Context |
Record |
Evidence |
MSF34326 1-3 High Street, Ipswich, (IAS 0104). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4947 65 St. Matthew's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7707). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29031 1 and 2 Duke Street, Haughley (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29337 1 Cobbold Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8520). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32253 1-2 Wherry Lane, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21137 1-3 St Peter's Street (Site of Lord Curzon's House), Ipswich, (IAS 4310). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4965 10-12 St. Matthew's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7004). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29248 10-12 St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5205). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29240 10-14 Orwell Place, Ipswich, (IAS 4705). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25009 10th-12th century features indicating settlement activity (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24417 11-15 Great Colman Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1005). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25507 11, Cross Green (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33940 11th Century to 16th Century field system and enclosure at Chapel Cottages (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35508 11th-12th century pottery sherd, The Hold, Fore Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37781 11th-13th century ditches and possible oven dome, Land Formerly Known As Mark Peacock Landrover (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32179 12th to 14th century pits at 1 Crawley Cottages (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4985 13 Carr Street and corner of (former) Little Colman Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1402). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18594 13 Upper Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3403). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34778 14 Burlington Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7708). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34519 14 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4407). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29360 141-154 London Road/Handford Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9615). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24074 15-17 Eastgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29251 15-17 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5502). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18601 15-17 Tacket Street, (Wingfield House), Ipswich, (IAS 3410). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29229 16 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4402). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8520 16 Museum Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1702). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24527 16 Northgate Street, Bury St. Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29236 16 Tacket Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4505) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29291 16th century pit and animal remains assemblage, Coytes Gardens/Friars Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33133 16th century pond at Sunnyside House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35242 16th-18th century pits and ditch, Ixworth Road, Norton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29378 17 Fore Street, Ipswich, (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4892 17-31 Kingston Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8014). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30091 17th century Palace Stables, Newmarket (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42683 17th to 18th century pit, Post medieval pits and building foundation and undated pits and posthole at 30 High Street, Needham Market (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34461 17th to 18th century pits and possible enclosure at 20 Egremont Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34247 18th and 19th century walls at Rookery Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29014 18th century extraction pits at The Yellow House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30964 18th century pottery at Mazoe (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF38011 18th century refuse pits at Land at Coopers Castle Orchard, Lavenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33946 18th or 19th brick foundations and a sherd of Roman pottery at Giles Way (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37535 18th-19th century pits, White Horse Cottage, The Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24186 19 High Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18578 19 Queen Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3004, IAS 3006). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32743 19th century brick surface at 31 Fore Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37244 19th century brick well and pit, 31 High Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42397 19th Century Building Foundations and brick lined tank on Land at The Old Forge, Ixworth Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37118 19th century building remains, Courtlands, Upper Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25504 19th century building, Riverside Centre (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29307 19th century cellars at Foundation House, Foundation Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31501 19th century chimney at 4 Denham Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29745 19th century clay extraction pits at Roman Hill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34515 19th century culvert at Ickworth House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35328 19th century culvert at Ickworth House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35329 19th century culvert at Ickworth House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28175 19th century ditch and finds, 82-104 Out Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28872 19th century field boundary, Carrs Garage, Thetford Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34669 19th century floor and medieval pottery at an extension to Cockerells Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29611 19th century foundations at 12 Anchor Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28151 19th century gravel pits and bricks at Tayfen Terrace (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30637 19th century land drain and pond at Stutton House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34415 19th century or earlier ditch and wall at Almoner's Barn (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30945 19th century pond and roadside ditch at Gifford's Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29106 19th century wells and smithing waste (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34528 19th century workshop foundations and medieval pottery at Chapel Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29654 19th to 20th century Maltings at Westgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29262 2 Bridge Street Ipswich, (IAS 6202). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29241 2 Orwell Place, Ipswich, (IAS 4706). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24418 2-8 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4705). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10726 20 St. Helen's Street, Ipswich (IAS 3605). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18608 22-4 St Helen's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3601). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8521 23 Westgate Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1802). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25521 24 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5404). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28199 24 Out Risbygate, St Peter's Hospital cemetery (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34745 29 Stoke Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7301). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29605 2a Wingfield Road, Lakenheath, (Mesolithic-Neolithic) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25111 3 Chequer Square, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25131 30 Acre Field, Adjacent to Building 163, Mildenhall. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20399 30 St. Nicholas Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5103). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24935 30-31 College Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32094 31 Stoke Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31425 32 - 38 Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS3201), (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24330 32 St Andrew's Street South (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4751 33 St Georges Street (Back of), Ipswich, (IAS 7006). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18600 33 Upper Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3409) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18623 33-35 Silent Street, Ipswich, (IA 4204). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29226 34 Silent Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4301). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19077 36 Cornhill (ex Lawsons TV shop) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23673 4 Church Cottages (garden) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25012 403-439 Bramford Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21658 44-47 St Andrews Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18617 45 Upper Orwell Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3801). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18554 46-48 Westgate street, Ipswich, (IAS 0103). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24419 47 Wherstead Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7606). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20557 50 Churchgate Street, 61-63 College Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17966 51 High Street/Cross Green (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23935 55 Fore Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF11353 57-61 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4905). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25107 6 Cannon Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35621 6 Everton Crescent, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21146 6 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4406). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8523 6-10 Arcade Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1804). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4902 60 Berners Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7003). (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF24782 64 Southgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF22036 7 Sparhawk Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23816 7 The Highlands, Exning (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24245 7-14 Narrow Way, Wenhaston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29305 7-9 Russell Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35362 7-9 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24566 8 Wherry Lane / Isaac Lord complex, Ipswich, (IAS 6606). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF5016 8-10 Princes Street, Ipswich, (IAS 2701). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28201 83 Tollgate Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24768 85-87 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6106) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29233 9 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4502). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34525 9 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4503). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10725 90/92, Old Skipper Café, Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6602). (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF21687 99 Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 6101). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24931 99-101 Fore Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36366 A Bronze Age ring ditch and a late Saxon enclosure, Land of Loraine Way, Sproughton, Ipswich (MGS) GEO (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30244 A large hollow with Roman pottery AW PIPELINE Trench 113 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37943 A ring ditch and undated ditches forming the remains of a field system, Park Farm, Chapel Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32261 A single ditch of medieval or post medieval at Farm Cottage (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29510 A single undated ditch at Lackford Solar Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35493 A wall and possible drain found at 61 Sands Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29204 A11 Fiveways to Thetford Road Improvement, AREA 7 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37645 Abbey precint wall and building evidence, 26 Angel Hill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32441 Adjacent Brandon Fields Pit, (Mesolithic). (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF34773 Adjacent to junction of Vernon Street/Wherstead Road and Great Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7602). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26702 Albion Wharf, Ipswich, (IAS 6406). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25007 Aldham Mill Hill, Hadleigh (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25010 Aldham Mill Hill, Hadleigh (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24423 Alexander House, 73-81 St Matthew's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7717). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24480 Alexandra House, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28737 All Saint's Church Churchyard (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4744 Allenby Road, (Hadleigh Road), Ipswich, (IAS 7901). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29384 Alnesbourne Crescent, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF45792 An area of Roman occupation and possible Road, NWof Hundon (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24775 Angel Hotel, Bury St Edmunds (Medieval). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21617 Anglo-Saxon Settlement and Cemetery, Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34435 Archaeological Evaluation: Land off South Entrance, Saxmundham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF22985 Audi Garage; Suffolk Business Park Site B1 (Un) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34817 Augusta Close, Ipswich, (IAS 9128). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF6714 Babwell Friary; Fornham Priory; The Vinery (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF9571 Barbers Point (Sax) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8525 Barclays Bank, Thoroughfare, Ipswich, (IAS 2302). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37898 Barn at Poplar Farm, Chapel Road (Building) |
Evidence |
MSF29515 Battle of Britain Display, Lakenheath (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23232 Beccles Trackway, Beccles Marshes (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25338 Biogas Plant, Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF3153 Bird's Meadow, Gipsy's Lane (PMed) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34530 Blackfriars Priory (Friary), Ipswich, (Dr John Blatchley Excavation, 1976), (IAS 4703, IAS 4704). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10896 Blackfriars Priory (Friary), Ipswich, (Nina Layard Excavation 1898). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34822 Block of land East of Wherstead Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9311). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4721 Bolton & Co Brickyard, Henley Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8009), (Mesolithic). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17532 Bolton & Laughlins Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8006). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4884 Boss Hall, Sproughton Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7904). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26651 Botany Farm, Farnham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10669 Bramford Pit (Coe's Pit); Pits 1 & 2, Bramford, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21893 Brihtoluestuna; off Murrills Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29206 Bronze Age and Romano-British enclosure and occupation (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34561 Bronze Age Burnt Mound and cremation cemetery, Iron Age D-shaped enclosure and Roman Enclosure, Land NW of Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46657 Bronze Age burnt mound and Pond at Eye Airfield Progress Power site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34576 Bronze Age concentric ring ditch and cremation burials, Land at High Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37654 Bronze Age cremations and later prehistoric and Saxon-Medieval activity at Fitzgerald Rd, Bramford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37500 Bronze Age ditch and post-medieval ditches, Proposed Agricultural Reservoir, Nether Hall Farm (SA) GEO (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35576 Bronze Age Pit, Iron Age Post hole structure and occupation and Post Medieval ditches at East Anglia One Area 46 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38026 Bronze Age pit, two medieval ditches, and undated features, Land south of The Paddocks, Old London Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF3840 Bronze Age ring ditch, part of a complex of four barrows (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37158 Bronze Age ring ditches, a square Iron Age enclosure, and an extensive Roman enclosure, Land at Aldham Mill Hill, Hadleigh (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37794 Bronze Age to Post Medieval remains, North-East of Beech Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31246 Bronze Age, Iron Age and Saxon features identified at Land South of Main Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37811 Bronze Age, Saxon-early medieval, and post medieval activity at Land off Loraine Way, Bramford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21984 Broom Hill and Fox's Carr (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21683 Building at Corner Orwell Street/Key Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32077 Bus Station development, St Andrews Street North, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF5023 Butter Market/18 Tavern Street, Ipswich, (IAS 2401). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF11247 Buttermarket Shopping Centre Development, Buttermarket and St. Stephens Lane, Ipswich (IAS 3104). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8833 Calke Wood, Rickinghall, (Mesolithic) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33144 Candlet Road, Cowpasture Farm, Felixstowe (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24946 Cardinal Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5002). (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF23656 Castle Cottage, Castle Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF15491 Catchwater Drain, Mildenhall, (Mesolithic-Roman) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24515 Cathedral Centre and North Transcept (Med) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF6754 Cathedral Centre and North Transcept (Sax) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39822 Cavenham Quarry, Cavenham (Mesolithic). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16584 Cecelia Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5001). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34951 Chalk extraction pit of possible medieval to early post medieval date at Homefield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26638 Cherry Tree Public House, Debenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF12938 Chesterfield Drive, Castle Hill, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34798 Chesterfield Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 8207). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31297 Chilton Leys, Stowmarket, Phase 1, Phase 2 and 3. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14192 Christchurch Park, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF13896 Church of All Saints (Building) |
Evidence |
MSF5275 Church of St Mary (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14974 Church of St Mary churchyard (Sax) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14130 Church of St Peter (Building) |
Evidence |
MSF14121 Church of St Peter (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16930 Church of St. Mary at the Quay, Foundation Street, Ipswich (IAS 5802). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23828 Churchfields Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25524 Clare Priory Church (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4761 Clover Close, Speedwell Road, Violet Close, Ipswich, (IAS 9508). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19296 Co-op Dairy, Boss Hall, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19890 College Heath Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23784 College Heath Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29249 College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5303). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF12461 Comb shops, Boby Trading Estate (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23388 Consolidated Communications Building, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8519 Corner of 55/57 Westgate Street, Ipswich, (IAS 1701). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34403 Corner of Falcon Street and (former) Market Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 3005). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29257 Corner of Star Lane and Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5907). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16918 County Farm (Preh) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23559 County Hall, Ipswich, (IAS 6701). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34458 Cox Lane Car Park, Ipswich, (IAS 3412). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF9565 Cox Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 3502). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34448 Cox Lane/Union Street, Ipswich. (IAS 3503). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23786 Cranfields Mill, Ipswich, (IAS 6405). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSZ27330 Cropmarks of a large circular enclosure (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSZ27443 Cropmarks of a ring ditch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSZ27332 Cropmarks of trackway and field boundaries (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4921 Crouched Burial, Dales Road Brickfield; Bolton & Laughlin's Pit, Ipswich. (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF18557 Crown and Anchor, 10b-14 Westgate Street, Ipswich, (IAS 0703) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23812 Culford School Air Tennis Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46622 D Shaped enclosure and evidence of late Iron Age and Roman occupation, W of Desning Hall Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4976 Debenhams, Waterloo House, 1-10a Westgate St. and 5 Cornhill, Ipswich, (IAS 0701). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29087 Denbet, Mill Road, Hengrave (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4518 Devil's Wood Pit, Sproughton, (Palaeolithic-Mesolithic) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36251 Ditch (Ipswich UAD child record) |
Evidence |
MSF30235 Ditch with two goat skeletons AW PIPELINE Trench 123 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29228 Dog's Head Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4401). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29231 Dog's Head Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4404). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34534 Dominican Friary, Ipswich, SPECULATIVE, (IAS 4703, IAS 4704) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27287 Downham Hill Lodge Warren, Santon Downham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25335 Drinkstone Hall Farm: Archaeological evaluation (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23810 Drovers Went, Moreton Hall (now Daisy Avenue) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28616 Early and Late Iron Age settlement and agricultural activity, A11 - EXC AREA 10 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28811 Early Bronze Age pit and post medieval features at Land at Mount Pleasant (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35351 Early Bronze Age pits and Roman ditches, Days Road, Capel St Mary (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35313 Early Neolithic and Early Iron Age pit clusters, Land to the East of Kings Warren (Phase B) (Allocated Number) |
Evidence |
MSF34577 Early Neolithic and Early/Middle Iron Age activity and an unusual Bronze Age ditched enclosure, Land off Stowmarket Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28018 Early Neolithic square and sub-square enclousures and possible trackway? West Farm, Barnham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35805 Early prehistoric and Roman activity, Land off Grove Hill, Belstead (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18998 Early Saxon Features, Sacker's Yard, Bramford Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7927). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28392 Early Saxon pit and three Medieval/Post-Medieval ditches. Land at County Farm, Church Field Road. Chilton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32683 Early to Middle 19th century wall at biomass boiler conversion, Ickworth House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40608 Early to Middle Romano British Settlement activity on land At Place Farm The Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25499 Earlybirds Pre-School (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF6727 East Close, Bury St Edmunds (Medieval-Post Medieval, with Mesolithic). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26800 Eastern Triangle, Ipswich, (IAS 5903). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20564 Eldon Farm, Holywell Row, Mildenhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17139 Ellough Airfield; Bernard Matthews Turkey Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4797 Elm Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3902). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21436 Elm Street, Ipswich, (IAS AT01). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23817 Euston Reservoir, Sapiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF13090 Euston to Cambridge mains water pipeline Thetford Aqueduct pipeline route, Field 1400 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24874 Evaluation identified evidence of medieval occupation. Three Ponds, Hoxne. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38335 Evaluation trenching identified a Late Post Medieval Pit. Chestnut Tree Farm, Denham Rd (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34816 Evaluation, Sports Centre, Maryon Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9124). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37108 Evidence of an post medieval structure at Land at Spencer Fell House, Church Lane, Great Wenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30650 Evidence of Bronze Age settlement (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19025 Evidence of the medieval Green and a circular chalk line structure (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17415 Ex Firmin's Site, Handford Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9612). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17931 Excavation, Marks & Spencer Extension, 24 - 26 Westgate Street, (IAS 0602) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24171 Excavation, St. Josephs College Icehouse, Ipswich, (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39641 Farmstead: Lower Farm (Farmstead) |
Evidence |
MSF27227 Farmstead: Slough Farmhouse (Farmstead) |
Evidence |
MSF24641 Farmstead: Valley Farm (Farmstead) |
Evidence |
MSF37828 Features of possible post-medieval date at Eye Library, 6 Cross Street, Eye (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF12558 Field OS 7570, Bucklesham to Alton Water Raw Water Main, Bucklesham, (Prehistoric-Medieval). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17722 Flixton Park (quarry) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25354 Flood alleviation Scheme, Eastgate Street, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31236 Fore Street (Star Lane) (IAS 5902). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10724 Fore Street, Neptune Quay, Ipswich, (IAS 6601). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25596 Former Cardinal Works Site, College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5305). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29283 Former Cardinal Works Site, Ipswich, (IAS 5305). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30073 Former field boundary, Rogers Farm, Boxford. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24930 Former Railway Depot, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37691 Former river banks, Abbey Gardens Play Area (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34556 Former School Street, Ipswich, (1893 drainage operations). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24586 Former Smoke House Inn, Mildenhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36421 Former Sugar Beet Factory, Sproughton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF12753 Fornham By-Pass (area C), Fornham St Martin. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40029 Fornham Park, Forham St Genevieve, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31231 Foundation Street (Cranfield’s car park), Ipswich, (IAS 5801). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24960 Foundation Street and Former School Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4801, IAS 4802). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37533 Foundation walls of The White House, The Cockpit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38318 Foundations of a 19th century building at Land at Plough Farm, Hinderclay (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40474 Foundations of the Outer Bailey wall of Bunday Castle at Land at the rear of 51-55 Earsham Street, Bungay (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29202 Four undated pits WB AREA 3 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF13720 Foxhall Sand Pit, Foxhall, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF11965 Foxs Heath, Ipswich, (IAS 9119). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27480 Franciscan Way/Wolsey Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5003). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20355 Friars Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4102). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29368 Gainsborough Sports and Community Centre, Braziers Wood Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35619 Geophysical anomalies, Land north of Norton Road (COT) EVL EXC (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17709 Goddard Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8121). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35391 Graves at The Priory Hotel, Tollgate Lane, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4942 Great Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7501). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34772 Great Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7503). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4932 Great Whip Street/Vernon Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7401). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34424 Green Farm, Ilketshall St Lawrence (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27479 Greyfriars (Franciscan) Friary, Ipswich, SPECULATIVE. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31238 Greyfriars Road (Island Site), Ipswich, (IAS 5204). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31441 Greyfriars Road, Ipswich, (IAS 5201). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31442 Greyfriars Road/St. Peters Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5202). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29335 Grimwade Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28817 Group of ditches and pits (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31391 Group of Neolithic/Bronze Age ring ditches (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16908 Halifax Shipyard, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29357 Handford Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF9027 Haylands Drove; F27 & F28; OS Fields 3200 & 6100 (BA) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35254 Henley Gate, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14814 Highbridge Gravel Drove, Lakenheath (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24500 Highfield Nursery, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29292 Highfields Nursery School, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF12701 Hill Farm Reservoir (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24196 Hilton Farm, Badingham Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF119 Home Heath, Lackford, Todd Excavation, (Mesolithic). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25113 Honey Hill, Brewers Garage, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23811 Household Waste Centre, Hadenham Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24585 Intensive Romano-British rural landscape at Former Smoke House Inn (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21472 Ipswich Airport Perimeter, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21471 Ipswich Airport, Area of Medieval Features, (IAS 9134). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21470 Ipswich Airport, Area of Roman Features, (IAS 9133). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25331 Ipswich and Norwich Co-Operative Society, Boss Hall, (IAS 7919). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27987 Iron Age / Roman features. North Farm, Barnham (BNH 069). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23797 Iron Age and possible Roman features at Haverhill Business Park (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46662 Iron Age and Roman activity at Eye Airfield Progress Power site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28313 Iron Age and Roman features at Carlton Colville bypass (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31493 Iron Age and Roman occupation site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32763 Iron Age settlement activity and field systems (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34559 Iron Age Storage Pits and other Early Iron Age activity (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34286 Iron Age to Roman Occupation, Late Saxon Pit and a ditch of Medieval date or later at Warrens Barn, Jacks Field, The Street, Witnesham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34049 Iron Age trackway, post holes and Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age pits and ditches at Mushroom Farm. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34413 Isolated post medieval ditch at GR Warehouse Site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27281 Jude's Ferry Bridge, Mildenhall (Un) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4915 Junction of Lowestoft and Felixstowe Railways, Ipswich, Suffolk, (IAS 8401). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24932 Kennings/Sixt Hire Centre, Duke Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21680 Key Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5901). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34792 King George V Playing Field, Ipswich, (IAS 8120). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8751 King's Site, Wilde Street, Mildenhall, (Palaeolithic) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF6710 Kyleborne Close (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40285 Land Adjacent to Ash End, Great Barton, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38140 Land Adjacent to the Church Institute, Great Barton. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25528 Land adjacent to The Old Vicarage (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34806 Land at 10 St. John's Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8601). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35354 Land at Easton Primary School, Easton. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31537 Land at Hollow Road Farm, Fornham St Martin. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26795 Land at Orchard Street, Ipswich, Suffolk. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24880 Land behind 42 Churchgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26639 Land behind 85 Guildhall Steet, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29285 Land between Edward Close & Bramford Road, Rear of 1-25 Kingston Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34769 Land East of Barrow Hill, Barrow, (Mesolithic-Modern). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28921 Land North of Lion Road, Glemsford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37035 Land North-east of Street Farm, Saxmundham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37236 Land northeast of Anson Road, Martlesham (SA) MON (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25340 Land off Broadlands Way, Bixley Farm, Rushmere St Andrew (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20563 Land off Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37770 Land off Fishponds Way, Haughley (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19088 Land off Gardeners Walk (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23813 Land off Ullswater Road, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29487 Land Opposite 18-30A Aldeburgh Road, Leiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37775 Land south of Chapelwent Road, Haverhill. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30957 Land south of Featherbroom Gardens, Wickham Market (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38998 Land south of Gipping Road, Stowupland (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25121 Land South of railway line, Westerfield Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30011 Land South of Worlington Road, Mildenhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37237 Land to the east of Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham Cum Thorpe. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40417 Land to the West of Stowmarket Road, Great Blakenham, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14735 Land west of Willow Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37793 Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Ditches, Saxon Gully and Medieval features, Boyton Hall to Kedington pipeline (Allocated Number) |
Evidence |
MSF46668 Late Bronze Age to Roman Occupation at East Anglia One Area 28, Land to the South of Martlesham Creek (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42932 Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age field system, Land off Chapel Lane, (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35460 Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age and Iron Age activity, Land at Barking Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35435 Late Iron Age ditch and pottery at Fynn Valley Golf Club (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29651 Late Iron Age or Roman pit at 9 Rivish House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21708 Late Iron Age to Roman features at Barham Quarry (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27867 Late Iron Age to Roman field system and Bronze Age ring ditch at Foxburrow Farm. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32804 Late Iron Age/ Early Roman agricultural landscape, Land to southeast of The Dell, Meadow Farm Lane, Hollesley (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37633 Late Iron Age/Romano-British ditches and WW2 pits, A140 Eye Airfield Roundabout (North) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26525 Late medieval deposits and building evidence, 29-31 Southgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32571 Late medieval or early post medieval oven at Land at 36 The Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21926 Late medieval pit and post-medieval features, 71 Guildhall Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19266 Late medieval pits, Alandale, Cotton Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35587 Late Medieval to Post Medieval activity at EAOne Site 11, and Bronze Age cremations at site 11b on Land off Cockfield Hall Lane, Westerfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31415 Late medieval to post medieval features at Lodge Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35744 Late medieval/post-medieval rubbish pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35588 Late Neolithic to Bronze Age pits, Bronze Age Creamation, Post Medieval Field Boundaries and undated features, East Anglia One Area 12, Witnesham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38082 Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age pit and ditch, Land at School Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37843 Late Neolithic to Possible Medieval features at Barham Quarry (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28613 Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age burnt mound (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36955 Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age features and undated ditches, Elm Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34211 Late post medieval building debris and floor at Little Wenham Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38483 Late Post-medieval features at The White House, Old Haverhill Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37310 Late post-medieval rubbish pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38175 Late prehistoric and Late post Medieval activity at Lime Tree Farm, Tunstall Road, Blaxhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38512 Late prehistoric and Roman fetaures at Land east of Artiss Close and Rotheram Road, Bildeston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29484 Late Prehistoric and Romano-British agricultural activity at Galloper offshore Wind Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39251 Late Prehistoric to Iron Age activity, Iron Age to Roman Cremation, Land off Westerfield Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35601 Late Prehistoric, Medieval, and post Medieval activity at Land South of Top Street, Martlesham - East Anglia One Area 25 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36710 Late Saxon and medieval rural activity, Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35364 Late Saxon occupation activity, Land South of Norton Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35556 Late Saxon/Medieval occupation at Burlington House, Cavendish Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38360 Later prehistoric and post-medieval activity at Land Adjacent To 96 Stowmarket Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35441 Later Prehistoric and Roman occupation evidence, Land at Donards, Badwell Ash (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27953 Later prehistoric features and finds. Land south east of Low Farm. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35062 Later prehistoric field system at Ipswich Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37104 Later prehistoric flints and a post-medieval wall footing, Land off Norman Way (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34674 Later Prehistoric pit and 19th to 20th century stable at Highfields (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40607 Later Prehistoric Pits and Post medieval linear boundary ditches on land At Place Farm The Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40609 Later Prehistoric settlement remains Land At Place Farm The Street. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38008 Later prehistoric, medieval and post medieval features at Land adjacent to Woodlands, Main Road, Chelmondiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28812 Later prehistoric, Roman and undated ditches at Mills Meadow Residential Home (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42595 Later prehistoric, Roman, and Medieval activity at Gateway 14 (Evaluation N. of Mill Lane) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27333 Lawn Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23815 Liberty Village East, RAF Lakenheath (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23814 Liberty village, RAF Lakenheath (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34374 Library, Northgate Street, Ipswich (IAS 1002) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4940 Little Whip Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7404). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24929 Littles Crescent, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31405 Long's Dairy, Lowestoft. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17759 Lovetofts Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 8122). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF15767 Lovetofts, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20434 Low Road, Debenham, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29391 Lower Brook Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5505). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29279 Makro Site, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34805 Manor Ballroom, Ipswich, (IAS 8512). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF5571 Manor Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27326 Meddler Stud, Kentford. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40418 Medieval activity at Stowupland School, Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32529 Medieval activity possibly related to the former hamlet of Felchurch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37039 Medieval agricultural and suggested industrial activity, Land adjacent 54 All Saints Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28057 Medieval agricultural remains (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33784 Medieval and 18th century walls, No.1 High Street, Lowestoft (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39896 Medieval and post medieval activity at Land between 19 and 23 Ravensmere (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF43106 Medieval and post medieval activity at Land East Of Sand Hill, Boxford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42679 Medieval and Post Medieval earthwork features- Warren Hill - Stewardship Plan (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38075 Medieval and post Medieval features at Land to the West of Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37986 Medieval and post medieval features at Red House Farm, Sudbury Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35241 Medieval and post medieval features at the Land to the rear of Three Mariners (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31277 Medieval and post medieval features at The Walnut Tree (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39620 Medieval and post medieval features including oak post alignment, Home Farm The Green (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20795 Medieval and post medieval finds, Old Butchers Shop (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35013 Medieval and post medieval layers at Redwick House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33934 Medieval and post medieval pits at 40 College Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32182 Medieval and post medieval pits ditches (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27863 Medieval and post-medieval ditches (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19106 Medieval and post-medieval ditches and quarry, Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36794 Medieval and post-medieval features, 100 Southgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23333 Medieval and post-medieval features, Green and Green, 80 Guildhall Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24774 Medieval and post-medieval structures, Eastgate Barns, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19607 Medieval and post-medieval surfaces Northgate Business Park (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32065 Medieval and undated features, Areas 2 & 3, Land at Moreton Hall, Great Barton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28842 Medieval animal burial and features at Cornerstones (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27691 Medieval boundary ditch at the Rear of Albany House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25500 Medieval building at Chevington Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24047 Medieval Cellar and 18th century workhouse foundations, 57-59 College Street; Jesus College (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4977 Medieval Cemetery, Debenhams Waterloo House, 1-10a Westgate St and 5 Cornhill, (IAS 0701). EXCAVATED EXTENT (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28205 Medieval clay wall and early post medieval platform feature at 33 Southgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32621 Medieval Coarseware and pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27988 Medieval ditch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28605 Medieval ditch system and post medieval field boundaries at Ellough Airfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37816 Medieval ditch, Land adjacent Popes Farm, Pamments Lane, West Row (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37935 Medieval Ditches and pit and undated ditches, natural features and hollows at BP Garage Development Pipeline, Old Bury Road. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46663 Medieval ditches and pits and Post medieval field systems and ditches at Westerfield Road, Ipswich (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35789 Medieval ditches and pits, Green Lane, Reydon (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35596 Medieval ditches and Post Medieval Drainage ditches and field boundaries at East Anglia One Area 20, Land south of Great Bealings (Allocated Number) |
Evidence |
MSF34948 Medieval ditches and post medieval quarry pits at Pink Cottages (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37817 Medieval ditches and post-medieval postholes, Land at Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35810 Medieval ditches, Abbey View Lodges, Leiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34575 Medieval domestic features including drying ovens at land behind 79 Whitling Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30686 Medieval extraction pits, walls and well at 1 Bulmer Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33267 Medieval feature and associated finds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35064 Medieval features at Cornhill, Ipswich (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32895 Medieval features at Little Finborough Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34264 Medieval features, 16-17th century Gable-ended buildings and 19th century Workhouse: 57-59 College Street, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37690 Medieval features, Land at Chapel Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31478 Medieval features, Land west of Church Farm, Buxhall Road, Brettenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25543 Medieval features, Manson House, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36998 Medieval field system and stock enlosures, Old Station Road, Halesworth (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24530 Medieval footings and post-medieval down pipes, Guildhall, Bury St Edmunds, Storm Drain Improvements & Excavations (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24531 Medieval foundations, Rear elevations, Guildhall, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29477 Medieval grain processing features , Greater Gabbard Wind Farm Onshore Works, Sizewell Wents, Leiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28200 Medieval ground level, Aviary Abbey Gardens (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25591 Medieval layers and wall, Shire Hall car park, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29120 Medieval moat enclosure and Post Medieval building footing. Spring Farm, Hessett (HTT 018) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34444 Medieval occupation activity, Land south of Bull Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32113 Medieval or earlier layer containing peg-tile fragments, 119/120 Southgate St., Bury St. Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31444 Medieval or Post Medieval boundary at 122 St Margarets Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33200 Medieval or post-medieval pits, Stradbroke (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34299 Medieval oven or hearth at Burnt Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28206 Medieval pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32235 Medieval pit at Land at Dover Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38535 Medieval pit at Pumping Station, Stoke Road, Clare (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28214 Medieval pit, Radford House, No. 54 St John's Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37870 Medieval pits and a ditch indicating occupation, 13 Callis Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21832 Medieval pits and chalk surface, 40 College Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35505 Medieval pits and ditches, Land West of Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24881 Medieval pits and oven, 71-72 Churchgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26644 Medieval pits and postholes Shire Hall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46682 Medieval Pits, Post Medieval pits and field boundary, Second World War Firing range, Land NW of Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34460 Medieval pits, two possible ponds, and the footings of a small building. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28970 Medieval plot boundaries and assoicated settlement evidence, Chapel Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34276 Medieval pottery sherd and post medieval pits at Mulberry House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37643 Medieval pottery sherd, land at the White House (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF34334 Medieval quarry pits, Guildhall Feoffment School (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28204 Medieval quarrying and 19th pit and well identified at 70 Northgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31332 Medieval quarrying and ditch at Amberley (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28169 Medieval quarrying and waste pits (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32184 Medieval refuse pits (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37314 Medieval remains, Giffords Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35595 Medieval Ridge and Furrow and Post Medieval Ditch and agricultural evidnece at East Anglia One Area 19 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46669 Medieval Ridge and furrow and Post Medieval ditches, quarry and a bomb crater and undated features, East Anglia One Area 28 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23595 Medieval roadside settlement, Great Blakenham Waste transfer site, Site 2, Bramford Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36007 Medieval settlement activity, Land at Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37881 Medieval to late post Medieval features at Land Adjacent to The Great House Hotel, Market Place, Lavenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37694 Medieval to post-medieval agricultural activity, Manor Farm, The Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24783 Medieval Walls, 28 Friary Meadow, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29732 Medieval, post medieval and undated ditches and postholes at Barnard's Meadow (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34612 Medieval, post Medieval, and undated activity at Johnson's Farm, Leiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39135 Medieval, Post-Medieval ditches and pits, at Field 1, Plot 700, Suffolk Business Park, Rougham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27841 Medieval/Post medieval ditch, 2 The Green, Great Bricett (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28191 Medieval/Post Medieval Features and Finds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37779 Medieval/post-medieval pit and a post medieval ditch, Ireland's Meadow (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18184 Mellis Green (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39311 Mid 9th to 12th Century pottery and butchered animal bone at Proposed car park, Upper Barclay Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42398 Mid- 20th Century Ditch on Land at Purdis Rise, Purdis Lane Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29643 Mid-Late Iron Age/Roman ditches and a Roman field system (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36995 Middle Bronze Age Cremation and Iron Age occupation evidence at Electrical Substation, Rougham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34541 Middle Late Saxon Cemetary North, Blackfriars, Ipswich (IAS 4801, IAS 4802). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34566 Middle Late Saxon Cemetary South, Blackfriars, Ipswich (IAS 4801, IAS 4802). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28813 Middle Saxon, medieval, and post medieval activity at Land at Fairfield Road, Framlingham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF3146 Mill Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31306 Mill Lane, Creeting St Peter (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25526 Moat Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29180 Monitoring at Avenue Farm (SCCAS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30512 Monitoring of a trench excavated in the garden of Rose Cottage, Stowlangtoft. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31494 Monitoring of footing trench. Land adjacent the Bull Inn, Thorpe Morieux (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37714 Monitoring of ground works revealed a few stray finds of Later Post Medieval. The Sergeants House, 84a High St (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30789 Monitoring revealed evidence of limited activity from Late Saxon/Early Medieval to Post Medieval periods. Moat Farm, Thorpe Morieux (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19587 Morrison's Supermarket, Boss Hall, Ipswich, (IAS 7929). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38336 Mortar and flint deposit, St Andrew's Church, Litle Glemham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18894 Moyses Hall, 41/41A Cornhill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31492 Multi period activity at The Forge, 8 Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35585 Multi phase occupation on East Anglia One Area 9 at Land to the north of St Marys Church, Akenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30509 Multi phased occupation, Stie 16, Flixton Quarry (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35291 Multi-period activity at Land East of Longfield Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF45084 Multi-period activity at Land south of Darsham Station, Darsham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF13417 Multi-period activity, Sinks Pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38608 Multi-period features at Land South of Ipswich Road, Brantham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35383 Multi-period occupation, Mildenhall Community Hub (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19529 Multi-period settlement activity, Firecrest Nursery (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14026 Multi-period site, RAF Wattisham, (Roman-Medieval). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40077 Multi-period site, RAF Wattisham, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35613 Multi-phase, late prehistoric, Romano-British and Anglo-Saxon activity, East Anglia One Area 37 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24027 Nacton Road Improvements, former Ipswich Airfield, Ransomes Europark, (IAS 9127). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29380 Nacton Road Site, Ipswich (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29379 Nacton Road Site, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29381 Nacton Road Site, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35776 Neolithic and Bronze Age pits at Land north and east of Hill Farm Road, Halesworth (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29734 Neolithic and Roman features identified at Pakefield Middle and Primary Schools (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26548 Neolithic Feature containing large quantities of pottery (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35461 Neolithic pits and ditches associated with the Roman road, Land West of Ixworth Road (STR) GEO (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35586 Neolithic pits, Bronze Age pits, Post Medieval Ditches and Pits and Modern features at East Anglia One Area 10 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35584 Neolithic pits, Late Bronze Age feature, Iron Age to Roman Roundhouse and occupation and Post Medieval field boundary at East Anglia One Area 8 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF17359 Neolithic to Bronze Age features and Iron Age cremations at Ingham Quarry (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35604 Neolithic to Middle Bronze Age Occupation East Anglia One Area 28 (EXC) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28945 Neolithic to Middle Iron Age features and Medieval ditches at South Lowestoft Industrial Estate (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35375 Neolithic, Iron Age, and Saxon activity, Suffolk Park Business Extension (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF41706 Neolithic/Bronze Age activity at Land North-East of Flordon Road, Creeting St. Mary (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10021 New Martins Bank, 6 Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS 3001). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24169 New Playing Fields, Thurleston High School, Whitton, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8518 New Wolsey Theatre, Civic Drive, Ipswich, (IAS 1604). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24439 No 6 St Mary's Square, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF6755 North Transept, St James Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4882 Norwich Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8204). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19291 Norwich Road/Valley Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7012). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28968 Oak House Farm, Gislingham. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF3942 Old Bury Road, Palgrave (Mesolithic). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35317 Old Foundary Road, Ipswich, (IAS AH01) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35318 Old Foundary Road, Ipswich, (IAS AH02). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4991 Old Foundry Road, Ipswich, (IAS 1501). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24431 Orangery at Cockerells Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24188 Orchard View, Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
Evidence |
MSF28798 OUTLINE RECORD: FLIXTON QUARRY (PHASE17/18) - MON (Allocated Number) |
Evidence |
MSF37336 OUTLINE RECORD: Land NW of Haverhill (OAE) EXC (Allocated Number) |
Evidence |
MSF38255 Palmers Bakery, The Green (Building) |
Evidence |
MSF30306 Parallel ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 168 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21686 Pauls plc, Key Street, (IAS 5906). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF3260 Peartree Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34943 Phase A Land to the east of Kings Warren, Red Lodge (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23739 PIK Housing, Washington Street (IA) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30239 Pit containing fragments of Medieval tile AW PIPELINE Trench 118 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29704 Possible 16th century layer and Post medieval features at the Old Rectory (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28174 Possible 19th century pits, 39A St Johns Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28766 Possible barrow and cremations and other multi-period features (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32322 Possible Bronze Age ditch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37623 Possible Bronze Age post hole and small Roman pit, Ingham North Solar Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27890 Possible ditch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31419 Possible evidence of Early Iron Age metal working (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20336 Possible features and worked flints, RAF Lakenheath, Perimeter Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33541 Possible Iron Age Droveway and other prehistoric to Roman features at Land Rear of 49-55 Schoolfield, Glemsford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32070 Possible Late Bronze Age pit and WWII ditch at Land off Copeland Way (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23870 Possible Late Iron Age or Roman roundhouse at Plot 1, Ann Suckling Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20364 Possible Late Saxon/Medieval excecution site at 46-48 Woodcock Rise (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21638 Possible medieval chapel and graves, 25 Out Risbygate; St Peter's Hospital (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33816 Possible Moat or Pond at Willisham Hall, Willisham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37879 Possible moat, pond or ditch at 1a -1c, Coltsfoot Road, Ipswich (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34110 Possible modern ditch with medieval or post medieval fired clay at Cemetery Hill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23577 Possible parallel Medieval ditches? Smear Farm, Reydon (REY 059) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32344 Possible pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31305 Possible post medieval pits at Reydon Business Park (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30610 Possible post medieval quarry at Hunts Meadow (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31543 Possible practice trench and undated ditches at Aldhurst Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37516 Possible prehistoric drainage feature on Land at Lignacite Works, Norfolk (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32532 Possible prehistoric occupation site and early medieval postholes and pit at Land at Nunn's Mill, Quayside (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34416 Possible ring-ditch and a Romano-British field system, St James' Business Park (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37527 Possible Roman chalk extraction pit, Old Hall Estate, Needham Rd (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37788 Possible Roman ditch, Land at Scole Roundabout (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37151 Possible small Roman farmstead and post-medieval field system, New Processing Plant Eye Airfield (COT) EXC (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27894 Possible undated extraction pit at Land at Dunwich Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31402 Possible undated post hole at Land off Fred Dannet Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29392 Possible WWII bomb crater at Piper's Vale, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28165 Possible yard surface, 82 Risbygate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38112 Post emdieval features at Land adjacent Wyverstone Road, Bacton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31248 Post medieval and a possible medieval pit at Rear of 33-39 Beeches Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38070 Post medieval and modern features at 25 Church Street, Lavenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32623 Post medieval and modern pits and post holes at The Star Inn (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28312 Post medieval and undated ditches at land off Colsterdale (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30234 Post medieval and undated post holes AW PIPELINE Trench 124 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42591 Post medieval burials at St Peter's Church, Blaxhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30231 Post medieval ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 128 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35440 Post medieval ditches, wall and quarry pit at Former Smoke House Inn (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33168 Post medieval features and medieval pottery at Land at Lindea Lea (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38009 Post Medieval features at 19 Callis Street, Clare (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30363 Post medieval features at Redisham Hall, Ringsfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18999 Post Medieval Features, Sacker's Yard, Ipswich, (IAS 7927). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38992 Post medieval fen edge activity at Land at Breach Park, West Row (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46665 Post Medieval field boundaries at East Anglia One, land at Tye Lane, Bramford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29746 Post medieval field boundary and Neolithic flake at Northern Spine Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30708 Post Medieval or modern well and brick structure at 70 High Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30883 Post medieval pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28162 Post medieval pit and brick at 33 St John's Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34685 Post medieval pit and later prehistoric pottery at Land at OS 9854 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30062 Post medieval pit at Nacton Sewerage Scheme (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33491 Post Medieval pit filled with animal bone (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27684 Post medieval pit, Land To The Rear Of London House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27266 Post medieval pits (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38481 Post medieval pits and brick drain/culvert at 19-20 Throroughfare, Halesworth (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF22884 Post Medieval pits and ditches with Medieval pottery (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32334 Post Medieval pits and pottery scatter at North of Manor Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33870 Post medieval post hole and finds at the rear to The Fleece Inn (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30010 Post medieval quarry or marl pits at Land adjacent to Whites Cottage (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28531 Post medieval quarry pits (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31275 Post medieval quarry pits at Land To The Rear Of 202-204 High Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30687 Post medieval quarrying at 7 Brundon Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37884 Post Medieval Ridge and Furrow and Field Boundary on Land to the West of Mason Court (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38869 Post medieval structural features at Land at 25 Grimwade Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33413 Post Medieval structural features at The White Hart, 21 High Street. Mildenhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32328 Post medieval wall at 47 Stowupland Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34662 Post medieval wall foundations at Warren Place Moulton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24776 Post medieval walls and yard surfaces, Angel Hotel, Bury St Edmunds (Pmed) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37932 Post Medieval Well and cellar: Wingfield House, Market Place (JNAS) MON (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28154 Post medieval well and medieval pottery at 130 Southgate Street. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38003 Post-medieval and modern ditches, The Old Queens, Long Green (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28039 Post-medieval boundary and drainage ditch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33395 Post-medieval boundary ditches (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23919 Post-medieval brick wall and assoicated floor surface (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27900 Post-medieval disturbance and 12th century pottery, Former Masons Cement Works, Great Blakenham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34580 Post-medieval ditch and pits, 78 Whiting Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30099 Post-medieval ditch and post holes (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38025 Post-medieval ditch and three undated pits, Mizpah, The Causeway (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37823 Post-medieval ditch, The Woodyard, Vyces Rd (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37095 Post-medieval ditches and an undated pit, No. 2 Paddock, The Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34940 Post-medieval ditches and posthole (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42651 Post-medieval ditches at Land off Cherry Tree Close, Yaxley (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36984 Post-medieval ditches at Land South of Harrisons Lane, Halesworth (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35999 Post-medieval ditches, St Catherine's Meadow (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32178 Post-medieval extraction pit, Land rear of the White Hart (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24593 Post-medieval extraction pit, The Hyndman Centre (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25108 Post-medieval features, 84 Southgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35748 Post-medieval field boundaries, Beccles Southern Relief Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37473 Post-medieval field boundary, Hill View, Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25513 Post-medieval lime kiln and features, Chapel Cottage, Hollow Road, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40419 Post-medieval made ground and ditch, The Hall, Hall Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29156 Post-medieval pit and late medieval to post-medieval artefacts (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33529 Post-medieval pit and undated features (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37866 Post-medieval pit and well, Land at Beck Lodge Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28265 Post-medieval pits and remains of garden wall, Outbuildings at Bentley Hall, Bentley (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37846 Post-medieval pits, The Old Cheese Factory, Bures (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37335 Post-medieval quarry pits and ditch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42891 Post-medieval quarry pits at Withersdale Road, Mendham, Mendham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24784 Post-medieval quarry site and Malting complex, Station Hill, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37525 Post-medieval recitlinear ditch system, Land west of London Road , Beccles (HEAD) GEO (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31505 Post-medieval refuse pits (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35811 Post-medieval rubble and possible yard surface, 18 High Street, Mildenhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26524 Post-medieval structural remains, Land rear of Westgate House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24780 Post-medieval wall and pit, St. Edmunds Church, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18606 Pottery Kiln, Union Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3506). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32825 Prehistoric activity and a Late Saxon to early medieval settlement at Land west of Carlton Hall, Carlton Colville (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46653 Prehistoric activity at Johnson's Farm, Leiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33814 Prehistoric and Saxon/Medieval field systems at Land off Hill Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34279 Prehistoric buried soil horizon (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38513 Prehistoric Cremation Buiral, undated ditch and Post Medieval Ditch and pits at The Vicarage, Darsham Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36142 Prehistoric ditch, Tranmer House to Stables, Biomass Boiler Pipe Trench (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24865 Prehistoric feature, Former Harris Meat Factory, Ipswich (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25518 Prehistoric features, Area A, Moulton Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF43191 Prehistoric field system at The Old Guildhall Church Lane, Hitcham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30238 Prehistoric pit AW PIPELINE Trench 119 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35065 Prehistoric pottery and post medieval pits at Northern Spine Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25558 Prehistoric Settlement, Sainsburys site, Recreation Way (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25502 Prehistoric, Medieval and Post Medieval features at Chapel Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35467 Prehistoric, Medieval, and post Medieval activity at Bramford Playing Field, The Street, Bramford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35437 Preserved archaeological layers, Memorial Tree, Rose Garden, Abbey Gardens (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8190 Priory Farm, Redgrave, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31176 Probable 19th century pits and well (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34386 Probable former Romano-British field system (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37624 Probable post medieval pit and ditch, land off Station Road, Lakenheath (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28624 Probable Saxon ditches, building 926 RAFL (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38095 Probable tree throw or natural features at Queens House, Woodbridge School (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16187 Proposed A140 Stoke Ash Roundabout, Stoke Ash (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF20464 Proposed Texaco Service Station, Wherstead Road, Ipswich, (IAS 9312). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33280 Quarry pits of Roman or medieval date at Kingfisher Drive (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29274 R.N.L.l. Building, Bluestem Road, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich.
Ransomes Europark, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24234 RAF Lakenheath Family Housing Management Facility (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16820 RAF Lakenheath, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF13826 RAF Lakenheath, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF13734 RAF Lakenheath, Zonal Workshop (Rom) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16819 RAF Lakenheath; New Dental Clinic; Oxford Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14868 RAF/USAF Lakenheath (Rom) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21487 RAFL Dormitory 937, Eriswell, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34819 Ransome's Europark, Ipswich, (IAS 9131). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34818 Ransome's Way, Ipswich, (IAS 9130). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32072 Ravenswood "Area T", Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24020 Ravenswood Primary School, Ipswich Airfield, Ipswich, (IAS 9132). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24023 Ravenswood, former Ipswich Airfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24026 Ravenswood, former Ipswich Airfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24022 Ravenswood, Former Ipswich Airfield, (IAS 9129). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24021 Ravenswood, Former Ipswich Airfield; Nacton Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24024 Ravenswood; former Ipswich Airfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24025 Ravenswood; former Ipswich Airfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25069 Rear Extension to 97 Risbygate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34779 Rear of 16 Burlington Road, Ipswich, (IAS 7711). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF9482 Rear of 54-62 St Matthews Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7011). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31182 Recording of storm drain damage in the Cathedral precinct of Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30092 Remains of 17th century palace, Newmarket (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF36621 Remains of a 19th century structure, Land adjacent 41 Tayfen Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28267 Remains of a 19th century wall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33984 Remains of Late Bronze Age to predominantly Middle Iron Age agricultural activity, Land at Great Wilsey Park (MOLAN) EVAL (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40412 Reservoir adjacent to Benacre Park Farm, Benacre, (Mesolithic-Later Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
Evidence |
MSF15091 Rickinghall, Botesdale Bypass, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32727 Ring ditch and probable post-medieval field boundaries (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31504 Ring ditch, IA enclosure, prehistoric pits and Roman field system at Loraine Way, Bramford (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF11356 Riverside Park; Stoke, Ipswich, (IAS 7601). (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF34388 Roman activity at Erskine Lodge, Stanningsfield Road, Great Whelnetham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46654 Roman activity at Johnson's Farm, Leiston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37869 Roman activity, land Adj to Bears Lane (AS) EXC (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34465 Roman agricultural activity and possible medieval farmstead, Land to the West of Stowmarket Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29820 Roman and medieval Ditches Area F, Lowestoft Northern Spine Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31398 Roman and medieval pottery at 6 Lower Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38805 Roman and post medieval features at Land off Blackheath Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35267 Roman and Saxon/Medieval activity, Elmswell Site 2 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31487 Roman and undated ditches at Former Grampian Country Foods Site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33407 Roman boundary ditch and other features at West Row Primary School (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF39700 Roman Ditch at Plot 200, Suffolk Business Park (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30243 Roman ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 114 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30232 Roman ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 126 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38480 Roman Ditches and Gully on Land adjacent The Croft, Mellis Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38340 Roman ditches and Post Medieval Ditches and pits on Land East of Beeches Road, West Row (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35061 Roman double kiln site, Land west of Pine Dell and Ashcroft (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28136 Roman farmstead features at Land Adjacent to The Green (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35432 Roman feature, Richmond House, Hall Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28308 Roman field system and other multi-period activity (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28684 Roman finds and features at The Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29091 Roman kilns and ovens at Land at Hinderclay (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF46621 Roman occupation site. east of Dalham Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35793 Roman or medieval ditch, Land east of Brundon Lane and Bulmer Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34681 Roman pit and finds at Water Cottage, Eastlowe Hill, Rougham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29656 Roman pit containing pottery and metal working debris (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30220 Roman pits, coins and a seal box lid at Nosredna (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30909 Roman pottery and a field boundary visible on 1945 aerial photograph: Worlingworth Hall, Worlingworth (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34793 Roman Road, Tranmere Grove, Castle Hill, Ipswich, (IAS 8205). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37479 Roman settlement activity, land Off Chilton Way (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25234 Roman settlement debris and Prehistoric and Medieval finds at Barbers Point (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4879 Roman Shafts, Bolton's Pit, Dale Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29179 Roman soil layer and features (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34446 Roman tile and medieval pottery at 19 Cliff Road (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF37927 Roman to modern features, Notcutts Garden Centre, Ipswich Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19105 Roman trackway and field system, Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23695 Roman Trial hole for new pipeline at Wixoe (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25265 Roman Villa, Castle Hill, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4743 Roman Villa, Castle Hill, Whitton, Ipswich, (IAS 8208). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34564 Roman, medieval and post medieval features at Land off Bury Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42771 Roman, Medieval, and Post Medieval rural activity at Land Adjacent Red House Farm, Sudbury Road, Newton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29653 Romano-British quarrying activity and inhumations, Fleetwood Caravan Site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF9560 Rope Walk, New County Hall, Ipswich, (IAS 8802). (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF26573 Rubble pit, St Peters Church, Blaxhall, Suffolk (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37401 Saxon and medieval activity, Land at Back Hills, Botesdale (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37069 Saxon and medieval pits at Gainsborough's House, Sudbury (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25503 Saxon ditch and posthole, Access to Brandon Leisure Centre (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37081 Saxon graves at Land South of Eye Airfield, Eye (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28041 Saxon pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38041 Saxon to early Medieval activity at Reeves Yard, Ipswich (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35814 Saxon, Medieval, and post Medieval activity at Eye Airfield Progress Power site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34516 Scatter of 10th century to post medieval pottery at Mount Pleasant Cottage (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34571 Scatter of 19th century and modern bricks at 26 Bridwell Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF22697 Section of Inner bailey wall, New Visitors Centre, Bungay Castle (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38812 Septaria stone curved wall, possibly medieval, 202 High Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10263 Shire Hall Yard, Ipswich, (IAS 6901, IAS 6904). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34558 Shire Hall Yard, Ipswich, (IAS 6902). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34183 Single medieval ditch and post-medieval pit, No 8 East Street, Southwold (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35567 Single post-medieval ditch and mediveal occupation evidence (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37682 Single Roman ditch, St Johns House, Church Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38001 Single Roman ditch, Land at The Lakenheath Hotel (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31530 Single undated ditch at Cucumber Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31002 Site of a possible Mill Mound Earthwork (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34419 Site of Cowell's Printers, Buttermarket, Ipswich, (IAS 3102). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18568 Site of former Oxborrows Hotel, St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 2902). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21637 Site of the old Suffolk Hotel garage, High Baxter Street, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30242 Six undated pits AW PIPELINE Trench 115 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26685 Small medieval and pot-medieval pottery assembalge, Part Garden Martello View (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27840 Small post-medieval pit, 69 Kemps Lane, Beccles (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF5194 Small rectangular enclosure of Iron Age (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10265 Smart Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5701). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37115 South Bank of Waveney Valley (Confidential Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8357 South West of Rectory, Burgate, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF13876 Spexhall Manor (Med) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34787 Springfield Infants School, Bramford Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8022). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34788 Springfield Junior School, Kitchener Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8023). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF453 Sproughton Knoll, Sproughton, (Mesolithic) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF11442 Sproughton Road, Boss Hall Industrial Estate, (IAS 7914). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34934 Sproughton Road/Boss Hall Estate, Ipswich, (IAS 7913). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26507 St Clements Hospital, Foxhall Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4970 St George's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 9802). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18613 St Helen's Street/Bond Street, Ipswich (IAS 3604). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4958 St Margaret's Church, Ipswich. (IAS 7806) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29327 St. Bartholomew's Wharf, College Street, Ipswich. (IAS 6303). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29261 St. Clement's Church Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 6003). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34718 St. George's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7005). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24761 St. George's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7017). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29322 St. Georges Street, Ipswich, (IAS 9804). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34809 St. Helen’s Street, Ipswich, (IAS 8804). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF11443 St. Nicholas Church Hall, Churchgate House, Cutler Street, Ipswich (IAS 5104). (Find Spot) |
Evidence |
MSF22059 St. Nicholas Church, Cromwell Square, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF9563 St. Nicholas Church, Ipswich, (IAS 5101). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34464 St. Nicholas St. Congregational Church Burial Ground, Ipswich, (IAS 4203). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34467 St. Nicholas Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4201). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18614 St. Pancras Church, Orwell Place, Ipswich, (IAS 3701). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16925 St. Peter's Church, Ipswich, (IAS 5304). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10271 St. Peter's Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5203). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF16929 St. Stephen's Church, Ipswich, (IAS 3203). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34587 Star Lane Link Road, Ipswich, (IAS 5301). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29256 Star Lane Storm Relief Drain, Ipswich, (IAS 5803). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26646 Stoke Quay, Great Whip Street, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34593 Stone Coffin, Former Cardinal Works Site, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30695 Stoven Middle Green, Stoven (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10980 Stowupland Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26687 Student Village, Fore Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5908). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37528 Stutton Park Reservoir, Stutton (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF22983 Suffolk Business Park (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF22984 Suffolk Business Park Site B1 (Un) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35352 Suffolk Business Park, Moreton Hall Estate (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24957 Suffolk Press, Turret Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 5401). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19104 Swallowfields, Bloodmoor Hill, Carlton Colville, (Prehistoric). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18599 Tacket Street, Ipswich, (IAS 3408). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28142 The Bridge School, Sprites Lane, Belstead, (Prehistoric - Roman). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28212 The Clock House, 109 Northgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24926 The Depot, St Johns Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21727 The Forge, Boulge Road, Burgh, (Prehistoric-Post Medieval). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25501 The Homestead (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF21036 The Maltings, Westgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27327 The Old Rectory (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19649 The Pest House; Holywell Cottage, Boone Close, Cullum Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14022 The Pightle, Needham Market, (Prehistoric) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23787 The Priory (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10241 The Rectory; The Old Rectory; The Moat House; Charnwood (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38576 Three post-medieval ditches and two undated ditches, Park Farm, Vicarage Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29514 Three undated ditches at Building 1158 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29254 Tooley's Almshouses, Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5601). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4974 Tower Ramparts Bus Park, Ipswich, (IAS 0401) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29388 Tower Ramparts School, Ipswich 1979-1981, (IAS 0802). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF5172 Town House - fruit farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29270 Turret Lane School, Ipswich, (IAS 4302) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29227 Turret Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 4304). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29230 Turret Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 4403). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33124 Two ditches and prehistoric flint at Land at South Close (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29371 Two ditches, 67-69 Robeck Road, Ipswich. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35565 Two medieval ditches and a pit, White House Farm, Mellis (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35737 Two medieval intercutting ditches, Blundeston Prison, Hall Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28618 Two Middle Bronze Age cremation burials: A11 - WB (PCA)- AREA 8 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31167 Two phases of Saxon and medival occupation, Land Adjacent to Ash End (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34328 Two post medieval walls and sewage drain excavated in garden (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37059 Two post-medieval ditches, Land at 109 High Street/Brett Works (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25363 Two post-medieval drains at Brockley Place (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF18384 Two probable Roman inhumation burials, adjacent to Church of St John the Baptist (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29146 Two Roman ditches and possible enclosure at Ann Suckling Road. (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28626 Two Roman ditches, Caudle Head Tanker Access Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37471 Two undated boundary ditches, Brooke Peninsular (Phase 1) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33421 Two undated ditch and a sherd of medieval pottery at Ropers Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27865 Two undated ditches (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31243 Two undated ditches at Land off Broom Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29409 Two undated ditches AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 112 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33528 Two undated gullies at 26c Worlington Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37521 Two undated linear ditches, Deben Mill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30429 Two undated pits at Wyard's Barn (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23875 Two undated pits, 40 Eastgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30903 Two WWII ditches at East of Copeland Way (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24567 UCS Orwell Quay, Ipswich, (IAS 9013). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30105 Undated and Late Post Medieval features at Old Haymills Site (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28633 Undated and possible Early Saxon features at Plymouth Road Car Park (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29412 Undated and possible Roman and Bronze Age to Iron Age features AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 104 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29410 Undated and post medieval ditches AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 110 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31542 Undated and Post Medieval features at Foxborough Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30240 Undated and Roman features AW PIPELINE Trench 117 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28630 Undated burnt patch at Liberty Village, Phase 2 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35248 Undated chall quarry pits, The Barn, Pollards Lane, West Row, Mildenhall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28668 Undated ditch (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30230 Undated ditch and possible gully or ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 129 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37885 Undated ditch and two post-medieval features, land adjacent to Roman Rise (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31407 Undated ditch at Claremont (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30335 Undated ditch at Grove Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32314 Undated ditch at Grove House (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40930 Undated ditch at Land at The Butts/Little London Hill (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF40931 Undated Ditch at Land West Of Brook Farm Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30106 Undated ditch at Norton Village Hall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34578 Undated ditch at Whitegates Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29413 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 103 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30233 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 125 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30307 Undated ditch AW PIPELINE Trench 167 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF33490 Undated ditch from pipeline (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30229 Undated ditch or pit and lithic scatter AW PIPELINE Trench 131 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37829 Undated ditch, 3, All Saints Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37838 Undated ditch, Anchor Inn, Upper Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35560 Undated ditch, Land at Fairview Road and Norwich Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42967 Undated ditch, medieval pottery scatter, and medieval-post medieval metal finds at Land to north of 1 Tye Green (JNAS) EVL (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35804 Undated ditches and a Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age pit, Land at Klondyke, Whersted (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34425 Undated ditches and pit at Tyndale Press, Wollaston Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37830 Undated ditches and pits, Land off Poplar Hill (MS) GEO (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37297 Undated Ditches and posthole on Suffolk Business Park, Rougham Site Plot 100 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30211 Undated ditches at 135 Bucklesham Road (SA) EXC (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30819 Undated ditches at Mushroom Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28380 Undated feature and medieval pottery (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF38334 Undated features and unstratified RB pottery, Land south side of Westhorpe Rd (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42685 Undated features at Harrow Green, Lawshall (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF42085 Undated features at Land at 1 Lower Farm Cottage, Norwich Road, Barham (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34894 Undated features at Morgans, East End Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34392 Undated features at Office block, ForFarmers (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37941 Undated features, Land at Manor Farm, West Row (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26547 Undated features, Land at Vinefields Farm, East Close, off Eastgate Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31163 Undated flint and mortar feature at Land Adjacent to Sycamore Cottage (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF41845 Undated linear features at Land at Street Farm, Badwell Ash (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37987 Undated linear features at Land east of Priory Rd, Palgrave (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29411 Undated pit AW PIPELINE EVAL TR 105 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF19520 Undated pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF32596 Undated pit and ditch at Land North of Mildenhall Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30305 Undated pit and ditches AW PIPELINE Trench 170 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31155 Undated pit and feature at Lodge Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF28615 Undated pit and three ditches - Area 9 EXC (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30308 Undated pit AW PIPELINE Trench 166 (NPS) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37786 Undated pit, The Mount, Church Lane (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37942 Undated pits at Kyloe, Priory Road, Palgrave (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29198 Undated pits, SMS Area 2 (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37326 Undated pits, The Bushel St Johns Street (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31250 Undated pond or ditch at Barleyfields, Bulls Road (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29479 Undated post medieval at Hall Farm (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34899 Undated shallow pit (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25109 undefined features, 10 Cannon Street, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24392 Unicorn House, Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4708). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF31165 Unidentified medieval feature (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF4934 Vernon Street, Ipswich, (IAS 7402). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14085 Victoria Nurseries, Westerfield Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8310). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF37826 Wall, possibly 18th century, The Martins, Bury St Edmunds (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25498 Walsham Road, Wattisfield (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF24376 Wangford Quarry Covert Extension (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF23659 West Row (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF29324 Western Triangle (former Cranfield’s Mill garage), Star Lane/College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5804). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF8517 Westgate, Corner of Lady Lane and Westgate Street, (IAS 1603) (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF25592 Weymed Centre, Bury St Edmunds, (Medieval-Post Medieval) (SCCAS) EVAL (BRIT) EVAL (BRIT) EXC (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF14086 Whitehouse Road; B T & D Technologies Ltd; Hewlett Packard plc, (IAS 8118). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30914 Whitton Church Lane Recreation Ground (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF35011 Whitton Lane, Ipswich, (IAS 8108). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10261 Wingfield Street/Foundation Street, Ipswich, (IAS 4601). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF27288 Winston Pipeline, Winston (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF10895 Wolsey's Gate, College Street, Ipswich, (IAS 5302). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF30681 Woodhall Primary School, Sudbury (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF34803 Woolpack Inn, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, (IAS 8509). (Monument) |
Evidence |
MSF26793 Worlington Quarry, Worlington (Monument) |