (Monument)
  • The Gables, Ufford Place, Ufford (Monument)
  • The Hayloft, Hall Street (Monument)
  • The Nunnery (Rom) (Monument)
  • The Old School, Wangford Road (Monument)
  • The Rookery Farm (Monument)
  • The Rookery Farm (Monument)
  • The Tudors, Heath Road (Find Spot)
  • Thin scatter of medieval pottery (Monument)
  • Three medieval silver coins, 'Field 7' (Monument)
  • Trimley Shore; "Sleighton Hill" (PMed) (Monument)
  • Two Boy Bishop tokens. (Med) (Monument)
  • Two Edward I long cross pennies, two Nuremberg tokens and a William III penny (AD 1700) found metal detecting (Med) (Monument)
  • Two metal detected coins of Edward I (Monument)
  • Two polished flint axes found (separately) '20-30 years ago' (circa 1980) by farmworker. Details in (S1). (Monument)
  • Two Roman coins and brooch fragment, 'Pagent Field' (Monument)
  • Undated disc brooch and copper alloy pin and awl, Hollow Road Farm (Monument)
  • Undated finds, Pannington Hall Farm (Poorly Located Monument)
  • Undated flat bronze fragment decorated with stamped rings (Find Spot)
  • Undley (Monument)
  • Undley Common (IA) (Monument)
  • Undley Common (IA) (Monument)
  • Undley Common (Monument)
  • Upsher Green (Un) (Monument)
  • USAF (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (Monument)
  • Valley Farm (Monument)
  • Vancouver, Bury Road (Monument)
  • Various med and pmed metalwork found whilst metal detecting in May 1994. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various med and pmed metalwork found whilst metal detecting in May 1994. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various metal detector finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various metal detector finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various metal detector finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various metal detector finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various metal detector finds. (Med) (Monument)
  • Various metal finds found whilst metal detecting including bow brooch, Colchester derivative brooch and coins. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Various metalwork finds found whilst metal detecting in 1996. (Monument)
  • Various pmed metal finds found metal detecting in Nov and Dec, 1994. Include cloth seal and bronze token. (Monument)
  • Various rom metalwork and pottery finds recovered whilst metal detecting. (Rom) (Monument)
  • Various Saxon metal objects found with a metal detector (S1). (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Varoius med and pmed pieces of metalwork found whilst metal detecting in 1995. (Monument)
  • Very small copper-alloy 'knife-dagger' with triangular blade & incomplete broad lozenge tang. Metal detected. (Monument)
  • Vicarage Farm (Med) (Monument)
  • Victorian limestone/chalk block, 6 Downs Place (Monument)
  • W of Cretingham Church (Rom) (Monument)
  • Walnut Tree Field (Rom) (Monument)
  • Walpole Hall, Weston (Med) (Monument)
  • Walpole hall, Weston (Preh) (Monument)
  • Wangford Warren; Forest Compartments 2113/2114 (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Med) (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Rom) (Monument)
  • Water Lane (Sax) (Confidential Monument)
  • Wattisham Meadow; Henry Squirrell's Tenement (Monument)
  • West of Cretingham Church (Sax) (Monument)
  • West of Puthawks Bush Plantation, Bury St Edmunds, (Neolithic-Mesolithic). (PAS find)
  • West of Sewage Works, Clare, (Mesolithic) (PAS find)
  • West Row (Sax) (Monument)
  • West View (Find Spot)
  • Westerfield, Ipswich, (IAS 8305). (Find Spot)
  • Westerfield, Ipswich, (IAS 8306). (Find Spot)
  • Widespread scatter of metal detected finds, mainly Medieval but includes one Late Saxon (?) and various PMed finds as well. (PAS find)
  • Withersfield Road (Med) (Monument)
  • Withersfield Road (Sax) (Find Spot)
  • 'Woodgates' Lattinford Hill (Rom) (Monument)
  • 'Woodgates', Lattinford Hill (BA) (Find Spot)
  • Wortham Ling (Monument)
  • Wortham Ling (Monument)
  • Wyken Wood (W of) (Rom) (Monument)
  • Wyken Wood (W of) (Rom) (Monument)

Referenced Events (96)

Record last edited

Jun 17 2024 2:16PM

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